Fifteen Essential Cooking Ingredients

A book extra for Taken By The Highest Bidder

The entire Mediterranean climate makes food and dining a pleasure. Indeed, dining is a favorite past time and with growing conditions so ideal, menus are always based on fresh fruits and vegetables and sun-kissed flavors. I’ve put together a list of fifteen essential ingredients found in most dishes from Provence and the Cote d’Azur:

  1. Olives
  2. Lemons
  3. Garlic
  4. Goat Cheese
  5. Artichokes
  6. Asparagus
  7. Tomatoes
  8. Zucchini
  9. Mushrooms
  10. Eggplant
  11. Swiss Chard & Fennel
  12. Bell Peppers
  13. Herbs, Honey and Almonds
  14. Lamb & Beef
  15. Fish & Anchovies