Reader’s Guide for She’s Gone Country

A book extra for She’s Gone Country

A Reader’s Guide is available in the back of She’s Gone Country.  Here are some sample questions.

Spoiler Alert: Looking at the Reader’s Guide may give away key plot points.

  1. In Chapter One we meet Shey’s mother. How does knowing about her relationship with her mother give insight into the inner battle that wars inside Shey’s head – the battle between Shey’s former young-girl self and the woman she wants to be?
  2. Dane Kelly, who Shey hasn’t seen since high school, was the love of her life until she was sent away to boarding school. Do you think her immediate strong feelings for Dane are normal or a “rebound” reaction to the recent split with her husband?
  3. Do you agree with the saying that “blood is thicker than water?” Do you think Brick should have given up his friendship with Dane to support his brother, Blue?
  4. How difficult was it for Shey to move back home? What are the issues and difficulties that can arise from returning to the place where you grew up? What are good reasons for going back home?

Check out the Reader’s Guide in the book for more questions to share with your book group!

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