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Also included on this page: a note on Privacy.

Jane's Newsletter

Jane’s Newsletter announces all new book releases, and other big news and is sent straight to your email inbox. This is less frequent than News (see below), and will generally be a longer, fuller note from Jane. (Subscribing to Jane’s Newsletter does not subscribe you to Jane’s Site News. They are different and require separate subscriptions.) News

Whenever Jane’s site is updated with news or content, you can have that sent right to your inbox or feed reader of your choice. If there is a new cover or other update to upcoming books, or a new excerpt, book sale, or other news, Team Jane can let you know. This is different from Jane’s Newsletter and requires a separate subscription.

Head over to Jane's News Page so you can see what we are talking about!

In Your Inbox:

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Jane's Blog

Jane’s has been blogging for years and the community that participates in the comments is wonderful. To receive Jane’s blog posts sent to your email inbox or feed reader of your choice, subscribe.

Email & Snail Mail

» Please note that while Jane reads ALL her email, she sometimes cannot personally respond to each one. She tries, but often she is on book deadline and the emails really pile up during that time. Jane has an aggressive spam filter, young child, and tight deadlines, and it may take time for her to send a reply. If you have not heard from Jane after three weeks, please re-email her.

» Snail Mail works, too! But be aware that response time to snail mail can be even longer than email. Thanks for your patience.

Jane Porter
P.O. Box 789
San Clemente, CA 92674

Privacy will never share or sell your information with anyone… period. View privacy policy.

Be Social with Jane!

Jane really enjoys the communities that have grown up around her books. She’s on her networks sometimes several times a day. Like, Follow, Pin… Join Jane in the day to day.

Team Jane!

Literary Agent

Holly Root
Root Literary
3727 W. Magnolia Blvd #205
Burbank, CA 91505
Phone: 213-425-2528


Chelsea Pascoe
Berkley & Penguin Random House
1745 Broadway 19th Floor
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 212-366-2501

Tule Publicist

Nikki Babri
Marketing & Publicity Manager
Tule Publishing

Film & Entertainment Attorney

Margaret Marr
Phone: 310-994-6463