Category Archives: Feminist Fun

For The Girls

I’m just starting my last day of the Texas book tour. I’ll be signing tonight at the Waldenbooks in Hurst and will hopefully be able to swing by a couple bookstores in Fort Worth and sign stock first.  But it’s hot here in Texas, so hot that my face feels like it melts every time I step from the car and I’ve become some horror-film creation, a girl with a wax doll face and the face is now sliding off. Sounds pretty, doesn’t it? Fortunately the Texas readers and women I’ve met so far have a great sense of humor and they just laugh at my horrible jokes and make me feel like a million bucks and despite all my … Continue reading For The Girls

Jimmy Choos & Me

I’ve been reading (and listening) to discussions lately regarding heroines in novels. Apparently many women like to read books about heroines who are unlike themselves….or are perhaps like themselves, women who take charge, seize control, kick butt and generally feel fabulous….and if not fabulous, they certainly don’t feel bad, and they never whine. At least not inwardly. Instead they take action. They talk with friends. They exact revenge. They look splendid in spaghetti-strap t-shirts. They know expensive shoes. And did I mention, they never suffer from self-esteem issues? My God. If only I’d been a woman like that. I’d be well….cool. Yes, cool. I’d be wildly popular, have a closet jam packed with Jimmy Choos and Mahnlo (what’s his name?), … Continue reading Jimmy Choos & Me

Risk Management

The title above is misleading. I know nothing about risk management. I am not one to play it safe. Even my closest friends will say, ‘Jane is terrifyingly impulsive.’ I’d like to say it’s because I’m brave. The truth is, I’m absurdly naive. Compound naivete with bravado (not the same thing as brave) and you have Jane Porter in a nutshell. A swaggering, swashbuckling woman of epic proportions—and epic mistakes. I have succeeded in my profession because I take risks. I see a challenge and Pavlov-like I salivate and go for it. Instead I sitting on huge decisions I go with the gut, and my gut is emotion laced, not intellect based. I’ve sat with glasses of wine or decaf … Continue reading Risk Management