Take A Chance On Me – Excerpt!

Book three in my Love on Chance Avenue series, Take A Chance On Me is scheduled for release on March 15th and I’m so excited!

If you’re a long-time reader of my books, you know visual boards are key for any story I write and I’ve had so much fun putting together a board on Pinterest for this book.


If you like what you see, I hope you’ll drop by my pinterest page and check out the board for more fun photo inspirations I had! The excerpt for Take A Chance On Me is now live on my site so do take a peek at it and feel free to use the share buttons on the excerpt page to help me get the word out on social media.

I have a special Love on Chance Avenue giveaway that includes a signed copy of Take Me, Cowboy and Miracle on Chance Avenue, plus lots of JP reader treats! Looking forward to hearing what you think!


  1. I always enjoy your Pinterest boards. They are even more fun to visit while reading one of your books. It’s give a perfect visual to the story. I can’t wait to read your next book.

  2. Love the Pinterst board and can’t wait to read this book. It sounds so good!!! Those pictures on your Pinterst board give images to my mind as I read the excerpt. Thanks Jane.

  3. I will definitely be counting down the days until it is released to read the whole book! Love your pinterest boards! Shared everywhere that I could. =)

  4. Wow Jane, everything you do…you do well!
    Looks like another really good book from you. Can’t wait to read it.

  5. Love the excerpt and Pinterest board. Always so neat to see what inspires you. I look forward to reading the book.

    On a completely unrelated note, I am excited to meet you at Boas and Tiaras!

  6. Loved the excerpt!! Looks like I need to pre-order it soon! The Pinterest board made me want to have a girly bathroom or live in a big pink house!!

  7. For those of us on a diet (ahem) your books are always mentioned as sweet alternative to chocolate. Happy Valentines Day soon.

  8. Love your pintrest board, it’s so fun to collect ideas and see them come to life in a book!
    Good Luck with the new book and look forward to reading it!

  9. What I think is that you have great taste, Jane! Calming, uplifting, inspiring, wonderful taste.
    Thank you for sharing.

  10. Congratulations, #7 Eileen AW! Your name was picked as the winner of my special Love on Chance Avenue giveaway! Shoot me an email and I’ll get prize to you soon!
    Jane xoxo

  11. Can’t wait to read it! A perfect and much-needed Spring Break escape for this burned out & weary first grade teacher. ♥️♥️♥️

  12. I love these great ideas!!! The pictures and ideas help to create certain scenes. Pinterest is really great at finding just about any interest or hobby. I know that you have fun pinning book ideas. Thanks!!!

  13. Love your board but love your books more… I think I have read all of them except the new ones….

    Thank you for all the years of wonderful reading!

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