What Do Romance Writers Think About?

I was so happy to have attended my first RWA National Conference since July 2019.  It was a much smaller conference than in the past, but the setting–at the Gaylord National Harbor–was perfect, giving me a chance to meet my niece Krystyna for dinner in Alexandria’s Old Town, and then have lunches with author friends, as well as lots of time with the amazing editor Julie Sturgeon.

Kay Freeman, another author attending the conference, did a wonderful write up of the conference and gave me permission to share! Thanks Kay!

I’ve got a writer’s giveaway for one of you. Leave a comment below and let me know if you’re a writer and if you’ve ever attended the RWA National Conference! Winner will be announced on Monday.



  1. Yes! I’m a writer, and I loved the two RWA conferences I was able to attend (San Diego and NYC). I couldn’t attend this year, but a few friends who did attend said they really appreciated the intimacy. Sorry to have missed you!

  2. I have been lucky enough to attend the RWA conference a few years ago. I think I would like the smaller one. It was a bit overwhelming, but I loved all I learned while I was there.

  3. Many years ago I came in 4th place in a contest you judged. Your comments were plentiful, so incredibly positive, encouraging and wonderfully supportive. Life intervened and that book is still in manuscript form, but I do have plans to rewrite it entirely. I grew up in Va. in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns. and now live in the mountains of western NC, still in the Blue Ridge. Wish I’d known you were close by. You have my never ending gratitude!

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