The Setting for Once Upon a Christmas

Bakewell, England is the setting for Once Upon a Christmas, and the first of a series set in Derbyshire and I thought I should share a few things about Bakewell to introduce you to the wonderful little town, known as “the gem of the Peak District, the treasure in Derbyshire’s chest.”

Bakewell has been a recognized market town since the 14th century, and locals and tourists alike are drawn to its cottages, historic old town, and picturesque setting on the river Wye.  The population today is just under 4,000 which has allowed Bakewell to retain its character and charm, although in the late 17th century determined visionaries built a bath house, tapping the spring water, hoping to turn Bakewell into a spa resort town, but it never took off, not the way other spa towns did.

So what does one do in the Peaks District besides walk and take in the beauty of the UK’s first national park?  Here are the places I would visit if I was visiting:

1 – Chatsworth House

2 – Haddon Hall

3 – Afternoon Tea at Thornbridge Hall & Gardens

4 – Monsal Trail

5 – All Saint’s Church

Want to know more about Bakewell? Have a walk around Bakewell so you’ll be as excited about my new UK series as I am!


  1. A captivating story which interests me greatly.I would love to visit the Peak District as it is very special and historical. Tea would be an experience which would be unforgettable.

  2. Since travel is out of the question for me now, I really appreciate reading books that take me there. Thanks for a new book adventure!

  3. Bakewell looks like a wonderful place to visit. Can’t wait for the book, I love reading about different places. Helps to find out more for places I could visit.

  4. What beautiful pictures, such a beautiful place & the tea time looks so divine & the perfect place to enjoy a treat & cup of tea! Excited for your new book & can’t wait to read it the new series!

  5. I love your Christmas books best of all, so this is already top of my TBR for December… but now I really want to visit Bakewell, too. I’m usually a monogamous Ireland daydreamer, but this is just too lovely not to cheat on Ireland.

  6. I’m not a writer but it doesn’t stop my internal editor from catching things up…your writing has escaped my internal commentary… It’s smooth, well interwoven and engrossing. I’d love to visit Bakewell, looks to be a wonderful place…and the history!

  7. Ay yay yay! I want to jump on a plane this minute. So very gorgeous. Here’s an idea for a fantasy: you lead a writers/readers tour of the area. And since this is a fantasy: it will all be paid for by a wealthy benefactor interested only in furthering the peace and well-being intrinsic to romantic fiction.

  8. Congratulations, #13, GIRLFROMVA. You are the winner of my Once Upon a Christmas prize! Drop me an email with your mailing address and I will get it in the mail asap. 🙂

  9. I prefer print format but will read E if that’s the ONLY way to get a book…never audio.
    My sisters loved Bakewell…I’d love to visit.
    looking forward to this new series so much

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