It’s Almost Here! – Once Upon A Christmas

I am having the most wonderful October.  Ty and I have been off enjoying gorgeous fall colors in Kentucky, Tennessee and North Carolina’s Blue Ridge Mountains.  We’ve just returned in time for the release of my new,  Once Upon a Christmas.

I’m so excited the book is out tomorrow.  I love starting a new series and this series, Love at Langley Park, is extra fun, featuring successful sexy British heroes with spirited American heroines. The series isn’t spicy, but filled with warm, wonderful characters, great historic English homes, and of course, the Jane Porter happy-ever-after.

If you haven’t already pre-ordered your copy, do it today as the book goes from $4.99 to $5.99 on release day!

I also have a fun giveaway to celebrate the release of Once Upon a Christmas. All my books are available in print and digital and some of them are also available in audio. What’s your favorite format? Leave your answer below in the comments and I’ll be back to pick a winner in a few days!


  1. I much prefer print over ebooks! I read a survey recently that showed how many more readers like print rather than ebooks. And, it seems younger readers prefer print…good for them!!!

  2. Congratulations on your new book! My favorite book format is still print. I love to hold a book in my hands and have them displayed on my shelves. But I mostly read digital because I can enlarge the font. I really need new glasses.

  3. I read mostly e-books now, because I can read them in the middle of the night without turning on a light and disturbing my husband…but I still prefer print 🙂

    Congrats on the new book, I can’t wait to read it!

    1. PS — I love Kentucky! I had a chance to visit about 6 years ago, and it was so beautiful. And I especially loved the Mint Julep’s and chocolate bourbon balls!!

  4. Print is my preferred format. I’ll read e-books if that’s the only way the book is available, but I stare enough at my computer screen for work. I’m trying to get into audio, but my mind wanders too much unless it’s a full-cast.

  5. Print is the only format I read as I love holding the book in my hands turning the pages! Congratulations on Your New Release!

  6. I’ve been reading a lot of ebooks lately but I also love to hold a book and read it. I usually always have both a print book and a ebook going at the same time as long as they don’t have the same type of storyline.

    1. Hi Donna! You are the winner of this giveaway. Please email Jane at and let her know you’re the winner of her “release of Once Upon a Christmas” giveaway and let her know where to mail your prize.

  7. Yay! Congratulations on tomorrow’s new release! I have always preferred ebook until I got new glasses. Now I can actually see the words. I switch a lot between ebook and print.

  8. Congrats on the new release. I love reading print books. I love Christmas stories and I can read them all year long. Thanks for your great generosity.

  9. I prefer print but also read ebooks. I couldn’t pre-order because the print version wasn’t available yet.

  10. Love Christmas books especially set in that area as I come from not far from there although I live in Australia now ….it should come on my kindle

  11. With my eyesight now I’m older digital is easier so more enjoyable, but I always enjoy your books Jane!

  12. So exciting! I purchased flirting with 50 a few weeks ago!
    I love reading a book, do you have a book in your hands is wonderful

    I remember when flirting with 40 came out
    Huge fan of your writing!

    Hope you have a wonderful holiday season!✨
    Thank you

  13. Congrats, Jane! I love reading your updates.
    Print is my fave. I can whip through them so much faster than audio books, plus it’s easier to go back and read something over (and over) again. Like many others, I am on my computer too much already every day, so I don’t want an eBook on there. Actual E-readers slow me down way too much with smaller screens.

  14. I prefer a paperback, then hardback, but have been grateful for ebooks while commenting as a passenger and while traveling. Nothing more convenient to have to read on vacation than a tablet with many books.

  15. I prefer print, but I can also appreciate the convenience of digital books. I haven’t jumped on the audio bandwagon yet though.

  16. Print. Best wishes with the new book. Cannot wait to read it. Ty for the great contest.

  17. My favorite is paperbacks, and I have way too many. If I can finagle it, I’m going to out a building on a piece of land and put all my books in there so I can access them. For traveling and convenience, I like ebooks.

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