Come See Jane!

Happy June, everyone! It’s almost summer and time for summer reading. Hope you’ll add my new release, Flirting with Fifty. to your beach bag or nightstand. It’s the first book in my Modern Love series from Berkley and available everywhere including Walmart—maybe you’ll find it there?

I’m writing the third book in the series now, as well as planning book events and book club chats. There will be more get-togethers this Fall—including a mini-tour through Kansas City, Kentucky, Ohio, and maybe Chicago!—as well as holiday teas in December like the one planned for Dallas. Hoping to see you at one!

SATURDAY, JUNE 11, Orange County, CA
Check Jane’s Events page for more details!

SATURDAY, JUNE 18, Greater Seattle
Check Jane’s Events page for more details!

SUNDAY, JULY 10, 2022, North San Diego
Check Jane’s Events page for more details!

SATURDAY, JULY 30, DC/Baltimore
Check Jane’s Events page for more details!

Check Jane’s Events page for more details!

Keep checking my events page for new appearances!

If you’ve had a chance to read Flirting With Fifty and have a few minutes, I’d love it if you’d share your thoughts on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or on social media. Just your honest thoughts, good or bad, critical or enthusiastic, would mean the world to me and be so helpful to other readers who are possibly considering buying a copy.

Before I sign off, I wanted to share a portion of a quick Q & A I did recently for my new release. I hope you enjoy!

Tell us a little bit about your new book, FLIRTING WITH FIFTY.

Flirting with Fifty is about a strong, smart, successful divorced woman who is quite happy being single, and isn’t interested in dating or marriage because it would require compromising, and she’s done enough of that in her life.  But in Paige’s desire to be safe, she’s also somewhat stuck, and a little too risk adverse.  Enter popular, handsome world traveler, renowned scientist Dr. Jack King, and everything changes, pretty quickly.  And probably far too quickly for our cautious Paige!

Do you have a favorite character in FLIRTING WITH FIFTY?

I always love a great hero, and Jack is certainly a great hero.  He’s smart, witty, kind, interesting—and while he isn’t a classic alpha, he’s still very strong and able to handle himself in all kinds of environments which I find sexy.  I love that men—like women—get more interesting as they get older and I’ve loved writing mature men in this series.

Favorite secondary character?

Probably Elizabeth, Paige’s best friend.  They grew up together in Paso Robles and both became professors, although Elizabeth is an English professor and Paige is math professor.  I love women’s friendships, and friendships that go back years where you really know someone, and can poke fun of someone, and make someone laugh.  Friendship can save a soul—and we need our girlfriends, especially as we keep ‘growing up’.

What do you hope readers will get out of your book?

I would like to remind my readers that they’re never too old to love, to fall in love, or to feel cherished and valuable.  I worry that mature women in our Western society aren’t treated with as much respect and appreciation as they should be.  America, particularly, is a very commercial, consumer society that elevates youth and beauty over wisdom and maturity.  But truthfully, a mature woman is incredibly inspiring, interesting, and exciting.  I want my books to empower women, and validate them, whether they’re single or married, dating or grieving.  I don’t want to sound preachy, but women deserve entertainment that makes them feel good.

If you could only pick one of your books, other than this one, for a romance reader unfamiliar with your work, which one would you pick? And why?

I think my November release, Flirting with the Beast, the second book in my Modern Love series from Berkley, is a book that is very me, and a great introduction to my stories.  I also have a huge soft spot for my Rita nominated story, Miracle on Chance Avenue, as it’s an achy breaky kind of story, where two people desperately need, and deserve, an HEA, and they desperately need, and deserve, each other.  I love books where love is fated…and that the hero and heroine can’t have the happy ever after until they meet each other.


Thank you, my friends, for all the wonderful support you’ve given me and my new release. I’ve got a special giveaway for one lucky winner. For a chance to win, leave a comment below and tell me who is your best friend and how long have you both been friends?

Winner will be announced on Saturday so be sure to check back and see if you won!
much love,


  1. I don’t have just one friend, but I have a small circle of unrelated friends who are an amalgam of a best friend.

  2. Will it sounds cheesy if I say my husband is my best friend? But he is the one I see the most and share the most with. I have some really good online friends too that are there for me when I need them as well.

  3. my friend Elizabeth has been my friend for 30 years. we used to work together. we get together as often as we can, but it is never often enough for me. we have been hru alot together and i know she is always there for me.

  4. I have a number of best friends! The one I’ve been close to the longest is a guy I worked with fifteen plus years ago? Still besties even though we live on opposite sides of the US now. Sometimes I have a hard time calling him because I change his name in my phone to ridiculous things and then forget what they were. Why do I have a contact named Spicy Purrito in my phone? Ha!

  5. I have two really close friends I’ve known about 15 years now. But my friend Lisa is my longest friend. I’ve known her 33 years now – I only see her once or twice a year but I know I could call her & she would do anything for me and vice versa! I also agree with Janine on the husband thing – I see him the most & tell him just about everything!

  6. I’ve just started your new book
    I’m loving Paige
    I wish I could just sit & read instead of having to work
    Thank u for another great read Jane
    I’ve loved every one of your books❣️

  7. My BFF is Tracey. We’ve been friends for about 20 years now. She lives in Illinois and I live in Oklahoma so we don’t get to see each other often. We are getting to have a girls weekend at the end of July and I cannot wait!!! 🙂

  8. My husband was my best friend for 40 years; he died on Valentine’s Day last year unexpectedly. I REALLY miss him. Every day.
    I have two girlfriends from high-school days with whom I email almost daily, see each other when possible, and phone each other otherwise (as we’re in different cities).
    I also have a girlfriend I’ve known since Kindergarten, but we too are in different cities.
    Hands down, though, my sister, 15 years my senior, is my BEST friend and lives the furthest away (so we email daily and talk on the phone and visit as much as possible); after all, she’s known me the longest – 63 years!

  9. My best-est friend is my husband of 38 years but my best-est girlfriend’s name is Sharon and we have been friend’s for nearly 30 plus years. We met each other when our oldest daughters started kindergarten and have remained best friends ever since then.

  10. A friend whom I met 25 years ago when I moved
    to a new town. She was warm, kind, helpful and we had a lot in common. We see each other very
    frequently and always know we are there for each other.

  11. I intentionally do not have one best friend because the heartbreak would be too great if a single friendship ruptured. Instead, I carry a friend or two from each phase of life (grade school, high school, college, grad school, church, neighbor, etc.). In this way I don’t overburden a single friendship in times of need. Also, it allows for times of introverted healing silence for all concerned. I think a small circle of support is healthier.

  12. Willie Mirante and I have been friends for 50 plus year…she’s kind, generous, fiercely protective and a willing ear. I like to think I’m her “ear”, to…we are both supportive and encouraging… She’s irreplaceable.
    Joan Tiscerno has been my friend for at !east 20 plus years…she’s all of the above plus a WICKED sense of humor! I am lucky.

  13. Traci and I have been friends since the 3rd grade! We met when we were 9 in Pioneer Girls club and church. We both turn 52 this summer, so it’s been a while! We have been through the good, the bad, the ugly, grief, celebrations, births, deaths and all the other stuff of life. We can be silly, goofy, serious and just ourselves with each other. Now our babies are graduating college, getting married, and before we know it, I’m sure we’ll be grandmothers! We’ll be the cool grandmas though. Or the weird ones!

  14. My ultimate BFF was my mom. She died in September and I miss her more every day. My BFF that isn’t family is Amy Bednar. We’ve been friends since 1981 so 41 years. We met in college. She and I and two other friends of mine are attending your tea in Austin. I’m flying in from OKC, she’s coming from ABQ, another friend from San Antonio, and another that lives near Austin.

  15. My husband is my best friend. We’ve been married for almost 19 years.
    My other best friend is Murlene. We met each other at work about 17 years ago. Honestly, we didn’t click right away. Once we started hanging out about 8 years ago, we realized what we had been missing. She is caring, trustworthy, hilarious and always there for me. She is not just a friend, but part of our family. I’m so lucky to have her.

  16. I would have to say my friends from Elementary school (over 40 years ago) are my closest friends. While we went decades without being in touch, the magic of Facebook brought us back together over 10 years ago. We picked up right where we left off and never missed a beat. While we don’t often get to see each other, we stay in contact online or text.
    This book sounds wonderful and just ordered a print copy from Amazon (since I couldn’t find in stores near me) so you can sign it when you have your lunch in Baltimore!
    Looking forward to meeting you!

  17. My BF is My daughter who is always helping me do everything and always taking me to my Dr. appointments ! This Books sounds awesome Thank you Jane for the amazing giveaway!

  18. Loved this book. My best friend is my sister. I live in Kansas and she just moved to Tennessee. Just spent the weekend with her. We had so much fun!

  19. Sisters who are best friends. We get along well, visit often, travel together and speak and e-mail each week. We can always depend on each
    other and know how to listen, give advice and be understanding.

  20. My Mom is my best friend! She is amazing! She’s always there and supporting me. I do have a small circle of amazing friends, but I wouldn’t say there is one that is my best friend. That could change though!

  21. My friend Linda from 2nd grade. We are in our 70’s and our friendship is still going strong

  22. Rhonda is my best friend. We met close to 10 years ago when we started working in the same office together. Even though we no longer live in the same state, we do meet up at least once a year.

  23. I would say my sister even though we are 12 years apart in age (she’s older LOL) and I have a lot of good friends online we might not have ever meet in person but I feel they are very good friends of mine. I’ve lost touch with a few of my best friends from long ago for one reason or another. Either from school, work or old neighbors.

  24. I’ve known my bff since 7th grade art class. She lives in AZ while I live in IN. Even though we don’t see or talk to each other as much, we always pick up where we left off not matter how much time has gone by. ❤️

  25. I have two best friends , my Mom who is just amazing . I learn from her everyday and strive to be more like her .
    My other best friend is Erin . We have known each other since TCC Human Services class 27 years ago . She’s amazing . Even though we live a state away , it’s like we are still very connected . We share the love of books abs now grandkids !!

  26. I am lucky to have a few close friends that I consider besties. My friend Glenda and I have known each other since the second grade and best friends since 7th, so way over 30 yrs of friendship. Can’t imagine life without her.

  27. I can’t believe that Kim and I have been best friends for 40 yrs., and known each other even longer. I couldn’t ask for anyone better.

  28. I have recently clicked with a person. We volunteered together and now we are fast becoming best friends. I have not had a best friend since high school, but we still are in contact.

  29. My longest bff I have had since before we started school. (60+ years!). She moved away to TX for college and never came back to IL. We see each other every few years but keep in touch. I have a huge circle of friends now with past work places and all my creative memories scrapbooking and stamping up cardmaking friends. COVID has made it hard to attend events now though so we keep in touch by texting….outdoor supply pick ups and zoom
    Events. Love them all!

  30. My best friend is Amanda Levandowski. We have been best friends for 20 years. She is the most amazing friend I could ever have.

  31. My best friend and I have know each other for 51 years! She’s that someone special I know I can go to for anything.

  32. I have two friends I have been friends with for over 40 yrs, but we eventually added more gals to our little group. There are 7 of us, so we call ourselves The Grp of7.

  33. My best friend is Trenda who I have known and loved for over 33 years! We met in our mid twenties and are now in our late 50s!

  34. My best friend, Sheryl, taught me to drive when I was 12 and she was 13 in her dad’s 51 chevy pickup

  35. My best friend is my youngest sister… this came about in our 20s… before that we really never talked.

  36. I learned early on not to have single best friend, because a disruption in that relationship can be too painful. So I have a small circle of supportive people whom I’ve gathered on the journey. The cool part is that they have met each other and have formed their own friendships with each other. It takes the pressure off of all of us to always be available.

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