Pre-Order Now! Flirting With Fifty

Dear Readers,

It’s almost Easter and Mac starts Spring Break on Friday.  It’ll be fun to have the week off with him, to just hang out and enjoy my almost 13 year old.

We are also just six weeks from the release of Flirting with Fifty, the first book in my Modern Love series from Berkley.  This series will be available in print and ebook, in bookstores (yes!) and at all the online retailers, too.

The hero in Flirting with Fifty, Dr. Jack King, was inspired by a cousin of mine who is one of the world’s leading epidemiologists, but my cousin is English not Australian.  My cousin’s work takes him all over the world, and his students adore him.  So that’s where the idea of Jack came from.

Flirting with Fifty‘s heroine, professor Paige Newsome, came to me through talks with my single girlfriends, talks where I wondered what would it take for one of them to fall in love again at fifty?  At fifty you’re settled and relations require compromise.  Would you compromise for love?  Or would the right man not require compromise?  That’s the story of Jack and Paige.

Be one of the first to read, preorder now from your favorite retailer so you’ll have your copy on pub day, May 24th.

Help me countdown to the release. Please add the book to your wish list at BookBub and add on Goodreads. Your support is so appreciated. I love being a book girl with you!

Do stay in touch and more news is coming soon!



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