Another Wyatt Brother is here!

Hi everyone,

Another newsletter went out today and should’ve hit your inbox a short while ago but in case you didn’t receive it, here’s the scoop!

I finally have the chance to  introduce you to one of my favorite Wyatt brothers! I love the Wyatt family dynamics, from grandfather Melvin Wyatt, to the youngest brother, Tommy. Tommy Wyatt, the hero of Montana Cowboy Promise, book 5 in my Wyatt Brothers of Montana series, is the epitome of everything I love in my heroes – tough, alpha, loyal, and smart with a lot of integrity.  In his world, a promise isn’t broken, and love is meant to last a lifetime.

Pre-order links have been up on my site for a while now but if you didn’t already order in advance, you can do it today! Order your copy right away as the book is now available for immediate download!

I’ve got three more books slated for release this year so there’s a lot more book news coming your way. But for now, here’s a fun treat for one of my wonderful readers! All you have to do for a chance to win is leave me a comment on this post and tell me if you’ve read any of the books in this series and if so, which one so far is your favorite. That’s all it takes and you’ll be entered to win!

Happy reading!


    1. I haven’t read this series yet, but they are all on my TBR list! Congratulations on your new release!!!

  1. Thanks Jane for all your wonderful books! I love all of them especially when its a series! Thank you for all of your hard work in keeping us living and dreaming in your books.

  2. Haven’t read these yet – I do love a family linked series and cowboy brothers are wonderful!

  3. I have read all of the Wyatt brothers series so far. I do love all of them but the first book, Montana Cowboy Romance (Wyatt Brothers of Montana Book 1), is truly my favorite. I loved Joe and Sophie’s story. Thank you so much for writing such amazing books!

    1. Congrats to Angela! You are the winner of the blog giveaway. Can you please email me with your address and I’ll get the prize in the mail ASAP?


  4. Sorry to say I haven’t started this series yet – and I love books about brothers! Will start soon. Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. Happy release day ! I have loved each of these books ! They help transport you to Montana and really feel the stories

  5. I haven’t read any of these yet! Please enter me in this wonderful giveaway Love the covers Thank You Jane!

  6. Montana Cowboy Christmas and 2 others but can’t remember name right now. My favorite was Christmas one.

  7. Tycoons kiss is the one ive read that i can remember right off I havent read many of your books lately but i need to revisit them i dont have a favorite as of yet because i havent read all of them

  8. I have read Oh Christmas Night! I absolutely loved it and am looking forward to reading more of your books!!

  9. I have read them all and like this new one the best. I liked telling the story from both viewpoints and I felt for both Tommy and Blake. I wish your books were longer, I always want more and the big jump at the end to the Epilogue leaves out lots of material, plus it would be neat to have more interaction between the brothers included. Still, I loved that you tackled a difficult situation like cancer and how it shakes up a person and can mess with plans for the future. It rang true and showed there are no easy answers but your belief in the strength and power of love shone in this story. No one is promised the next day, but we can live each day we get to the fullest if we choose to, especially if we are not alone and have the support and love of someone we love beside us, as Blake finds with Tommy. (no drawing for me ,I have the books)

  10. I have loved every book in this series! Happy Book Birthday, already looking forward to your next book birthday.

  11. I love all your books , The Kidnapped Christmas Bride always comes to mind , Trey a great , steal your heart hero!

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