Status: Happy

It’s been unbelievably gorgeous here in Seattle the past few days. Blue, blue skies and perfect temperatures. I’d meant to write this week, too, but instead am getting ready for my Texas tour and handling all the mom stuff that comes up when you get ready to leave 2 school age kids for over a week.


Mac is going to Texas, though, and that makes me happy. He’s at the best age right now–and is so very funny (as well as busy…. crazily busy…) and I can’t stand to leave him for a day, much less a week, so he goes along with a massive suitcase of promo material and clothes and the tiny bag Surfer Ty uses when he travels.

What else makes me happy?

1) My big boys. They’re awesome.

2) My friend Lisa Johnson because she’s always there for me, and usually with a platter of chicken enchiladas and a hug or a laugh.

3) The fact that I’m able to shimmy into my size 8 Lucky jeans again. It feels so good to pull out things I haven’t been able to wear in over two years (9 months pregnancy plus 17 months post baby body) and while the weight loss hasn’t been rapid, I’m finding that 1/2 pound loss  every week or two eventually adds up.

4) The fun events I’m doing in Texas, including the reader lunch I’m hosting in Georgetown next  Friday before my signing at Hill Country Books. If you’re in the Austin/Georgetown area, email me so I can add you to the 1:30 pm lunch reservation. I’m also trying to put together a reader lunch or dinner for San Antonio so email me if you’ve got time to meet up for Happy Hour!!

5)  All the readers who sent in their friends and family names for the contest. You guys rock!!

What doesn’t make me happy???

The 32 of you who haven’t sent me the name and address for the person you nominated!!  🙁 The sad thing is, I signed nearly all those 33 books to your person’s name that I took from the blog comments. I have 33 packages made, wrapped, and taped but they’re just sitting on my dining room table without an address and a home. I can’t use those books now for anyone. They’re signed to someone specific. PLEASE if you nominated someone, do follow up with me!

Now I want to be happy again, so I’m going to do a special Frog Prince contest where 3 of you could win a signed copy of The Frog Prince, chocolates, a $15 Starbucks card plus JP reader goodies. It’s a short contest, runs until Saturday to whenever I feel like drawing the 3 winners and will announce those three winners Saturday afternoon before I fly out to Texas.

Here’s how to enter: Tell me 5 things that make you happy in the comment section and you’re entered. I want 5 happy thoughts or things and we can all be happy together. (If you don’t want a prize, but just want to comment–than say so in your comments so I won’t pick you. But if you do want the prize, you’ve got to claim it!!!  Fair?)


  1. Hi, Jane,

    The Five Things That Make Me Happy:

    1.My dh–after 35 years of marriage, he knows me inside and out
    2. My grandkids–Cameron 3 1/2, Brianna, 2, and Lily Grace 3 mos..and Jared who won’t be born until January…the make me smile and laugh…
    3. Books–all kinds, but especially fiction and romance in particular with its HEA…
    4. My Boxers pups, Mika and Chase Utley. They love me unconditionally…and it’s bliss to curl up with a good book and them on a lovely cool and crisp autumn day…
    5. Baseball. Love the game, love watching it in the stands and on tv…love playing it…what’s not to love in Major League Baseball, all those gorgeous young athletic men?!

    Don’t enter me in the contest so others have more of a chance…

    1. Debora, you just won a prize for being the first poster!! If you already have Frog Prince, I can send you a different book–and still give away the 3 prizes I’d already promised–but you’re getting something whether you like it or not. 🙂

      Let me know if there’s a special book you’d love to have and it’s yours…

      1. Jane, aren’t you the sweetest! I won a prize anyway! 🙂

        It’s my joy to have all of your books on my keeper shelves except for the UK anthology with the novella One Christmas Night in Venice.

        Honestly, thought, reading your blog is reward enough!

        Hugs, Debora

  2. Hi Jane,
    My 5 things are:
    1. I got a call a few minutes ago from my granddaughter who just gave birth to my greatgranddaughter – Isabelle Rose! Love that name!!
    2. All my boys and their families.
    3. Gorgeous fall weather in MN.
    4. Good friends.
    5. Good books – and CHOCOLATE!

    Enjoy Texas with your cutie-patootie.

  3. I loved The Frog Prince and have a copy already so I don’t need to be entered but I thought I would share 5 things that made me happy this week.

    1 – My 2nd week of hula hoop class and then getting emailed a photo of my three year old nephew trying to hula hoop like his Auntie.

    2 – Catching up with old friends. Talked to one on the phone today and will see another one this weekend.

    3 – How gorgeous the mountains looked last night. They were pink from the sunset and the clouds were settled on the mountains with the peaks pointing out.

    4 – Laughing so hard with my co-workers that we all were crying.

    5 – Being able to donate blood to the American Red Cross.

    Have a great time in Texas!!

  4. I read The Frog Prince what feels like such a long time ago so I would love to read it again!

    Five things that make me happy…

    1. Curling up in bed with a good book with my dog and cat curled up next to me and my boyfriend watching whatever he wants on tv.
    2. A good hair day!
    3. Finding unexepected bargains while shopping – the best is when it’s cheaper at the counter than the tag says it is!
    4. Peanut butter filled pretzel nuggets from Trader Joes. Yum!
    5. Comfy, cozy sweaters paired with comfy cozy boots in the fall!

    Have a good day!

  5. Hi Jane!

    I already have The Frog Prince (and all your other fabulous 5 spot books — Flirting with Forty, Odd Mom Out, Mrs. Perfect, Easy on the Eyes and She’s Gone Country), so hold the book for someone else!

    Five things that make me happy:

    1. My four wonderful kids!
    2. The crisp autumn air, especially at 06h00 when I am out alone walking the dog.
    3. The quilting fabrics and patterns awaiting my attention this fall… I can’t wait to dive in!
    4. Ditto for the books in my TBR pile (Fall of Giants by Ken Follett is my number 1 right now)!
    5. Good health, great friends and family

    Have a great trip to Texas!

  6. Five Happy Things:

    My wonderful, supportive husband!
    Our two fantastic (to us) sons!
    Our soon to come grandchild…a girl!
    Our garden which is still providing us with food
    This awesome day with blue, blue Texas sky and the high in the 80’s and the happy thought that Jane will be here next week!

    So exciting!

  7. Hi Jane: What a fun post!! Seeing pics of cutie pie Mac makes me smile…I’ll tell you that.

    For me:
    1. my loving husband Tom; 18 years and counting.
    2. my kids, Rebecca and Joey, that drive me equally nutty! ((o:
    3. my adorable baby niece Mikayla (9 mos); never knew I could love another baby as much as my own.
    4. watching my son play Little League baseball.
    5. spending time with my mom & siblings; the deeper I get into “mom-ville” the more I crave time with them so I can be sister/daughter instead just for a bit.

    I hope you have a safe trip to Texas…sounds so fun!!

    Big Hug from Tustin,

  8. Thank you for making us take a minute to feel our blessings. Happy things are 1. chocolate 2. making Halloween costumes 3. Making garage door spider webs out of black rug yarn
    4. stringing up orange lights
    5. buying Halloween candy…on sale.

  9. I had a really hard week at work so thinking about things that make happy is a good idea:

    1. The weekend makes me happy and since today was my last work day for the week I’m super happy LOL

    2. Reading a good book

    3. Meeting friends for shopping and food- great combination.

    4. My cousin and his wife are coming to Israel to visit from NYC in less than 2 weeks and I’m super happy to see them- my cousin wasn’t here in the last 16 years and for his wife it will be the first visit so it should be lots of fun.

    5. spending time with my baby cousin always make me happy- he’s 2 and half years old and it’s such a great age and I just wish I had more time to visit him.

  10. Hi Jane, Thanks for the inspiring challenge. 5 things that make me happy: 1) my husband2) my kids 3) playing soccer on a Moms team!4) getting into those skinny clothes 5) finishing a sewing project! Good luck in Texas!

  11. I like this contest!

    My 5 Things
    1. My mom and my brother because they are the ones who support me no matter what and are always there for me.
    2. Traveling…I love airports and flying and just seeing different places in general. I like the sense of adventure because in actuality I’m not a very adventurous person.
    3. I like going through old photo albums and reading through my box of letters. I enjoy thinking about all the good times that went along with them.
    4. Guilty (and not so guilty) pleasures: Good books, entertaining tv shows, Hershey’s chocolate, lounging around in my sweats (preferably my Victoria Secret Boyfriend Sweats, soooo comfy)
    5. Thrift Shop Treasure Hunting…I love scouring the aisles of our local thrift shop (which is huge) looking for something I just have to have.

  12. Hi Jane,

    Five things that makes me happy is music, good friends & family, singing, traveling and entering contests 🙂
    And yes, I too love the great weather we are having in the Seattle area. That as well makes me happy.

  13. Hi, Jane! I hope you and Ty have a Ty-riffic time in Texas! Send pictures : )

    1) Faith, family, friends and felines. The four corners of my world.
    2) Coffee, chocolate, cheese and cookies. My four food groups.
    3) Books. New. Old. Favorite comfort reads. Exploring outside my fiction box. Books.
    4) Autumn in the beautiful mountains of VA.
    5) My cats think I am beautiful : )

    1. Wow–that just shows what lack of coffee will do. When I wrote my list, I was “OOC”–out of coffee! What I meant to say is: I hope that you and Mac have a Texas-sized terrific time in the Lone Star State! I have been to the grocery store, and I now have coffee : )

  14. Hi Jane, you don’t have to count me in for The Frog Prince. I LOVED that story. Though my fave is still Odd Mom Out!!!! Finished Mrs. Perfect too and I’m reading Easy on the Eyes now. Things that I am happy about.
    1) That you get the chance to travel with Mac.
    2) That I finally collected all your books so I could read them straight through.
    3)I’m happy that I know really cool authors who care.
    4)The fact that I have a job
    5)The freedom to choose.

    Thanks for all you do, Jane. Have a blast in Texas. I need to check on the last post I made. Sorry I haven’t been back to see if my friend’s name was chosen. Thank you for taking the time to sign all the books.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  15. 5 things that make me happy ~
    1. my husband
    2. my boys ~ jack & christopher
    3. listening to my 80’s music
    4. totally losing myself into your books
    5. &, just found out that I’ll get to meet you in November!!!

    Have an awesome time in Texas!

  16. Oh let’s see 5 things

    1) My kids. I have 3 boys ages 18,14 and 7

    2) Having a good paying job. It’s part time but it’s a job! Many don’t have one

    3) My husband who loves me for who i am. He drives truck so he’s gone for weeks at a time but we keep the connection going.

    4) reading!!!! Yup i read daily. I squeeze in where i can. Carry a book in my purse just in case i get stuck waiting.

    5) photography. Above mention husband gave me the go ahead to buy a Cannon DSLR so i can practive one of my fav hobbies.

    Thanks for the reminder of what makes me happy Jane. I could add coming to your blog makes me happy as well because it reminds of the fact that there are thoughtful giving people in the world.


    ps. perhaps if the books aren’t claimed they could go to some libraries? Neither of the 2 libraries i use have any of your books. Not even one.

    1. Lisa, what a great idea!! Send me an email with your address and I’ll get some books to you for your libraries. I’ll send a couple different titles and hopefully they’ll add them to the shelves!

      1. The other place that might house some of your unclaimed (what are they thinking?!?) books is an old age home or a seniors club. Many of them have book corners for lend/taking for their members.

      2. My thought went to a women’s shelter. It would be wonderful to receive such a wonderful gift during a difficult time. I just know you could lift spirits with your writing!

      3. That’s awesome Jane! When i started reading your books i went to the two libraries i belong to and neither had any of your books. One is a district library so bigger but still none. I would be so excited to give them a book on your behalf! I donate books when i can now and then. I’ll email you right away.


  17. Hi Jane,

    Hurry and get to Texas. But please be every careful you are traveling with your most precious cargo little Max.

    Five things that make me happy are:

    #1 I have a wonderful, fun filled, and exciting relationship with my two kids, and that their dad and I will be celebrating our 26th anniversary on the 12th of this month.

    #2 When I’m going to start a new writing project and everything is just flowing perfectly.

    #3 After months and months of trying to drop some weight, then going and trying on a new outfit in the dressing room and having to request a smaller size from the sales associate, pure heaven!

    #4 Helping our daughter prepare for motherhood for the first time, and knowing our first grandbaby Avery Jolynn will be here at the end of November.

    #5 Knowing that even though our daily lives are filled with so much negative news from the paper, TV, and online that no matter what I still have my family, faith, and friends and the ability to find pure enjoyment and the beauty that surrounds me in my daily life.

  18. Thank you for sending the gift package to my Mom from last week’s contest. She was ecstatic when she received all of the goodies and can’t wait to read Flirting with Forty.

  19. Five things that made me happy this week:
    1. My family
    2. My friend, Andrea
    3. My 2 Corgis
    4. My Faith
    5. Beautiful Autumn Days

    (i have read the Frog Prince Jane, and all of your wonderful books, so no need to send me anything…smiles

  20. my 5 things thats making me happy:

    1. my family- even when they get on my nerves. they still make me happy.

    2. great friendships + neighbors

    3. lets hear it for a clean house + finished projects.

    4. home cooked meals

    5. autumn- love the colors, the smells, the pumpkins…

  21. 1. My husband
    2. My sons
    3. My neighborhood
    4. My friends
    5. Being pregnant again…now that I can eat whatever I want without getting sick. 🙂

    I’ll be away all of Saturday but I’d still like to be considered. Thanks!

  22. Thanks so much for reminding me to think about the pleasures in my life. I sometimes forget about the things that can make me happy.

    -Weekends.Time to relax and have a good time
    -Visitng Mom and Dad. Great company and food 🙂
    -Sitting on the back deck. Love to listen to the cows moo and birds sing
    -Finding a good bargain, at a yard sale. Makes me smile.
    -Cooking. I really enjoy cooking when I have the time

    I hope you have a safe and wonderful time in Texas!

  23. Jane, I love your contests! Here’s the five things that make me happy…ok the TOP five things:

    1. My children…I have three and I think they’re the most amazing and awesome God given blessings! My daughter is 12 and she has the best contageous laugh and a great sense of humor to keep me laughing with her, my son is 10 and is full of energy yet is loving and cuddly and my 11 month old daughter who is learning to mimic our actions and makes me realize how precious the first years of their lives really are.

    2. My wonderful husband who came into this relationship with my oldest two children and accepted and loved us wholeheartedly and has been the most awesome real-life example of unconditional love that I’ve ever seen.

    3. My friends who have been the greatest support system any woman could ever hope for. They see they best in me even when I can’t see it myself.

    4. A warm cup of coffee with lots of french vanilla creamer. I need a daily dose!

    5. The earliest part of the morning, right before I get out bed when my nose is cold but the rest of me is snuggled down warm in my bed.

  24. Hi Jane,

    Safe travels to Texas…

    5 things that make me happy…

    1) my son who is 11 and wants to be football player but has a basketball player body (think skin and bones- no meat on the bones. worried he will get killed on football field.)

    2) my cat Abby who always brings a smile and giggle.

    3) Happy for getting an Outstanding job performance evaluation at work.

    4) happy to see my parents in town for the next 2 weeks. they live in florida.

    5) my friends who check in with me everyday especially these past few days due to being sick with this nasty cold.


  25. Hi Jane,
    So nice to read your blogs. They are very interesting.
    5 things I love:
    1) reading a good “girl” book while curled up on the couch and drinking a cold diet coke
    2) seeing my son take his next step into adulthood as he’s a senior in high school and is applying to colleges
    3) reliving precious memories while I scrapbook. With that said, have your smile beaming at next Friday’s Georgetown luncheon. I will be there with camera in hand
    4) sitting on the front porch drinking an ice cold beer
    5) watching a good football game with family and friends

    Thanks Jane for being so generous to your fans.

    See you next week!

  26. 1. Kicking fallen leaves on a forest path and enjoying sunny autumn days
    2. Planning weekend trips to see family and take hikes
    3. Having my mother-in-law back in her home and doing better since being released from the hospital in September
    4. Coming home from work to a meal prepared by my now retired husband
    5. Being loved and in love with my husband after 40 years together!

  27. Hi Jane! What makes me happy:

    1. Hugging my husband and kids.
    2. Sunshine- I love the sun and am dreading the winter coming.
    3. Writing
    4. Reading
    5. Meeting you in Frankfort for lunch! I can’t wait to see you again.


  28. what makes me happy:

    1 my daughters
    2 my family and close friends
    3 making love (and he knows it)
    4 Fall — love the weather
    5 having some quiet time to myself- reading, writing, walking, doing nothing

    Enjoy Texas!

  29. Mac and you are so precious. Today is my birthday and I am thankful for so many things:
    1)My Major Brad from the Air Force called me today to wish me a happy birthday.
    2) My Marine son remembered me today with flowers and wine.
    3) My husband and I leave for our first ever cruise on Monday.
    4) We get to travel to London and hopefully be safe.
    5) We get to enjoy our favorite restaurant in NYC and will always remember that.
    Thanks for the super great chance to win fun things…you are the fun girl. That Mac is the most exciting little guy in the world. He is truly #1

    1. Happy Birthday, Ruth! Today is mom’s birthday—she’s extra, wonderfully special! Lots of October birthday love in my life: good friends and special relatives.

      Happy Day, Happy Year!

  30. 1. My granddaughter..her smile, her laugh
    2. My husband and is arms around me.
    3. The night I just spent at Red Robin..4 Mai Tais were great but the real fun was having all my friends celebrating my birthday.
    4. The weather lately. Not too hot; not too cold..just beautiful.
    5. Facebook. I have been reconnecting with some really great people and it feels good.

    I sent you my info the other day.

  31. Hi Jane! Hi Ruth B!

    What a coincidence – my birthday is today as well!(smile)

    There are so many things that make me happy (and grateful for) but I’ll try my best to keep it at 5:

    1. My 2 kids – Lauren and Marcus make me so very happy!
    2. My job! Going to work actually makes me happy and I know there’s so many people out there who think differently.
    3. Sunny days! Yay!
    4. Good chocolate!
    5. Curling up and getting to read a good book (yes, I’m talking about your books Jane)

    I could go on and on but I think I’ll stop now.

    Hope you and Mac have a good trip in Texas!

  32. I just read of FB you’ll be in Portland tomorrow. 🙁 I am SO bummed out I am going to miss you, but I have to stay home with my husband who just had surgery.

    Five things that make me happy:
    1~ My awesome family!
    2~ Coffee
    3~ Massages
    4~ Traveling
    5~ Sleeping in

    Have a wonderful time in Portland and TX!

  33. Hi Jane!
    Well if it makes things better, my two friend who found out they had won a special something from you were so taken back. One asked, and you get something to??? I smiled and said no, it’s all about you! That is what friends do. I truly hope you receive the other 32 names and addresses. What a great way to make someones day.

    And now for the 5 things that make my day….

    1) Amazing friends and family. My mother is helping my raise my children and they are so blessed to have her as am I.

    2) A good cup of coffee to start the day.

    3) Hugs, kisses and ‘I love you’, from my children.

    4) Reading your blogs and realizing what wonderful people there are in this world.

    5) My cat Troy who always comes over and shares a love. He is such a cutie. Right now he has his winter coat and looks and feels like black velvet. How can you resist such cuteness????

    Like many others I could go on and on…. I really am blessed.

    Safe travels to you and Mac, what a doll! I can not believe how he has grown.

    HUGS – Michelle

  34. Five things that make me happy…

    1) My amazing family and friends. I am so lucky to have them all in my life.

    2) Waking up every morning. I count my blessings everyday and try to live life to the fullest. I’ve seen many friends die young and it would be a shame to take life for granted!

    3) My granchildren’s smiles and laughter.

    4) Coffee…I can never get enough coffee!

    5) Music

  35. 5 things that make me happy:
    1. Books especially romance novels

    2. All the men in my life
    my twins who are growing into men
    my husband who is my best friend
    my dad who is a rock.

    3. cool fall weather

    4. tea with lemon

    5. watching the lizards on the porch

  36. My 5 things are:

    1) My family

    2) Standing on the beach, inhaling the beautiful ocean breeze

    3) Sitting in my adirondack chair on my front porch, looking out at the oak tree swoon to the breeze drifting through it. Enjoying how its branches drape over the yard and listening to the wildlife as the sun sets.

    4) Hearing my brand new baby’s laugh

    5) Going camping with the family in our trailer, listening to XM as we bbq dinner

  37. My 5 things that make me happy ;

    1. in about 1 month and and several days , i’m gonna have a baby 🙂

    2. My lovely DH and my 4 yos son

    3. Devil’s cake 🙂

    4. Bunch of great books from you ( i just love your works !)

    5. wonderful family and friends

  38. The 5 things that make me happy:

    1. My family
    2. A supportive partner and fried of 14 years – he’s the best!
    3. Having a block of time to do nothing but read and write.
    4. Spending time with a long time girlfriend, just hanging out and being silly.
    5. A chocolate chip cookie fresh out the the oven. 🙂

    Have a safe trip Jane! Glad to hear little Mac will be with you.

  39. Love seeing pics of your cutie Mac. Hope you enjoy your time in Texas, Jane. Some of my favorite things:

    1. My family
    2. Watching my daughter play volleyball
    3. Sunshine on my days off
    4. The beach
    5. Music

  40. Hi Jane,

    I hope you have a wonderful trip to Texas! 5 things that make me happy are:

    1. Hearing my son, who has Autism and used to be nonverbal, say “I love you mommy.”

    2. Sitting down with a new release from one of my favorite authors (you’re at the top of the list!)

    3. My mom’s pumpkin bread

    4. Hugs from my boys

    5. Helping others


  41. Five things that make me happy….
    1. My wonderful husband, Jay
    2. Jaylynn and Blake, my children.
    3. Sunny days in October (almost 90 degrees today!)
    4. Friends and family at my house to watch the Nebraska Huskers play….and win 🙂
    5. Walks with my husband and dog Peaches…watching her chase squirrels.

  42. 1. My dad coming home from the hospital after a 2 month stay.
    2. Having family come to my house for dinner
    3. Cuddling my 3 month old nephew
    4. Laying in bed watching a good movie
    5. Reading a good book

  43. Well thank you for making me think of five things that make me happy, Jane. I’ve been so sad these past months with both good and bad days. Today was going to be a bad one but now with my reflection on good I am sure it will turn around.Let’s see..
    1. My big beautiful boys even the college boy taking the semester off
    2. My house because it is mine now the paper has been signed
    3. my college grades woo hoo
    4. My phyiscal health with all my exercise
    5. The size 4/5 I will wear tonight when I go out(I used to be a 16)

    Thank you Jane!


  44. Jane,
    Five things that make me happy.
    One, my family being happy and healthy.Two,having a job that I love. Three, having money to pay my bills and still be able to have a little left over. Four, sleeping in on the weekends. Five, having a good book to read. Six,spending time with my husband and children. Seven,the cool fall nights after the 100 degree plus summer that we had in North Texas. Eight, the fact that my dog is always happy to see me no matter how bad a day I have had. Nine,chocolate! Ten,vanilla lattes. I know that I gave you more than 5, but I just couldn’t stop.

    Thanks for being an awesome writer!


  45. Five things that make me happy:

    1. My family and friends

    2. coffee and a great book

    3. having a free day with NO errands/appointments, etc. (That doesn’t happen very often in my life!) 🙂

    4. Our freedom we have living in the wonderful USA and all of those brave men and woman who work so hard for our country.

    5. Gardening…especially when my grandkids are helping. I love seeing them dig in the dirt and plant their garden right along with me!

    Have a safe trip to Texas and enjoy your time with Mac, he’s sure a cutie!

  46. 5 things that make me happy:

    1) My 2 wonderful kids, Madison and Reagan
    2) My husband of 10 years
    3) Books and being able to enjoy time to read them
    4) The thought that in 2 months, I should be in a new home in a new state! (which also scares me a little after living in the same town for almost 20 years!)
    5) My friends who listen to me and give me a shoulder to cry on when needed!

  47. I love, love, love Frog Prince–my favorite!

    5 things that make me happy:

    1. Macaroni & cheese
    2. Yellow dahlias
    3. My Pug
    4. My pink bicycle, Petunia
    5. A rainy day

  48. I need to get happy b/c I’m having kind of blah day. Here are the thingsin my life that make me happy:
    1. My husband
    2. my daughter sarah
    3. my daugher jenny
    4. chocolate chip cookies
    5. flowers

  49. Hi Jane~ I would have to say the five things that make me happy are:
    1. My wonderful and caring family
    2. My furry animals
    3. A good mocha
    4. Laying out at ANY Beach
    5. Driving with my top down on my Jeep Wrangler! 😉

  50. 1)My kids’ laughs and when they get some concept, like 2+2…

    2)That excitement that builds beofre a trip

    3)A really good meal

    4)A really good glass of wine to go with that meal

    5)When you finish a great book, lean back and and are completely satisfied.


  51. Five things that make me happy:
    1. My grandson Tucker
    2. My parents
    3. My son Matt
    4. My daughter Megan
    5. FINALLY being employed again!

    6. I’m adding an extra, cuz just waking up each morning makes me smile!

  52. Five things that make me happy 1. The sound of my sons’ laughter 2. The sound of,’I love you Mom.’
    3. The sound of ‘Thank you Mom.’
    4. The sound of my husband’s kiss on my lips. 5. The sight of my kids smiles.

  53. Hi, Jane!

    1. My kids.
    2. Reading.
    3. Home schooling.
    4. Sunny weather.
    5. Facebook!

    Glad you are so happy!

    Mary N.

  54. Hi Jane! You are so thoughtful for doing all the contests for your readers. I hope those books get claimed!

    My 5 happy things:

    1) Reading good books that you can get lost in.

    2) Traveling – I love to go places, whether it’s an hour away or a full-blown vacation.

    3) Z-Tejas – Have you been to the one in Bellevue? I miss it so much. I go to Austin to visit whenever I can (there’s 3 of them there). I can’t help it, it makes me happy (could be those margaritas)

    4) Beautiful, fall days in Texas make me oh-so-happy!

    5) Having my family happy & healthy makes me happy.

    Have a great trip! I SO wish I could be in Plano Monday to meet you!

  55. What makes me happy:
    1. When my grown son says “Love ya Mom”

    2. Having a memory of my late husband that makes me smile instead of making me tear up.

    3. My cat, who thinks I’m the most adorable person in the world!

    4. Doing something that makes my mom smile.

    5. Getting together with my best friends, one who lives near me and one who lives half-way across the country. It doesn’t happen often enough, but when it does we have a blast!

    Jane, if you end up with unclaimed books, we have a battered women’s shelter in the city I live near that loves to get books, or anything ‘new’; they use them in the day room, or new items are given as gifts on special occassions. These ladies and their children often have nothing but the clothes, or pajamas, on their backs when they arrive, so very sad. When I help them, I realize just how much I have to be happy about.

    1. Jane, you must either send me their address or yours and I will send you books and other good stuff for them. I truly feel for women and families who are homeless or forced into shelters due to situations beyond their control. I would LOVE to send books and more!!

  56. What makes me happy:
    1. Cool, but sunny days
    2. My husband
    3. My three cats, who are my babies
    4. Chocolate, do I need to say anymore?
    5. New shoes

  57. Five things that make me happy:

    1. Knowing my Lord and Savior,
    2. My best friend and husband of almost 20 years,
    3. My 3 beautiful children who always keep life exciting, (and busy)
    4. My mom & dad (so blessed to still have them.)
    5. Alone time when I can regroup, read a good book, talk on the phone, dance, or do something good for myself!

    Have a safe and wonderful trip to TX, Jane!

  58. 1. my three amazing kids, chase, delaney and carson!
    2. living at the beach!
    3. a day at the spa!
    4. having coffee with friends!
    5. relaxing with a good book (preferably Jane Porter)!

  59. I love winning this, that one thing that makes me happy, my kids, son Kenny has been helping me out with so many things, I’m having trouble making ends meet so he’s buying mostly the junk food, and my daughter is doing alot more around the house. My daycare is doing ok. but need more infants but the 2 I have make my days so laughable and I enjoy their trimuphs. Maddie is 2 and Penelope is 16mons old. I’m trying to lose weight and I’m not dieting just not eating in between meals, and staying away from chips and dips, and my pants that I love to wear are not as tight so I’m happy about that.My health makes me happy for I need to be healthy, and last is I’m at peace with my self, finally even though,my marriage is over but not final but not fighting over stupid things, standing my ground. I need peace…Thats for all you do and your books, lets me dream for awhile from my troubles. Not sure if I have five things but I need to mention God, having him in my life makes me really happy, without him, I wouldn’t be here. God Bless you and have a safe and wonderful trip to Texas.

  60. 5 things that make me happy:
    1. my kids
    2. my man
    3. my brother is coming for a log overdue visit from 1/2 way around the world!
    4. my “cardiac” scare last week, after much testing & stress test, is reflux-related, not cardiac (YAY!)
    5. Fall (I LOVE Fall…it’s my favorite season!)

  61. Things that make me happy…. This one is easy.

    1. My son. He lights my world and that makes me happy.
    2. My dad. Yesterday we had the most awesome miscommunication that led to fits of laughter and almost peeing myself. My dad taught me the art of “funny” and that makes me happy.
    3. My mom. Some people don’t understand how I can work with my mom and be her daughter at the same time. She has always been there for me, and that makes me happy.
    4. My guy. His support, his ability to bring me to tears laughing, his ability to listen and care about what I am saying…and his ability to love without needing to be mushy, makes me unexplicably happy.
    5. Facebook. I know that sounds weird, and I am not one of those “addicted” to facebook. But through Facebook I have reconnected with hundreds of people who have made an impact on my life. Our stories are interconnected, and even from long distances I feel close to my family and friends, and that makes me happy.

  62. Hi Jane!

    5 of the many things that make me happy:

    1. My husband, Rich
    2. My kids – Haleigh (almost 13) and Holden (11) – at least most days!
    3. Watching my son play baseball
    4. Reading
    5. My friends

  63. Happy things:
    1. Singing
    2. My kitty cats. It’s a cliche b/c it’s true.
    3. Driving too fast on a beautiful day with the windows down and the music up
    4. Reading a really good book/watching an excellent movie. Good work/drama/performance make me v. happy.
    5. 3. Spending time w/good friends in good, fun conversations and lots of laughter. Laughter. It’s key, I’ll tell you.

    Safe, safe travelling! And Yee Haw!

  64. happy is…

    …waking up in the morning to a brand new day

    …sunshine in october

    …that first sip of coffee

    …a long, hot relaxing bath at the end of the day

    …reading a good book

  65. Happy things…..
    #1 My two teenage boys..Love you Blake & Braden(even with the trying days)
    #2 A good book(She’s gone country is one of my favorites..many things I can relate with)
    #3 Tae Kwon Do (Taking 2 hrs a week for myself feels great)
    #4 Chocolate (Needed daily)
    #5 My sister (She’s always there with a shoulder)

  66. 1. A call from my mother so excited to get the package from you.
    2. A call from my son who is away at college just to say hi.
    3. The sun is shining today and the temperatures are in the 70s, just a beautiful day.
    4. My birthday is in a few days and my daughter asked what I wanted her to make for my birthday.
    5. The fact that I made dinner in the crockpot so I don’t have to go home and cook something.

  67. Hi Jane!

    5 things that make me happy:

    1. Being single! 🙂 I like my freedom and space, can you tell?

    2. Seeing kids laugh and play, oh, I miss those days of carefree life!

    3. Starbucks!

    4. Reading a book…especailly by you, Jane!

    5. My amazing friends, they’ve always got my back.

  68. 5 things that make me happy..

    elves and fairies…and the dear little elf door and window I just glued to my house make me smile each time I come home.

    My kids…when they don’t bicker

    My husband – like most hes not perfect but hes my soulmate forever and a good person.

    Visiting my family in England every summer.

    My garden… my lovely bromeliads, orchids and my little “elf garden” give me such pleasure.

  69. five things that make me happy:
    (1) my four children,
    (2) having a wonderful man in my life,
    (3) having a good health day,
    (4) having great friends who are part of my family,
    (5) reading a favorite book, uninterrupted…
    have a great time in texas, jane, and can’t wait to see you in kentucky!!!

  70. Five things that make me happy:

    1) A good book.
    2) The donation of 5 trucks of musical instruments to Las Vegas schools by the Manilow Music Fund.
    3) Barry Manilow’s music.
    4) Movie night with hubby and the kids.
    5) A beautiful sunny October day in Washington.

  71. My son is home from college for a few days.
    Winning a good book
    Cool sunny days like fall, the weather has been great here too.
    Visiting my sister
    Eating chocolate

  72. My five things that make me happy.
    1. My family
    2. Cheesecake
    3. A good book
    4. Finding a good sale
    5. A visit with friends

  73. Five things that make me happy:
    1 – My Husband
    2 – Our families
    3 – A clear blue autumn sky
    4 – Blooming flowers in the spring
    5 – The sense of accomplishment from a job well done

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  74. Things that make me happy.

    1) Captain Morgan
    2) Zombies
    3) Eggo Waffles
    4) Storm Troopers
    5) Kittens

    Okay, I really wanted to say, My husband, kids, sunsets, chocolate and a great Jane Porter book, but everyone else stole my answers.

  75. 5 things that make me happy:

    a beautiful fall day(sun, crunch of leaves under our feet)

    eating pizza with dh and watching a movie

    driving in the rain while the wipers go back and forth and the street lights shine different patterns on the windshield

    doing something good to help someone(great satisfaction from seeing someone happy)

    Plain potato chips with Dill Pickle dip

  76. The five things that make me happy:
    1. Sharing in my 3 1/2 year old joy of discovery.
    2. Watching my oldest daughter gain knowledge and confidence as a chef.
    3. Proud that my oldest is doing so well in his career.
    4. Glad that all of my family is in good health
    5. Knowing that the best way to relax is by reading a great book

  77. 1. Family and friends
    2. Traveling
    3. Reading, watching movies and TV
    4. Having a relaxing meal at home with family and friends
    5. Buying things on sale

  78. Five things that make me happy:

    1) The surgeon was able to remove all of the cancer from between my right eye and my nose on Wednesday morning.

    2) I have a friend who drove me the two hours to the surgery and back home that afternoon. She also helped me get ready before and after the surgery and was there for me through the whole surgery. She even came over to check on me the next day and brought lunch. I am blessed to have a friend like her.

    3) I have a daughter and a grandson whom I love more than life itself.

    4) God keeps bringing me back from each of the health obstacles that I have been facing for over 20 years. He is always with me. (This should have been first on my list.)

    5) My dad has moved back to a skilled nursing center in the town where I live. Now I can go to see him whereas health issues kept me from being able to visit him where he was living.

  79. Hey, Jane!

    I was a lucky winner awhile back of one of your packages, and I have just loved it! I can’t believe you had so many packages go unclaimed. I hope you have heard from many of them by now.

    Here are the 5 things that make me happy:
    1. Hanging out with girlfriends for a girl’s weekend at Galveston.
    2. Watching my Minnesota Vikings play football and win! 🙂
    3. Spending time with my fabulous family!
    4. Hearing a great old song on the radio when driving, preferably in a convertible with the top down along the beach.
    5. Reading a good book (like She’s Gone Country – one of your very BEST books) with a great cup of coffee.

    I wish I could stay here in Texas longer so that I could come to one of your signings or happy hour. I’ve passed on your book to my Texas friends, so I know they will enjoy it. Have a great trip! Take Care!

  80. 1. My Birthday was on the 7th of October celebrating with the family made me happy.
    2. My husband of 26 years makes me happy.
    3. My two daughters make me happy.
    4. My 11 year old doggie makes me happy.
    5. Flowers, blue skies romantic comedies and chocolate make me happy.

    You and Mac look happy in the picture. Nothing beats a baby with no worries.

  81. I don’t know if I’m too late, but I’m going to do this anyway.
    5 things that make me happy::

    1. Riding roller coasters at age 35, just like I did when I was a kid.

    2. Chunky Monkey ice cream by Ben & Jerrys

    3. Fall time and all the fun things that come with it like carving pumpkins and nice weather.

    4. Kittens, nothing is as cute as a playful kitten!

    5. And finally I’m happy that de caf coffee isn’t really as bad as I thought it would be!

  82. 1) Not having to wake up before it’s light out.
    2) Knitting.
    3) Friendly debates.
    4) Libraries (any kind, including home libraries… I like having walls full of books).
    5) Barefoot hiking.

  83. So 5 things that make me happy… let’s see…

    1. My 2 beautiful children
    2. A good book
    3. A sunny day after the rain
    4. A beautiful crisps fall morning
    5. Quality time with my family

    Have a safe and fun filled trip to Texax.

  84. Okay everyone….I’m here to announce the winners.

    The three official winners are:

    #2 Karen B
    #12 Elisabeth
    #46 Tammie M

    However, I also have #1 Debora H for a special prize as she was the first to post, and I have one more bonus winner for a prize not claimed from earlier this month. And our bonus mystery prize winner is #79 Jade.

    So will all 5 of you please shoot me a private email, send me your address and your winner and if you were a regular winner or bonus winner or whatever and your very fun prizes will be out in the next mail!!

    Congrats everyone and I’m off to the airport in half an hour. Texas, here I come!!

  85. 1. Reading your books
    2. Beautiful fall days in Michigan.
    3. College football season…watching Spartans kick Wolverine butt.
    4.watching my daughter play soccer
    5.watching my son spike his hair

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