Not so easy on the eyes

The eyes have it.

Or should I say, they’ve had it? I can’t see anymore. I’ve always worn contact lenses and am used to wearing glasses at night when I need to give my eyes a rest, but now I need contacts and reading glasses and sometimes that is still not enough. Note pic below where I’m having to hold a candle to the menu, too!! Oh where oh where has my vision gone?!?


I will tell you what’s easy on the eyes though and that’s Texas. I love it! I’m having a wonderful time with Ty and Mac. We’re in the car right now heading to Fort Worth where we’re meeting friends Carol and Garner for lunch and then a visit to the Stockyards. Garner’s a cowboy and is going to make sure we go to all the right places, including hitting the right store for authentic cowboy boots.

And in honor of Texas, I’ve got three great Texas prize packages to give away–a Texas Cowboy Cookbook, Texas BBQ sauce, BBQ tools, and lots lots more fun stuff to help you feel like you’re in Texas with me, too. Want to win? Tell me what you’re doing this week and that’s it. You’re entered! Contest runs through Thursday night–the night I’m doing my booksigning in San Antonio at the Twig Bookstore– and I’ll announce the three winners Friday morning. Good luck and I’ll be back to check in with you all soon!


  1. Well I wish I could say I was doing something exciting. Unfortunately I’m sick as a dog and am coughing with every other breath. So this week I’m drinking plenty of fluids and hoping for a better week next weekl. Have fun in Texas.

  2. This week is a rough week for me work-wise, but I have one thing to look forward to and that is the weekend off!!! I plan on lots of R & R! ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great time in Texas and travel safe!!

  3. Hi Jane,

    Yee-Hawww! Glad you are having such a great time in the yellow star state ๐Ÿ™‚ I am busy homeschooling my sons this week and going to ice hockey practices and games. The weather is very chilly this morning in CO – brrrr- I can the feel snow coming. I would love to win some Texas warmth from one of my favorite authors! Take care.

  4. This week I’m trying to tackle a bunch of those things on my “to do” list that I keep transferring to my new “to do” lists because they never get done ๐Ÿ™‚ My sister had a great idea…we check in with each other nightly to make sure we’re staying on track.

  5. I’m totally with you about the eyes! LOL! Fortunately for me it was a few years ago and I’ve learned a few things that could make you feel better.

    1. Light makes a huge difference so carry a small flashlight or a pocket sized lighted magnifying glass.
    2. More rest and massages also help. There’s something about our shoulder/neck muscles that impacts our eyesight.
    3. Blueberries are good too and there’s a whole list of cool foods to add to your diet that help eyesight.
    4. I’ve tried some eye exercise programs with marginal success because I didn’t stick with them.

    All that said, the top 3 have made a difference and my eyes have stayed the same now for about 5 years, instead of getting worse. It’s also nice that my oldest is an optician and she has access to the prettiest glasses. A good optician knows how to make those glasses comfortable and fashionable. ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Jane,
    I just had an appointment at the eye doctor and I know exactly how you are feeling! I’ve never had to wear glasses and a few years ago I got them just for reading. Now I need them for distance and reading! Crazy!
    This week I am doing what I normally do – work (teaching), running my son to football games and practice and just trying to stay on top of things. Enjoy your time in Texas.

  7. I am so jealous. I have fond memories of my friend Becky taking me to the Stockyards and sharing some barbequed ribs at Riscky’s when I visited Texas in 2007. That was when I realized that line about everything being bigger in Texas was SO true! The ribs there are HUGE, at least double the size of anything I’ve had up here in Canada.

    What am I doing this week? Between editing and writing, my husband’s treating me to a night in a hotel. Okay, so he has to work while I luxuriate but I’m really looking forward to having a night to myself with no dishes to wash.

  8. As my eye doctor told me about 20 years ago – you’ve got old eyes! I now have cataracs but keep putting off having surgery and just turn on more lights! Enjoying the nice MN weather.

  9. Well it’s the week before midterms, so I have a paper to writer and a jacket to do button holes on. I would love to be in Texas though. Have fun with Ty and Mac!
    ps. I have to wear glasses too, when I drive and sometimes when I read. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Jane, I understand all about the vision condition. As we “gently mature”, we must learn to see with our heart and depend more on our other senses. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it : ) This week, I am giving thanks for a return to gorgeous Fall weather here in the mountains of VA. I am enjoying the blue, blue sky, the warm sun and my beloved mums in my flower boxes. I have been very, very bad in caving in to my book buying syndrome, but I have enjoyed every minute of it! Next weekend is our annual Fall Foliage Festival here in my little town. There will be lots of things to see and buy, as well as many sweet treats and good eats. As always, I am laughing at my cats >^,,^<

  11. Besides working and all of the normal running this week, i am planning a pumpkin carving party this weekend. So excited. Can’t wait!

    Hope you enjoy your trip in Texas. I love it there.



  12. This week I am getting ready to have a family get together this weekend. I am going to see my son who is away at college and we haven’t seen him in over a month.

  13. Jane, Your glasses look cool.
    I’m taking a few days off this week. Taking my teenage daughter to the Carrie Underwood concert. She is super excited.

    Hope you enjoy Texas. Sounds like you are having a blast!

  14. Oh we all have the eye problem as we get older our arms get to short and we need more light to see. This weekend I will probably be working on the house. We have a guy coming tomorrow to fix some studs and I will have to replace the dry wall and then paint. Not sure how fast all of this stuff will get done but that is my plans as of right now.

  15. Hi Jane,
    This week I am working at my job and am even doing some overtime to earn extra money for my sons high school graduation. I am also helping him with college applications. I am also going to an awesome book signing on Friday and a baby shower on Saturday! Enjoy Texas and its great weather.

  16. Jane, I hear you (at least my ears still work)! This weekend I plan to do some cleaning while my daughter is on a weekend camp cleanup trip. But then again, maybe I’ll just take it easy and do some reading.

  17. I’m so excited about this week! We’re finally getting to meet my husband’s older sister for the first time! She lives outside Chicago and she’s coming to visit us. My husband didn’t even know he had an older sister until he was already grown so this is a wonderful exciting thing to be happening. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Make sure you post a pic of Mac in his new cowboy boots!

  18. Work. I’m soooo looking forward to the weekend.

    Sounds like you’re having a great time in Texas. Good luck with finding a pair of boots. Every girl needs a great pair of cowboy boots… ๐Ÿ™‚

  19. This week I will be installing a new water conditioner and kitchen faucet. Now doesn’t that sound fun???? Well, actually it is exciting as I love to do home improvements and make things run more smoothly.

    Have a wonderful time in Texas. Your events so wonderful wish I could attend them all!

  20. I feel for you with the poor vision. My vision without my glasses or contacts is 20/400 Yes, 400…I wish it were a misprint. The eye Dr. said I am legaly blind without correction. I would LOVE to have Lasik surgery so I never have to be in a blur again, but it’s spendy.

    This week my daughter is home from school on Thur. and Fri. so I am thinking we might take advantage of it and take a little beach trip for a couple days. We have a kids birthday party to go to, which is always fun! I want to decorate for Halloween and make a trip to the pumpkin patch too. I just love this time fo year!

  21. Hi Jane! At least you look cute in glasses, I can’t pull them off!
    This week I am up to work, work and more work. Boooo! Oh well, I figure with all of the overtime I am putting in, I’ll reward myself with a few new outfits this weekend! That will make it all worth it!
    Have a great time in TX!

  22. Glasses suit you! the candle to the menu might be a liiiiiiiittle concerning! LOL Glad you’re enjoying Texas! You’ll HAVE to post a picture of the new boots. Does Mac get some too?

    This week for me is nice and relaxing! Just GTL as Snookie would say. (Gym, tanning, laundry.) Yes….. I just quoted a Jersey Shorer!

    Also going to get some Halloween decorating in. Super excited for that! And my nephews Football game in Mukilteo! lots of running around, but nothing too extreme thus the previous “Relaxing” statement. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Hope you have a great trip! Have a nice frosty glass of sweet tea for me!


  23. I am flying to Alaska to spend a week with my mom. She has a brand new pacemaker and I told her she has to use it! We are going to do anything and everything she wants to do. Hopefully that includes my favorite place “Lucky Wishbone” for dinner.

  24. Texas…how fun! Loved San Antonio…especially the way spices were mixed in with the food rather than just added at the end: my mouth waters. This week’s adventures include having made a pineapple coconut cake from scratch today…haven’t done that in years. Going to our local library to see a documentary “East of Occidental” then having friends here for wine and discussion. Making and bringing dinner to a friend who is recuperating from a stroke. Getting my hair cut. And going to a family reunion sponsored by wonderful Uncle Orv on Saturday. Looking forward to all the serendipity things that will happen, too. Glad to hear that you are enjoying your trip.

  25. The best thing I am doing this week, I am doing right at this second. I am watching live TV of the rescue of the Chilean miners. So far 5 are up, and I can honestly say I have not seen anything in my life this amazing & wonderful on TV since the rescue of baby Jessica. God bless them all, and the people working to bring them all up.

  26. Jane, Jane – I feel your pain! When I turned 44 my perfect vision started to go. Now at 45, I can’t see anything close up without my reading glasses. After wearing the glasses all day at work, while on the computer, I take them off and then my distance vision is all out of focus. Complete frustration! I’m glad you, Mac and Ty are having a great time in Texas. Enjoy and be safe!

  27. You look cute in your reading glasses. Just think of them as another accessory. I’m baking Halloween cookies this weekend to put in the freezer. Then kids decorate them at the Fall Festival.

  28. hello jane….well this week isnt any different then the others…work,soccer,spending quality time w.the family…getting the right halloween costume. i hope you enjoy the rest of your time in texas!~

  29. I am busy getting ready for winter.Bought a new heater for my house and stocked up the freezer.Now to concentrate on getting good grades in college and loving my boys.I got a good score on my Biology test.Today my son has a concert at school and I have English 2. This weekemd I am going to curl up with a good book and maybe take my boys to lunch one da as well. Have fun in Tx Jane.

  30. I am working through Wednesday and then taking a few days off. I have been sick for over a week and need a few days to recuperate.

  31. Every year I say that I am going to start Christmas shopping early and get it done. Every year, I get busy with life and that never happens. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, I am actually doing most of my Christmas shopping this week, can you believe it?! I know it’s early, but hey, better than late, right? Other than that, getting ready for a fun Halloween party I will be throwing next weekend.

    Have a blast in Texas, jane!

  32. Just classes and work this week…every single day of the week is chock-full! I need a vacation ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks for the contest!

  33. Hi Jane!
    Glad you’re having fun in Texas. I just had both my contacts & eyeglass prescriptions changed this past summer, so I know how you feel!
    My boys have 2 soccer games this weekend & in between I’m hoping to decorate the house for Halloween. Can’t wait to see some photos from Texas:)

  34. Hi Jane,

    This week Iยดm driving down to California to visit with some friend. And we will take a detour and see Crater Lake again and this time we hope that all the snow is gone so that we can drive around the lake.
    Have fun in Texas ๐Ÿ™‚

  35. this week i am trying to get caught up on paperwork. haven’t been feeling well due to crohn’s disease, so i got a little behind. i am also trying to keep up with my sons, and making sure their first days back from having fall break are successful. hope you are doing well.

  36. Yard work is what’s on my agenda. I’ve neglected my lawn for too long and now need to clean up all of the summer stuff and get out the tombstones for Halloween.

  37. my week is filled with football practice with my 10 year old. It’s getting cooler in the evenings now and I find that I am preferring to sit in the car with a book. I am loving my current read and look forward to the time I get to spend with it. Otherwise, it’s business as usual this week.

    I am taking a series of classes starting Tuesday on glass bead making and looking forward to that for next week!

    Glad you are loving Texas. My dad was stationed in ElPaso when I was a toddler and haven’t been back since. I would love to go someday.

  38. I’m trying to stay sane the rest of this week. It has been a whole lot of insanity topped on me! Right now, I am planning on spending some quality time with a friend to help relieve some stress. And hoping to get some good reading in.

    Glad you are enjoying Texas. I hear it is beautiful! I have always wanted to go there!!

    Blessings to you!

  39. Well, it’s over now, but this week I celebrated my super-awesome 10/10/10 birthday! (How many years? I’ll never tell, but I can guarantee I won’t get to celebrate that birthday again in my lifetime!) ๐Ÿ™‚

  40. Man, do I hear ya! I wear my glasses on my computer and to watch TV. I have to take them off to read. I wear contacs purely out of vanity when out and about but all of a sudden I can’t read with them on. And my family is always finding my glasses for me…I take them off in the oddest places..sigh..

    This week I am all over the place. Mostly working on my 7th batch of strawberry jam..anyone in Puyallup? Tacoma Boys has flats of strawberries for $6..great deal. And my granddaughter and I are making some awesome strawberry shortcake cookies today.

  41. Enjoy wonderful Texas. Best wishes. I am making the most of this wonderful sunshine, garden work and flowers and long walks.

  42. Hi! I love hearing all about your trip on facebook, and on your blog. Maybe, i’ll win something, but if not thats ok. I’m working mostly since i have my own home day-care, and doing homework, I’m taking acouple classes on line from my local community college, studying for a history test. Kinda boring but thats my week. Compare to yours, love to be in Texas with you but thats not possible. have fun and i want to see Mac’s cowboy boots and yours. gotta run…

  43. I am working and reading this week. Doing some house cleaning. Hum drum week which is fine with me been a little to busy lately.

    Hope you’re enjoying Texas. My husband drives trucka dn took myself and our two youngest about 5 years ago down to Laredo and Eagles Pass and it was a great experience for us. The boys loved it!

    Lisa B

  44. I am getting my daughter’s broken wrist casted tomorrow; taking the 3 kids for Halloween costumes; taking the 3 kids to a Halloween party saturday and Church on Sunday and HOORAY!!!! reading She’s Gone Country and The Frog Prince which finally arrived from Amazon today!!!!! ps since turning 40 my eyes are shot too!

  45. taking my daughter tomorrow to get her broken wrist casted; then taking my 3 kids for costumes tomorrow night; to a Halloween party Sat; Church Sun; and reading She’s Gone Country then The Frog Prince which finally arrived today from Amazon…. also praying for my own Frog Prince to appear from wherever he may be…….

  46. Like you Jane my eye sight has all of a sudden gone south.
    I have to use reading glasses to do any reading now.

    I don’t have any plans for this weekend. I do have 4 new books and I might have a reading marathon (with glasses)The temperature outside is supposed to be lots cooler so I thought I make a pot of potato soup.
    Now that I think about it I might try to get my husband to go see the new movie RED out this weekend.

    You and your guys have fun in Texas.

  47. so happy for you; keep on having fun.

    today went to the city with a friend to shop;
    tomorrow going to a garage sale;
    on weekend probably raking more leaves

  48. Hey Jane! LOVE the glasses.. no, really.. I do! Tres cool ๐Ÿ™‚

    This is suppose to be a short week, but I already feel like I’ve worked five days over these last two. Gotta love a kid working for you going up for Courts Martial!!

    I AM having popcorn tonight though, to kick back and relax. And my pal from work Jason is going to help me hook up the other model in my life… my model-of-a-non-moving car (mini-mini)!! Carburetor here we come!! It HAS to get on the road sometime – it’s got a beach theme in it for pete’s sake!!

    LOL! BBQ is sounding pretty good at your mention; guess it’s a good thing I bought a California Kitchen BBQ chix pizza, haha.

    Hope the rest of your TX visit is great Jane (& crew)!

  49. This weekend is a typical fall weekend for us. Saturday is mostly spent at my son’s football game.
    My kids don’t know it yet, but we’re thinking about driving to DFW on Sunday to take them to Six Flags. It’s such a great time of year to go.

    Hope the rest of your Texas trip is great!

  50. Having worn glasses since I was 14, I can sympathize with the vision thingy. But with the better and more fashionable frames coming out, I don’t mind so much. No fancy plans this weekend: just get the yard ready for winter and hifinish the clothes switch. Enjoy your booksigning tonight!

  51. I can totally relate Jane! I have an eye appointment next week as I am constantly looking for my store bought readers these days. Especially for anything not black on white. Reading white letters on a green vitamin bottle the other day was hopeless.

    This week I am back to work after getting my mom settled up in Ohio. My hubby is out of town and we are just doing school stuff, school projects and the normal kid activities. Enjoying the fall weather. Last week we were able to visit a pumpkin patch, our favorite thing to do this time of year. Glad you are enjoying Texas!

  52. You still look hot in those glasses!! They’re so chic and funky…love it.

    I am so happy today!! Today the possibility of being a part-time specialty (spanish and home ec) teacher at my daughter’s school presented itself! I would LOVE it so much. Hold a good thought…lots of crossing and such.

    This weekend is Little League and a visit to my most adorable baby niece…she’s a love.

    Have a fun time in Texas…love hearing about your adventures.

    Shannon in Tustin

  53. I have to wear reading glasses too… cannot see type without them… lists of ingredients on products at the grocery store are impossible to decipher!

    It was Thanksgiving this past weekend here in Canada and even with Monday off this week has seem sooooo long. Busy at work, attention needed at my little home business and running around after my college-aged kids. Thank goodness it’s Friday tomorrow!

    So glad you’re enjoying your trip to Texas!

  54. i’m wearing glasses since elementary school till now ๐Ÿ™‚ so i can imagine how hard without the glasses or the contacts !

    me and my sisters plan to watch An international jazz concert !! We’re gonna have some fun.

  55. Happy Friday all! I’m on the outskirts of Austin getting ready for my morning interview over at Fox 7 and thought I’d better post the winners to the contest before I get caught up in the day’s activities.

    I’ve drawn three winners:

    #15 Chey

    #31 Holly

    #58 Shannon

    Will the three winners send me their mail address as soon as possible so I can get their prizes out? I hope you’ll enjoy and have a wonderful weekend! I’m loving every minute of my Texas tour!

    1. Yee Haw!! I’m so excited…I’ll get an email off to you tonight.

      Thanks Jane, this looks like a super, fun prize.

      My Friday and Saturday were to swamped with activities, I forgot to come back and check. I feel like this is the first minute I’ve had to breathe or blink in 48 hours!

  56. Hello Winners! Enjoy your prizes…if I try hard enough, I just might be able to smell the wonderful wafts of your bbq’s through the screen…yum, yum!

  57. I know the feeling. I can barely see anymore either and it seems to get worse all the time. I really need to go get my eyes checked out. I have to wear readers when I read or do puzzles. A lot of times when we go out to eat and I haven’t been to the place before, I will look at the menu online (if they have one) that way if the lighting is bad, I’ll know what I want.

    Congratulations to all the contest.

    Please don’t enter me in this one. Since I live in Texas, I have access to all the prizes offered and I would love for someone else to enjoy what we have to offer from our state.

  58. Sorry, I f I were to see better, I may have noticed the date isn’t today, it was the 12th. What can I say, but I’m a fool and didn’t look hard enough. Still congrats to the winners.

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