Emerald City Conf

Can’t believe it’s Sunday night and the Emerald City Conference is over. My writer pals Megan and Liza spent the past four days here and are now getting ready to head home in the morning. I hate that the weekend is already come and gone as this was one of my favorite conferences ever. We had a blast doing our Saturday morning chat, meeting fun authors Kristina McMorris, Elisabeth Naughton, and Kris Kennedy for drinks, going out to dinner with friends Elizabeth Boyle, Christina Arbini, Kelli Estes and more, and then more workshops today.


Now we’re about to start another week and I’m hoping to get lots of writing done between now and Saturday when I fly to Dallas to kick off my Texas book tour.

Are you in Texas? Can you join me for one of my book events?  I’d love to see you!


  1. Hoping I can attend! Trying to talk some girlfriends into joining me. I LOVE reading your books and have been “following” your blog for sometime now. I was stoked to see our library had received She’s Gone Country a few weeks ago. I snatched it while I could!

    1. Stacey, I do hope you can make it to one of the events! I’m really looking forward to seeing as many of my Texas readers and friends as possible.


  2. Oh man! I’m reading about all the fun my friends had at the ECWC this weekend and I’m so sad I couldn’t be there this year. I hope I can save up for it next year. I’m glad you had fun and I’m really looking forward to seeing you next month in Frankfort. 🙂

  3. I was watching the posts on FB…sounds like you all had an amazing time. Girl time is good time!!

    You are looking beautiful as ever…have fun in the Lone Star state!!

    Hugs, Shannon in Tustin

  4. I was in San Antonio staying in the Hill Country and then Oklahoma mid-September and promoted your book amongst friends while I was there! I handed out a few of your books and swags! I think I found some more fans! Love you Jane!

  5. Jane, I had no idea how much traveling and PR work is involved in being a writer! I’m exhausted just from reading about your busy schedule, but I can imagine how wonderful and energizing it is to be out meeting your readers in person and hearing how much your work means to them. I know you must miss your family, and they must miss you. Thanks to them for sharing you with us! I’m looking forward to the new book.
    PS- I surfed with Ty over Labor day weekend, had a complete blast! (He’s a great instructor, so patient and a wonderful spirit.) I’m totally hooked, can’t wait to go back! 😀

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