Release Day!

Release day for the fourth book in my Wyatt Brothers of Montana series is finally here! Montana Cowboy Miracle is out today and brings a Wyatt brother home. Respected Marietta nurse, Merri Bradley, realizes that as important as her work is, love is necessary too, especially during the holidays.

My newsletter with more details about the book should have hit your inbox this morning but in case you didn’t see it, here’s more about Cade and Merri’s story –

This Christmas he’s confronting the past…

Wyoming rancher Cade Hunt rents a room in Marietta for the month of December for one purpose—to unravel the mysteries of his past. He’s not interested in the local Christmas festivities, even though his pretty landlord Merri Bradley is more appealing than any woman he can remember.

After losing her husband far too early, hospice nurse Merri has dedicated her life to caring for the grief-stricken during their final goodbyes. She loves her busy and fulfilling life and has no time for a brooding cowboy during her favorite time of year. Yet Cade is tempting, and she’s technically his hostess.

But Marietta is full of Christmas magic and miracles. Soon Cade is embraced by the family he didn’t know he had—a grandfather and four Wyatt cowboy cousins. For the first time in his life, Cade has a sense of belonging and the desire to set down roots if only he can convince Merri that second chances are the best chance for their own happily ever after.

If you didn’t already order a copy, I hope you’ll download it today. I’d love to know what you think! And speaking of ordering, I also wanted to share that book 5 in the series, Montana Cowboy Promise, is also available to pre-order now so do consider one-clicking on that too!

To celebrate the release Montana Cowboy Miracle, I’ve got a special giveaway for one of you! For a chance to win this fun Montana Cowboy Miracle package, just leave a comment below and tell me your plans for Thanksgiving.

Have a lovely Thanksgiving my friends and know that I’m thinking of each of you and feeling thankful to have you in my world.

much love,


  1. Happy Release Day! My plans for Thanksgiving are for my sons and I to just go to my moms for an early dinner

  2. We already had thanksgiving in Canada, therefore is not a holiday here
    Enjoy your thanksgiving with your beautiful family

  3. I’m hosting Thanksgiving this year. I plan to cook the turkey on the BBQ as my oven is notorious for being temperamental.

  4. Every year we go to my best friends house for Thanksgiving! We do a bonfire and exchange Christmas presents because once Thanksgiving is here it becomes a crazy Time for us! Lots of birthdays and parties and it’s our anniversary at Christmas too so we do everything else early!

  5. It is always so good to hear about a new Jane Porter book! Hope you and your family have a blessed (no cooking for you!) Thanksgiving with family.

  6. I’m so glad to visit Marietta during the holidays. Romance and magic are in the air. I’m happy to be part of it.

  7. All good things happening for you, so happy life is good for you. Will be with family somewhere, not sure yet. Nice prize pack..thanks for always thinking of us.

  8. Amen to no cooking on Thanksgiving! I’ll be doing a hike with friends and laying low.

    Wishing you all the best!

  9. Always so happy to see you have a new release! This will be my first Thanksgiving without my dad. (He passed away unexpectedly Aug. 2nd) It’s been a rough few months, but we will host Thanksgiving as always and share funny stories about “Pa” and fill ourselves with all the good food we can fit in our bellies.

  10. Happy release date. This Thanksgiving I’m planning to meet up with a childhood friend that I have reconnected with online and see if sparks fly in person like they are over chat and phone calls.

  11. We’ll be spending Thanksgiving dinner with my family, while hitting my husband’s side for dessert.

    Happy Release Day!

  12. My Thanksgiving plans are spending time with my 81 year-old mom who had a range of health scares this year. Her positivity is an influence! And thanks, Jane, for your beautiful stories that create connection. Always enjoy and recommend! I also appreciate your openness about the empty nest struggles. Easier said than done; helps to know I’m not the only one! Enjoy your holiday!!

  13. I can’t wait to read it!!!! Love all books…thanks for the chance. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. As far as my Thanksgiving, I won’t cook unless its for the extended in/out-laws…

  14. Congratulations on another book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your readers. Hopefully there will be a family zoom or facetime – I’ve been invited to family, but it’s too long a drive (3+ hrs or 7 hrs) and also to neighbors, but not ready to mix.

  15. I plan to go back home for a week and spend Thanksgiving with my daughter and her family. Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  16. Congratulations on your new release, I love this series! My oldest boy is home from University this weekend, so we are enjoying having the whole family together. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  17. I live in Ontario Canada so we have already had our Thanksgiving and this year it was super quiet. Hubby had to work so it was just me and my girls. Thanks for the chance! Happy Release Day and I hope you have a great Thanksgiving with your whole family.

  18. Happy Release Day! Mom and I already ordered a smoked turkey breast with sides from our favorite BBQ place, we did this last year,a nd it was the best turkey ever! Last year, a special friend treated us to Thanksgiving dinner, which made it really special. Very thankful for that friend.

  19. I think we’re going to see my parents early in the week. On Thanksgiving day we’ll probably make a traditional meal. My husband’s truck was totaled so we’re trying to juggle work and only one vehicle at the moment.

  20. Happy Release Day! Spending Thanksgiving with all my children and grandchildren at my daughters house Happy Thanksgiving and Blessings to you and yours!

  21. Happy Release Day and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
    We are spending the holiday at home cooking and baking chocolate pecan pie and your pumpkin recipe too .
    All the best to you!

  22. Happy Release Day! Such a lovely story. Can’t wait to read it. Enjoy your Thanksgiving sans cooking. Holidays are about family, after all. Happiness to you and yours!

  23. I plan to visit my son in a cooler climate than what I am used to here in Arizona. I will certainly have to dig out warmer clothes. It will be a festive occasion

  24. My plans for Thanksgiving is to spend time with my family then do my Christmas shopping. Happy Release Day and enjoy Thanksgiving.

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