Happy Valentine’s Day!

Next week is Valentine’s Day and my birthday and as soon as I get this book turned in, I’m going to dive in to the stack of books piled on the corner of my desk.  I think you know how much I love historical romances, and I’m trying to decide what to read first–Loretta Chase’s newest, A Duke in Shining Armor, or Laura Lee Guhrke’s The Trouble With True Love?  (And these are the best decisions to make!)

I have two new releases coming up: Take A Chance On Me, the third book in my Love on Chance Avenue series, and my late May Harlequin Presents, Kidnapped For His Royal Duty. They’re both up for pre-order, and Take A Chance On Me has a new excerpt if you want a sneak peek at the story.

In other news, I’ll be heading to Paris in May, Dallas in June, Denver in July, and Sydney in Australia. Details for the reader events are available on my Events page for May and June, and if you are in the Greater Dallas area, and think you can join the wonderful Boas & Tiara tea in June, I’d love to see you. I’ll have more details for the summer events up soon so do check back!

I hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with love and all things wonderful, and to share some Valentine love, I have a sweet treat for one of you! Leave a comment below, tell me if you have any fun plans for Valentine’s Day or just tell me what you’re planning to read next and you’ll be entered to win!



  1. Ack!! I’m a horrible fan and I’ve missed reading the first 2 books in this trilogy!! Oh no!! Don’t hold it against me. :O) My single self will be home catching up on my dvr most likely. I haven’t had ANY time to read since before summer. I’ve got a list and pile of books that need to be read.

  2. There’s a place called the Melting Pot in Tacoma that has fondues. We’re going there. Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane.

  3. Oh my gosh! I love the covers of the books you’re showing. I need them for my collection. My husband doesn’t acknowledge Valentine’s Day so we won’t be doing anything. But I still buy him a little gift and make him a nice dinner at home to show my appreciation of him. I guess he thinks since my birthday is 3 days before he doesn’t have to do anything for Valentine’s Day. I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and thanks for the chance to win your beautiful books.

  4. We’ll be celebrating at home, us and our children. I’m handmaking them snowglobes made of plastic with our family picture inside. The five year old asked Santa for a snowglobe—which he got but broke 10 hours later when he decided to sleep with it like a teddy bear.

  5. My husband will be away for a few days so Valentine’s Day will be a day for me and my three dogs, but they are all bursting with love and happy to share it.
    I’m looking forward to Take A Chance On Me. Love that series. Currently I’m reading Paula Altenburg’s lat3st book – Branded By Firelight.

  6. Valentine’s Day is a soccer game for the youngest.

    Read Laura Lee Guhrke’s book next!

    Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Birthday!

  7. I LOVE your UK covers so much! Looking forward to reading the new books. I am house sitting for Valentine’s Day and I am looking forward to having some quite time.

  8. Happy Valentine’s Day! Enjoy your trip, Jane.
    I am spending the next few days with my special guy, he’s a truck driver.

  9. We will be celebrating our first Valentine’s Day engaged!! He and I have been together for almost 7 years but just got engaged on my birthday. I can’t wait to celebrate Valentine’s day married in a year or two!!! Happy Valentine’s Day Jane!!

  10. Valentine’s Day dinner at home. i will see the kids earlier in the day for lunch at a fast food restaurant. we will eat together and i will give them their chocolate heart & few other goodies for their Valentine’s.

  11. We will probably be celebrating at home since it is during the work week. We don’t usually give each other gifts for special occasions so that we can save the money for a special trip.

  12. Traditionally I kind of hate Valentines day. This year a male friend is taking me out for dinner and …. well I hope he feeds me because I actually dont have an idea what he has planned. He said flat shoes and that was it.
    I dont think he has feelings for me but I have been in semi-lust with him for the last two years. So no matter what happens I will end up winning… I hope.

  13. We usually go out for a nice quiet dinner, then hit the store the next day for 1/2 price candy! 😉 Happy Birthday & Happy Valentine’s Day!

  14. Me and my hubby are going out this weekend for an early Valentine’s Day dinner since Valentine’s Day falls on a Wednesday. <3 I plan on watching lots of Valentines day themed and Rom Com movies this week. Up next for me in my reading queue is His Merciless Marriage Bargain. <3 Happy Early Birthday, Jane!!

  15. Valentines Day we usually go somewhere for dinner after we get home from work and I get flowers on the table
    I would love to be reading one of your new books it snowed today 14 inches and so I would love a new book of yours to read.

  16. We don’t have any real plans! My brother confirmed he will be flying in that day for work, so we will hang out some (he is staying almost an hour away, though… thanks LA traffic!). I will also be prepping for my daughter’s birthday slumber party the following Saturday…
    Happy Valentine’s Day!!

  17. Have a Happy Birthday Jane. Valentine’s Day will be a quiet evening home with dinner. No special plans. Happy Valentine’s Day .

  18. Hope you have a happy birthday!

    We are not big fans of how crazy crowded the restaurants are at Valentine’s Day. We have a tradition of making steak and lobster at home and setting the table with our good china and eating by candlelight. So fun!

  19. I’ve been single my whole life so I usually try to pretend that Valentine’s Day doesn’t exist, which isn’t easy for a die-hard romantic. I never have any plans for it though. I’ll be reading in the morning while I enjoy my coffee, work all day, walk the dog, watch Netflix at night (maybe a romcom if there’s anything decent on that I haven’t seen). That’s what I do most days, actually. I’m reading Into The Wilderness by Sara Donati but after that I’m going to read A Christmas Miracle for Daisy and The Taming of the Bachelor!

  20. I remember you recommending a Maisey Yates book , I read it and really liked it now I’m going to read another by her Smooth Talking Cowboy.

  21. Have a wonderful birthday and love the covers for these next books. No plans as I’ll be recovering from surgery on my wrist. Next up to read is Hot & Bothered by Jennifer Bernard.

  22. My husband is leaving it up to me. I would like to go out to dinner, but I think I will wait a week or two. It is just too crowded on Valentine’s Day. So, We will have a special dinner at home with some very yummy dessert. We might watch a movie together too!!! Thanks!!!

  23. We tend not to make a fuss for Valentine’s Day. It’s the little things all year round I appreciate the most.

  24. No plans to go out on Valentine’s Day. We’ve been working on our kitchen; so, most likely will do take-out or I will cook dinner. I always relax with a book at night.

  25. We may do something with our daughter, who hasn’t much free time lately. I have your books in this series, but I’m waiting to read the whole series from beginning to end (maybe weird, but I like to do that when I can). Have a Happy Valentine’s Day and wonderful birthday!!!

  26. Another day of the week. Must work.
    Probably bake something special for dessert – unless we still have the butter tarts I made last night….

  27. No plans for Valentine’s Day but did send out my cards to my kids and granddaughter. You are never to old to get a card and tell them you love them. My sister in law has a Valentine’s Day birthday as well so you are another one. It’s double duty this year with it being Ash Wednesday as well. I think my priest should do hearts on my forehead. Lol

  28. How do you keep track of all of your characters in so many books and series?
    I surprised my husband in January with beautiful lavender colored roses and some other goodies. He was definitely surprised!

  29. I just read A Duke in Shining Armor and you have a treat in store reading that one. We have our Grands coming to spend the night Valentine week and are looking forward to their visit. Happy Valentine’s Day to you Jane!

  30. I’m rereading The Bronze Horseman. I haven’t read it since my late teens. Valentine’s Day is fine dining at a local waterfront restaurant in the city.

  31. I’m in Trinidad and it’s the annual Carnival celebrations on Monday and Tuesday. Valentine’s day coincides with Ash Wednesday so no special plans other than to attend Ash Wednesday mass. Hubby and I have a “new” car and I have this week off from work, so we plan to take a long drive down to the south-westernmost point of the island, Icacos, on Thursday.

  32. No big plans for Valentine’s day. I am currently reading The Hazelwood by Melissa Albert. It’s not really romantic, but seems like a good read so far. Happy Valentine’s Day!

  33. No plans since my hubby is working a 24hr shift. We’ll probably go have dinner the next evening when the restaurants hopefully won’t be so busy. 🙂
    Happy Valentine’s Day!

  34. #10 Rhonda Brittingham, you are the winner of my sweet Valentine treat! I’ll get your prize in the mail as soon as you can send me your mailing info.
    Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine’s Day and sending you all so much love!
    Jane xoxoxo

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