Release Day! Take A Chance On Me

It’s finally here! Release day for the third book in my Love On Chance Avenue series, Take A Chance on Me is Today and I couldn’t be more excited!

This is a very sweet story set right in downtown Marietta, Montana featuring one of my favorite secondary characters ever, eighty year old, Bette Justice, better known as “Gram”.  I adored her and hope you will love her, and Amanda Wright and Tyler Justice, too! The book is available now at all major online retailers in digital and soon, in print too so be sure to order your copy today!

Look for Take A Chance On Me here:

In one of the opening scenes of Take A Chance On Me, Bette brings salads to The Wright Salon for lunch with Amanda, and I love a great salad, too.  I’m sharing one of my favorites, Chicken & Apple Salad, that I found on The Recipe Critic’s website.


  • 8 ounces lettuce mix (recipe called for Spring mix, but I like romaine and bibb or butter lettuce!)
  • 2-3 small apples sliced
  • ⅓ cup roasted pecans
  • ⅓ cup dried cranberries
  • ¼ cup crumbled bleu cheese (I use feta as I’m not a blue cheese fan)
  • Cooked and diced seasoned chicken (buy cooked Rotissiere if you don’t have team to cook your own)
  • 1 lemon


  • ½ cup olive oil
  • ¼ cup balsamic vinegar
  • 1 and ½ teaspoon honey
  • 1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 clove garlic
  • salt & pepper to taste


Chop chicken into bite sized pieces and roast or candy the pecans. Place lettuce in a large salad bowl, top with the pecans, cranberries, bleu cheese and chicken. Thinly slice apples,  toss with lemon juice and add to salad bowl. For the dressing, finely mince garlic and shallots and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Toss with salad just before serving and Enjoy!

To celebrate my new release, I’ve got a fun prize to giveaway! For a chance to win, share  the above book graphic on your social media page and then leave a comment below to let me know where/how you shared it. Alternatively, if you’re subscribed to my newsletter, you can share the newsletter on social media or forward it to a friend and that will get you entered to win too! Contest ends March 20th.

Thank you so much for helping me get the word out about Take A Chance On Me. I hope you enjoy Amanda and Tyler’s story and would love to hear your thoughts once you’ve had a chance to read it. Drop me a line by email or on Facebook – or just talk to me here on my blog. You know I love hearing from you!


  1. Jane! I’m so excited for your new book! I shared on my Facebook to friends I know in book clubs and avid readers. I also shared on my Instagram and emailed some friends including my mom who’s in her 70’s as she loves reading too. When I read your characters name, Gram, it has special meaning to me because that’s what I called my maternal grandmother. She passed when I was 16 but so many found memories, just like your character. Anyway thanks for the opportunity and good luck to all! I don’t go on Twitter all that much but if I can recall my password, I’ll share a tweet there too for your book. Lol

  2. congratulations on your new release. can’t wait to finish reading it.
    have the best new release day ever!

  3. Happy release day!. I really enjoyed this book. By the way, I am featuring it on my blog this morning. I shared links to your post on Twitter and Facebook.

  4. OMG — now I have ABBA on repeat in my head!! Thanks for the earworm!!!LOL!! Congrats on another great book!!

  5. I haven’t read any of these books yet but plan to start soon. Great to have a new series to begin. I’ve shared your newsletter with my friend S. Hall. Enter me to win the books!

  6. Congrats on the new book release – I’m looking forward to reading it! (and I’d love to win.) Let the good times roll!

  7. I am so excited to read the latest book in the series. Not only did I forward the email, I’m going to post the graphic on my fb when I get home today and pass my books along to a few friends so they read them as well. My favorite part of the time I won was I got books to share with friends!!

  8. Hi, Jane–Best wishes for all releases! I have been in the hospital for over a month after having life-saving emergency surgery. I am just getting back online with limited access and ability. I shared your promo twice on Facebook Virginia Campbell–one from your website, and one from your own Facebook post. Recipe sounds delightful!

  9. Hi Jane, congratulations on your new release! Haven’t read it yet, but I’ve enjoyed some of your other titles. I will be sharing this on my FB, and forwarding it to friends. I love small-town romances, especially ones set in MT. I lived in a small town there for 18 years!

  10. Congratulations!! I’m so excited to read it! I forwarded your newsletter to a few friends and family!

  11. I have told friends about your new book. You have a fan base here In our area as you know. 😉 The cover is really nice, too. It makes me want to read the book and I like the placement and size of your name, all good things!

  12. Congratulations! Book landed on my kindle at 12:04 Eastern.

    That chicken salad sounds yummy. I make mine with honey from my dad’s apiary.

  13. Hi Jane, I can’t wait to read Take a Chance on Men. Your writing is a balm to my soul in these disturbing times we live in. I am so glad that is Making Movies from yours and some of Tule authors.
    I have posted both newsletter and blog to my facebook feed for you. Have a great St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow.

  14. Happy Release Day! I love Bette! I have shared on fb and twitter and will do instagram later. I love that salad, I have had it out and it is so yummy. Not a fan of blue cheese either.

  15. Congratulations, Jane! I’m looking forward to reading this entire series! I want to read each book, back to back. I’ve shared the book graphic on my Facebook Timeline, on Twitter and on Pinterest on my MUST READ board. Best of luck to you with this one! xox

  16. I shared it on my Facebook and Pinterest pages. I’m in a woman’s book club and have many book loving friends. This one looks so good, can’t wait to dive in and read it with a glass of wine!

  17. Happy Release Day Jane!! I loved this book!! I pasted the picture on my Facebook page and Pinterest page.

  18. Tina Stuck shared Jane Porter’s post on facebook. Congratulations on your new release! Take A Chance On Me by Jane Porter is a wonderful well written book.

  19. Congratulations Jane on the release. Sounds wonderful. Great cover. Thanks for the awesome recipe as well. I posted on G+ and Pinterest and sent the newsletter to my daughters. I’m not on FB, twitter or Instagram. Thank you for the opportunity.

  20. Congratulations on your book release day. Always love a new book from you. Please keep writing. This one is such a sweet one. Good job 🙂 And thank you for the Chicken & Apple Salad recipe. I gotta try that one.

  21. Congrats to #22 Jessica M whose name was picked as the winner! I’ll get prize in the mail to you as soon as I get your mailing info so drop me an email with details. 🙂
    Thank you, everyone, for helping me share the news about my new release. I truly appreciate each and every one of you!
    much love,
    Jane xoxo

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