Author Spotlight: Audrey Wick

I’m on a research trip in Texas at the moment but so excited about some of the new books Tule Publishing has been releasing, I thought it would be fun to shine a spotlight on the authors.

Please join me in welcoming my first guest, Audrey Wick! Audrey’s book, Finding True North, book one in the Texas Sisters series, is available this week at your favorite online retailer.

So happy to have you with us, Audrey!

Hi, Jane! It’s a pleasure to chat with you this week, especially while you’re on the road researching sites in Texas for Tule Publishing. Your destination is not far from where my characters are in book one of Tule’s new Texas Sisters series.

Finding True North takes readers into the heart of the state, and I’m excited to share not only my debut with readers but also share a little behind-the-scenes peek regarding me as a writer.

So let’s start with some questions!

How do you select names for your characters?

Name selection is a lot of fun, but my general rule is to make the heroine and hero have names that sound different. In the first full-length manuscript I wrote, both originally had two-syllable “H” names. A literary agent told me this bothered her and asked if I would be willing to change them. Now, I typically write heroine and hero names that start with different letters but which also have a different number of syllables for variety’s sake.

What do you think about when you’re alone in the car?

I have a small commute into work (I teach English classes at a local college), so I sometimes plan a lecture I’ll be giving that day. Outside of the work week, I’ll use time in the car to visualize characters or develop plot points in a novel. However, other times I just turn up the clearest radio station signal and hum along.

What was the last gift you gave someone?

I was visiting a college friend out of state who works in an accounting department. I wanted to bring her a fun surprise and found scented sticky notes shaped like cookies at a T.J. Maxx. No kidding! My friend adored them and says she can’t help but smile every time she sees—and smells!—them.

You’re a new addition to a crayon box. What color would you be and why?

I remember with such clarity that my two favorite colors from my box of 64 Crayolas as a kid were midnight blue and goldenrod. (Funny how that’s an actual memory for me . . . ) So could a new addition be midnight goldenrod? I’d like to see that hue!

What’s the last thing you watched on TV, and why did you choose to watch it?

Comedy Central has been airing The Office in syndication, so it’s easy to catch a 30-minute episode late in the evening or on the weekend. The antics at Dunder Mifflin never fail to make me laugh. Sometimes, a quick escape like this can be just what I need.

Thank you, Jane, for the chat. As always, it’s a pleasure to do so!


Audrey Wick is a full-time English professor at Blinn College in Texas. Her writing has appeared in college textbooks published by Cengage Learning and W. W. Norton as well as in The Houston ChronicleThe Chicago TribuneThe Orlando Sentinel, and various literary journals. Audrey believes the secret to happiness includes lifelong learning and good stories. But travel and coffee help. She has journeyed to over twenty countries—and sipped coffee at every one.

Look for Finding True North here :
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play

Thank you, Audrey, for your time and for sharing with us! Readers, I hope you’ll look for Audrey’s book online and give her a shout-out on social media! To wrap up, I have a fun mystery prize for one of you. For a chance to win some goodies, leave a comment below and tell me what you’re reading this weekend – or plan to read soon. Contest ends Monday.


  1. Jane, our chat was fun, and I appreciate you sharing this new series with your audience. I hope readers let me know how they like these Texas set stories!

  2. Hi, Texas makes for an exciting setting.

    I am reading A GREAT RECKONING by Louise Penny. It’s terrific.

  3. For the first time in ages, I am not reading any books at the moment. Self-employed income taxes are taking me awhile to do, so the only reading on my horizon would be tax guidelines….

  4. Hi! love finding new authors to read and this book of yours sound so good! love your questions and answers, taking a writing class and its been a real challenge for me to write a story, started back to college and finally almost finished with my teaching degree in education, at 64yrs. old its been a trip, but lots of fun-working with little ones I love a lot, anyways haven’t been doing a lot of reading but the last book was by Debra Kayn, sorry can’t remember the title for I’ve been studying for finals. need to do more reading over the summer
    thanks for chance to win! going to order your book now!

  5. Congrats on the new release Audrey. It was nice to meet you here.I just finished Jonathon Kellerman’s Night Moves.

  6. Congratulations, Audrey! Welcome to Tule.

    I’m reading an ARC from Manda Collins–historical romance.

  7. Congrats on your new release Audrey. I am reading an ARC of Too Hot to Resist by Robin Bielman. Your book is on my tbr list and hope to read soon. BTW, I used to do lesson planning while driving to school before I retired from teaching.

  8. Based on your recommendation, I just downloaded Miss Wick’s new book. I will be reading soon. Since she is an English professor, I will be reading with a fine-toothed comb. I am not acquainted with the process that has to happen between the writing of books by well-educated authors and the final products that we get to read. I find so many misspelled words, grammar errors, left out words, no punctuation, etc. that really aggravates me. Books never used to have so many errors in them — print as well as digital. Anyway, no matter what, I will continue to read!!

  9. Congrts on your new release Audrey. I’m currently reading and fall in love with susan elizabeth phillips books,I know I kind of very late to read her chicago series but never late to to read any books right?

  10. I appreciate all the happy well wishes regarding my debut, and I love reading what’s on everyone else’s shelf. Keep the recommendations coming! Book communities like this are the best.

  11. Congrats! Welcome to Tule, Audrey.
    I spent my weekend running around and reading Kristan Higgins’ new one in between errands!

  12. I’m reading The Wedding Promise by Emma Hannigan. It’s so good but very sad reading it since she passed away. 🙁

  13. #8 Carole Fiore, Congratulations! Your name was drawn as the winner and prize will be on the way to you soon.
    Thank you all for sharing and please check back soon as I’ve got more fun lined up!

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