RITA Nominations!

I was so thrilled last month to get the call that the second book in my Love On Chance Avenue series, Miracle On Chance Avenue has been nominated for a RITA Award. I’m honored to be in the incredible company of eight talented authors. I’m aiming to read them all before I attend conference this summer!

To celebrate my nomination, I’ve got a fun giveaway for you. Five winners will each receive two books from one of these RITA finalists! For a chance to win, leave a comment below and let me know if you’ve read any of these titles/authors! Contest ends Thursday.


  1. Congratulations on your nomination, Jane.I have read Liz Fielding’s The Sheikh’s Convenient Princess. I loved it. I have read Teri Wilson ,but not that book. Of course I have read your Miracle of Chance Avenue too. (loved it) I have read works by Tanya Michael’s, but I haven’t had the pleasure of the other authors. Congratulations to all the nominees you are all in good company.

  2. Congratulations on the nomination, Jane! Your awesome book is up against some fantastic books. Good luck to you and your fellow nominees!

  3. Congratulations! I have only read your book, which I adored! I do own Christmas at the Graff, but I have not read it yet.

  4. Congratulations! I’ve read several of these in addition to yours. I know how excited Kait was to be nominated. She’s a really sweet person.

  5. Congratulations, Jane! I’ve only read yours though I sent Christmas at the Graf as a gift to a friend for Christmas. They all sound great, so excited for all the authors.

  6. Congratulations Jane ! So happy for you. I have only read your book which was awesome. Thanks for the giveaway chance.

  7. Congrats Jane so glad your book is in there. I have read your book and Troy which deserves to be there to and Christmas at the Graff, so that makes three, thanks for the chance to enter this neat contest.

  8. Congratulations Jane! You deserve it. Thank you for the amazing giveaway. This is quite a wonderful group of books

  9. Congratulations Jane!! This has to be so exciting for you. I’ve read 3 of the books – yours, Kaylie’s, and Amy’s, all Tule books. Although I noticed other Tule authors are nominated for non-Tule books.

  10. Congratulations Jane! I haven’t read any of the other authors yet. The books looks like great reads. They are in my book list. I’m ready for summer reading!

  11. Happy congratulations, Jane! I have definitely read many of the authors, but not any of the specific titles on the list–how fun!

  12. First of all congratulations on being nominated
    Second, I haven’t read any of the books but I did read other books by Liz Fielding and of course I read many of your books.

  13. It must be so rewarding to see three Tule books listed! It reflects great authors writing great books for a great publisher. Congrats to you & to Tule!

  14. I haven’t read any of the others, but I would vote your books every time! Congratulations and good luck!!

  15. Read Scarlet Wilson’s The Doctor and the Princess. I posted on Amazon that “This is how a romance should be written, as it grabbed me on the first page and didn’t let up until the last page – even then, I didn’t want the story to end (so I went back to re-read portions).”
    Kaylie is new to me, but I’ve enjoyed books by all the other authors.

  16. Congratulations to you and the other great authors!!!!
    I know 2 of these authors plus you!!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I was thinking what a tough job the judges have ahead of them. I’ve read and loved Miracle on Chance Avenue, Christmas at the Graff and Troy. I love Marion Lennox’s books and I’m sure the other nominees are also fNtastic authors. Seriously, who do you pick?

  18. I have all these books on my Kindle. So far I’ve read Teri’s, which was wonderful and at the moment I’m reading Marion’s – always a treat. You are up next, Jane! Thank you so much for a wonderful giveaway.

  19. Congrats! I’ve only read yours! I read Sarah Mayberry’s Tanner and it introduces Troy from Amy Andrews book, so I am anxious to see how he turns out!

  20. Unfortunately I have not read any of the titles or authors. I intend to rectify that though. They all look wonderful and I want to congratulate each of you on your RITA nominations. Than you for the chance to win some awesome reads.

  21. Congratulations, Jane! It’s been crazy here for me and my family so I am behind buying and reading books. Thank you for this opportunity! And I apologize if this message is repeated. For some reason, I haven’t seen it post even though I’ve tried on my phone and another computer. Hopefully, three time’s a charm!

  22. Hello all! I’ve picked the 5 winners and fingers crossed you are one of them! Wil each of these 5 winners send me an email with your mail address so I can get the books out to you in Monday or Tuesday’smail? Congrats again and thank you everyone for commenting & visiting my blog!!

    5 Winners:

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