Happy Mother’s Day!

I have enjoyed spending time with my boys this past month, and I feel very lucky to have three amazing sons and a loving husband who is the very definition of alpha, but also ‘fun’.

To celebrate all women, from our mothers to our sisters and friends, please tell me something about one of the special women in your life and you’ll automatically be entered to win this Mothers Day giveaway!

The winner will be chosen Wednesday morning. (fingers crossed it will be you!)

Have a fantastic Mother’s Day weekend, and lots of love from me to you!


  1. Your giveaway is wonderful and I would give it as a gift to my mother who deserves this lovely present. My mother is a devoted, hardworking and selfless mother who shows us such love and caring daily. I appreciate her cooking and how she takes such good care of us.

  2. Glad that you have had an amazing time with all of your guys. I am lucky that I have had such wonderful women in my life including my gram, mom and aunts. They have all shaped me in some way.

  3. It looks like you guys had an amazing time. I love seeing all your pics. My mother is the most amazing woman I know. She has always been there for me, is my biggest cheerleader and is so giving of herself. I would not be the person I am today without her in my life.

  4. Hello Jane!!

    Something about a woman in my life…my dearest and best friend, Kris-whom I’ve known since we were very small kids and went to school together through primary school and graduated together from high school. She is one of the sweetest, most caring woman I know. We live 2500 miles apart but when we see each other and catch up it’s like we’ve never been apart. She is my confidante, my calm in the storm, my anchor. She is truly special and a lifetime friend.

  5. Looks like you had a wonderful time! I love that you share your pictures. My mom and sister both a amazing women and are my cheerleaders in every way!

  6. My older sister Mayna is the most like our Mom and I see Mom in her face and actions. She is 80 but still walks everyday and takes care of the man who she has been with for over 25 years who now has Alzheimers. She also has a son who is 57 who is developmentally disabled due to a bike accident when he was 13 who lives with them. Mayna has 3 other children and many grandchildren and is the most loving, generous person I know. She even sent me a Mother’s Day card!

  7. Looks like your trip was amazing! I hope you have an amazing Mother’s Day! I won’t get to see my mom on mother’s day, But she is so wonderful and helpful to us and we will see her in a few weeks!

  8. I don’t have many mother figures in my life any longer but their presence in my life made me the best mom I could ever be for my four, now adult, children. I would love to win this giveaway and wish my mom was still with us so I could share it with her.

  9. Happy Mother’s Day! I enjoyed seeing pictures from your trip. I want to give a shout out to my friends who are more like family to me than anyone else. They are there to chat with when no one else is. They are there for the good and bad times and make me laugh even when I don’t feel like it. And for times when I am just confused and don’t know what to do.

  10. First, my mother who guided me the first 18 years of my life and then shoved me out of the nest to begin the second phase of my life because there really was no other choice. And secondly, to a friend/second mother who came along and greatly influenced my life and helped guide me forward in my career. I owe both of them so much and would love to have both of them back in my life for just one more day. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

  11. my oldest sis, Laura. she came to help watch over & help me when i almost died from complications of Crohn’s disease. she used her 2 week vacation for the whole year for me. she has continued to be there for me. when our Dad passed, she was the first person to tell me it would be okay.

  12. My Mom… she is always there for us and would bend over backwards to help us out… my sisters are pretty great, too!!

  13. I love all of those pictures and I hope you have a wonderful Mothers Day! I’ve been surrounded by fabulous women I feel like, but today I’d love to get a shout out to my Sister-in-Love Heidi. She’s been with my brother around 10 years. She loves fiercely, she’s real, she’s raw, she’s smart, she’s loyal, she’s all sorts of awesome and I’m so happy to have her in my life.

  14. Happy Mother’s Day, Jane! I love the photo of Mac and Ty. 🙂 I am thinking of my husband’s grandmother. She and her husband married before WWII, he ended up being present when Pearl Harbor was bombed (he survived). They moved all over the US, adopting 4 children along the way. Later in life she traveled with her best friend, always by car, she wouldn’t fly at all until she was in her 70s. She was tough and fierce and funny and loving, with the best laugh. We all miss her. <3

  15. My Mother who is no longer with us but lived a full life and passed at age 91. She was a tiny thing only 5’3” but was full of vim and vigor. She was widowed at an early age and was left to raise 2 children. She had very little income and went without for 5 years in order to save enough money to build us a home. That is exactly what she did with my Grandfather’s help. Neither knew how to build a house but they did. She missed one days work because she had helped put a roof on the day before and was sick the next day. In fact I still own this home but having to live with my son due to illness but she was such an inspiration to any one that knew her. Hope you have a great Mother’s Day.

  16. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the wonderful mother figures in our lives. My mother is my rock. Always there. Always welcoming.

  17. Both my daughters are wonderful,so glad to have them to by my side as I go into these not so golden years.

  18. happy mothers day to you and all ot there. it’s a special day for us every year when we are shown we are truly loved and appreciated, they show us in their own way every day also.

    safe travels,

  19. Happy Mother’s Day Jane and so you Moms. My mom who isn’t here any longer. She was the very definition I love and compassion, strong and determined a well. I’m thankful everyday that she’s the woman I got to call Mom.

  20. Happy mother’s day ! I can’t believe how Big Mac has gotten. And I love the picture of you and Ty.
    I have mother’s coming out my butt so to speak. Mine , his mom , his step mom , my ex MIL and of course me. Lol. Makes for a long weekend but worth it.

  21. My sister has never forgotten me on mothers day,I love children enough to be mother hubbard,but don’t have them,this year she gave me a beautiful black cultured pearl bracelet…shes the most incredible mom to her boys,and loving and thoughtful sister.

  22. Happy Mothers Day to you! love all the pictures of your hubby and boys! they are so handsome! So proud of my son and daughter, I’m a nana to 18month old name Tuff and his name fits him to a T!! my daughter is working with kids, and I’m back with my home daycare so happy and so mothers day is so special! Have all 3 books of yours on my shelf that I’ve passed on to friends to read! Happy Mothers Day again!

  23. Hi Jane! My Grandma is so special to me. She loves unconditionally, feeds always, cares hugely and is always there helping (even at 94 years old!). I honestly don’t know what I’ll do without her on the other end of the phone someday. She’s the best!
    Happy Mother’s Day to you!

  24. I got my love of cooking from my grandmother. Growing up we would sit together and read cookbooks. She would tell me to pick something we could make from them. It always amazed me how she always had the ingredients for the recipe I picked. I have one of her wooden spoons, several of her Pyrex dishes, and lots of her cookbooks which are treasures to me.

  25. My Mother is the most amazing woman I know . I strive to be like her . She’s loving , kind and so strong and giving . She is a 34 year breast cancer survivor , who never complained or felt sorry for herself and co tinier taking care of others . She has been a nanny for 2 different families , helping to care and love and nurture their kids and they all regard her as family . She is now expecting her first great grandchild ( my first ) and I am looking forward to sharing this experience with this incredible Mother

  26. My friend Donna who I met several years ago because my husband worked with her husband. She’s pretty much game for any crazy thing we can come up with. Always there to help if I need it too.

  27. My mom has always been there for me and has inspired me with how caring and understanding she is.

  28. My mom adopted me as an infant, but never forgot that for her to have me, someone else couldn’t. She has been so very loving through my search for my birthparents, never jealous, she amazes me!

  29. My Mom is an amazing woman. She raised four strong daughters, is always there for us and hasna great sense of humor.

  30. My mother-in-law Terry is the most special person in my life. She has always been like a mother to me. She has theost giving heart. She always does for others but never does anything for herself. No matter how bad she may feel, she always has a smile and a kind word. I thank God each and every day for Blessing me with such a special person.

  31. Thanks For the chance..I feeling lost and lonely…I just sent my last of 4 children out into the world..In February my daughter moved to California with her new husband and just this week my baby (19) sent him of to boot camp in the Navy. I’m proud I gave them all wings to fly but also sad. Happy Mother’s Day

  32. Hi! Thamk you so much for sharing with all of us! Indeed, being a Mother is a blessing! I feel very fortunate to have an all out super Mom who has been with me every step of the way. I also have a remarkable sister who is a Mom to 3 darling boys and women I work with who inspire me every single day. Thank you for this opportunity and HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! xoxo

  33. What a fabulous treat! My sister is a great mom who deserves to be celebrated! She’s my bestie and is a terrific mom, daughter, wife, aunt… She’s the best! 😉

  34. Happy Mother’s Day!! There are two very special ladies in my life. My Aunt who tragically lost both of her children in two separate accidents. She amazes me everyday with her strength and passion for life. I could not imagine going through what she has. And of course, my mom. She has shaped me into the woman and mother I am today. She’s the hardest worker, selfless, strong and an amazing grandma. These two ladies are such an inspiration.

  35. Happy Mother’s Day. My my mom lives half way across the country and my mil lives on the opposite coast. But I’m a mom of three and a nana to 8 will spend tomorrow with my middle daughter at the American Legion brunch and bingo hope All have a beautiful dAy

  36. My sister is one of the best mothers I know and she so deserves more than she is given. She is a mother of three and her youngest is special needs. He is a handful and she goes above and beyond for him. She tirelessly gives to others without a thought to herself and with a smile on. I love her to pieces.

  37. My sister-in-law Gale is so special to me. Since my mama passed away nearly 3 years ago it has been Gale who calls me, she never forgets my birthday she always has a shoulder for me to cry on when I am having a tough day. She has been a real blessing to me. She is the older sister I never had until I married her youngest brother 34 years ago. Wishing you and all the other Mother’s out there a lovely Mother’s Day.

  38. My friend Sara is the best friend I could have. We have been freinds since we were Cub leaders together 22 years ago. Our sons who were 8 then are now 30 and are best friends too.

  39. Happy Mother’s Day! My mother sang opera around the house, motivating us to clean. It worked, we couldn’t get out of the house fast enough!

  40. My sister was an amazing woman! She was my best friend and confident.I miss her sweet smile and loving personality every day. I will be spending Mothers Day with her foremost in my heart!!

  41. My mother raised seven kids (5 boys/2 girls). Unfortunately, she just lost one of her sons at the age of 62. Perhaps because of that, tomorrow on Mother’s Day, she will be baptized at the age of 86. I’m so excited to be a part of this experience with her tomorrow. Such a celebration and tribute to my dad’s religion and a celebration for my brother.

  42. My Mom is amazing. She is so positive and so determined that she has moved mountains. I have been blessed along the way with “second mothers” who have been positive people in my life. I know I have too many blessings to count.

  43. Hi Jane! It’s wonderful that you share your family with us. You stories take us to another plane and it
    Is wonderful to see real life imitates your books❤️

  44. I lost my mother on May 10, 1986, It was the day before Mother’s Day. I am thankful for the 27 years that I was able to have her in my life, She taught me what being a wife and mother is all about. Today I honor my two sisters for the mothers that they are and my daughter for the mother that she has become. I wish a HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the mothers. May your day be filled with Love, laughter and joy.

  45. Special woman in my life was my mother although she is no longer with us I will always remember her giving spirit she was my champion and I miss her dearly every day.

  46. I have a wonderful relationship with my cousin. We share all the same hobbies, and interests and are always there for each other through good times and bad. So grateful to have her in my life.

  47. I was raised by strong women. Grandmother. Mom and aunts who taught us to be strong women. To want people in our life but to never have to depend on anyone. I have raised 4 daughters and now 4 granddaughters who also embodies those spirit.

  48. Happy Mother’s Day! Such handsome boys you have! My Mom grew up with a difficult life. Her father left them when she was very young & her Mom was handicap. She wore braces on both legs, had kidney failure and many health problems which stemmed from polio and rheumatic fever. Back then the government helped by providing cheese, butter, canned meat and staples like flour and sugar. Nothing like today’s assistance programs. My Mom truely knows what it means to “do without”. The stories she tells are heartbreaking. My Mom went to work at a very young age to support her Mom & Brother. She has been a hard worker her whole life and has taught me to do the same. “Get a college degree, work hard, support yourself, don’t depend on anyone”. She was married to my Dad for 38 years until his death. They both always worked hard for our family and overcame adversity. They both were and are amazing parents and I am forever greatful for them.

  49. My mom was such an amazing role model in my life. Although she is no longer here, she lives on in my heart. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. She was the most loving and compassionate woman. She would do anything for anyone. It’s always rough around Mother’s Day without my momma here. Going to spend the day with my children and grandkids to help brighten my day. 🙂 Happy Mother’s Day to all!

  50. I’ve got one amazing lady Marlene Chirco, I have known her since my daughter Holly (Who turns 19 on June 2nd)! She was Hollys 1-1 side as my daughter is special needs! She took care of Holly all through elementary, middle school & High school til last year she graduated! Marlene has been there for me with my brain aneurysm surgery, breast cancer surgery (it’s back again!) The friendship, Love & support has been phenomenal! When I was discharged from the hospital, she made my family dinner & was at my house before I even arrived home! She loves both of my children unconditionally & cares for my youngest daughter Emily in the high school now! Even with passings in her family, she reaches out to me to make sure we are all ok & asks kindly if we need anything! This past Sat-Wednesday my husband was in the hospital with heart pains! They admitted him, Marlene tended to my children as I went up to the hospital as the place where he was didn’t allow children. He is home resting now thank the lord above, and yet again 1st thing on Mother’s Day Marlene called me! My hearts so happy & i’m Blessed to have her friendship! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY

  51. My mama and I love to spend time together. As we both have grown up, our time has become more precious with the busyness of our families!!! Happy Mother’s Day!!!

  52. The special woman in my life is my mother. Not a day goes by that I don’t call just to talk even though we are next door neighbors. The things she does for me and my own daughter makes me aim to be the same mother to my daughter.

  53. This isn’t for me, but for my amazing sister, Robin, who raised her 3 kids with grace and strength as a single mom, and who recently reread Flirting with Forty, and cried because she loved it so much. She is still hoping for her own HEA, and I want that for her, too, because she is such a beautiful person.

  54. #35 Angela Sanford, Congratulations! Your name was picked as the winner of my Mother’s Day giveaway! Send me an email with your mailing address so I can get package in the mail to you asap. Thank you everyone for sharing with me about the special women in your life. Much love!!

  55. My mother is a very special woman. She has always been there for my brothers and I. She is truly remarkable. After 50 years of marriage she should be enjoying her golden years with my dad. Instead, she has become his caregiver as he suffers thru the complications associated with Parkinson’s. She never complains. When I asked her once how she copes she responded by saying “I rather have him here for me to take care of instead of him not being around anymore”. She definitely exhibits the sickness and health part of her wedding vows.

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