My New Harlequin Presents!

My new Harlequin Presents, Kidnapped For His Royal Duty, holds a special place in my heart because it’s the first book in a duet written with my close friend, Megan Crane, (writing as Caitlin Crews).  Megan and I decided wanted to attend Sharon Kendrick’s 100th Book Party in London late November 2016, and so we headed to England just after Thanksgiving for a week of travel and adventure.

Look for Kidnapped For His Royal Duty at these online retailers:

While in England we met up with Harlequin Presents author friends like Sharon Kendrick, Kate Hewitt, Maya Blake, and Heidi Rice, as well as explore Bath and Winchester, and visit the Mills & Boon office.  Mills & Boon editorial welcomed us to the office with some champagne and then Presents Senior Editor, Flo Nichols, and our editor, Megan Haslam, took us to the most amazing afternoon holiday tea at Claridges.

The tea was incredible.  The atmosphere elegant and festive.  And the company?  Well, that was perfect.  During the tea someone suggested Megan and I write something together.  I’m not sure if it was Flo or Megan, but it sounded fun, and when Megan Crane and I returned to our hotel room, we began discussing what we’d write, and how we’d each write what we did best, and our duet was born.

It’s been 18 months since that delightful, unforgettable tea and now we have the release of my book, Kidnapped For His Royal Duty, as proof that Megan and I really do work when we’re traveling and ‘playing’.  Now I’m just trying to convince her that another trip is in order for more brainstorming and more delicious Harlequin Presents!

In celebration of my new book, I have a fun Harlequin Presents giveaway for one lucky reader! For a chance to win, leave a comment below, tell me if you’ve got a good friend you plan fun projects or travel with or just tell me what’s happening with you this month! Winner announced on Saturday!


  1. Congratulations on your latest book. I loved it. I can’t wait to read Megan’s book too. I don’t really have any friends close enough to do things with. Mostly I just do things with my husband.

  2. Your books look special and wonderful. This month is our anniversary and my grandson’s birthday both which we will celebrate this weekend.

  3. Can’t believe the month is almost over. I don’t really have any plans for the rest of the month, just my usual routine.

  4. close friends have come & gone. most of the time i plan & do fun stuff with either my adult daughter or my older sis, Laura.

  5. Happy Release Day! I do love both of your Presents and can not wait to read this duet!

    I usually do road trips or book events with my friends. One that I have been doing for the last few years is RAGT, but I am having a procedure next week and I may have to cancel my trip. My best friend, Glenda has been doing this trip with me for a few years and we have gone on a few other trips together over our 30+ year friendship!

  6. Love my book friends! Doing a cruise in January with one of them. It’s a Barbara Vey reading event. Love your books!!

  7. I’m inspired by the fact that you continue to write novels and do what you seem to love! Planning a high school graduation party for the oldest of my two girls this weekend in a local park, and hoping for sunshine!

  8. I lost my BFF a few years ago, way to soon. We used to take road trips and crafted a lot together! I’m working on getting veggie and plant starts planted so it will be pretty when I sit out under the trees on a hot afternoon to read!

  9. Hi Jane, how lucky you and Megan are to have found each other, and you both share such a wonderful talent. It has been decades since I had a good girlfriend. Acquaintances that I met while my girls were is school, but I have had no one close since high school. Now I have my dogs and my husband. My daughters have graduated college and started on their lives about 4 or 5 hours from my home. Looking forward to ready the new Presents.

  10. Congrats on your latest book! It is the most amazing feeling to have a friendship like you and Megan have. I am truly blessed to have a friend like that. Although we didn’t become friends until a couple years ago, I truly feel like she is a sister. She is the most caring and selfless person I know and also the one who keeps me constantly laughing. I don’t have a lot of close friends, but quality is so much more important that quantity!

  11. I am very lucky that I have friends that love to go on adventures with me. This month no adventures but in June we are going to a local book sigining

  12. Any adventures and trips I took was always with my sister and best friend who may as well have been a sister. Now that I’m much older I don’t travel anymore. Congrats on your new release Jane. Look forward to reading it. Those are the adventures I have now in my Golden years. 🙂

  13. I plan special projects with my wonderful husband. He is my best friend and no matter what I want to do, he is always game. Congratulations on your upcoming new release. I will definitely be buying a copy.

  14. Congratulations on your new release. I have a friend who I do things with. We traveled together a few weeks back to attend Barbara Vey Weekend in Milwaukee. In a few weeks I’ll be going to Cincinnati to attend Lori Foster’s RAGT.

  15. I have a weekend trip planned with two of my besties! We are headed to Bend in Central Oregon for horseback riding, paddle boarding, and the Bend Ale Trail.

  16. Bestie and I go on vacation together every year ! But we also get together and go someplace by ourselves one day a week. This week it’s the zoo the week before it was shopping in another state the week before was the koi ponds . And we always have a blast and look for trouble.
    We have known each other for 42 years.

  17. Congratulations on your newest Harlequin Presents release. I already read it and it was such a great read. One of your best yet.
    We are getting closer to summer and school is almost out. Can´t believe that another school year is almost over.

  18. I am thrilled for you to have such fun while doing research and what a treat to have a new Harlequin from you and another from Megan! We are totally redoing our front garden here since our rosemary and other plants took at hit during our years of drought and then the flood that followed. Even rosemary can’t handle such extremes. 😉

  19. My best friend and I put together a puzzle each quarter. It takes 3 months, because we mostly talk.

  20. My best friend and I have been friends for 50 years and she lives in CO and I live in AZ. When we were 19 we moved to AK together to work for Nordstrom. She met her husband there and moved to CO. We weren’t seeing each other enough so we decide we would meet up at least once a year. We are meeting in CA in June.
    Have a good rest of week/weekend.

  21. A sweet friend, Becky, and I traveled to Victoria for a long weekend where we both relaxed and crafted on our WIP. She’s my Mama Mia movie bud so can’t wait for the new one to come out!!!!

  22. Congratulations on your new book
    I pre ordered a Kindle copy and I can’t wait to read it!
    My BFF is also my roommate and we travel a lot together, in the last 4 years we’ve been to Barcelona, Prague, Berlin, Warsaw and Krakow. Our next trip in September is to the US for 3 weeks and I’m sure it will be another fun trip.

  23. I have a friend that we love getting together and going places with. It usually involves a couple of dogs and some outdoor fun.

  24. I have a fantastic friend I went to school with and each year we plan a catch up. We then have a weekend together visiting somewhere we have never been. So far we have done country retreats come farm stays, a winery weekend, cooking school and just hanging out at the beach house as it rained. This year we are planning to go to Bourke NSW her theory then we can say yes I’ve been to back of Bourke.

  25. I work in a school district and just trying to get through the excessive volume of work. Also preparing for the arrival of a new boss as my Superintendent retires from the district. Enjoy the Memorial Day weekend.

  26. This month is about birthdays and senior year for my youngest. I have a couple of friends that I love to travel with, but we haven’t traveled together for a few years, for many reasons. I hope we can do a girls weekend soon!

  27. I used to have a friend I traveled with. After almost 15 years she divorced and was very bitter about anyone interacting with her ex. And she was the one who divorced him. Now I travel with my hubby, but it’s been a while.

  28. That tea party looks amazing!! Been having tea parties with my sweet Mom as long as I can remember. And we got to have tea together in England in 2002 … it was magical. ♥️☕️ Reminds me of the tea you sponsored at The Heathman in Portland. So much fun!

  29. We have a winner! #31 Johanna Owen, Congratulations! Please send me an email with your mailing details and prize will be with you soon.
    I hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend and doing fun things. Happy reading and much love to all!

  30. I am blessed in the friend dept. I have three best friends from college sorority days. We have battled divorce, cancer, death and everything else life has thrown at us! Can’t survive without girlfriends!

  31. I have A friend who she and i have a weekly tradition of painting together in Sundays. 🙂
    Congrats on the new book! Love your books. 🙂

  32. Oops i think i entered My email wrong so I’m commenting again to add the correct email address. This comment has the correct one 🙂

  33. I am in my early seventies, My family are grown, my close friend died last year unexpectedly and my husband died 8 years ago. I’m a bit lonely but my solace is my M&B books which take me off on all kinds of adventures. A huge fan of Caitlyn Crews books and reading kidnapped for his royal duty which I am starting tonight and so looking forward to it!

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