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New Year’s Author Feature: Cathy Lamb

It might be almost New Year’s Eve but I’m here in Hawaii, deep in writing, as I’m so late on this book that its making my head swim.  Thankfully I have good friends who have come to the rescue, and women’s fiction author, Cathy Lamb, is joining us here for an early New Year’s treat.    Cathy is absolutely wonderful and since she just wrapped up writing her latest novel before Christmas, she’s all ours at the moment and I think you’ll love this interview!

Welcome Cathy Lamb!

Cathy, what do you love most about writing Women’s Fiction?

I love to write stories about women and the challenges they have with their families, work, friendships, men, their pasts, and in their own heads.  I love living in my imagination, creating storylines and characters, deciding which issues I’ll address in my book, and writing scenes that make me laugh and cry. I love the journaling that I do as I work.

I think what is the most fun for me, though, is to be up really late at night writing a scene and yet watching it, as if have a movie running in my head.

I let the characters take over my brain. I write down what they say and do, and worry about adding setting, motifs, symbols, weather, repetitions, and sensory stuff later. The characters go off on their own tangents and I follow them around, like an invisible spy. They become people I hadn’t exactly planned for them to be, with problems and issues, quirks and flaws, lovable and funny qualities that I hadn’t sketched out. I leave room for sub plots, too. Some characters I understand right away, but now and then I’ll have a character that I don’t really “get” until the sixth edit.

If you want to tell stories, just write. That’s what I do. I let it flow, no negative voices in my head allowed. They are banned. The editing process is my friend, no matter how crazy it makes me, and how much muttering and talking back to the characters that I do while I’m in the thick of it.

Writing gives me an excuse to daydream all the time.

Some writers like to let plot ideas percolate and grow for a while before they start writing the story. Would you say this applies to you as well?

Yes I do let ideas percolate. However. My deadlines come up pretty quick, so I can’t sit around in the Bahamas, drinking pretty drinks with umbrellas while the ideas run around in my head for weeks on end. Oh, wait. I have never been to the Bahamas and I don’t drink.

I’ll think about my books when I’m on a drive in the country, drinking coffee, running, walking, eating chocolate, all the time. The story is constantly there. I relax and let it come to me.

Do you incorporate any of your own life experiences into your stories? Do you get asked this question very often?

Yes, some of my own life experiences are in my books, and yes, I am asked that question a lot.  Just as important, a lot of the emotions I’ve experienced – joy, grief, loss, loneliness, anger, gratefulness, devastation, etc – I put in my books. I may not have gone through exactly what my characters have gone through, but I get much of the emotional aspect of it. 

No one likes going through horrible times, but there’s no question they give you a depth that wasn’t there before. I take the horrible times in my life, throw them up in the air, watch them spin around, and then give aspects of them to my characters.

Do you have a writing schedule or any writing rituals to help you achieve your daily writing quota?

My best writing time is from ten at night until two in the morning. Lately it’s been stretching closer to three, even five thirty in the morning,  because I had a deadline.  I’m at peace knowing that all of my kids are safe and sound and I work best within the quiet and darkness.  There’s nothing to distract me so I simply think better in the wee hours of the morning.

As far as writing goals…When I’m writing my first draft of a novel, I write 2,000 words a day, 10,000 words a week or I don’t let myself go to bed on Saturday night. I’ve had some incredibly late nights. When I’m in the editing process, I give myself a certain amount of pages I have to edit before I go to bed each night. Honestly, sometimes I have cried trying to get to that elusive goal, but I get there.

 I edit each book eight times before I send it to my editor, and as the book gets in better and better shape, I’m able to set a new goal and edit more pages each round.

I would rather play. So, if my books are going to get done, I have to set out really hard and fast goals for myself, and get them done, or I’ll just go skipping off into the wild blue yonder and have a grand ole’ time.

What are you working on right now?

This past week I just finished my next novel, If You Could See What I See.  It’s about three sisters, a  lingerie business, a mother who’s a sex therapist, and a grandmother who says she came from Ireland after slipping off the curve of a rainbow with a dancing leprechaun and flew to America on the back of an owl. That she has whip marks on her back dims the story quite a bit, but she refuses to tell the truth about her past.  It’s also about leaving a legacy, a fashion show, a documentary film maker, a tree house, a dog named Pop Pop, falling in love, and finding two fathers. 

Name five items sitting on your desk right now.

What desk?

Name three books you hope to read soon.

Next on my line up: Slaughterhouse Five, The Light Between Oceans, Molokai, Where’d ya go, Bernadette?, Behind The Beautiful Forevers, The Kitchen House, Someone Knows My Name.

Okay, that was more than three. I get a little too excited about books.

What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without if you were stuck on a deserted island?

If I were stuck on a desert island I don’t think I could live without Keanu Reeves.  Don’t tell my long suffering husband I said that.


Cathy, thank you so very much for answering all my questions and spending time with us here today.  I know my readers will enjoy getting to know you and they’ll also love having a chance to win some of your amazing books.

Readers, I’m giving away 3 terrific Cathy Lamb prize boxes, filled with her novels, chocolates, Starbuck drink cards, and tons of JP reader goodies.  The contest will run until midnight Jan 2nd, and the winners will be announced on the morning of January 3rd.  To enter, please comment in the comment section below.  Have you read Cathy Lamb before?  Did you read anything over the holidays?  Can you recommend anything fun to read?  Please remember to check back on the 3rd to see if you won.  I announce the winners names in the comment section, too.  So go to the bottom of this blog’s comments, and look for the announcement from me.  Easy!

Happy New Year, everyone, and for those of you wanting to learn more about Cathy Lamb and get a complete listing of her books, visit her website.

189 Comments on “New Year’s Author Feature: Cathy Lamb

  1. I love how you introduce new authors to us! I’ve never read any of Cathy’s books but I look forward to reading them. I read a bunch of light romance Christmas stories over Christmas. Right I’m reading Blackberry Winter by Sarah Jio. I was sucked in on the first page!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books yet either; thanks so much for introducing us to her, Jane!
    I checked out Cathy’s web site; loved her storytelling, so now I’d like to read her books!
    I haven’t read much during the holidays; mostly newspapers and magazines, as I’ve been sick and unable to focus for long on anything.
    Happy New Year to everyone. May 2013 be an enjoyable year to remember!

  3. I’m in the midst of reading Jill Marie Landis’ MAI TAI ONE ON… Thanks for the intro to Cathey Lamb.. Happy New Year to all!

  4. I have not read any of Cathy’s books, but I sure will now! Thank you for the great interview. As for me, I just finished reading Sandra Brown’s book “Low Pressure.” It was good. She is very good at romantic suspense.

  5. Hi Cathy, I have not read your work before so I must check it out. Like you I am a night owl. I start reading about ten at night and read to about two. I like the quite time when I am reading. I mostly read holiday books during the holidays. A lot were free ones from Amazon. Nothing really stands out as being awesome. Although one of Linda Leah Millers was really good but it was sort or a western and I do love those. Thanks for being here today and sharing your books with us.

  6. I’m reading “His Majesty’s Mistake” and I love it.
    I haven’t read anything from Cathy but I’ll love to give Cathy’s books a try.

  7. No i haven’t read any of Cathy’s books but it’s always fun to find out about new to me authors and read about their books. Been hooked on a lot of authors and books that way. I just finished reading Trouble in Texas By Katie Lane and it was my first of her books and i thought it was great. Lots of funny stuff to go with the romance part of the story.

    Happy New year everyone!

    Lisa B

  8. Wow, what an awesome giveaway! I know I have one of Cathy’s books in my massive TBR pile, but I am not sure which one!
    I just finished Wild by Cheryl Strayed and I really loved it! I would definitely recommend it to people who enjoy memoirs and inspirational stories!

  9. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books but I’ll definitely put her on my list to try. I’m currently re-reading Vicki Lewis Thompson’s Wild About You books. I do enjoy all her books but I love her werewolf ones. Have a very Happy New Year.

  10. I read Cathy’s The Last Time I Was Me and absolutely LOVED it. I even passed it on to my sister who loved it too. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of her other books yet so I’ll be crossing my fingers and toes hoping to be a lucky winner 🙂

    Happy New Year!

  11. I just finished my first Sarah Jio novel, and I believe I found her name suggested here on your blog, and Gone Girl. Both were good reads. I’ll check Cathy out for sure. If I like what you write that means I’ll definitely like authors you read!

  12. I have not yet read any of Cathy’s books but I have added her to my books to be read. I am looking forward to reading her books. I just finished reading Unlikely Lavender Queen by Jeannie Ralston and I am now reading Wild Lost and Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed.

  13. I will have to add a new name to my TBR list. I am currently reading Forbidden by Jacquelyn Frank. Happy New Year!

  14. I’ve never read Cathy Lamb, but it just goes to show that great authors are all around. It amazes me how many books are out there that don’t cross my radar! I’ve been on a bit of a reading binge over the holidays–recently I finished Gone Girl, a ton of Crimson Romance titles, and a stack of Harlequins. I started George RR Martin’s A Storm of Swords last night, because sometimes I just need a palate cleanser in between all the women’s fiction. Happy Reading everyone!

  15. I’m not familiar with Cathy’s books. I read Carla Neggers’ “Saint’s Gate” over the holidays and looking forward to reading book 2 in the series “Heron’s Cove.”

  16. i have been on a Debbie Macomber catch up on her books and since i just got done doing that I won’t read her for awhile till another couple of hers come out then I play catch up again. But I am now reading a book by Melissa Hill called A Gift From Tiffany’s. Then tomorrow night not sure who..

  17. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books but they sound amazing and can’t wait to read them. I read Married By Mistake by Abby Gaines.
    I hope everyone had a great Christmas and hope you all have a Happy New Year!!!!!!

  18. Cathy is new to me so it looks like I have some new books to read..I am reading Chasing Nikki right now ..I love reading anything…Thanks for a great contest..Happy New Years!!!!

  19. Cathy is a new author to me! So excited to have found her here :)! As for I have been reading, a little bit of everything I’m getting ready to finish reading Angel in Chains by Cynthia Eden. Sadly I got a horrible cold over the holidays so I had to take a break. So excited I finally get to finish reading it!

    I’m putting Cathy’s books on my TBR pile in 2012 :).

  20. Thanks for introducing me to Cathy Lamb Jane !!! I am so pleased … this was a great interview, loved it and made a note of some of her books.. Right now I am reading
    The Guestbook by Andrea Hurst
    I am enjoying it, glad I started it…she is new to me also !!

    thanks for the chance to win some great prizes.. have a wonderful day !!! Rosemary

  21. I would love to read Cathy’s books! She seems like my type of authors 🙂 I just got done reading crazy in paradise. Which was different from my norm but was very good.

  22. I have not read any of Cathy’s books yet. I do have some on my to-read list though. Over the holidays, I read Tessa Dare’s The Scandalous, Dissolute, No-Good Mr. Wright .

  23. Thanks Jane for introducing a new author to me. I haven’t read any Cathy Lamb books but after looking at her website. I think I will have to put her on my reading list. The last time I was me sounds so good. 🙂 Christmas was busy so I didn’t get alot of reading done. But Now that the holidays are over, watch out books here I come!

  24. LOVE learning about new authors! Must add you to my goodreads list for sure. I am currently reading the 2nd Chicagoland Vampires – ‘Friday Night Bites’. Just finished ‘Some Girls Bite’, ‘The Hidden Diary of Marie Antoinette’ “Secret Circle’. ‘Full Blast’ and ‘Learning to Swim’…(I read alot, lol)

  25. I have not read her books before and love finding new authors! I just finished The Winter Wife by Anna Campbell and enjoyed that – I’ve been on a holiday book kick lately.

  26. Have not read any of your books but am looking forward to winning one! lol~~I have found a lot of new authors that way~~I love I am currently reading a JoAnn Ross~~have a lora Leigh & Karen Robards in my TBR pile~~~Happy New Year! And I wish you a very successful year with your books~~~~

  27. I’ve never read any of Cathy Lamb, but am excited to read another of your recommendations! I’ve read (and re-read) Wallbanger by Alice Clayton and Hopeless by Colleen Hoover. LOVED, LOVED them both!

  28. Thank you for introducing Cathy Lamb. I am always looking for a new author to read. Her new book sounds exciting and fun. I have been catching up on Stephen King over the holidays. I also introduced my 86 year old mother to your books, Jane. She reads so much she has to have a notebook to keep up, so I searched the pages and did not find your name. She is now reading “Flirting With Forty”. Happy New Year!

  29. Some of my holiday reading has been Mistaken For A Mistress by JP. The Billionaire Husband Test by Elle James and Elizabeth the Queen, The Life of a Modern Monarch by Sally Bedell Smith.

  30. Hi, Cath and Jane.
    It was a great interview and I am a big fan of her work.
    I felt in love for her written in Julia’s Chocolates. What an amazing book!!!! And I wanna thank you because that book helped me a lot. Despite the fact I’m a chocolover lol
    But I’d like to read other of your books…if you give me the chance.
    Have a wonderful New Year you two.

  31. My favorite Cathy Lamb book is Henry’s Sisters. Have read many of her books. I just started Barbara Freethy’s new book On A Night Like This.

  32. I haven’t read anything by Cathy, but I will be giving her a try now. I just finished reading “Down To You” by M Leighton. She is a new author for me and I loved it! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  33. I’m currently reading “Match Me If You Can” by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. It’s good so far. I haven’t read any of Cathy Lamb’s books … YET! She’s definitely on my list now! 🙂

  34. I have been reading the Steampunk Chronicles series by Kady Cross and re-reading Diana Gaboldons Outlander series. Love them!

  35. I have several of Cathy’s books on my iPad, I’m going to have to move them into read next folder:) I am currently reading Emily March’s Nightingale Way. Happy New Year everyone!

  36. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books but look forward to doing so. Currently I’m reading Falling Together by Marisa de los Santos

  37. Love the interview! I haven’t read Cathy’s books, but I’m going to go check out her website after I post 😀

    I just read a suspense book I AM LUCKY BIRD. (Very good) and a chick lit. I just started THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME I’ve been excited for that for awhile.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  38. I have not read any Cathy Lamb books, but love the description of her writing process. I’ll definitely look for her books!

    I’ve been trying to read Picture This by Jacqueline Sheehan. I read Lost and Found and liked it. But I’m feeling manipulated by the story in Picture This, and I just couldn’t deal with that, so I’ve put it down for a couple of weeks. December is not only the holidays, but about 6 family birthdays, so we’ve been busy enough. The rest of my reading has been some blogs, for which I’m hoping to have the chance to write a few articles.

    I will do more reading after the new year. I hope to see some great suggestions here, not sure I’ll get back to Picture This very quickly.

    Happy New Year, Jane!

  39. Thanks for introducing Cathy ~ She is a new author to me but will add her to my TBR. Current reading Jill Shalvis, Rescue My Heart, 3rd in the Animal Magnetism Series. Thanks for a chance at a great giveaway. Happy New Year!

  40. I just started “The Good Woman” and had to force myself to put it down at 130am. Need my beauty sleep. Can’t wait to finish it and for the next one to come out! Keep writing your awesome books. I am such a big fan. Hope you can make it to GA in 2013!

  41. I just finished reading The Host by Stephenie Meyer (for the 2nd time) and have started Home Again by Kristin Hannah. Thanks for the intro to Cathy Lamb! Love having new authors to follow.

  42. I have never read anything bby Cathy Lamb but am always looking for new Authors … I have been reading a lot by Kathryn Shay and Julie Ortolon …. 2 new authors suggested to me.

  43. I have read Cathy’s books! I really enjoyed Julia’s Chocolates. I appreciate hearing about your process, Cathy, particularly that you just let the characters tell their story and then go back and add all the texture. It’s something I’ve been struggling with. Lately, I’ve been reading tons of self-pubbed New Adult books, and it’s because of the passion in them. I can remember when I just had to tell my stories. And since I didn’t know craft, I’d just let them flow out of me. But once you learn craft, you have to slow down, think about plot and character development, etc. which changes the heart of the story. I’ve been trying to figure out how to hold onto the original heart of the story before craft kneads the passion out of it. You’ve just reminded me how. Write the heart of it–the characters and their inner conflicts and all their angst–and then go back and flesh it out. So, thank you! I’m glad I read this interview today!

  44. Great interview. I’m afraid I haven’t read her as yet but her books do sound interesting. I’m trying to finish up on my Christmas reading and almost finished with Victoria Alexander’s What Happens at Christmas – a sweet read.

  45. Cathy Lamb will be on my list for 2013.
    Right now I am reading ARCs of Jill Mccorkle’s and Dave Barry’s soon to be released titles, “52 Loaves” by William Alexander and Folletts “Pillars of the Earth”…depends on what room I am in….

  46. I have never read any of Cathy’s books and I am thrilled to have found another author to read!! Will be checking out A different kind of normal very soon. Thanks for the chance to win some exciting goodies Jane, love your blog and the time you commit to it.

  47. I have not read any Cathy Lamb but I’ll be heading over to her website right after posting this comment. I can tell from reading her interview that I’m going to like her writing. Thank you for introducing another new-to-me author.

  48. I am going to be adding Cathy Lamb to my wtr list on Goodreads for the new year, thanks for introducing us to this author! I’ve just finished reading “Miss Match” by Erynn Magnum and hope to get the next was filled with loads of references to chick flicks, coffee, and chocolate with tons of romance thrown in the mix.
    Happy Holidays!!

  49. I love Cathy Lamb! I’ve been wanting to read her newest book so badly!

    I’ve been reading a lot of british authors. I’ve been reading Linda Green and Claudia Carroll.

    Thanks so much!

  50. I’ve been on a lull lately as far as reading & completing anything, but I recently started the perks of being a wallflower. <3 Cheers to 2013!!

  51. I have not read anything by Cathy Lamb before. I also didn’t read a whole lot over the Christmas holiday. I had too much other stuff to do and when I had down time I cholse mindless tv over reading.

    There are many new releases coming out in January and February so I am looking forward to getting back in the reading habit now that the chaos of the holidays is over

  52. I haven’t read any of Cathy Lamb’s books yet either. I am reading a James Patterson book, “I, Michael Bennett”. I like to alternate between romance and action.

  53. I haven’t read any of her books either. I was recently introduced to the Janet Evanovich series, so I’ve been playing catch up on those.

  54. I’ve been reading Christmas shorts all weekend. I haven’t read any books by Cathy but i love finding new authors to read.

  55. Happy New Year! I’ve never have heard or read Cathy lambs books.Would love to read her,I’ve been reading a few books, Forgiven by B.J. Daniels and Susan Wiggs Return to Willow Lake.

  56. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books before. Recently I have been reading 419 by Will Ferguson which was an award winning book about the scams in Nigeria.

  57. Haven’t had the pleasure of reading any of Cathy’s books yet.

    I was surprised with a Kindle Fire HD for Christmas so in the past 5 days I’ve read… The Sweetest Revenge by Halliday…. What I Did For A Duke by Julie Ann Long..The Scandalous Dissolute No-Good Mr. Wright by Tessa Dare… The Bandit’s Lady by Maureen Child… Mirror Light by Jill Myles.. . Masks by Evangaline Anderson… and I’m in the middle of Moosed-Up by Tiffinie Helmer….

    There hasn’t been a bad book in the bunch… although Mirror Light and Masks were pretty steamy!

  58. I love womens fiction, but then again, I love all fiction. Since Christmas, I’ve devoured the new Terry Pratchett, the new Lois McMasters Bujold and Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig. Also the new Smitten Kitchen cookbook. And I’m paralyzed with indecision about what to start next! The new Michael Connelly, perhaps, since my husband just finished it. Nothing better than living in a house full of readers.

  59. Looking forward to reading some of Cathy’s books. I am currently reading Grace Grows by Shelle Sumners.

  60. Nice to meet you, Cathy (thanks, Jane). I’m fascinated to see what it takes to create and work magic to bring a book to life…a little bit of your own life experiences, a vivid imagination, late nights, and a lot of hard work. I look forward to reading some of your books. Since Christmas was filled with family, fun, and lots of food, my reading was reduced to light Christmas themed fun reads such as Miss Match by Erynn Mangum and A Carol for Christmas by Robin Hatcher. Happy New Year!

  61. A great Interview I have not read Cathy’s books Looking forward to doing so.
    This year I read “An Unmistakable Rogue by Annette Blair I actually read all 4 in the series but this one I loved More.
    Have a Great New year or Happy Hogmanay .

  62. I finished “One Hundred Names” by Cecelia Ahern and am now reading “The Truth about Love and Lightning” by Susan McBride and “The Pollyanna Plan” by Talli Roland. Cathy Lamb is new to me but she sounds like fun! Have a happy new year!

  63. When I discovered Cathy’s books I felt like I knew the kind of author I aspired to be. Fingers crossed. I have two favorites: Julia’s Chocolates and Henry’s Sisters.

  64. I have a Kindle and am catching up on short stories from some of my favorite authors…Meredith Duran and Sherry Thomas…comfort reads!

  65. I haven’t read any of her books. Thank you for the introduction. She mentioned wanting to read the Kitchen House. I read that recently. It was a good read. Eye-opening. I’m currently reading The Wicked Angel and Charlotte Street. I just finished The Friendship Bread.

  66. I read Henry’s Sisters by Cathy Lamb–loved it! The past week my favorite books that I’ve read are The Queen Gene by Jennifer Coburn, Maid for Love by Marie Force, The Unfinished Gift by Dan Walsh. I also read Lead with Luv: A different way to Success by Ken Blanchard and Colleen Barrett. This last one was not fiction, but it was great–a very easy read and I would recommend it to anyone.

  67. Cathy is a new author to me, so thanks for the introduction! I’m reading “Make, Take, Murder” by Joanna Campbell Slan. It’s a fun cozy series.

  68. I love Women’s Fiction and most genre’s. This Christmas season I’ve read 2 book by Harlan Coben and I love them! I am currently reading The Forgotten by David Baldacci.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  69. Hi Jane,

    I’ve taken advantage of the Christmas break and caught up on some of my reading. I finished the Good Woman, then went on to read Merry Ex-Mas by Sheila Roberts and Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas. I just started Better Than Chocolate by Sheila Roberts.

  70. I haven’t read Cathy Lamb’s books before, but will take a look now.

    I didn’t really do much reading over the holiday, will be good to get back to reading again.

    I would recommend I’ve Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella as a fun book to read.

  71. I’m currently on page 184 of The Good Woman! After I read last night I went upstairs and hugged my mom and told her how much I loved her. Mrs Perfect has always been my favorite book of all time but so far this one has touched me in so many ways! Next up to read when I’m done is Waking Up Married!

    1. Aw, Kayla, thank you! I’ve just put in a 12 hour day here–after a 10 hour day yesterday, and a 9 hour day the day before–so your praise is balm for my tired fingers (and soul!). 🙂

  72. Great interview ladies! I’m addicted to reading interviews where writers talk about their writing schedules, where they get their ideas, etc. I’ve read Cathy’s book, Such a Pretty Face, it was excellent! After checking out her website, I see there are so many more great stories. I read To Kill a Mockingbird over the holidays, one of my favorites. Happy New Year, Jane! I’m really looking forward to reading, The Good Daughter.

  73. Haven’t read Cathy Lamb YET! But now I plan to. I read Christmas themed books over the holidays. I always try to. It helps get me in the mood. 🙂

  74. I can’t wait to start reading Cathy’s books. I’m currently reading some of Carolyn Haines earlier novels (Fever Moon, Sky Dancer, Judas Burning). I love hearing about new authors by word of mouth. It doesn’t hurt that I like all genres. I will definitely buy Cathy’s new book and thank you for the recommendation.

  75. I haven’t read Cathy, but will check her out.
    I read Waking up Married. It is a Harlequin KISS. I look forward to reading more of this category.
    Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  76. I’ve haven’t read Cathy Lamb books, but will from now on. Interesting interview; I’m always looking for referrals. Thanks for the enjoyment of this blog. I’m reading The Sleeping Night by Barbara Samuels. Poignant and lyrical.

    Good luck, everyone!

  77. I have read The last time I was Me….such a great book and I own The first day of the rest of my life but haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

    Right now I am starting Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire.


  78. Hi Jane!
    I’ve been reading Agatha Christie over the holidays—the weather put me in the mood for a good, old-fashioned whodunnit. 🙂
    Happy New Year!!!

  79. I have read one book by Cathy and that is A Different Kind of Normal. I loved it and I am looking forward to reading more of her books.
    Over Christmas I read A Merry Little Christmas by Anita Higman. It was a good read. Right now I am reading The Christmas Star by Ace Collins and really enjoying it.
    Blessings! Judy

  80. Happy New Year~ I haven’t read any of her books so thank you for the recommendation. I haven’t had a chance to read much with holidays going on. Next in line is “How to eat a cupcake” by Meg Donahue…

  81. Read and loved Such a Pretty Face.

    Reading The Life List by Chrissy Anderson

    Fun read …Let’s Pretend this Never Happened.

  82. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books before.

    I’m reading a book by Jana DeLeon at the moment.

    I have some reading to catch up on soon.

  83. HI Jane,
    A great posting…thanks for sharing…and I have not read any of Cathy’s novels, yet!

    I’m reading BLACKBERRY WINTER by Sarah Jio…excellent!!!

  84. Nope, I haven’t read any books by her. thank you for the chance, Jane. You are terrific 😀

    i’m the middle of The Exceptions by David Cristofano..

  85. I haven’t read Cathy Lamb, but looking forward to checking her out. I’m always excited when you do a blog like this as I get a bunch of new books to add to my reading list. I’m reading Mr. Darcy Forever by Victoria Connelly. I didn’t know, when I started it, that it was a part of a series. It’s been a quick read and fun, but I have to admit that I don’t understand some of the references as I’ve not been a big Jane Austin fan.

  86. Here I thought I was going to say I haven’t read any of her books until I looked at her website. I have read two of the anthologies, Holiday Magic and Comfort and Joy. Currently I just read For The Love of Christmas. I short anthology that I really enjoyed. I’m undecided on my next choice. I have a huge TBR pile and there are so many that are enticing its hard to choose between them. Happy New Year! And by the way I am completely jealous and wish I were in Hawaii right now. I’m stuck in the cold, snowy Midwest.

  87. I haven’t read any of Cathy Lamb’s stories but I will be looking for them because they look interesting. I have just read Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry which was an amazing YA story and it had me in tears. Happy New Year!

  88. Hi Jane! Thanks for the feature on Cathy Lamb. I have quite a few of her books on my “To Read” list. Love women’s fiction & love that you feature other authors on your blog. I do have all of your books, I’m happy to say, & I just received The Good Woman. Can’t wait to get started!! 🙂

  89. Hi Jane,

    I have not heard of this author, but will definitely check out her books. Right now I’m reading Broken Resolutions by Cheryl Shireman. It’s a really good book and I would definitely recommend it. I hope you have a wonderful new year.

  90. Cathy Lamb will be a new author for me for sure! I have been reading the new Janet Evanovich novel and, as always, I highly recommend her to anyone and everyone.

  91. I haven’t read Cathy Lamb’s books before, but will take a look now. Thanks for the great interview! I am still waiting for Deborah Harkness’s All Souls trilogy 3rd book to come out. meanwhile I am reading anything I can get my hands on. Happy New Year Jane!!

  92. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s work yet, and haven’t had time to read during the holiday season, but I did get caught up in my very first blog hop, and met a lot of authors who are new to me. I’ve stocked up on a wide variety of books to enjoy after the new year. Thank you both, and Happy New Year to all!

  93. Thanks for the rec. I’m reading The Lady Most Willing by Eloisa James, Julia Quinn and Connie Brockway. Love them, love it! :o)

  94. No, sorry to say, I’m not familiar with Cathy’s works. I just finished “A Season for Tending” by Cindy Woodsmall, I’m just discovering Amish authors. It’s fun to learn about different ‘ways of life’. Thanks for sharing with us! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  95. Hi Jane. Have not read CL’s books but am interesting in starting.
    This holiday season I read The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks.


  96. I’m reading Jen Tucker’s The Day I Wore My Oanties Insude Out. I’m also reading a Jack Reacher novel. And yes I’m reading 3 at one time, the last one is, When Darkness Falls by James Grippando. I’m always reading crochet magazines as well.

  97. I’m currently reading Naughty & Nice I just started it. I just finished Planning for Love.
    Thanks for introducing us to new authors I love finding more to read.

    Cathy’s book sounds great.

  98. Happy New Year, Jane. Here’s hoping 2013 is better and treats us more kindly. I’m reading my first Cathy Lamb: ‘such a pretty face’ and I am immersed in it. She writes well and has me intrigued with Stevie’s life.

  99. Cathy Lamb would be a new author for me as well…but love finding new authors thru blogs like this one!
    Haven’t had time to read during the holidays but my TBR pile seems to grow daily! I have everything from paranormal to romance to mystery..

  100. I have not yet read any of her books yet but would love to! Over the holidays, I have been reading everything : Off Balance by Olympian Dominique Moceanu, Monarch Beach by Anita Hughes, Binding Arbitration by Elizabeth Marx, (and the pre-quel novella Cutters and Jocks), and my fun reads People magazine, US Weekly Magazine, and the New York Times wedding section!

    Happy New Year!

  101. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books but they sound really good and i can’t wait to read them. Right now I am reading “The Stuff Of Thought: Language As A Window Into Human Nature”.

  102. I have read something by Cathy, it was Holiday Magic with Fern Michaels, Mary Carter and Terri DuLong. Love the title “A Different Kind of Normal”. Seems as if it describes me to a “T”. Lol. Just finished “Santa Viking” by Sandra Hill and about to start “Flirting with Forty”, because of course we all know 50 is the new 40….so I can flirt…right? Lol

  103. Hi Cathy
    Wow, interesting how you go about your book process. Especially, the editing eight times. I know some authors plot their books and that you let the characters play out scenes and you jot them down. That is how I do some of my work as a department secretary, I figure out where the professor is wishing to go with project and set it up from there. I must apologize as I have not read any of your books but plan to check out a few that I noticed on your website.
    Thank you for your time.

  104. I have not read Cathy’s books but I will!
    I have been reading a lot.
    Trying to finish “from Notting Hill with Love…Actually” by Ali McNamara. It is good, makes me laugh!

  105. I have not read anything yet, but I love the sound of this book! I just finished the Rod Stewart Autobiography.

  106. I have not read any of Cathy’s books, but since I have scored quite a few good reads from your blogs, I’ll be looking her up. I got JK Rowling’s The Casual Vacancy for Christmas and have started it and am sad to say I am struggling with it. I’m early in the book, so I’m really hoping it will take off. Heading to Halifax tomorrow (I hope, was supposed to leave to day but my plans were derailed by a major winter storm system hitting Atlantic Canada)to see my best friend and share a late Christmas with my daughter in PEI. Happy New Year!

  107. I have not ready any of Cathy’s books yet, but will check to see if my library system carries any of them. I am currently reading, Summerland by Elin Hilderbrand. It is very good. I recently finished The Meryl Strep Movie Club, which was also good.
    Happy New Year!

  108. I’ve read all of Cathy Lambs books! I love each and every one of them. I still can’t believe she is my ‘facebook friend’, and now because of her, I’ll read your books. I am currently reading ‘To Heaven and Back’, a true story about a Dr. who died and went to heaven and came back…that I got for Christmas from my sister Kim…I also bought it for my godson, cool eh? I’m Canadian, can you tell? And I’d read all of them again, but I gave them away, so I’d like to win them back! Thanks, and Happy New Year.

  109. I’ve read all of Cathy Lamb’s books. She is my favorite author. She keeps me laughing and who doesn’t need to laugh. Over the holidays I read The Lucky Dog and A Gift From Tiffany’s. Both very good light reads. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  110. To all of those who have never read Cathy Lamb’s books — she is simply wonderful! I highly, highly recommend her books. I came to this blog through a Cathy post, and really didn’t think I had ever read Jane Porter. Looking at her website now though I see Flirting With Forty. I did read that one and enjoyed it. It’s time for me to check out more of her work!

  111. Hello,
    I am currently re-reading one of my favorites, “The Tiger Prince” by Iris Johansen. I just love her historical romances and highly recommend them! I have yet to read a Cathy Lamb story, but after reading your blog, I will definitely have them on my “to read” list. I have “The Good Woman” next in line. I can’t wait! Thanks for the opportunity to win such an exciting prize package! Happy New Year!!!

  112. Just learned about Cathy with this read, Jane, and liking what I read so far.

    Currently working on craft and reading Larry Brooks’ STORY ENGINEERING.

    Looking to read LIFE AS WE KNEW IT next. it held my 16 y/o attention, so I figure it’s a great reading recommendation for pretty much anyone.

    Happy new year, ladies! Keep the good stuff coming.

  113. Would you believe I just read Flirting With 40 from my TBR pile? Loved it! Am bouncing around quite a bit and read Scrapbook of Secrets e-book next. Now am devouring January comedy issue of Vanity Fair mag and fascinated by making-of Blues Brothers movie!

    I would be thrilled to read something by Cathy Lamb. 🙂

  114. I have read all of Cathy Lambs books, and I buy extra copies for friends. Over the Holidays I reread “The last time I was me”. It was the first book I had read of her’s. I got more out of it the 2nd time..Cathy’s books are in the store August 1st, and now I look forward to Fall. I just finished Killing Kennedy” and Killing Lincoln”, I also read about Jackie Kennedy “The Editor”, just started a Biography of the late Diane Vreeland . I would love to read some Jane Porter books, so I hope I win your contest! Happy New Years!

  115. I’ve never read Cathy Lamb’s books-I’ll have to check them out! The last week or so I’ve read Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie, How to Eat a Cupcake by Meg Donohue, and More Like Her by Liza Palmer. All great books, highly recommend them!

  116. Happy New Year to you!

    I have not read any of Cathy’s books, but I plan on checking them out now. Cathy, I agree on Keanu Reeves. I have always been a little bit on love with him. “A Walk in the Clouds” is one of my all time favorite movies.

    I have been reading Jill Shalvis’s Lucky Harbor series.


  117. I LOVE Cathy Lamb! I wish I could be her friend in real life. 🙂 I have read all her books and (I think) short stories/novels. I read each book within a few weeks of its release, then eagerly (impatiently) await the next one.
    Thanks for the interview.

  118. Not sure when or how I first stumbled on Cathy Lamb’s books. Think it was Julia’s Chocolates, hmmm? But suffice it to say, she had me hooked. I never laughed and cried so much in just one novel. Her characters are colorful, funny, adoptable, and idenifiable in so many ways. The moment I finished it, I was on the hunt to read everything she’d written, and every one has been the same endearing mix of characters. I now wait patiently as she finishes her next masterpiece, and when I read each one, try desperately to slowly read each, so as to savor every one, knowing it’ll be awhile before my patience is rewarded with the next. For those who’ve never enjoyed her beautiful work, don’t deny yourself a rare treat. Her stories will take you deep into your emotions, memories and conscience, about all kinds of issues. She’ll make you laugh out loud on one page, stomp around the room on the next, and sob in the tissue box two pages later. Just reading her work makes you feel you have a secret best friend.

  119. I haven’t read any of Cathy Lamb’s books yet, but I must check them out. It seems I’ve been missing out on something special.

  120. What a great interview! I became a Cathy Lamb fan when I happened upon her book SUCH A PRETTY FACE. Sure couldn’t stop there. I’ve read everything she’s published since! Happy New Year One and All!

  121. This was a wonderful interview. I have not read anything by Cathy Lamb, but after reading this post, I definitely will. I have a huge TBR stack, but I will get to them all. My goal for the year is to read 2 books a week or a minimum of 100 books this year (allowing for a lazy week or two).I am currently enjoying INSHALLAH by Sybil Powell.

  122. Great Interview!

    I just finished Me Before You by Jojo Moyes and am currently devouring Beautiful Ruins by Jess Walter.

  123. If you have never tried Cathy haven’t tried the best..what is wrong with the world..she is wonderful..every book was very strongly written come on read them…

  124. No, I have not read any of her books, but I look forward to doing so. I did not do much reading over the holidays…barely had time to finish up my Christmas cards!

  125. I love Julia’s Chocolates and Henry’s sisters by Cathy Lamb. I am reading Honolulu Hotel now and just finished Water for Elephants. All fabulous reads by very interesting authors!

  126. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books or any books at all over the holidays, which is really sad. I’m very behind on my reading, but I’ve been in school for the last three years and can finally take a break. I know once I get started again, it will be hard to stop. lol

  127. I haven’t ready any of Cathy’s books, but am always looking for new authors to “get into”. I’m currently reading a Debbie Macomber book. I’m halfway through, so it’s time to hit the bookstore again!

  128. I’ve not read any of Cathy’s books but would love to after reading her interview here.

    We just made a major move a couple months ago, so I’ve not really been reading much of anything but have a long list I’m ready to start working on.

    Next on my ‘to do’ list is to get a shiny new library card for my new town. That way I can start feeding my habit again!

  129. No, haven’t read any of Cathy’s books yet. They sound like my kind of read. Trying to get over with all the Holidays and cooking and baking so am not reading anything except ‘recipes’…lol. Happy New Year to everyone…Ruth

  130. I have read Julia’s Chocolates and loved it. What a wonderful post and so special. Over the holidays I read a memorable novel, The Shoemaker’s Wife. Best wishes Jane for a wonderful and productive 2013.

  131. I finished reading Just the Way You are by Barbara Freethy. What I thought was going to be a light read, turned out to be a very good and moving story about love, forgiveness, and staying true to yourself. Very good read.

  132. I have never read any of Cathy Lamb’s books but she sounds amazing so I am adding her to my list! Right now I am reading Violets of March and Brain on Fire–one actual, physical book and one on the Kindle app of my iPad….multi-tasking.

    Happy New Year, Jane!!

  133. I’ve just discovered Monica McCarty. I genuinely LOVE to find a new author that I really like. It’s like Christmas… A surprise Christmas all year long. So I’m working through her warriors…just finished The Recruit. Waiting for Cathy’s next book, still reading through the others. I would genuinely love to be at one of the gatherings the ladies have in Julia’s Chocolates.

  134. I am currently reading Lullibies and Lies by Mallory Kane, and unfortunately none by Cathy Lamb. Not much reading during Christmas, I was too tired after cooking:) If you enjoy paranormal romantic comedy, then you’ll enjoy Dead and Loving It or Undead and Unemployed by Mary Janice Davidson. I only read these books by her, but once I started reading them I could not put them down. Hope you and yours has a Happy New Year:)

  135. Jane, thank you for telling us about another author you recommend we read. I find it interesting that so many of the books mentioned by your readers are ones I like, too. Must be why we are all here reading your blog and books. I am reading My Mother Was Nuts by Penny Marshall right now…so interesting how childhood marks us all in different ways. Happy New Year to all your readers and you and your family, too!

  136. Hi Jane!

    I have not read any of Cathy’s books, but am definitely going to go check out her website after posting this. I love reading new authors, thanks for the introduction!

    I read Janet Evanovich’s Notorious Nineteen. I liked it, but can’t figure out why she doesn’t allow her characters to grow and their relationships to change. 🙁 I just started Seating Arrangements by Maggie Shipstead. I love it so far-strong writing. Up next will be This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz and then The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks. Can’t wait for your next one, Jane!

    I hope your writing goes well and you finish soon so you can enjoy some of that Hawaii sun (as I stare out at the snow here!!). Happy New Year!!

  137. I have never read Cathy’s books before but thank you for exposing me to her books. I will have to check out her site and look at all she has going.
    Right now I am reading Tessa Dare’s A Night To Surrender.
    I am about half way through and I recommend it highly.

    I am looking forward to the 3rd season of Downton Abbey starting Sunday night. 🙂

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone.!!

  138. I enjoy Cathy Lamb’s work immensely. I’ve never read any of your work and look forward to it. I’m feeling lucky . . .

  139. Hi Jane! I haven’t read Cathy Lamb before, but trust your judgement when it comes to books so I have added her book to my hold queue at the library. Over the holidays I read ‘Blackberry Winter’ by Sara Jio and ‘The Diviners’ by Libba Bray. Enjoyed them both quite a bit and found it interesting that both books had a 1920’s timeline. My recomendation for a good/fun read is ‘Where Did You Go Bernadette?’ by Maria Semple. I found it funny and biting and warmhearted all at the same time. Was glad to see it on so many ‘Best of..’ lists for this year.
    Happy New Year!!! And looking forward to ‘The Good Daughter’.

  140. I have never read Cathy Lamb but certainly something to look into. I just finished reading Safe Haven by Nicholas Sparks and I loved it. I want to see the movie when it comes out at the theatre. Feb is my birthday and the first item on my list of what I would like is your new book The Good Daughter…can’t wait even though it is only January 1st. Hehehe!

  141. I love Cathy lamb, I have read almost all her books, the latest was a different kind of normal and it was awesome and Tate was very cool. I have to say Henrry’s Sisters was my fav one to date. The last time I was me was also fabulous too. Cathy u r awesome and I can’t wait for your next book.

  142. Cathy is very gifted my daughter turned me on to her and she writes the most heartfelt books. Keep it up!

  143. I have never read Cathy Lamb, but I am sure looking forward to reading them now!

    Unfortunately, I have not got any reading done for the past couple weeks because of the holidays. Looking forward to curling up on the couch with a good book in hand within the next couple of days!

  144. Just finished The Hangman’s Daughter. Really enjoyed it. Thanks for this great giveaway! Fingers crossed that I win!

  145. Hi Jane!

    Hope your holidays were merry! I have not read any Cathy Lamb, but will put her on my reading list for sure! I just finished Kristin Hannah’s “Magic Hour”. I told Rich, “You know it’s a good book when you’re doing this”, and he looked up to see me crying! I love it when a book moves me and puts me so into a character’s role that I cry. I would recommend all Kristin Hannah books.

    Take care!

    Amy P

  146. I haven’t read any Cathy Lamb, but she is now on my list. I neglected reading during the holidays; just too busy but am looking forward to getting back to reading on these long, dark “hibernation” winter evenings.

  147. I just finished Celebrity In Death by J.D. Robb. Loved it! Currently looking for something new to read. 🙂

  148. “The Last Time I Was Me”…intriguing title speaks to me. So enjoyed Cathy’s interview: “Desk? What desk?” Love her sense or humor and serendipity. Looking forward to reading her. Will “bookmark” Cathy Lamb’s blog…love the way she thinks. Thank you for this introduction. Hope I win.

  149. I haven’t read anything from Cathy but would love to. I am re-reading Flirting with Forty right now and planning on starting a Stephen King book that has been calling my name for a while.

  150. I haven’t read any of Cathy’s books, but they sound fantastic!

    Over the holidays I read the Shades of Grey Trilogy.

  151. Hi everyone,
    I’m still at my desk, writing hard but wanted to check in real quick to announce the winners and they are –

    #27 Andrea Mutshcler
    #62 Adriane Juel
    #94 Josie Hink

    Send me a private email with your mailing address and I’ll get these prizes in the mail soon!

    Thanks everyone. Hope you’ve had a wonderful start to the New Year! 🙂

    Jane xoxox

  152. Umm yeah, totally missed this contest. Sick in bed for SEVEN very long, painful days. Sinus infection–no thanks for visiting me.

    I did order on of Cathy’s books for my Kindle! Happy New Year Jane. Miss you!! <3

  153. Hi everyone,
    Looks like my earlier comment from a couple of days ago didn’t show up so I’m posting the winners again. Sorry about that!

    #139 Cathy Shouse
    #50 Janice Bowman
    #80 Eli Yanti

    Drop me an email with your mailing info and I’ll get prizes in the mail asap!

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful week.
    Jane xoxox

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