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Back in Bellevue

This past weekend, I went back home to Bellevue.  It was a wonderful couple of days, fun and exciting and also a little bittersweet.  Son Ty was with me and we loved every minute of our weekend, catching up with friends.

On Sunday, March 3rd, Nancy Nordquist from the Downtown Bellevue Barnes & Noble hosted an event for me and treated me like a star!  She was so sweet and so efficient.  We had a great turn out with over 50 people.  I can’t wait to do it again in September for The Good Wife.

It’s always a pleasure to see Elisabeth Ringvard!
Thank you, Barnes & Noble for helping to make my event so successful!
I have the best readers and fans. They’re wonderful!

Today I’m headed to Tulare for an event at the Tulare Public Library at 5:30pm and so looking forward to seeing my friend Kim Taylor.  I’ll be at the library until almost 7:00pm when we’ll head to Vejar’s for a fun Girls Night Out dinner event.    Tomorrow I’ll be in Fresno for another reader dinner at the Piazza Del Pane Italian Cafe.  I’d love to see you if you’re in area so do join us if you can!

On Saturday, the 9th, I’m doing a one-day seminar and presenting several workshops for the Yosemite Romance Writers.  It’s going to be fun and energizing and I am so looking forward to meeting up with all wonderful ladies at this chapter.  Oh and speaking of workshops, if you’re on the East Coast, save these dates on your calendar:

*April 19th – I’ll be in Boonsboro, Maryland, signing books at Nora Robert’s bookstore, Turn the Page.  So exciting! If you live in the area, come say hello!

*April 19th – 21st –  I’ll be in Westminster for the Washington Romance Writers Retreat where I’ll be presenting my Intense & Tight: Pacing The Short Contemporary workshop and also my 10 Keys to Success & Survival workshops.

* April 21st – I’ll be hosting a special reader dinner in Alexandria too!  More details will be on my Events page soon so keep an eye on that.

For those of you who can’t be with me tonight, I’ve still got some fun planned!  I have a couple of deliciously fun Seattle prize boxes here for you!  Each box includes a copy of Odd Mom Out, Mrs. Perfect, lots of Seattle chocolates, coffee, a Starbucks drink card and more fun goodies.  For a chance to win, tell me what your plans are this weekend, or what you did this week. You know I love hearing from you!  I’ll pick winners on Monday, the 11th.  Have a wonderful weekend all!!


84 Comments on “Back in Bellevue

  1. I haven’t really made any plans for the weekend other then getting some reading in. Husband is off the weekend but we usually don’t do much when he is off. This week I went to the dentist for check-up and did the shopping today, so the rest of the week it will be doing some cleaning and laundry. Although there is not much left in the week so I want have to do a lot of cleaning will I?

    1. Well I did manage to go to a friends parents 90th birthday party. I stayed with them a lot when I was growing up so they were like my parents.

  2. This week has been busy with my daughter-in-laws birthday. Saturday evening is my granddaughter’s one year old birthday party with family. It has been wonderful having family visit and celebrating. Looking forward to the weekend for more fun. Have a great time at the library and your wonderful tour next week.

  3. I have a fairly busy weekend planned. On Friday evening, I’ll be going to hear four tenors sing at a local church. Saturday morning I have to pick up homemade pierogies I ordered from my library fund raiser. Then, on Saturday evening, I’ll be going to see “Tarzan” – a musical at one our our local high schools. Sure is a lot to do & I’m grateful that the weather will be cooperating this weekend!

    Hope you enjoy your weekend at the workshop & have some time to enjoy with your family!

  4. HI Jane,
    I have been crazy busy at work with training new agents. I have today and tomorrow off to do basically nothing then back to work for more training.
    I would much rather be having some fun!!!!

  5. we’re going to the doctors tomorrow, the 2 yos son needs immunization, and the 6.5 yos need to go to the Ophthalmologist..gonna be a long weekend for me 🙂

  6. Sounds like you are having a great time! It’s always good to catch up with “old” friends!

    I’m planning on doing absolutely nothing this weekend! 🙂

  7. I’m probably going to help my sister pack up some of her stuff to move to her new house. She’s been moving slowly since December so she needs some help. Other than that, nothing special.

  8. I’m going to meet up with a couple girlfriends and get mani/pedis. It’ll be fun to get pampered and catch up with some friends 🙂

  9. This week we will move to a new house, I’m thinking about my books *sigh

    Have a great weekend Jane and all of you 🙂

  10. I always enjoy hearing about your events. Everyone seems to have a great time and I know your upcoming ones will just as fun. Nothing too exciting going on in my boring world. We’re planning to have dinner with my mother-in-law Sunday, so Saturday will be filled with our usual weekend errands. I need to pick up a plant or flowers to take across the street to my new neighbors. I found out this afternoon, their 18 year old son passed away Saturday. We saw them bring him out, but I had no idea who it was at the time. Something like this is a reminder, no one is given any tomorrow and love the people who are in your life right now. Enjoy visiting with all your friends this weekend!

  11. Jane,
    Hi. This week I have been working lots of overtime. I figured if it is being offered then I should take advantage of the opportunity to earn extra cash.
    Hope you have a great weekend.


  12. I wish I could have made it to Bellevue. 🙂

    No big plans this weekend, just catching up on things. I hope it’s a laid back one as we have been so busy.

  13. MIL took a turn for the worse tonight, so we’ll probably be visiting her at the hospital on the weekend (if she makes it through this hurdle). We’re supposed to attend a birthday party on Sunday, but it seems unlikely right now.
    Thanks for sharing your very busy life with us, Jane. It’s great to see you out there with your readers, etc. (even though it takes time away from your actual writing).

  14. It looks like you had a wonderful time. I hope all your upcoming events are equally successful. Unfortunately, we are going to a memorial service for a member of my husband’s family.

  15. Busy weekend planned here. The kids and I are going to a friend’s for pizza and movie night on Saturday (watching Breaking Dawn Part 2 on her big screen). Sunday is devoted to shopping for a prom dress for my daughter. Looking forward to doing both. Glad the book tour is going so well for you, Jane!

  16. This week we have been coping with another storm…looking forward to the 50’s this weekend to melt it all away!

  17. Hi Jane,

    This weekend I’m going to do absolutely nothing! I’m going to relax and read. Something I don’t get to do enough of.

    I hope you have a wonderful day and weekend.

  18. Hi Jane!
    Loved seeing you last night and getting to hang out and chat and catch up at Vejar’s! I was so busy all week with several events, but you coming to our amazing Tulare Library and then treating us to a fun night out was the icing on the cake! Safe travels to Fresno today! Try to stay dry and enjoy your time in the Central Valley! We love having you visit us <3 See you again soon! xoxo

  19. Dinner with some friends on Saturday and then resting for the rest of the weekend. It has been a crazy workweek, although not as busy as yours it seems! 🙂

  20. Wednesday and Thursday, my husband had to work late and go out to dinner with his bosses, so it was just me and my daughter all day and night. We had some snuggle time on the couch watching movies both nights. It’ll be a nice weekend with my hubby, maybe I’ll get some reading time while my daughter plays with her daddy 🙂 Hope you have a great weekend!

  21. Hi Jane,

    I´m still smiling from the pictures on your blog.
    So very sweet of you to put me on. I was so surprised when I heated over to you blog.

    The sun is out here in the Seattle area so I´m heading for the zoo with my kids and then the weekend is filled with concerts and exercising.
    It´s going to be a fun weekend.

  22. No major plans for me this weekend. In fact, other than a small get together I am going to today, the entire weekend is free from any plans at all. This does not happen often, so I’m going to enjoy it. Have fun with your travels this week!

  23. No major plans for the weekend.
    I was hoping to go see new Oz movie. I haven’t been to the show in ages.

  24. I don’t have many plans for this weekend. Tonight I’m going out to eat with my parents to my favorite chinese restaurant. I’m pretty excited. =] Then Saturday morning I’m taking a 2 hour spin class. I’ll be relaxing the rest of the weekend. =]

  25. This was “the week that was” as laugh in taught us to say.
    Sun. I tried to recover from taking teenagers out of town from 4:30am to 9pm and they were not even mine!
    This was followed by a court session concerning custody which was settled, only to be texted one hour later that he read it when he signed, but not carefully and has served the attorney again and crying fraudulent handling of the case. Wow! Just consider the little children.
    I cared for the neighbor’s newly acquired dog in my yard after carefully checking my fence so there would be no escaping. Houdini was able to escape some time during the day, but luckily was sitting on the neighbor’s porch when I discovered her gone and panicked.
    This weekend I hope is calm, that is unless the part of the family that went to the Sierras is snowed in for a while. It could prove to be more interesting than I would like.
    Loved reading your blog!

  26. Doing laundry and getting ready to head to Spokane next week for a couple of days with my granddaughter and great granddaughter, reading of course just don’t know what yet. And oh yes, I will be writing a review on Amazon and Good Reads for The Good Woman which I just finished by let me see who was that, oh yes it was you. Have a great weekend.

  27. My weekend is a weird combo. Attending a funeral service for my exhusband….and planning a wedding with my boyfriend!

  28. Jane,

    I hope you have a fabulous weekend with all of your events. I’ll be taking the nephew to our cousin’s birthday part and hopefully relaxing. It’s been a long week.

  29. Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! I will be celebrating my dad’s 84th birthday with family this Sunday. I also want to shop for some spring clothes.

  30. I’ve spent the past week visiting family in WV. Heading home to GA tomorrow ( Saturday). Not looking forward to the long drive..11 hrs..but excited to get home and see my kitty. 🙂

  31. Fun to see Elizabeth in your pics. Met her at the Portland Tea … she sat at my table. 🙂 Hoping to attend your September event in Spokane. See you then! 🙂

  32. This week I called in at work to stay with my sick grandson. My daughter was exhausted and I needed Grandma time. It was my first actual call-in in my life, but well worth it.

  33. Jane, so happy for you and Ty to reconnect with old friends. What a fun time for both of you. Your up-coming trips in April sound terrific. Going to Boonsboro is on my bucket list. To stay in that Inn would be like stepping into one of Nora Robert’s books. I am going to be doing lots of reading of Jane Porter books this weekend which is always a fantastic use of time!

  34. Oh … And my plans for this weekend are catching up on school work. :- But also planning fun things to do when my mom comes to visit for my 50th birthday on the 19th! Can’t wait!! 😀

  35. I will be in Coeur d’Alene Id visiting my mom while she is in the hospital. That’s not the fun part; the fun part will be re-reading “Flirting with Forty”!

  36. This weekend my daughter wants to paint her ceilings soo I will have the two munchkins at my house during the day. I’ll fire up the hot tub for a “little” swimming and we’ll bake some cookies for an afternoon snack!

  37. Cleaning, baking, church, time with the hubster, more baking, reading…I hope, and watching some hockey!

  38. Not sure what the weekend will bring. Most likely not much. Have a sick teenager. Will stick close to home. Wishing I had a new Jane Porter book to read. Looking forward to next week. My nine year old son has some days off school. Looking forward to hanging with him.

  39. My plans for this weekend are to finish moving my kids bedrooms around. I’ve been doing it all week. My 3 year old twins are going to be splitting up. He’s moving in to his big brothers room and she’s getting her very own fairy garden themed bedroom.

  40. Fun weekend ! Friday- gift auction. Saturday -Cub Scout Olympics. Sunday – Cub Scout Blue and Gold Dinner!

  41. I am going to hang with the kiddos, get some reading in, and find something fun to do… for once, lately, I have no specific plans! Have a great time in Fresno!

  42. Been busy getting the house ready for our out of town guests who will be joining us for spring break. I FINALLY have paint colors picked out and started painting- holla!

    You look like your having such a great time promoting this book, wish I could join you!

  43. This weekend my girlfriends are throwing me a sprinkle in honor of my new baby on the way. Can’t wait to see everyone because we all have such busy lives but we never allow distance and schedules to get in the way of our girl time!

  44. Mostly errands and shuttling kids around. I am trying to improve my sewing skills to be able to make some things for the home and maybe even some clothes, would love to go fabric shopping this weekend!

  45. This weekend I am dogsitting a friend’s two fur babies. Tessa is 18 months old and Hope is 8 yrs. old. It is interesting to say the least, since I have no pets at all. They are funny, loving and furry. So far, so good, knock on wood…LOL I am so glad all your events are going well. Just waiting my turn ’til you are in the area!

  46. I did all my errands yesterday so I can veg all weekend. Drizzled all night, now fog. Rain, sleet, snow for today and tomorrow. I want spring flowers and sunshine!

  47. Easy weekend getting ready for a busy next week with appointments every day. Will read His Majesty’s Mistake starting on Monday and looking forward to that. Have a super time at all your events, Jane…O to have a fourth of your energy…you rock, Ruth

  48. I have a very exciting weekend planned… Not so much… I need to clean house ( yuck). If I get that done, I hope to make a batch of candles & soap 🙂

  49. Hi Jane!

    I pre-ordered The Good Wife from Amazon today. Woo hoo! Can’t wait to read it. It looks like you are having a lot of fun at your promotional events! So happy they are going well for you.

    It’s supposed to rain all weekend here. 🙁
    So, I just plan on hanging with my boys, and doing a lot of writing and reading. Hope you have a great weekend!

  50. It’s beautiful here this weekend and the sun has been amazing!! Wish the days were a little longer! My kids have three different birthday parties they are heading to and I am planning a fun surprise party for my husband!! So much partying to be done!!!

  51. hi jane…my plans include a little relaxation this weekend…and enjoying a little bit of sunshine in march.

  52. Yesterday I read The Fallen Greek Bride and absolutely enjoyed it. Today I will be catching up on the chores I ignored yesterday! Thanks for the chance to win!

  53. the weekend went by so fast! dis lots of housework, had a date w/my husband on sat night, then relaxed on sunday. now back work…

  54. Did some chores, went to exercise, walk the dog, and I bought two pairs of shoes on sale, along with a 30% off coupon, plus a gift card.

  55. Hi everyone,
    Hope you’re all having a good week! I’m catching up with things in my office and on the home front so it’s been a busy day.

    Our winners are –

    #34 Lynn Buddenbohm
    #60 Priscilla Pomeroy

    Shoot me an email with your mailing information and I’ll get these delicious prizes in the mail to you! Please be sure to include the title of this blog post in your email too.

    Jane xoxoxo

  56. Hi Jane – really enjoyed the reception on Friday Night in Fresno and also the writer’s workshop. It was a little overwhelming. I picked up alot of tips about writing and learned something about romance novels. I really enjoyed meeting you.

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