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Happy Mother’s Day…Early!

One of my favorite days in May is Mother’s Day because it celebrates women and mothers everywhere, and I am such a fan of women.  We really do juggle a lot of balls and accomplish amazing things.  Women and moms are constantly giving and this year,  as a special treat, Tule Publishing is recognizing women by releasing a fabulous Mother’s Day Romance Bundle featuring 12 delicious stories by 12 bestselling authors for just .99 cents!

We want to recognize all the wonderful moms and women out there who love to read and this is our little gift to you on your special day!  This Mother’s Day collection features stories from Megan Crane, CJ Carmichael, Lilian Darcy, Melissa McClone, Katherine Garbera, Kelly Hunter, Trish Morey, Kim Boykin, Erika Marks, Kaira Rouda and yes, me, too.  The special e-book boxed set is  available at Amazon, and here’s the order link:

The special promo price will only last until the 11th of May (Mother’s Day) and then goes up to $2.99 on Monday, which is still a steal, so be sure to download your copy of the Mother’s Day box set today and do help me get the word out to all your friends too.  It’s a very limited deal because by the end of May, this Mother’s Day gift will be gone forever!

A selection of tasty treats put together especially for Mother’s Day. From the ruggedly beautiful land that is Montana, come these tales of love and romance from some of the genre’s best selling and award winning authors.  And the bonus is, they’re entirely calorie free!
Happy Mother’s Day!
Stories included:
Megan Crane – Tempt Me, Cowboy
CJ Carmichael – Promise Me Cowboy
Lilian Darcy – The Sweetest Thing
Jane Porter – Christmas at Copper Mountain
Melissa McClone – Home for Christmas
Katherine Garbera – A Cowboy for Christmas
Kelly Hunter – What a Bride Wants
Trish Morey – Second Chance Bride
Kim Boykin – Sweet Home Carolina
Erika Marks – Bet the House


I also have a wonderful Mother’s Day prize for one of you…just because I like you.  🙂

For a chance to win this special Mother’s Day treat, just tell me what you are doing this weekend in the comments section below, and that’s it!  You are entered.  Winner will be announced Sunday evening PST, so make sure you enter soon while you can!




42 Comments on “Happy Mother’s Day…Early!

  1. Working all weekend, other than going with my daughter and her bridesmaids to look at bridesmaid dresses Saturday morning.
    Have a lovely weekend, Jane and everyone else!

  2. This weekend I will be going to visit my mom for Mother’s Day. However before that, I need to pick up my Euros from the bank for an upcoming trip to France. This will be my first time to France!

  3. Making a beautiful Tuscany inspired patio/courtyard with water feature and lots of plants (Bouganvillea, Jasmine, and Wisteria). This will be my future writing spot. Bought my sweet mom a climbing yellow rose bush. My two sisters and I will plant the rose for her on Mother’s Day and in memory of our sister who passed. It will be a beautiful weekend.

  4. Spending time with the sons and their children. Lunch and relaxing together. Looking forward to enjoying this precious day.

  5. Well my husband has to work so I will be cleaning house. I always clean the house of the weekends he works.

  6. Not much! Routine things: cleaning, laundry, trying to get a little peace and quiet when I can. My husband will cook on Mother’s Day, but I’ll still have to clean up.

  7. Happy Mother’s Day, Jane! 🙂

    This weekend I’ll watch the boy play baseball (his VERY LAST Little League game–sniff sniff. On Sunday head to the beach or Disneyland. I can’t decide! I think I’ll take both days off from cooking…yes, that sounds good.

    Much love and Cheers to a fantastic Mom!!

    XO, S

  8. This weekend my parents, children, sister and her family are coming over our house. It will be nice to see everyone. I hope everyone has a lovely day!

  9. No big plans … Maybe going to the movies to see Spider-Man with my son. I hope you, Jane, and all the others here have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  10. No plans yet; however, I did buy my daughter-in-love and outdoor plant for her patio.

  11. Unfortunately, I can not tell you what I am doing on Mother’s Day, because I am never told, my children love to surprise me! They do this on my birthday and Christmas as well. I have gotten quite use to expecting the unexpected! For example: one of my gifts was a homemade dvd, my children made, put music to it, and placed photo’s of them from birth up to the week they gave me this gift. It was such an incredible feeling to watch them grow up again before my eyes! My children also love to bring me to tears with the stunning surprise’s they give me, I can tell you that I have never been disappointed with any one of the gifts they have showered on me throughout the years. And, I know that I am a very lucky woman to have 3 of the greatest kids anyone could ask for. I hope this answer will be okay I would like to say oh, I am going here, but my kids say I am not ordinary, so they have to stay on their toes! Happy Mother’s Day Jane, I hope you and your boys have a wonderful day together. And as always you are such an awesome woman! B

  12. So far, going out to a new Mexican restaurant in our downtown community…Mexican food is our fav so we are really looking forward to it. Happy Mother’s Day to us all…Ruth

  13. What a treat! I just bought the Romance bundle. So many fun stories.

    Both my mother and mother-in-law live in town so we will be running between Moms on Sunday to celebrate. No telling what my boys will do for me – maybe breakfast in bed!

  14. Already bought that fabulous book deal. My husband & I are going to the theater Sunday night. Not sure what the kids have planned. My niece is coming up this weekend from finishing her 1st semester of grad school, which is 2.5 hours south of my home. She’s flying out from here to Florida for her summer internship. We just lost her mom (my sister) 4 weeks ago & mother’s day makes it 1 month. So I bought a special “I’m thinking of you card” to hide for her like her mom used to.

  15. Hi Jane,
    I am hanging out with my mom and sister. We are all mothers. Happy Mothers Day to you.


  16. We will be visiting my mom and my husband’s mom and grandmother, and maybe going out for brunch. Happy Mother’s Day, Jane!!

  17. I’m spending time with my children. We are also going to dinner with my parents. I’m going to enjoy myself 🙂

    Love, Summer

  18. I surprised my 9 year old daughter last night telling her we’re going to Indiana for the weekend so we can surprise her bff and crash her slumber/birthday party. You should of seen her face and the tears from happiness! – that made for an awesome Mother’s Day!

  19. I am going to a craft fair with a friend on Saturday. And then on Sunday my mom and I are going on a home/garden tour. We do this every year for Mother’s Day. I am very grateful and happy to have her in my life. Happy Mother’s Day to you Jane! I hope your Mother’s Day weekend is fabulous.

  20. This Mother’s Day, I have the privilege of teaching Sunday School in the morning, followed by a bike ride and picnic supper in the park. A wonderful family tradition, feeling blessed. 🙂

  21. well guess what, hubby and I are going out to a neighbouring town for what sounds like a lovely buffet for Mother’s Day evening. Have never done this before so looking forward to it.

    I work Friday and some of Saturday.
    Happy Mother’s Day

  22. I will be taking my mom to Brunch and Bingo, because that is what she wants to do and it is her day.

  23. I plan to catch up on sleep since I wake up for work every day at 05:15 a.m or sooner and I’m just so tired.

  24. I will be working all weekend and selecting a hanging plant for my Mom. Not sure what my husband and girls have planned.

  25. I plan to attend church and then spend the afternoon with my mother. I will also be enjoying my First Mother’s Day as a grandmother. #Good times #unending blessings! Happy Mother’s Day Jane!!

  26. I am having lunch with my Mom. Hopefully spend a little time sitting on the front porch reading a book!

  27. I will be having brunch somewhere with the kids on Sunday. Have a happy Mother’s Day!

  28. Already ordered this great set, looking forward to finding some time to get started on it this weekend. Also looking forward to spending time with my boys and and 2 great Mom’s this weekend!

  29. Cleaning, running errands, but on Sunday we’ll be with the whole fam-damly on my husbands side. I don’t mind this as I lost my mom when I was 10, so Mother’s Day has always been tough for me.
    I always tell my husband and girls to just get me some nice daisies, because when they try to get a gift it always seems like a big hassle.

    You have a wonderful M-day with your amazing guys Jane.

    peace out

  30. I already have the bundle but I wanted to tell what I am doing this weekend.

    My youngest daughter GRADUATES from College Saturday 🙂
    So both my girls are now finished 🙂

  31. Hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day! Our winner is

    # Summer G

    Summer, drop me an email with your mailing details and we’ll have your goodies to you soon!

    Jane xoxo

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