World champion bull rider, Braden ‘Bear” Anderson is a Montana legend in and out of the arena, but when a horrifying accident in Tulsa leaves him fighting for his life, many fear for Bear’s future. Determined to live independently, he hires a design company to remodel his luxury log cabin to accommodate his new needs, but when he arrives, and the work does not meet his specifications, he furiously fires the crew.
Josie Calhoun is no stranger to challenge. A passionate advocate for universal design after growing up with a younger brother with special needs, she’s determined to ensure that Bear’s cabin is everything he needs and wants. Bear is fierce, but Josie’s not intimidated and immediately gets to work. She soon realizes Bear needs more than an accessible home, he needs a new purpose.
Josie’s family objects to how much time she spends with Bear, but she’s never been happier. Bear knows he doesn’t deserve Josie, and thinks he should push her out the door. But can he let go of the best part of his life?
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