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That’s It?!?

I can’t be home already. I was only just leaving, just arriving, just skipping about Australia having the most marvelous time. How can I already be back in the Pacific Northwest? How can my trip be over? How can two weeks just…well…fly by?

The trip went so smoothly, too, each and every hotel was great. No lost reservations. No dented rental cars. Nothing embarrassing (other than the one night the one son peed his bed but shhh, that was jet lag when we first arrived and too much liquid before what wasn’t a normal bedtime.)

No, the trip was fantastic. The Australians are lovely. The continent huge and endlessly fascinating. My traveling companions perfection. (Bed wetters not withstanding, and since it wasn’t my bed that got wet, I really can’t complain.)

And now I guess it’s time to write.

Or do book signings. Yes. I do believe I’ve quite a few book signings coming up. Spokane this weekend. Bellingham on Tuesday. Hawaii the 26th and 27th and then Fresno, Visalia and San Diego the first half of September. So come see me. Please come see me. You’d be doing me a huge favor. I hate to sit alone.