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Baby Update

It’s Saturday morning and I’ll be barricaded in my office all weekend trying to get my revisions done. I had all week, and I did work on Zayed’s story (the third book of my Harlequin Desert Kings trilogy) when I could, but between doctors appointments and life stuff, I just didn’t get as much done on the writing front as I expected. Being pregnant has been a lot more work than I remembered! Maybe it’s my age, maybe it’s just a fuzzy memory, but I don’t remember being slowed this much by pregnancy in the past. I don’t remember struggling with my body this much.

With this pregnancy I subscribed to several mom and pregnancy magazines. In fact, I subscribed over a year ago when we were getting ready for our first round of IVF and all spring and summer I poured over the maternity fashions, studied all the new looks and discovered that today’s modern pregnant woman isn’t supposed to wear the tent dresses and loose tops, but snug knit pieces that hug the body and highlights the wonderful curves of pregnancy. I loved the idea. I couldn’t wait to wear the tops and clothes I’d ordered, some rather expensive, some from as far away as London. I’m six months along now and definitely with belly and boobs and those snug knit tops should be celebrating my shape.  Unfortunately, I forgot that along with belly and boobs I also get butt.

And chunky thighs.

And thick arms.

The only thing all the wonderful snug knit maternity clothes do is proclaim me round, and quite possibly, fat.

I’m not complaining, at least not a lot, because something wonderful happened this week and its taken me five days to process the news and share it: the baby looks great.

You see, I haven’t been getting lots of consistent wonderful updates at the ultrasounds. In fact, at my week 20 ultrasound they gave Surfer Ty and me the news that the baby might have some serious problems. The baby–a boy, and yes, I’m thrilled to be having another boy, I just love, love, love my boys–was very very small and had a number of issues that indicated possibly serious life problems. Ty and I were shocked and worried and while he didn’t talk about it much, we both did lots of quiet thinking, as we adjusted the way we imagined our life to be after baby was born. Maybe baby wouldn’t be a little surf baby.  Maybe baby would need special education. Maybe baby would be a special needs child. I prayed, and resolved  to love this wonderful beautiful boy no matter what issues he faces because he’s the baby we’ve been waiting for.

The doctor did give me some suggestions to try to help the baby along. He said I need to up my protein as much as I could, including downing one or two protein shakes a day, to add baby aspirin to my daily diet, to up my folic acid intake, and to rest when I could. I did all that, as well as asked close friends to pray and keep the baby in their thoughts.

A month later, at this week’s ultrasound, we got really great news. Baby Mac, yep, his name’s going to be Mac, had doubled his weight and size, and all the problems they saw a month ago appeared to have been resolved. He’s so active lately I knew he had to be healthy. He’s a bundle of energy and always moving and kicking and thumping and hiccuping. It’s just amazing that after a month of worry and more, to know that Mac now will have a chance to start life as a healthy baby boy.

But still, keep baby Mac in your thoughts and prayers. He’s a little fighter, but I’m not leaving anything to chance. I want this baby to know he’s dearly loved and very wanted and we can’t wait to meet him and welcome him to the family.

To celebrate Mac’s good news, I’m doing a weekend contest with the prize being a signed copy of your choice of one of my books (Frog Prince, Flirting with Forty, Odd Mom Out, or Mrs Perfect), a cool Starbucks mug, a  Starbucks drink card, plus lots of other fun JP goodies. The contest will close Sunday night midnight and I’ll post the winner’s name Monday morning. To be entered, all you have to do is post a comment this weekend, and that’s it. You can tell me what you’re doing this weekend, how your week went, or your plans for next week. Just talk to me and you’re in!

95 Comments on “Baby Update

  1. Hi Jane: I have never posted a comment on your website but have poured through and LOVED each of your modern lit books. I started with “Flirting” when it was featured in Redbook. I went out, bought the book and read it in 2 days. I’m a busy mom with 2 kids so that is speaking VOLUMES about how engaging and entertaining it was. I can’t complain about my love, family, or marriage but that book took me away and was a welcome, pleasant escape. Thank you! I went back to Frog Prince then devoured your future books (Marta and Taylor). The Flirting movie was great, but didn’t do the book justice…what pride you must have to see your creation into millions of homes!

    Well what fabulous news about little Mac; and God will bless you with another beautiful boy that will melt your heart with all he has to share. Take care of yourself (and him) and I look forward to updates.

    Happy New Year!

  2. Hi, Jane:

    I just posted my first comment earlier today and here I am already posting another one. I was hoping you would share more baby news with us. I understand perfectly why you have not said much up to now. Having a child later in life brings with it many concerns and it’s best not to say much until after the baby is born. I had both of my girls by the age of 24. I am loving the fact that my daughter gave me two beautiful grandsons so I can enjoy all the fun boy things. I am absolutely ecstatic to hear that the baby and you are both doing well. I love the name Mac also.

    Don’t worry at all about how you look. Based on your website pictures, you are still very attractive and look far younger than your age. In fact – you should have played yourself in the movie in my opinion.

    All my best for a continued healthy pregnancy. Can’t wait to see photos in May from the proud parents and big brothers. The boys must be very excited to have another boy in the family.

    My husband and son-in-law are returning shortly from a week in Park City, UT so I need to get on the stick now and go shopping for dinner. I am going to try a new recipe I found – Pumpkin Potato Gnocchi with Tomato Sage Sauce – wish me luck!!

  3. What great news.

    I’ll keep my toes crossed for you that all goes well for baby Mac and you.

    Weekend plans include writing, reading and cleaning the house.

  4. I’m so happy to hear that little Mac is doing well. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest!

    This weekend is all about laundry and cleaning. And rewarding the laundry and cleaning getting done with some reading. 🙂

  5. What great news about the baby! Thanks so much for sharing with us.
    As for what I’m doing this weekend – I plan to stay in and stay warm as much as possible. Another winter storm working its way through our portion of Ohio and the snow is coming down and the temps are in the low 20s. Although I would rather get the snow than the freezing rain we got this past Tuesday/Wednesday.

  6. I’m so happy baby Mac is doing well! That is absolutely wonderful! Thank you for sharing with us, Jane! With a winter storm forecast for this weekend , I’ll be staying inside and doing laundry and household chores. Take care!!

  7. Ooh, baby Mac what a wonderful name. My daughter is fixing to turn 19, my son is 9. Haven’t heard the pitter patter of little feet in many years. Oh, girl you must go out and buy some Dreft detergent. Wash the baby blanket (you know you’ve got one – don’t pretend you dont. 🙂 and a few other baby items. Fix yourself a protein drink and relax while sniffing that wonderful baby smell of Dreft. You may think you look fat and frumpy but you know your not!Okay, I’m a 6th generation Texan and I’m enjoying this beautiful weather we are having. Dear hubby was born in Canada and would like to move somewhere colder.. Oops, sorry honey I’m not leaving my Texas weather. I HATE cold and prefer the heat. So I took a break from painting our bedroom walls to check out your blog for the day. After painting I plan on writing and reading a bit. Might even go see a movie with my daughter. Tomorrow we will be working in the yard doing landscaping and planning the layout for our future pool. A lagoon pool, yippy. Take very good care of yourself, little Mac and his big brothers. How cool is that!

  8. Oh, Jane, I’m so happy for you! A beautiful baby boy to add to the handsome fellows you already have! You’re surrounded by them! Lucky, lucky you!

    I’m recovering from yet another sinus cold so for comfort, I’m re-reading PRIDE AND PREJUDICE in a lovely fat, annotated edition…and thinking of Colin Firth!

    Prayers and good thoughts for you and baby Mac!

    Hugs, Debora

  9. Jane,
    I cried as I read your post tonight. I am so very happy to hear the baby is doing so well! I can’t wait to meet Baby Mac! What a great name! Hope you continue to feel well and get a lot of your writing done this weekend!! It is snowing here in NJ and we are spending a quiet night in since we spent last night at a wedding dancing until my feet were numb from the pain:) You, Ty, and Mac, and of course, your 2 boys continue to be in my thoughts and prayers!

  10. Jane,

    What great news! I’m so happy for all of you. I’m just sitting around this weekend watching football and reading some of your books I got for Christmas. I’ve already read Frog Prince, Flirting with Forty, Odd Mom Out and Mrs. Perfect and wanted to read more from you. So I just read The Sultans bought Bride and I’m on to The Greek’s Royal Mistress. Have a great weekend.

  11. Thanks so much for sharing your baby news with us. I am so happy for you and your entire family that you received such good news at this last visit. I will definitely be thinking good thoughts and keeping Baby Mac in my prayers.
    Just received my Flirting with Forty pack and love it! Thanks again for all you do!

  12. Hi Jane,
    I have enjoyed your upbeat blogs about the new baby Mac. So darn cute! I am hanging out this weekend, trying to stay positive and upbeat. I found out that my husband has decided that he wants to separate and my heart is breaking. So sad! At least you gave me a smile reading your blog. Thank you for that small bit of sunshine.

    I will say a prayer for you, the boys, baby Mac and Surfer Ty.

  13. What wonderful news for your family! I will definitely continue to keep Baby Mac & ALL of you in my prayers. I loved the post by Becky about the Dreft…she’s right, you know you have a baby blanket to snuggle!! And in a few months, a beautiful boy to wrap in it & snuggle even more! I am so very happy for you that this ultrasound has brought you good news. I totally understand, as I went through a rough pregnancy with my son: in the hospital more than out, told we were losing him, REFUSING to, and here he is, a wonderful 6 ft tall 19 year old. So KEEP THE FAITH!! All will be well. We are all pulling for your family & praying for you all. As for this weekend, I am smack dab in the middle of a Winter Storm Warning area & lucky me has to go out Sat. & Sun. nights in it to go to work 3rd shift (YUK). So I will be slip-sliding away in southwestern Ohio & wishing I was somewhere warm! Have a great & HAPPY weekend!!! 🙂

  14. Jane,

    You have a wonderful heart and will no doubt be a wonderful mother – Mac’s a lucky kid! It sounds like you’ve been on an emotional roller coaster this last month and I’m thrilled to hear your good news.

    My weekend so far has consisted of working with the conference chair for the Emerald City Writers’ Conference, an event you have generously supported. It’s not until October, but plans are already in the works!

    I wish all the best, always, for you and your family!


  15. Jane, I am so glad you got good news on Mac. I know that is a bit of weight off your shoulders so to speak.
    Today and tomorrow me and my dear hubby are planting trees. 250 beautiful Red Cedar seedings. hopefully in a few years I will have a beautiful wall of trees.
    My youngest daughter turns 18 on monday and I had to run to town tonight and order her birthday cake. My 25th anniversary is on Wednesday, I can’t believe I made it. I need to run to the Hallmark store and get a card for my hubby ASAP.
    I finish reading Mrs. Perfect I ordered it from amazon back during Christmas. Loved it!!!

  16. Oh Jane,

    I am so very happy for you! I will keep baby Mac in my thoughts and prayers too. I’m glad that he is looking healthy now! That’s the scariest feeling, worrying for your child. I’m so relieved for you and yours.

    I’ve been cleaning house all day today, but tomorrow we are taking the kids to lunch and a movie.

    Happy Weekend! Hugs, Zara

  17. Jane~

    So happy to hear the news about Baby Mac. As per your last blog entry…it’s amazing what prayer and alot of positive thinking can do!
    Keep Healthy! You are in my prayers.

  18. Jane,
    I am so happy to hear that Mac is looking good! I remember the fear that grips you when you are pregnant and think something might be wrong. You and Mac will be in my prayers and thoughts. Hopefully he will continue to thrive!!!! Have a wonderful weekend and an easy time with your editing!

  19. Hi Jane, wonderful news on baby Mac. And I’m sure you look gorgeous in your new clothes. You and your family are in my prayers.


  20. Congrats on your great news! I will keep you & Baby Mac in my thoughts and prayers!!! Babies are such miracles!

  21. Thank you for sharing your great news! I thought you looked great at the book signing at B&N. Just be sure to get your rest and take care of yourself and baby Mac as your #1 priority.

  22. I am so happy for you! I, too, went through IVF…5 times!!! with no luck. It’s very difficult and trying and no one really gets it. Along with gaining weight from the medication, mood swings, depression, all the bills, my marriage almost ended. But, you did it!! You’re baby will be perfect no matter what! Congrats!!!

  23. So good to hear such GOOD news! Go Baby Mac!

    Went to a new writer’s group this morning – on crutches. While lying in bed trying to decide if I really needed a full hour to wash, dry hair and dress or whether I could sleep another 15 minutes, I crossed my legs contemplatively and CRACK! My knee went all wonky. I did not want to miss the meeting come knee or impending blizzard, so I gimped my way there and back and have spent the rest of the day in pain med coma with ice and kitty cats for company. Thank God for laptops!

    Tomorrow will be better…

    Keep up the good baby work, Jane.

  24. that totally rocks that you and the babe are doing well!

    got lots of snow today so it looks like quiet night in and start looking for some wall colors for the new house!

  25. I’m back teaching school after the holiday break and it’s so good to see the kids again. I really love January because it’s a fresh start. This year will bring a wonderful new baby for you….congratulations!

  26. Catch up from spending the holidays in DisneyWorld. It was nice to be home, but the west side of Washington had over 4 feet of snow. I had to dig myself into my home.

    I am currently relazing after two bday parties so far this weekend and one tomorrow.

    Congrats on the good news about Mac.

  27. Hi Jane,
    I think your news is fabulous about Mac. Take Care of yourself and prepare for your special delivery.
    I am spending the weekend with my Special Needs Child. We are doing our weekend “homework” that Cameron does all week with his “OT”,”PT” ‘”ABA” and in his Special Ed Class. I too have a goal that my special little one could become a Surfer Ty, an Engineer like Daddy or maybe a Fighter Pilot like Grandpa John. With lots of love, support, work and prayers, I hope to see our goal.
    Have a wonderful weekend!!
    Happy Editing and continue your protein shakes.
    Warm Regards,
    Lisa Borchert

  28. Hi Jane!

    I’m so glad to hear that Baby Mac is doing well, and he will be in my thoughts and prayers.

    As for this weekend, I’ll be spending it curled up with a nice comfy blanket and a good book. 🙂

    Take care, Jane!

  29. Hi Jane,

    I am so glad that things are going well with baby Mac. I know how scary it can be. I will continue to send positive thoughts your way.

    As for my plans… Oh the fun stuff… clean-up the house, go grocery shopping, do laudry, clean out the cat litter box (that is always fun and smelly), pick up dog poop (it has been awhile) and hopefully not step in it, break up fights between my kids (oh they do so like to pick on each other), argue with my daughter about practicing the piano, and attempt to cook a new recipe that the kids will most likey say yucky and not eat. After all this, I will spend some quality time with my family. Life is too short not to 🙂

    Take care

  30. Hi Jane,

    This is my first comment on your Blog. I want you to know that you and Baby Mac will be in my prayers. I am so thankful that the recent ultrasound was positive and your little guy is thriving!!

    I love your writing and look forward to reading more of your books. I have read Flirting With Forty and it is one of my favorites!! I thank you for your Blog, too!! I enjoy reading your updates!

    I have cleaned all day so tomorrow will be spent with my family….a bike ride or time at the park.

    Take care and REST!!

  31. Jane, I’m so very glad to read that your baby’s in bouncing good health (er, especially when he’s not kicking your bladder). Worrying about how he might turn out is so draining and you can go into an infinite loop over there thinking and thinking. You did the best you could do to take care of your baby: you ate well, you rested, you laughed and celebrated the holidays, you went to Hawaii. See, I’m thinking, Mac’s Hawaiian, may not surf, but he sure’s a native. You go stay in Hawaii for a bit, and his health is back to normal. 🙂

  32. Hi Jane, I am just so glad for you that baby Mac is doing well. He is a little fighter and I am sure he will come through in fine shape. If he is anything like his Mom, then he is going to be a fine little bubs. Keep eating well and have as many rests as you need to – I just so admire that you are able to do revisions and jggle everything else that you need to, considering all the stress and worry you must have had over the last few months. You are an inspiration to all of us, Jane.
    This weekend I completed making felt hearts for Valentine’s Day. They are in a range of colours, all relating to love and happiness.
    Take care, Jane 🙂

  33. Oh, Jane I am thrilled that everything is okay with the baby!!And I love the name Mac.  You guys are in my prayers!!

  34. Jane, great news on Mac’s health!
    I’ve never commented before – but I’ve been re-reading Odd Mom Out and I came to the website to see when the next book is coming out! I have just finished miscarrying my second pregnancy in the past 9 months and chose Odd Mom Out as my safe, encouraging place to go. It’s a book that helps me count my MANY blessings (inlcuding two spectacular children, aged 4 and 2), yet still be brave enough to hope for – try for – more. Sometimes I think I am greedy! And sometimes I think that I’m just faithful. (One of my other go-to books is “Black Olives” by Martha Tod Dudman. You & any readers of this post might enjoy it. It’s brief & brilliant.) Anyway, this time around I felt like reaching for Odd Mom Out – I hope you will add this to your list of good things your work has done!
    I will add Mac to my prayers. It sure sounds like he is doing great in there! Take care.

  35. Hi Jane,

    I’m so sorry that you’ve been dealing with all this worry about your little boy, I can only imagine how hard it must have been for you both. But what wonderful news to have received. I’m so happy to hear that Mac’s (love the name)problems seemed to have resloved.

  36. Being “fat” when pregnant, no matter where you carry the weight is a beautiful thing, because you get such a prize at the end of the process! Nothing better. Congratulations on the baby news, good luck as you carry on, and you all are in my prayers. Debbie

  37. I’m very happy that the baby is doing better. And it sounds like you and Ty are approaching any difficulties is a positive way. I’ll keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

  38. SO glad to hear you had good news about Mac! We do fall in love with them long before they’re born, don’t we?
    We’re off on Thursday to NJ (from MI) for my father-in-law’s funeral. Sad to see him go, but the was 87 and had a good life.

  39. Jane, what wonderful news about Baby Mac! We have all been worried about you and your bed rest and I’m so happy he is thriving…GREAT news!!!

    My BIG plans this weekend was a Girls Night last night. 12 of us went to see Bride Wars and then out for drinks afterwards -in the middle of a snow storm too! Nothing stops the girls from getting together LOL! It was a cute movie, especially with great friends!

    Today I’m relaxing in my pjs and catching up on some cleaning and laundry.

    Happy Sunday and I’m sending many hugs your way!


  40. Everything is going to be okay…and, even better then okay!
    We have two children with life long medical conditions, our daughter is Type 1 Diabetic, and our son has apnea, reflux, and asthma… but, it has made me (us) love them both, so much more…I have spent days at their side, wwhile they were ill, wondering what the future would hold, and now, everyday that I get to hold them and cherish them, makes me love them just a little bit more(more then I ever thought I could).

    Baby Mac (what an adorable name) is going to be absolutely perfect…”issues”, or not. The good thing is, Mac knows how much he is loved and celebrated by his family and that in itself, will help him to grow, healthy, and strong!(We all have issues right, some of us do not have to wear them for the rest of the world to see). What a blessing he is!
    All of you are in my prayers, and in my good thoughts!

  41. Wonderful news Jane. How delightful that things look so positive for you and the baby’s future. Stay well and healthy and best of luck with your health.

  42. Mac! I have no idea what it’s like to raise boys. I had two girls and one of them has a girl, now. Congratulations!

    I am glad things are better for him.

  43. I am so happy to hear about your good news! You have been in my thoughts also here far away from Seattle!

    I wish all the best to the last months and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Btw, I have tried to find your Harlequin books here, but so far have not… Darrrnn. I’ll let you know when I found one, as they release them in Finnish as well ;)I hope they release the newest ones asap!

    Take care and keep the good spirit!


  44. Hello!

    I am new to your books. I first learned about you through the movie, Flirting with Forty. I enjoyed the movie, so I bought and read the book. You mentioned in a post after the movie came out that you didn’t like the fact that they changed to location from Seattle to Denver in the movie nor the fact that alcohol was introduced into the movie version. I appreciated that you pointed those things out. I think that it is better to stick to the author’s original ideas. I am new to reading your blog, but I have enjoyed the posts that I have read. Congratulations on your pregnancy and your recent good news!


  45. Oh Jane, thank you so much for giving us a baby update! I think Mac is such a cute name and am thrilled that he is gaining weight and thriving! I will definitely keep him in my prayers! Also, I’m sure you look adorable pregnant. Please continue to let us know how that little baby is doing!


  46. Jane, so thrilled to hear that all is progressing well now with Baby Mac. Very best wishes to you and Surfer Ty for surfing problem free through the rest of your pregnancy.

    As for my weekend? We celebrated my father in law’s 80th birthday. So special.

  47. Hi Jane, this is such wonderful news about the baby. I am so happy everything is going so well now. This week has been pretty busy for me. I have been working on a quilt, also spent the day at my sister’s house one day.

    Today we went over to my father in law’s house for his 85 birthday, we never know how many more birthdays he will have. His health seem to be going down hill now. I love this man dearly.

  48. Hi Jane! I’m SO happy to hear baby Mac is doing well! That is fabulous!

    I’m curling up in a comfy chair and catching up on some reading this weekend. My very best wishes to you and your family!

  49. Hi Jane
    I’m glad to hear your baby is doing good! Yay! I had to take baby aspirin while pregnant with my oldest daughter because they had found lupus antibodies in my blood and so the baby aspirin helped prevent miscarriage. I never would have imagined this would help but my baby was born healthy at 8lbs 4 ounces so I say keep doing what you’re doing and your baby will be a fantastical surf baby genius!
    Good luck and hurray for your good news!

  50. Hiya Jane. That is absolutely fabulous news about baby Mac. I know you will love this baby regardless how he comes out and greets the world and I think that is wonderful of you. We had similiar issues with our last daughter, they found an abnormality on her heart and wanted to do all kinds of testing for birth defects and such, It wasnt a life threatening defect if indeed she did have it. I said no that it wasnt going to change my feelings about her in any way and I would deal with what God wanted me to when the time came. Excellent post today and good luck with everything.

  51. Oh by the way she is a rambunctious 3 year old that has given more grey hairs then my other 2 children put together. Go Figure.

  52. I have been reading “Twilight” this weekend and am absolutely loving it. I thought it was for kids. I thought it was all about vampires, it’s so not all of those things. You, Baby Mac and Ty are in my prayers.
    Jill W

  53. thanks for sharing the baby mac news. i will keep your family in my prayers. this weekend just went on by, gosh i guess we just spent it and our little one, who just started to walk. wow they sure can cruise! here she comes…i hope you have a great week!

  54. Congratulations on the uplifting baby news! I’ve spent the weekend doing laundry and catching up around the house. Have a great week and a safe trip to Texas next weekend!

  55. Congrats on the good news, Jane! I will be thinking of little Mac and your growing family. I just returned from a weekend away and am now settling into a restful Sunday night of Golden Globe watching and pre-bed reading.

  56. Hello,

    I am glad to hear that you have good news. I enjoy your updates.

    As for me and the weekend…welli took my daughter out to sell girl scout cookies. I also took the kids to the book store and bought books. I was planning on doing more but I have not been feeling very well.

  57. Jane,

    What a touching “story” you told on your website. I can only imagine the concern you must have been feeling since your previous ultrasound and the joy you must be feeling now after hearing such great news about Baby Mac’s development. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

    As for what I did this weekend, well I flew to Vegas with my best friend on a spur of the moment decision (it’s only an hour flight from here). I had decided to create more opportunities to say “yes” this year and after talking about a quick weekend get away with my friend, we booked a flight the next day. What fun! We saw the most amazing show “Love”, which was a Cirque Du Soleil show featuring all of the Beatles music. Now, it’s back to real life and my wonderful family.

    Wishing you many more blessings and good news!!

  58. Hi Jane,

    I had a great week and a fun weekend!

    Wonderful news about the baby!
    I’ll be sending lots of positive and happy thoughts your way!


  59. Thanks for sharing the great news Jane! Glad that all is going well and your attitude is incredible. Blessings!!! My family and I had a fun relaxing weekend watching movies and eating popcorn. Mama Mia!! Fantastic moive, really makes you want to get up and dance. It is a must see! Enjoy your weekend.

  60. Jane,

    I sit here with tears streaming down my cheeks! They are happy tears. I will keep your guys in my thoughts and prayers as usual.

    As for this weekend, I spent most of it in my recliner trying to ward off a headache that just won’t go away! And spent the rest of it getting the kids ready to go back to school tomorrow! Yeah!!!!

    Have fun in Texas.



  61. Jane, I am so happy that you got wonderful news about Mac at your last ultrasound!!
    It was a quiet weekend for me. Trying to get my daughter over a nasty cold.

  62. Jane, that’s great about MAC! All boys are great. My four keep me busy and each year is more exciting then the other. Being a therapist with Early Intervention in birth-three years old, I am confident that Mac is not going to need someone like me.
    Lots of prayers your way!!

  63. Jane, I’m sooooo happy to hear that Baby Mac is healthy! What a relief that must be for you and Ty and the boys. Big happy hugs to you!

    (PS check your e-mail, as I sent a note to you yesterday to see if you’d be interested in helping me out with an article…thanks!)

  64. Great news about Mac. I know from having some of my own pregancy difficulties, you really just want a healthy baby in the end. Prayers to you guys.

  65. Hi Jane,

    What great news about your little bundle of joy….

    We will keep you and your family in our prayers ! ! !

    Plans for this weekend, would be that we are taking the kids out to dinner….and just enjoying family time, being thankful that we are all together, and just having some good old fashioned BONDING TIME ! !
    And taking the kids out for a nice long drive so we can just all be together…



  66. It’s such amazing news!
    I remember worrying about whether or not my babies would come out ok, and can imagine how painful these past months have been.
    I admire your determination and resolve to love this baby no matter what.
    We will pray for baby Mac’s continued success in the womb! Godspeed little one!

  67. Hi Jane, Awesome news about the baby! I’m sure you are so relieved. I had my (one and only) daughter in my early 30’s and they told me that there might be problems. I know first-hand what that does to a mother and father to-be. Those quiet thinking moments…been there. Then on my next appointment they gave me the good news that all was well with our baby girl. I was so relieved, that I cried all the way home. So much anxiety built up and I cried it all out. I am pleased to say that we have a very healthy and beautiful girl. I wish you and baby Mac all the best.

    This weekend? Can I post it now or do I have to wait until the weekend…I guess I’ll post now. My birthday is Wednesday, so a few friends are popping by Friday evening to visit…I may be resting all day Saturday 😉
    Take care!

  68. Congrats on the good news! I give you a lot of credit on having a baby now! I think it is more work than when we were younger. A friend who is 44 and pregnant with her third (boys are 7 & 10) says it is too! I am keeping you all in my prayers. You’re past the half way mark girl!

  69. i’m so glad to hear that Mac is doing well. During my last pregnancy- we were told that there was a chance for a birth defect in my daughter-so I can understand the heartache you felt and the process you had to go through to come to terms with the fact that something might be wrong. I, too, came to terms with that chance and knew, no matter what, that I would love her with my whole heart and soul. The last ultrasound we did before her birth told us she was healthy and growing. She came into this world beautiful and healthy and has been a blessing to us.

    Congratulations and take care of yourself and baby Mac!!

  70. Hi everyone, apologies for announcing the winners so late. I had nonstop appointments this morning and then my babysitter cancelled last minute and I’m now doing carpool duty. However, I do have some winners….in fact, I’ve got three winners today instead of the one. I couldn’t just pick one when everyone was so wonderful. So here are the three winners that need to email me their address AND their choice of book (which one of my 5 Spot novels do you want?):

    #13 – Michelle

    #35 – Caroline

    #59 – Diana

    So congrats to the winners and I hope you’ll shoot me a private email soon with your mail address. Thanks!

  71. Hi Jane,

    I’m glad to hear that your baby boy is doing awesome! I can’t believe your six months along and you only have a few more to go, it just seems like yesterday when I first met you in San Francisco at the RWA Conference in July. You looked great back then and I’m sure once you have the baby, you’ll lose all the baby weight and you will be back to your original size. 🙂 Take care and I’ll keep you and baby Mac in my prayers.

  72. I read Mrs.Perfect and I
    couldn’t put it down. It is a wonderful book. I’m now reading “Odd Mom Out” and I can tell it’s going to be just as good. I know you are going to be another one of my favorite authors that just can’t write fast enough for me.
    Wilma Heimkes

  73. Jane, I am so glad to hear baby Mac is doing well. I’m still a huge fan of your work, and appreciate that you shared your news here so openly. And I bet you look AMAZING in those pregnancy clothes! 🙂

  74. Hi Jane!

    Thank you so much for sharing this precious news about baby Mac with us. I’m so relieved and HAPPY for you and Ty that he is now healthy and growing like he should! I can’t imagine how excited you all must be to be preparing for his arrival into your family and I’m sure that he’ll bless your lives like you never dreamed possible.

    I’ve been busy lately as I’ve gone back to college (25 years after I graduated the first time!) and am getting my Business Administration (Medical) Diploma at the Academy of Learning, courtesy of the Ontario government who are paying for me to do this through their Second Career program. I’m hoping that by having that extra piece of paper that I will have a better chance of getting a good day job as a medical transcriptionist as I need to find a way to supplement my Scully Love Promo income. Wouldn’t you know it that the first course they gave me to do is Business Math! I SUCK at Math! I’ve been struggling, sighing and snorting all the way through it and it looks like I’ll have to write the exam for it tomorrow, on my 45th birthday. You just never know what life has in store for you! LOL

    Take good care and know that my prayers and positive karma are always with you.

    Love & hugs,
    Christine xox

  75. I’m late to the party, but what wonderful news! I’ll send positive thoughts Baby Mac’s way (and I love the name!). I’ve seen the new maternity fashions and they’re so much more stylish than the things Omar the Tentmaker made for me. LOL!

  76. I am so happy for you and Ty! 🙂 Congratulations on baby boy number 3! My husband and I have friends who were told by their doctor that they were unable to have children (she’s only 28)- after numerous miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy which was terminated. By the grace of God- she is 14 weeks pregnant and everything is going fine! I hope to one day be blessed with children. Congratulations and keep us posted!

  77. Jane, I hope you get continued good news about the health of your baby…… How exciting this must be for you

    Can’t wait to read your next book!


  78. Jane,

    My prayers are with you and Ty and baby Mac for a healthy (and uneventful, in a good way, pregnancy). Your little guy is a celebrity before he’s even born…I, myself, can’t wait.

    Enjoy the sweet days of pregnancy -fat arms and all!

    Take Care.

  79. I just wanted to jot a quick note and let you know that your whole family is in my prayers. Enjoy your pregnancy, enjoy Surfer Ty, Enjoy your boys because they grow up way too soon. I can’t believe my child is 11 and I will be 46 on Friday. Time is going way to fast.

  80. Jane
    Shame on you! A pregnant woman is never “fat”! That is a little miracle you are growing with and I am sure you are positively glowing.

    I absolutely loved the Flirting with 40 movie. Any chance you could send Robert my way? LOL!

  81. Jane,
    That is such good news, to hear your baby is doing so well. YAY!! Best wishes to both of you, I can’t wait to see baby Mac out in the water at Waikiki 🙂
    As always, you’re posts are as wonderfully charming and fun to read as your books.
    –Sue Wyshynski

  82. Jane,

    I can honestly say that I am thrilled beyond words that you & Ty are expecting this wonderful blessing!!! I feel like you are one of my own girlfriends ever since I read Flirting, then became obsessed & read the rest of your books! I have spread the news of your books around to everyone, and now all of my friends love your books as well (which did not surprise me in the least bit!)

    So…just learning of precious baby Mac and that he is doing well is a wonderful way to start the day:) I am partial to boys, as I happen to have 3 boys myself, ages 11, 7 and 5. I’m sure you know that you’ll have your hands full and your life will be (even more) crazy, but it’s the best kind of crazy there is!!!

    I will keep you, Surfer Ty, Mac, and the rest of your family in my prayers, and I look forward to hearing more about the baby as your last few months pass. Enjoy your pregnancy!!!

  83. Jane, I promise you look so beautiful right now and I am so happy for you! Baby Mac is going to be so lucky to have you for a mom, and your darling boys as big brothers! Like I said yesterday, I can hardly wait to see and hold him. Its going to be so fun to have a baby around the house again. Take care of yourself.

  84. Jane,
    Thanks for the facebook add! I became a fan of your books at my BFFs recommendation. I am a mother of two boys myself.
    I am excited to hear of your baby news! I can’t imagine how hard it is for you right now. It is harder for women “our age” to be pregnant but maybe the older boys will pitch in and help once baby Mac arrives.
    Keep your feet up and enjoy all the time you have with your new little boy before he makes his debut. As you already know, it goes fast.
    Your family will be in my prayers. Best wishes to you all!

  85. Congratulations! I’ve just found your blog, thanks to Facebook, and am so glad that you’re finally receiving good news about your little one. You’ll be in my prayers as you continue your journey. It’ll be over before you know it!

  86. Hi Jane,
    I’m so glad you’re having the baby you want so much and I’m praying for him and his health. I know he’ll be just fine. You will all be wonderful! This weekend I’m working on my revisions for my first book, a historical coming out January 2010. Congrats on the lifetime movie and I’m keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.


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