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Little Thing

I took this picture yesterday morning, the day after Mother’s Day as I had this moment of intense joy, and satisfaction.

This is my house. This is my home. This is where I’m raising my family.

Jane's Kitchen

For our Mother’s Day dinner, I pulled out the Waterford stemware (only the second time since moving back into the house after the remodel… the first was the night of Mac’s birthday dinner) and we sat at the dining table and had a meal with a fine French linen table cloth and my best china. The dinner was lovely but it was the morning after when the drying dishes were still sitting there on the counter that I felt peace. Truly at home in my house.  More at home with me.

It’s been a long time coming.

It’s been a couple very hard years.

I count my blessings–all the time–but it doesn’t always mean things are easy or feel good.  It doesn’t always mean I feel good. But I’ve worked at getting stronger and happier. I’ve worked at getting my head in the right place. Working at confronting fear and failure and sadness. Working at me, I guess, and working at being a better mother, lover, partner, person.

But this photograph… it’s what I turned and saw and for a moment everything was right in my world. My favorite crystal. My baby’s bottles. Flowers in a vase.

It’s just a little thing. But sometimes the littlest thing is everything.

37 Comments on “Little Thing

  1. We often think we need something big in our lives to make us happy, but usually it’s the smaller things that bring us the greatest joy.

  2. What a perfect picture! It shows warmth, elegance, comfort, love (what else could Waterford crystals next to baby nipples mean?) and contentment. I love the flowers, too.

  3. I loved the picture, thats what a home really is, the good, bad happy and sad moments. My life isn’t so perfect, and its been a rocky road, still legally sperarted from hubby, and still living in the same house but am happy with the arrangement for we do our own thing. My kids make it work, thats my life my kids and my daycare that I run in my home. Glad that things are going good for you, I wish you all the best. Looking forward to your book coming out in Aug.

  4. A perfect juxtaposition…Waterford and baby bottle nipples. I’m impressed that you are able to handle both of those sides of your life. Be proud of yourself!!!

  5. Jane, I couldn’t agree more with you!

    We really should learn to enjoy the little things in life that makes us happy- I know that I’m trying to look at the good things in my life rather than the bad but some days it only works in theory but there is always another day and the hope that something will happen.

  6. Very Nice, Jane! It’s funny how the littles things can make life seem so much clearer!! Sounds like a lovely dinner too!! Keep enjoying the little things, Jane!!


  7. that is such a lovely picture. it is weird sometimes how things that may not seem to go together balance each other out and tie together. have a nice day!

  8. It really is so important to recognize those precious moments in time when we feel peace. I am so happy for you finding those moments and sharing them with us. Thanks!

  9. I am so happy for you, as you have shared your tough times with us and so we can appreciate how wonderful it is that you are in a good place. Life can certainly bite at times, but when it is good and right what a sweetness it can be. Did you ever consider those surveys about major stresses people can face and how many of them you experienced in the last few years – big things like new books written, a new long distance relationship, having a baby, remodeling a house; but it is the little things seen on your kitchen counter that speak to you and bring contentment and joy.

  10. It’s a powerful picture. Everything you would want to know about your family all wrapped up in a photo. Flowers mean beauty, baby bottles say love and stemware say class. All in all we get a picture of your lifestyle~finese and flash. I just love it. You’re grounded but life doesn’t just pass you by. That’s one for the photo albums.

  11. Hey Jane! Simple little things are the best, aren’t they?! :0)

    I had a wealth of energy when I returned from my trip and decided to “simplify” things in my apartment and get rid of clutter. That included moving everything. Everywhere. All … at… the same time. LOL! Not a good decision, because my energy level plummeted the next day – induced by jet lag. Now it looks like Hurricane Janelle blew through the apartment.

    So I look forward in the hopefully near future to feeling at peace in my home like you do now in your’s! At least my bookshelf is organized (Yey)… happy times and happy reading now.

    You are truly blessed and I am soooo glad that you are in a great place right now, truly. You deserve the peacefulness! So may quiet gentle moments continue to touch your heart today and everyday … and of course for the other reader’s too.

    <3 Ya ~

  12. photo composition…written sentiments…brings a smile of peace and contentment…flowers and brick wall…lighting…extremes of glassware:windowpane…baby bottles…Waterford goblets…Everything of elegance…”beauty in the eyes of the beholders”…thanks for sharing this poignant moment in time.

  13. This is such a lovely, peaceful picture. I just love it, for its simplicity and elegance and everything it means to you. I know you had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend and I enjoyed reading about your future plans to live in San Diego–fun! I would love to visit you at a bookstore like that.

  14. Love that photo, Jane. Also appreciate the post so much. My life is full of blessings, yet I seem to be facing great challenges at the same. Certainly not as big as others I know, but that doesn’t always make mine eaiser to handle. I suppose in some ways it should.

    You often say, so eloquently, what most of us are feeling or have felt. Bless you for that!!

    Big Hugs from T-town,

  15. I love that pic! It is perfect and I love to take pics like that so I ca look back and see how life was. I like to look in the background of pics and see the things on the fridge and stuff on the counters too. That’s what our life looks like.

    You have been through so much in the last couple years! And while you still have so much going on I think it is going to get easier and everything will start to flow and everyone will flow with it. Thank you for sharing it all with us! It makes us love you even more!!!!

  16. Love it! What an awesome photo! Your place looks so beautiful- the fireplace in the yard, the pretty china, and then the baby bottle nipples- so sweet. Good one! I’m not surprised at your comments either- just going through a pregnancy is hard enough in itself I think. You have accomplished alot in the last few years!!!!

  17. Less is more. Mac is a precious little jewel…life is good Jane so enjoy it all and keep sharing with us. You’re a great gal.

  18. I know what you mean. It is the little things that make the world a sane place when it seems to be spinning out of your control.
    My daughter was hospitalized again week before last with another kidney infection and
    e coli. This was the second time in six months. She has Type 1 diabetes and it was a scary time. She was away at school and we had to use the doctors in the hospital. I have never had to do that before. Finally getting her home was such a blessing. Just the ordinary things like laundry, dishes and digging in my flower gardens are just wonderful and make me feel like the world is right once again.

  19. Jane,
    So glad to hear that you are feeling happier with yourself and your world. You deserve nothing bu the best. Wishing you good days always.

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