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Mac is beyond delighted having his two big brothers here in Hawaii with him.  He loves his brothers and can’t keep away from them.  The good thing is that the two bulldogs now have a reprieve.  The bad thing is the brothers are Mac’s favorite activity.


Fortunately, the boys had a great day on the beach yesterday with Mac eagerly climbing on top of a buried brother Ty.  I love having all my boys here.  I am one contented Mama.

Off to polish chapter 4 and keep moving on chapter 5.  You guys are the best readers and friends.  Thank you for being so awesome!

29 Comments on “Brothers

  1. What a great picture!
    Mac is such a cute baby and he looks so happy playing with Ty.
    Enjoy the rest of your summer vacation with the kids 🙂

  2. The guys are so loveable, I can so relate. I always prayed for a snow day so my three boys could stay home with me…also a big age difference with them as with Mac and your group. Life is good, hope all your days are the happiest!

  3. Cutest pic of the boys! They look like they’re having a blast! I’m supposed to be headed to the beach next week with friends. It’ll be a nice break from things going on here.

    Still toying with the idea of heading to Hawaii in August. The more I read about it and look at things to do the more appealing it seems.

    Hope the writing goes smoothly and that you’re able to enjoy more fun in the sun with the boys.

  4. The look on both of your boy’s faces is priceless! They look like they are having the time of their lives…enjoy!

  5. Thanks for sharing the fun picture. It brightened my day! Glad you’re enjoying the time with your boys.

  6. Jane,

    I love the pics you include in your blogs. It is so great to hear about your summer and also see the smiles on the boys’ faces. Thank you for always sharing!


  7. Hah! That is an awesome picture Jane… they look like they are having a blast (which is how it should be with siblings and sand)! Glad to hear your summer is rolling along most enjoyably :0)

  8. That’s the same smile I get on my face when I hear of a new Jane-book coming out. 🙂 Thanks for working during your vacation, and sharing your super-cute boys.

  9. Oh wow your boys are so cute! Mac is growing so fast! He looks like he is hanging in there with the big boys. Have a great vacation!

  10. Hi Jane,

    You always have so many cool nice pictures to share. Thanks for sharing such nice personal pictures all the time.

    It’s always nice to see how you and your family are doing.


  11. Oh Jane! I love to see pics of the boys (and you). That beach pic is just too much fun. What a joy to see the kids playing together and loving each other.

    Many, many blessings to you, my friend!
    Shannon in Tustin

  12. Your boys are so cute Jane! Looks like everyone is happy and that’s a great thing. I’ve missed the last few blogs, seems like life always keeps me busy and I wonder where the time has gone. Haven’t made it to the pool much this summer and am sad about that. Hope I can rectify that in the next few weeks. Swim team is ending for my kids soon and we will miss the social interaction that gives us.

    Glad to hear that the writing is going better and that all is well in Hawaii!

  13. Those boys are so cute, love the photo. Looks like sun, sand and brothers are a good combination. Thanks for sharing the pic and keep writing!

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