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Attitude of Gratitude

It’s been a tough couple weeks and this week was maybe the hardest yet.  Stuff with kids, especially one boy, has really worn me down and I’m just tired.  But honestly, things aren’t bad.  Things are just a little more effort.  A little more work.  A little more patience.  A little more strength.

So I’m going to check my fatigue and tears and mini melt-down and express gratitude.

I am thankful for the beautiful fall colors on the trees outside.

I am thankful for nice soft fuzzy sweaters now that its cold.

I am thankful for pumpkin and spice scented candles.

I am thankful for Jamette who makes my life so much easier.

I am thankful for my littlest guy who sleeps with me and wraps his arm around mine all night long.

I am thankful that my almost 13 year old loves to read.

I am thankful for my 16 year old’s huge heart and gorgeous smile.

I am thankful that my surfer guy is coming Monday now instead of Wednesday because I need him here.

I am thankful for my friends who are so very dear to me.

I am thankful I get to see family next week for Thanksgiving.

I am thankful for my library of books.

I am thankful for readers who like my books.

I am thankful for all my blessings, as there are obviously so many.

What are you thankful for?  Tell me one thing or one hundred, and you are entered in my Thankful Prize.  I will draw at least five names for this mystery prize.  I’ll announce the winners Sunday and mail the prizes Monday.  Have a great weekend and remember, I am very thankful for you.


103 Comments on “Attitude of Gratitude

  1. Hi Jane,

    I’m thankful for my family.

    I’m thankful for my health.

    I’m thankful that there are great authors who take time for their readers.

  2. Boy, where do I start? I’m thankful that we live in a country that is safe. I’m VERY thankful for my family and friends. I’m thankful that I always have food in my refrigerator and a roof over my head. I’m thankful that I’ve been given yet another day on this earth. I’m also thankful for kind people like you Jane.

  3. That post really hit close to home for me, I had a heart attack six weeks ago, my car is broke down and I’m unemployed. But I am very thankful for my family who helps me and loves me anyway! For the ones that will be here for Thanksgiving and most especially for my grandkids, great nieces and great nephews! they are all so precious!
    Last but not least I’m thankful for all the talented authors that use those talents to write the great books I enjoy!

  4. Sending good thoughts and best wishes your way Jane.
    I am thankful for the family that I have, that most of my family live close to me, and that we will all see each other on Thanksgiving. I am thankful for the wonderful man in my life. I am thankful for my friends, my church, and the home that I’ve had for so many years. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Oh Jane, this brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful gratitude list! I am thankful for so many things, but most especially my little man (7yo) who calls me his “best girl” and shows me he loves me every day, and loves reading and being read to, and amazes me constantly! They really are the blessings in the world! Happy Thanksgiving!

  6. i am very thankful most of all for my four kids, an awesome boyfriend, and my family and extended family of friends. and i am thankful for that day i picked up your first book, because of the cover (btw), and started a journey of your words. i am thankful to have met you last year. thanks jane for what you bring into our worlds.

  7. Hi! i was just thinking about you-glad that your doing ok! Your thankful list is almost like mine! I’m thankful for my 2 kids-both are going off to school next year,Kenny is 21 took a feww years off but is gonna head off to college, they have both been helpful. I’m thankful for my dad-still out of work but working odd jobs and he’s been helping me with extra cash, thankful for books so I can read and get out of the real world for awhile,and for my health,too! thankful that I have God in my life and a wonderful church family! I’m just thankful for my family and friends like yourself-have a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving!

  8. Sorry these past couple weeks have been rough for you. Hoping things get better very soon!

    I am thankful for my wonderful family.
    I am thankful to have a job.
    I am thankful for my health.
    I am thankful to have great friends.
    I am thankful to have a warm house.
    I am thankful to have caring, thoughtful children.
    I am thankful my children love school…so far! 🙂
    I am thankful to have the little things in life that a lot of times we take for granted.
    I am thankful to have an amazing husband.
    I am thankful to have a job where I get to help others every day.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  9. Hi Jane

    An awesome blog once again!

    I am thankful to have your blogs!

    I am also thankful for the beautiful Fall colors, my favorite season!

    I am thankful for pumpkin spice lattes.

    I am thankful that we will be seeing many family members for Thanksgiving instead of me home alone with the kids.

    I am thankful my husband is done with chemo!!! Yay, let normal life begin again.

    I am thankful that I have a handful of close friends who stuck with me through thick and thin and tough times and didn’t let my crazy life stop them from being my friend.

    I am thankful that my mother’s health is stable, at least for the moment.

    I am thankful to have an aunt who is such a blessing and a great fill-in mom for me as my other enters her last stages of life.

    I am thankful for my two great kids who surprise me all the time with their strength and make me laugh.

    I am thankful for my husband of 18 years who has a great attitude of “can do” spirit even after battling six months of chemo and now looking for work.

    And I am very thankful for great books to read, espeically those by you! 🙂

    Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. I am thankful for my health, my husband and children, my husband’s mom, my parents, my friends both on FB and in real life, my job and my husband’s job, that I and my family have a home, cars and food to eat. I am truly blessed, and I agree wholeheartedly with Marlene, who is grateful for a favorite author who takes time to reach our to her readers. I truly love that interaction. May God bless you and ease some of your burdens this coming week, Jane!

  11. Jane…beautiful post. I think we all have days/weeks like you have had but to realize you have many things to be thankful for is a blessing.
    I am thankful for having the strength to deal with two adult children living at home.
    I am thankful I can still laugh at myself.
    I am thankful for waking up each morning & tackling the day.
    I am thankful for people who know I try my best everyday.
    Stay positive and happy.

  12. I am thankful for mince pie, eggnog, cozy blankets, the beauty of the first snowfall, white Christmas trees, ear muffs, mittens and Pugs!! Off the top of my head!


  13. Hi Jane, Im thankful for my many author friends that continue to write great books. Thankful we live in a country that allows me to read when and what I choose.

  14. Hi Jane! I am thankful for my kids, who are actually adults but will always be my kids to me. I am thankful for my brothers and their families; my new kitty who is such a huge comfort & the greatest company; thankful that the deer I hit last week was ok & didn’t total my car; thankful for my job, and many many more things too numerous to list. And thank YOU for writing books for all of us to enjoy! Happy Thanksgiving, Jane!

  15. Thanks for this post, Jane. When things are going rough, it’s nice to take a minute to recognize all that’s good in life, Thanksgiving week coming up or not.

    I’m thankful for my family and my three goofy dogs that keep me laughing…and the 3.75 grandchildren that make my days sparkle and shine(one is due before Christmas)…and not many of my friends still have living parents, so I know how lucky I am to have both, now in their 80s and doing well.

    This time last year, I was still recovering from hip replacement surgery and today I was dancing in front of the TV. What a blessing to live in an era when we have medical treatments that permit us to overcome diseases. So I guess that’s being thankful for health.

    Frankly, every day is such a miracle. I’m just grateful for waking up.

  16. I am thankful for my family.
    I am thankful for my husband, who loves me unconditionally.
    I am thankful that I have my daughter, who now thinks that she knows more than I do, I am older how can that be?
    I am thankful for my parents who taught me that family is important by way of example and not just saying it.
    I am thankful for my job, cause I didn’t have one for a while.
    I am thankful for the many blessings being big or small that I get to see and experience everyday.
    I am thankful that I can live in a country where we can say or think whatever we want, not what someone wants us to think or say, that is called Freedom and Home of the Brave.
    I am thankful that I have my books that your have written to take me away from my life that I am so thankful for.

    I am so thankful to be here right now writing this to remind me of all the things that I am truly Thankful For.

    Thanks Jane for the reminder

  17. I am thankful for:
    My family
    My friends
    My health
    For authors like you that allow us to escape our ordinary lives into something new and exciting

    Thankful for the knowledge to realize that what I have makes me blessed and loved and one of the richest in the world…materialistic items are just things but when you have love, family and friends that is what is important.

  18. Hi Jane
    I am thankful for my sweet husband.
    I am thankful for our sons.
    I am thankful for our grandchildren.
    I am thankful that our granddaughter wasn’t killed in that car accident.
    And I am most thankful to, the Men and Women who serve our country, many of them give their lives to keep us safe. May God bless them and their families.
    And I am thankful to know a sweet lady named Jane Porter.
    God bless you, have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your surfer husband and 3 great boys. And please give litte Mac a hug from me.

  19. I am thankful for all the abundance that my life has given me. My family, children, grandchildren, and friends. My health, even on those days when it is not healthy. Every evening I write down 3 things from that day that I am grateful for. Somedays it is harder than others, but do try!!!

  20. Hi Jane,
    I am thankful for my daughter who has been a big help around the house and cook because I can’t get around much now.
    I am thankful for my son who has had to drive me around while my foot heals and taking my shopping when I need to go.
    I am thankful that my foot is starting to heal now and I need only one more surgery.
    But most of all I’m thankful that my family is healthy this year.

  21. I am thankful i have my family and we’re all healthy. That my husband and i have jobs. I am thankful my husband will make it home by Thanksgiving. He’s a Independent truck driver and it’s always iffy whether it will work out or not.

    Happy Thanksgiving Jane and everyone!!

    Lisa B

  22. Jane,
    I am thankful for having you as a friend.
    – my family
    – Even with all the stress in my life I am able to smile and get to see all the wonderful people in my life.
    – When I was out of work, I learned that when you are working it makes your more humble when you get another job and always how to appreciate it.
    Best Wishes,
    Eric (Julie) Benjamin

  23. I am thankful for a job, a car, and a home, among so many other things. I need to stop taking things for granted and cherish and enjoy what I do have right now.

  24. Jane,
    I feel you. This has been one of the worst years of my life but we are chugging along.

    I’m thankful for:
    My girls
    My grandson and the one to come in January.
    And…that I have good books to read by authors like you.

    Hang in there.

  25. Love this idea!

    I am thankful for my girls; the 18 year old’s fierce sense of right and wrong, the 16 year old’s belief in the good in everyone, and the 12 year old’s wicked sense of humor.

    I am thankful my husband and I have jobs!

    I am thankful for my dog and cat. They are the best natural blood pressure medicine around.

    I am thankful for the online romance community. They are wonderful!

  26. Glad you are getting through your tough week.

    I am thankful for my kids who brighten my days every day

    I am thankful to be healthy

    I am thankful for small kindnesses

    I am thankful for the support of family and friends while I am on strike (not by choice)

    I am thankful for all the friends I have made on the picket line… we are starting our 12th week and it is hard but we are getting through it together

    I am thankful for the company of my beloved cats and dog who love me unconditionally and make me laugh

    I am thankful my husband has a good job while I am struggling with mine

    I am thankful for a comfortable roof over my head, lots of books to read and quilts to make

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends.


  27. I am thankful for an interesting life.

    I am thank for the abandoned kittens that I reluctantly adopted.

    I am thank for for the “free” garage sale dog that the kids talked me into.

    I am thankful that my 11 & 13 year old boys still want to have family movie night.

    I am thankful for flannel sheets.

    I am thankful that I don’t have yardwork in the winter.

    I am thankful to be able to watch the Hawaiian parade on Thanksgiving because it reminds me of a very wonderful family vacation that we had there.

    I am thankful for family, friends, home and job.

    I am thankful that I live in a small town where every week it seems like someone really went out of their way to do something nice for someone else.

    Happy THANKSgiving!!!

  28. Thankful for so many of the same things! Also my favorite season, warm sweaters, sweet children, a job I love, and friends.

  29. Hi Jane,
    Sorry to hear about the trying week. I am thankful for my husband choosing to stay in the states and at his county job. My heart is beaming! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Michelle in Denver

  30. I am thankful for my husband who works so hard.
    I am thankful for my daughter who thinks she knows everything (and sometimes she does)!
    I am thankful for a playful puppy who keeps us hopping.

    Thank you, Jane, for reminding us what we have to be thankful for.

  31. I am thankful for my job teaching kindergarten.
    I am thankful to have my son in my life.
    I am thankful for my family that is loving and supportive.
    I am thankful for my group of “beach friends” who love unconditionally and make me laugh.
    I am thankful for my health.
    I am thankful for my soft, sweet kitty.
    I am thankful for the red/orange/yellow fall leaves that brighten the grey skies.
    I am thankful for brownies with white buttercream frosting.
    I am thankful for your blog.

  32. I am thankful for my husband, kids, pets, house, health, and busy, busy life! I am thankful for friends, sports, my job, and that I only work part-time. I am thankful for the beautiful weather, fall leaves, warm blankets, comfy yoga pants, slippers, and books! I am thankful you’ve done this contest to help me think about what I’m thankful for! Have a blessed weekend!


  33. I read your post and could completely empathize. This has been one long week and I am thankful that Friday arrived. I am thankful for a strong, healthy body though it is not in the shape I would like, it has not failed me. I am thankful for my husband and children. I am thankful we have jobs. I am thankful for all the good things in my life. After the week I have had, it would be so easy to have a melt down but thanks for reminding me count my blessings.

  34. I am thankful for my family and my friends! Also for authors like you who provide a great escape for me! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  35. I am thankful for my family and friends and my wonderful dog. I am thankful that I am back in school. I am thankful that it is Friday and I am ready to enjoy the weekend. I am thankful for many, many things.

  36. Oh Jane, your list was just touching. I have much to be thankful for. I’m thankful for all of the people in my life first and foremost. I’m thankful that I have God to guide me through life. I’m thankful for my daughter’s smile that I am blessed to be able to see every day.

  37. Honestly Jane, I am thankful for you and your timely blog posts.

    This week has been tough for me with my 17 y/o, 14 y/o and suddenly very mouthy 7 y/o. I have found myself thinking if I had to do it all over again, I might have just had cats. Horrible aren’t I?

    Thank you for reminding me I am not the only one with issues. It seems like everyone has perfect children and families judging from FB statuses.

    Thanks for keeping it real.

    Thanks. I hope you have a lovely holiday.

  38. I wrote some of this on my blog the other day:

    I’m thankful that my husband got relocated to Texas because its awesome!

    I’m thankful that my son decided to move with us even if it means he will be a year behind starting college.

    I’m thankful that we have each other because we know no one and during this time, my son is giving his younger sister great memories of what its like to have an older brother. [they’re 11 years apart]

    To repeat commenter #1- I’m thankful for authors who take time to meet and get to know their readers. You’re the only one that I know who does this on a regular basis and not because you have to. It’s awesome!

  39. I’m thankful that my family is moderately healthy, and for us that’s saying a lot.

    I’m thankful for my new job, especially when there are so many people out there who are unemployed.

    I’m thankful that I have amazing books to read, so that when I need a distraction from my day there is always a novel by a gifted author to transport me into the world they have created. Thank you, Jane. I hope things get easier.

  40. Jane, you are so right to remind us all about our blessings. Thank you!

    I am very thankful to be around our dear grandchild and our family. I continue to be so thankful for dear friends and the splendor that they contribute to my life. And, thanks to you for wanting to write and working to write about characters who are real and entertaining.
    Happy Thanksgiving!

  41. I am thankful for my health and family that loves me unconditionally
    I am thankful that I live in a country that I can read ANY book I want!!!
    I am thankful that I am able to give to people who are less fortunate than me!

  42. I am thankful for my wonderful children and husband. I am thankful for my supportive friends who are always around when I need a night out. I am thankful for movie night with my two kids snuggled up with my husband and I. I am thankful for a job I love 99% of the time. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Jane!

  43. I am thankful for…
    My family, my friends, my dog, books, my camera, summers, the beach, flip flops, airplanes, laughter, bubble bath, sweatpants, chocolate, music, reality TV, and probably about a million other things both large and small.

  44. I’m thankful for my health.
    I’m thankful for my two sisters.
    I’m thankful for books.
    I’m thankful for my pets <3

  45. I am thankful for my family and friends.
    I am thankful for my life..almost died 32 years ago.
    I am thankful for my health.
    I am thankful for all of my blessings.
    I am thankful for the Lord.
    I am thankful for you Jane! 🙂

  46. Hi Jane,

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    I am thankful for having the insight to know when I need to make changes. I’ve lost 10 pounds.


  47. Jane,

    Sorry that your week was so rough. I know mine was up and down and had my own mini-melt down earlier in the week, I always say jokingly that I was having a “pity party.” I hope that your week gets better and that you have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    I have been doing a month of Thankfulness posting on my fb page and saying each day what I am thankful for.

    It really does make you realize just how much you truly are thankful for.

    I just read a posting from someone else that they keep a basket or a jar where they can see it every day, and they put in little pieces of papers that they write down all their Blessings, miracles and things they are thankful for, and as it fills up, it reminds them that they truly are Blessed. I am thinking of starting to do this as well.

    I would like to Thank You for being such a wonderful author and person. You always have great stuff for us to read, think about, and of course win!

    You Bless all of our lives, Thank you again!

  48. I have been having health problems and I had a MRI done this week, I am thankful I don’t have Multiple Sclerosis and that my family, and friends support me. God is good!

  49. I am thankful for my my own good health and those I love.
    I am thankful for my husband, who is steady, sweet and kind.
    I am thankful for our gas fireplace this winter to sit in front of, and my comfortable home.
    I am thankful for my friends who understand me and support me and advise me.
    I am thankful I have a good job with benefits in this tough economy.
    I am thankful my son has grown up to be a wonderful person (see husband above),
    I am thankful that I have the time to read and that there are writers like you, Jane, that keep me supplied with books.
    I am thankful for libraries and schools.
    I am thankful I live in the sight of mountains and shorelines, under big trees that reach up to the sky – they all sustain my soul.

  50. I am thankful formy boys’ unconditional love. No matter how many times I stumble through this life their love is a constant. I am thankful for my new job.I am thankful for my big guy who always knows when to ride in on his white horse to rescue me or my boys especially since he doesn’t have to and hasn’t even been asked he just does. And last but not least I am thankful that I am off of work this weekend.

  51. I’m thankful that my children survived all those choices that could have ruined their lives.

    I’m thankful for all those f’ing opportunities for growth I’ve experienced to clear my karma.

    I’m thankful that my oven is on the fritz so my daughter is doing the turkey this year.

    I’m thankful that as a writer, all our trials are research.

    I’m thankful for romancelandia where there is always a happy ending.

  52. Hey Jane, it has been a while, but you always pop up when we need you. Thank you for reminding me of the things I am thankful for on a daily basis. Hope that things improve and are easier for you soon. Here are the blessings I am thankful for:

    – I am thankful for my family that has supported me during my Navy career.
    – I am thankful for technology that allows me to be closer to them too.
    – I’m thankful to have met a fantastic author that has opened up a world of new adventures and fantasy to me and introduced me to an unbelievable great group of ladies in the reader group she hosted two Christmas’s ago. Jane, you and they are truly awesome people!! 😉
    – I’m thankful I was not stranded on H1 yesterday after my Mini’s engine blew on me (thanks again to you intuition)
    – I’m thankful for my two Siamese cats that cuddle with me every night by my head to keep me warm
    – And I am thankful for God’s great gifts… they are many and too numerous to mention or think of, but they are always there!

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! And to you and yours Jane!

  53. I’m thankful for my family.

    I’m thankful that I’m going to be a aunt for the first time in a few months.

    I’m thankful that I have a job.

    I’m thankful that it’s finally raining and summer is over.

    I’m thankful that I have so many books and I can afford to buy more every week.

  54. I am thankful to have you as a friend.
    I am thankful that my husband puts up with all my craziness and still loves me.
    I am thankful for my cats that are always there for me to cry on and they never tell my secrets.
    I am thankful to be almost finished with Christmas shopping and not have to sell anything to buy the gifts this year.
    I am thankful my car got paid off this year.
    I am thankful for the life I have (even with all the struggles).
    I am thankful for being able to make this list and share it because if I didn’t see this message, I may not have took the minute to appreciate all that I do have.
    Sometimes we focus on all the stuff that brings us down or causes stress. But, taking the time to think of the good things in life make living worth the while. Hang in there with which over kid has stressed you. It will get better. you are a wonderful mom and everything will get better. Remember, we have to fall before getting back up.
    Have a wonderful weekend and Thanksgiving!

  55. Hi Jane- I am thankful for so many things but most importantly my gift of Life…it’s not always easy but it’s mine to live and I try to do it everyday wholeheartedly! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  56. I am thankful for my close family, my amazing friends and my loving boyfriend. Pretty typical but it’s true, they are the most important things in my life!

  57. I am thankful for my children.
    I am thankful to be employed.
    I am thankful to have food on our table.
    I am thankful to be able to read.
    I am thankful for my health.
    I am thankful for having a home for me and my children.
    I am thankful Jane being such a wonderful author and being so down to earth and realizing that she too is just like all of us.

    Hope your week gets better Jane. You are doing a great job as a mother, author, friend and wife. Take the time and enjoy your time with your family. We never know how much time is left.

  58. Jane,

    Big hugs to you and your guys. I’m hoping that things get easier for you as the holidays approach.

    I’m thankful for my nephew who always brings a smile to my face.

  59. I’m thankful for many things this holiday season. For the survival of all my family and friends from the Joplin tornado and for all their support during this very emotional and stressful time. I’m also very thankful and appreciative for the over 100,000 volunteers that have poured into our city the last almost 6 months to help with cleanup and recovery efforts. We couldn’t have done it without them. Today there is a group from St. Louis giving Christmas decorations to those who lost all theirs in the tornado. There have been so many wonderful people and I’d love to say THANK YOU on behalf of all of us. Happy Thanksgiving to all who will be celebrating this next week.

  60. I am so thankful for this human experience and the people I have been blessed to love and who have loved me. Happy Thanksgiving.

  61. I am thankful for my family.
    I am thankful for our health.
    I am thankful for the sun even on a cold day.
    I am thankful for the people I meet each day.
    I am thankful for a good book.
    I am thankful that each day is a new start.
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

  62. I’m thankful for my family – first, foremost, always.

    I’m thankful for my health

    I’m thankful I have a job I love

    I’m thankful for my friends and the love and laughter they bring

    I’m thankful that I live in a country where opportunity abounds

    I’m thankful for Tim Horton’s coffee which wakes me up in the morning.

  63. I am thankful for my family
    I am thankful for my health
    I am thankful for my books
    I am thankful for my book authors that make life more bareable when thing get tough and I can escape into the world of books

    Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  64. Awww . . . hugs, Jane!

    So many things to be thankful for.
    I am thankful for you, Jane, for your positive attitude. For showing us that even though we may be going through a rough patch we can focus on all the other wonderful things we have for which to be thankful.
    I am thankful for my parents and the support they always give me.
    I am thankful for my children. Although my daughter has health issues, I am thankful that they are issues that we can deal with by making a few lifestyle changes. Not everyone is so lucky.
    I am thankful for my sister-in-law who keeps me grounded and listens when I am frustrated and worried and overwhelmed and is there for me no matter what time of day or night.

  65. I am thankful for my family, my health and work. Jane, I am thankful I found you! I have enjoyed your books and getting to know your family. Hope you have a wonderful week!

  66. I am thankful for blogs like this one, which I am so happy to see on my Google Reader when there’s a new post. :o)

    I am thankful for my four-year-old daughter, who loves to sing, who loves baby birds, and who has the kindest heart I’ve ever experienced.

    I am thankful for my husband, who tries everyday to be a kind and present husband.

    I am thankful for the roof over my head, the food in the cupboard, the cars in the driveway, the warm clean clothes on my back and in my closet, and the money to pay for non-necessary items such as a new star for the Christmas tree.

    I am thankful for my life and the world I live in. I realize it’s not perfect a perfect world or a perfect life, but if it’s more good than it is evil, more happy than it is sad, then I am thankful indeed.

    Happy Thanksgiving Jane!

  67. I am thankful for my loving family.
    I am thankful for my good health.
    I thankful to have a job to pay bills.
    I am thankful for my sweet kitties.

  68. I am thankful for my awesome family.
    I am thankful for my dear, loyal friends.
    I am thankful to have a job.
    I am thankful I get to save lives everyday.
    I am thankful I have a warm house and a roof over my head.
    I am thankful my family and I are in good health.
    I am thankful for the holiday season.
    I am thankful for Starbucks. Especially after 24 hrs. of no sleep. 🙂
    I am thankful for all of the people fighting for our freedom and the vets that have fought in the past. Thank you!
    I am thankful to live in the most beautiful country in the world.
    I am thankful to be going to Kauai next year. Never been to Hawaii, and I am so excited!!
    I am thankful for all of the wonderful things, as well as the not so wonderful things in my life. As they all have made me who I am today.

    Thanks for this post, Jane! It is always wonderful to remember just how much we should be thankful for!

  69. I’m thankful for my family and friends and our health. I’m also thankful for the time we get to spend together.

  70. Jane, sending good vibes your way.
    I am thankful for my husband
    I am thankful for my daughters.
    I am thankful my dog is not sick anymore.
    I am thankful both my daughters are happy.
    I am thankful that my mom and dad are both still healthy.

  71. Jane,
    I’m thankful for my faith. God gets me through everything.
    My husband, my family and friends and my Otto.
    The chance I have to volunteer at all the community events and boards and other things I give my time to. It keeps me busy and out of trouble. 🙂

  72. I am thankful for my family and all the things we share together to make us a family that has fun in good and bad times. We’ll get together at my son’s house for the first time this Thanksgiving and spend the night. I’m thanksful to Jane for all the fun and the sharing of this blog that brings all of us together. I’m thankful that God has brought me through a surgery this week that turned out positive so I can continue to be thankful for each and every day. I’m thankful that some of our brave soldiers will be coming home to their families because at one time…two of my sons were those soldiers who made it home. I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving…Ruth

  73. Hello my beautiful friend! I am thankful for so many things, first and foremost is my salvation.
    My husband comes in a close second 😀
    My children
    My wonderful friends and family around the world.
    Our business
    My community and church family.
    Our soldiers fighting for our freedom and that freedom of others.
    Our country, even for the mess it’s in at the moment, it’s amazing.
    So many things to be thankful for.

    I am also so very thankful for you, Jane. Hugs 🙂

  74. I am thankful for my husband and daughter. I’m thankful for my parents and in-law. I’m thankful for my grandparents. And on a shallower note, I’m thankful for Breaking Dawn. 🙂

  75. I am thankful for my wonderful family and my two daughters who fill my life with joy. I am thankful for good health and the possibility to go back to school to study what I am really interested in.
    I am thankful for godd friends and good books.

  76. I am thankful for the reconnection I am having with my 16-year-old daughter. I am thankful for my grandchildren whose laughter brings a smile to everyone around me. I am thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my table. And I am thankful for my friends online and off. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  77. I am Thankful for my family and friends!

    I am Thankful that they are all healthy and happy!

    I am Thankful for all the small pleasures in life and that all is good!

    Thanks Jane!

  78. I am thankful for my daughter Monica who has begun to take care of me almost as much as I do her.
    I am thankful for Dana and Claire and all of the great people at the Vera Bradley store who write me notes and remember me when I come in. In a world of anonymity and numbers it is so important to have someplace where people know you and appreciate you as a person.
    I am thankful for my friends and family and their generosity and love.
    I am thankful for my husband who as taught me so much about patience.
    I am thankful for Dotcat and Reo who greet me at the door after a hard day and want nothing more than a scratch under the chin or a belly rub.
    I am thankful for bright clear mornings so I can walk up the hill with my neighbor Karen and solve the worlds problems as only 2 women in their 50’s can do.
    I am thankful for coffee and the Starbucks where I start each workday with Chris and her crew who greet me by name and know my drink.
    I am thankful I have a job where I get to help people and solve problems each day.
    I am thankful for the beautiful fall colors and the change of seasons – although I could do without the seasonal allergies I think.
    I am thankful for Marla even though it has been years since we were roommates, we remain connected in some odd female way.
    I am thankful for Bill who writes me letters each week and makes me think about things and answer back intelligently but doesn’t mind that I suffer from “Oh look, there’s a bunny” from time to time.
    I am thankful there are artists, authors and poets that capture words and pictures that transport me when I see or read them to places I might not experience on my own.
    I am thankful for the Post Office because I love writing and getting letters and notes.
    I am thankful I still carry the love of my Father even though he has been gone from this earth since 2004. I think of him every day.
    I am thankful I understand my poor Mother better and I miss her frequent letters and hope that she finally has some peace.
    I am thankful for each person, event and experience that has brought me to this day and the person I am today.
    Happy Thanksgiving. Blessings on everyone.

  79. I’m thankful for the love my Hubby and I have for our little family, we just celebrated our 6th Anniversary on Nov, 13th 😉
    I’m thankful for first great year of my baby boy, he just turns 1 year old on Nov 10th 😉
    I’m thankful for great friends that I have when I was celebrating my birthday on Nov 18th 😉
    I’m so thankful that I know you Jane, you are a great and most kind author that I’ve ever met. And I love your books 😉

  80. I am thankful for my family, friends, home, secure income, and so many other things!

    Happy Thanksgiving, Jane and everyone here. 🙂

  81. So sorry its taken me so long to post the winners names but my kids tag-teamed me with a ton of errands and to-do lists and only now that they are fed and chilling, I can announce the ten of you that are prize winners. I do wish I could pick each and every one of you because I am so thankful for all of you, but I only have ten prizes so here goes:

    #1 Marlene (and yes, I pick number one as much as I can because I am soooo grateful for that first person who comes and posts!)

    #3 Deborah R

    #9 Barb C

    #17 Anita

    #26 Gillian

    #34 Lori

    #49 Melinda

    #61 Lynette

    #63 Latesha

    #85 Tina

    So winners, when you email me, please tell me which of my books you’d like–and you can get anyone you want and signed to whoever you want–and also the size t-shirt you’d like, too. They are women’s sizes and I have S-M-L-XL and your address and comment number to keep track of this giveaway. Send me all that info super soon and thank you for sharing your blessings with me.

    Love to all–


  82. THANK YOU SO MUCH JANE!!! I’m so excited to be chosen as one of the winners. I am so grateful for people like you. I just messaged you my info. Don’t mind the 3 messages. My computer kept sending the message when I hit enter … ooops 🙂

  83. Congratulations to the winners! I’m thankful for family, friends, renewed connections, and fabulous writers like Jane Porter and blogs like this one:)

  84. My husband, kids, family, friends, job, home, etc. Thankful that my book blog has seen so much success. Thankful for “How I Met Your Mother” for keeping me sane. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  85. I am thankful I’m not alone in being 41 and being a mom trying to get along in this culture and this world.

    Happy Thanksgiving all!

  86. Post-contest…

    This is my first holiday season since my split from my husband of almost 17 years and the father of my children. This year I am thankful my kids are healthy, cool human beings, that they have a good dad, and that I have so many women in my life who are not afraid to speak the truth about both how wonderful life is and how stressful it can be.

  87. I am thankful for health and roof over our heads. I am thankful for my son Ben take martial arts three times a week and an hour viola tutor. I am thankful for Anabel takes hip hop dance once a week and piano lesson. I am thankful my husband has a job. I am thankful I have met you!

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