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Inspiration for My Brennan Family

I love joining book clubs when they’re reading and discussing my books.  I learn so much about women and their thoughts, opinions, and feelings through book club visits and call-ins.  I don’t think I ever truly understand the novel I’ve written until I hear it discussed from the reader’s perspective, and it’s the reader that does matter…because what I create has to resonate with readers, or they won’t come back for the next book.

I’ve been fortunate to join three different book clubs in person now for The Good Woman–in Visalia, Carlsbad, and Bellevue–and I got a crazy idea for a future Brennan story while sitting in on the discussion in Visalia, and understood why readers connected with certain characters (or didn’t connect with others) in Carlsbad, and Bellevue’s discussion just brought home why I write.  I love this connecting with other women, I love creating community, I love being able to meet women and become part of their world, even if only for a night.

One of the things I’m asked most often is how did I come up with this Brennan family, and truthfully, my fiction Brennans were inspired by my younger brother’s wife and her family.  My brother Rob married a stunning San Francisco girl named Andrea Callen.  Andrea’s father was a fourth generation San Franciscan, as well as a firefighter in San Francisco, just as his grandfather, uncles, and brothers were all firefighters in the city.  Over the years I’ve gotten to know Andrea’s family and I adore her father, her mom, all of her family.  They are warm, loving, solid, people.  Strong people.  People with passion, compassion, and integrity.

In the photo below, my brother Rob is on the far left, holding his daughter, Callen Porter.  Callen is now a 7th generation San Franciscan as Rob and Andrea are raising their family in the city.   Andrea’s uncle is to the left of me, and Andrea’s father, Tom, to the right.

My brother Rob couldn’t have picked a better woman to marry, nor more loving, supportive in-laws.  I decided years ago that I’m claiming them as my own, and Tom Callen himself helped inspire Tom Brennan, the patriarch of the Brennan family with his love for the city, his family, and his other family–the San Francisco fire department.

Do you have any fire fighters in your family?  Is there someone that inspires you?  Tell me!! Everyone that comments  in the comment section below, will have a chance to win a fun Fall Harvest gift box.  It’s a just three day contest, and I’ll announce the winner Thursday morning.

But wait!!  There’s more.  As my Facebook and Twitter followers know…I’ve got another contest happening here right now, and it’s a one day contest only!!  It’s for those of you who belong to book clubs, or would like the chance to win a big box of books to share with your friends.  (Who says you can’t do your own impromptu book club with The Good Woman??) Make sure to say in your comment, that you’re here to enter the book club giveaway of 15 copies of The Good Woman, along with pens, bookmarks, nail files and recipe cards for everyone in your group. to be entered in the book club drawing.  I will also be calling in the night your group meets to discuss The Good Woman with you all!

So…two contests to kick off the week.  One winner–the book club winner–is announced tomorrow morning.  The Fall Harvest prize winner is announced Thursday.  Both winners will be announced here, in the comments below, so check back!

Good luck and have a great week!



74 Comments on “Inspiration for My Brennan Family

  1. Hi Jane,

    I don’t have a Fire Fighter in my life, but my inspiration comes from my family. I have been blessed to be a part of the most amazing, loving, supportive family. We are all very close and have to talk to each other several times a week.

    I’m in a book club and would LOVE to enter for The Good Woman goodies. My book club would be over the moon if we won! My ladies are very anxious and excited to meet my friend, Jane 🙂

    xoxoxo Marlene xoxoxo

  2. Who Inspires me: My Mom…she has always been my comfort, joy and example…even though we had a rough time in our lives when I was a bratty teenager, she still loved me and helped me get over those years. She has been the BEST example and I am so honored and proud to call her mom. She inspires me to be the BEST mom I could be to my own kiddos.

    I am also here to enter for the book club…I just LOVED this and would LOVE to bless my friends with a copy as well as a chance to chat with you! 😉

  3. I actually do come from a family of firefighters. My step-father was a fire chief in a small town in new york where I was raised and no his son has taken that place. I had an uncle who was a fire fighter and have a brother-in-law and cousin who also are. These are all volunteer firemen too. When i was little, I remember many times when the family would be out some place and a call would come through. There was no time to drop offmy mother and us kids. So, we would go and sit in the car and just watch. I have built an excitement and also fear of fires from those days. I have a couple people who inspire me. My mother is one and I also have a sister who does too. My mother has done the best job raising her family through many hard times and now she takes care of my step-father who is handicapped. My sister that inspires me has raised her three children (all grown now) by herself while going to school to be a nurse. She has never depended on a man to help her and she did (still does) everything on her own.

  4. My aunt Geri inspires me! She is such an amazing woman. Geri does so much for abandoned and abused animals, finding temporary housing and care, eventually a forever home. Another person who inspires me is Alley, from Alley’s Rescued Angels! She is in the process of readying a “Ranch” for the animals she rescues until they are adopted in their forever homes. She drives all around southern California to shelters saving who ever she can, which mostly is animals needing costly medical care. Like I said she inspires me 😀

  5. Hi Jane! Yes, I have several firefighters in my life. My brother is Assistant Chief and my dad retired a couple of years ago as Fire Marshal. My grandfather was also a volunteer firefighter when I was growing up so I literally grew up around firefighters. I am proud of all of them and the courage and dedication they have and sacrifices that they made (as well as what their families have to sacrifice too). It wasn’t always easy, but I know none of us would have wanted it any different than it was. Great book! I loved it:)

  6. Hi Jane:

    My grandmother inspired (and continues to do so from Heaven) me to be a good mom. I stumble often but her spirit, guidance and memory constantly pick me up, dust me off and remind me to keep going.

    I am forever thankful that God’s mercies are new every day and that my kids love and give me that chance every, single day.

    Much love to you,

  7. Hi Jane,
    My husband is a Lt/Paramedic Firefighter and was the inspiration for my first book, Burn Out (which was about a missing firefighter from Florida). His mother gave me a drawing that my husband did in the first grade – a firefighter in front of burning house titled What I Want To Be When I Grow Up. He said he always wanted to be a firefighter and never anything else. Now our 8 year old son is adamant about following in his father’s footsteps. 🙂 I love the camaraderie between firefighters and how they truly are a second family. As a firefighters wife, I am sometimes jealous of the time he spends with his “other” family since he has to work long overnight shifts. But I know he is doing a good job, one that requires putting his life on the line for a stranger if needed. Thanks for sharing your story.
    I can’t wait to read the rest of the series. The Good Woman was an excellent book!

  8. My uncle is a volunteer firefighter. I remember staying with my aunt and uncle and him being called out to a fire. Course I could remember that more because they lived right beside the firehouse. 🙂 I’m thankful for all the hard work that all firefighters, volunteer or otherwise do for all of us.

    I am also here to enter for the book club…My friends & I would love copies of your book (and goodies) and would be ecstatic for a chance to chat with you!

  9. Jane,

    I am lucky be inspired by so many people in my life, including you. I am always amazed how you can juggle so much. One of my best friends, is a daily inspiration. Her name is Erin, she has had great tragedies in her life and yet she always picks herself up and continues on. She is a great mom to her kids, and a great friend!

    I keep trying to get a book club started……I have shared “The Good Woman” with several friends as many of us are scattered all over the USA and we have had some great discussions about it.

    Hope that you have a great week, thanks for sharing and being so generous with us!

  10. It’s the women who inspire me. My late mother in law is one; she had to develop toughness, left alone to raise six kids in a new country and I had incredible admiration for her, and miss her. She encouraged me, more than my own family, to write.
    And Tom totally looks like a firefighter!!

  11. I grew up in a small town with a volunteer fire department. My dad was a firefighter and so was my uncle. I remember being out with my aunt and uncle and he’d get a call and we’d go to the fire and sit in the car while he worked. Sometimes we’d stay, and sometimes my aunt would take us back home. I actually lost my father in a house fire, not related to the job, so I have a great admiration for them.

  12. I have many different individuals who have inspired me throughout my life. My mother was a strong, selfless and hard working woman who instilled in me the principles which I value today. My sister who is a widow gave me the resilience necessary to be strong. I enjoyed your post today. The books would be very welcome for my neighbor’s book club which we belong t.

  13. My great-uncle was an asst chief & sometimes acting chief of the volunteer fire department. He usually drove the antique truck in parades with his dog by his side (a collie not Dalmatian). My granny was a big inspiration…telling me I got the Irish story-telling gene with my fiction writing! 🙂

  14. Hi Jane,
    I love seeing the pictures of the Callens. What a great family!

    My brother-in-law is a fire fighter, he and my sister met when they were both volunteer fire fighters and EMT’s. For a long time my son wanted to be a fireman, as many boys do.

    My family is actually a long line of law enforcement, from correctional officers to small town police to county sheriffs to me, the prosecutor. It’s almost genetic, it feels.

    My husband and I continue to be inspired by his late grandfather, William (Bill) Fletcher. Bill survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, on the USS Tangiers; the ships on either side of the Tangiers were destroyed. He was also a prolific writer, and his hand written books and letters are treasures in the family. What an amazing man, I’m honored I was able to know him for a little while before he passed away.

    It was fun to talk about the book in Bellevue, great to see you! Our Duvall book club is inactive right now, but I know the ladies would love to read the book and chat with you again. I really enjoyed The Good Woman and can’t wait for Kit’s story next.


  15. I don’t have a firefighter in my family, but I have a few friends whose husbands are firefighters, a special bread they are for their courage and strength!

    I really enjoyed The Good Woman, I couldn’t stop reading it once I started! I had to stay home and finish it one weekend! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it! Can’t wait for The Good Daughter!

    I hope to put together something in February when I go to Arizona and then to Oklahoma where I want to share your books with those I come in contact with at my events!

    I am inspired by my friends who have been through though times emotionally and some physically, who have found the strength to move forward and live their life to the fullest! I keep saying if they can get through this, so can I!

    I am also here to enter the book club giveaway of 15 copies of The Good Woman, along with pens, bookmarks, nail files and recipe cards for everyone in my group! Love you Jane!

  16. Hi Jane! I don’t have a firefighter in my family, but my husband always wanted to be one. He is now an RN in ICU and I admire him so much. His compassion for his patients and their family is simple amazing. A lot of people assume guys can’t be good nurses, but that’s so untrue. He is now spending the next two years in NY (while me and my girls are here in OR.) He is making his dream of becoming an anesthesioligt come true. I admire him for his compassion, dedication, and also admire that he can follow his dreams…even if it means going to class or cramming in information in a library nearly every moment he is awake. He is such a hard worker, great daddy and husband, and an amazing person! He is the one I admire and look up to and I am so glad he wanted to be involved in careers that help others….because that is where he makes the most difference!! 🙂

  17. I love the pictures and seeing who the Brennen family was named for. I do have a special fire fighter in my life. He is amazing and reminds me of the men in your story.

    I belong to a book club and would like to enter that contest. How fun!

  18. My mom has been a huge inspiration to me. She has set a good example on how to be a great
    I haven’t read The Good Woman, yet. I have read many great reviews. I would love the chance to read it.

  19. No fire fighters in my family except my nieces ex husband so I don’t think that counts. He is also my great nieces father so maybe you can count him. I have read The Good Women and I can tell everyone they want to read this book. It is an awesome read and hits close to home for a lot of us. MY family is who inspires me the most.

  20. I had a brother who wanted to be a firefighter but didn’t pass the physical because of a football injury. His life would have been completely different if he had made it because he wanted to be a hero.
    I would love to win the 15 books and all the goodies for the book group I am starting at work.

  21. Even though he has passed away, Steve Jobs still inspires me. He thought out of the box, and he has changed the world, and the way we do things.

  22. I don’t have a firefighter in my family but I have several friends who are. I also have several friends who are police officers. And I have MANY friends who are service men & women! I am forever thankful for all they do to keep us safe. I would love to win books for a group of girls who are close friends! We aren’t a formal book club but we talk about books and trade books all the time!

  23. My father is a retired firefighter, but the person that inspires me the most is my aunt. She has gone through so much, but always has a positive attitude. She lost one child, who had a severe form of cerebral palsy. She was 12 years old. My aunt also survived breast cancer, and she and her husband have had a tough time in this economy. But like I said, she always maintains a positive attitude. She is also my godmother, so we have always had a special relationship.

    I am not in a book club, but I certainly would love to win the pack of books to share with friends, and have them over when they finish reading it to discuss The Good Woman! I would definitely start a book club if I win!!

    Thank you so much for the opportunity to win!

  24. Yes, my brother is a fire fighter. He is amazing and has been doing it for over 20 years! He loves his job and is a hero in my eyes!

    All fire fighters, police officers, Military personal, Doctors, and Nurses are all people who I feel inspire me. I would never want their job (don’t get me wrong) 😉 But they inspire me to be a better person and help others in need. They all are amazing people and this world is lucky to have them!

    I have not read The Good Woman yet, but am SO excited to!! I know it will be amazing, as always!

  25. Oh Jane, I would love to win the book club giveaway! I come from a big family and would love to talk about that dynamic with friends as well as my sisters. And I would *swoon at the chance to talk to you. 🙂 Hope things are settling down a bit on your coast. Hugs, Tracy

  26. My daughter’s boyfriend is a firefighter in a neighboring town and they are always doing something for the community.

  27. My grandfather was a firefighter. I have an old b/w picture of him posed with the rest of the men beside the truck. Those trucks sure looked different then! Dee

  28. Yes i do, my uncle is a firefighter. but the person who inspires me is my Doctor, she works like 24/7.. saves women lives and their unborn babies 🙂 she once told me that she only able to sleep about 2 hrs a day. Wow, that’s amazing of her dedication as a gynecologist.

  29. I would love to enter for the Fall Harvest prize but will pass on the book club. I WISH I belonged to a book club but I don’t.

    I find inspriration from my daughters. They inspire me to set a good example and as we fight to find what is wrong with my youngest daughter…she inspires me because no matter how sick she gets she keeps her spirit up reminding me to keep mine up as well.

  30. No firefighters in my family. My daughter is my inspiration. She has faced so many challenges since she was born really. She was an emergency c-section. She’s been on immunotherapy for allergies since she was 7 years old, gall bladder surgery at 17. She’s one tough cookie and even though she sometimes feels “why me?” she plows on and does what she needs to do. I’m not in a book club but I could/would certainly start one with some of my friends if I were to win the book club box of goodies.

  31. Our family always feels so blessed by good friends who work as firefighters and police personnel, but we don’t have anyone in the family in those professions. When my dad had his heart problem on Christmas Day two years ago, the fire dept. got here first to help. Those guys are the best. I baked them a nice coffee cake to take to the station for their break room as soon as we got Dad out of the hospital and home. We are so thankful for all of those who put themselves in harm’s way and work while others are celebrating with families during holidays. They are good people!

  32. What a great idea for a giveaway!

    My father-in-law was a Long Beach firefighter after WWII. My husband almost followed his path but chose music instead.

  33. No firefighters in my family. But I very much admire their spouses and family. It must be very hard to carry on with their lives while their loved ones are off helping others. Bless them for the sacrifices.

    My inspiration has to be my sister, and other mentally challenged people. No matter the insurmountable obstacles they can face, they are the kindest, sweetest, most giving people I’ve ever met. To have been touched by their smiles and love is truly a precious gift. Miss you sis.

  34. Hi Jane!

    We were so fortunate to have you at our book club in Visalia! And it was fun helping inspire an idea for your third book in the trilogy!

    My grandpa was a volunteer firefighter for a small town in Iowa. He has always been an inspiration, as he was an honest, strong, loving and giving man! A fine man to call Grandpa!

    Have a great day!


  35. Here for the book club contest!

    When i was thinking of who inspires me i would have to say my sister in law has and continues to. She was diagnosed with cervical cancer this summer and has been so strong through it! i dont think I couldve handled it so well. The Good Woman was so relatable for me and i would love to share it with my family and friends! Hope you have a wonderful and blessed week Jane!!!

  36. Hi Jane!
    I know it has been a long time. I actually started handwriting a note to you the other day so I could type/email you when I got my power back…I’ll finish that soon. I’ve been without power until this morning due to Hurricane Sandy. I cannot complain though, where I am in NJ, we mainly faced power outages, my heart goes to all the people from the shore area; the pictures are just devastating.

    My brother is a fireman, my great uncle is a retired captain and I have 2 cousins who are also firemen. Although I have such respect for them and their profession, especially after witnessing so many of our first responders assisting our community members throughout this difficult time, I have to admit that my mom and my grandmother inspire me the most. Very strong women who instilled the same values, morals and ethics in me.

    Unfortunately, I haven’t read The Good Woman yet, but am always looking for a reason to talk about your books to my friends and would love to host a book club for you. I did finally read Not Fit for A King (LOVED IT!) this week while off from school and just started His Majesty’s Mistake (ALSO LOVING IT!), which I’ll finish either tonight or tomorrow …they have been on my shelf since the summer, but I know once I start your stories I can’t put them down and this wasn’t my typical summer of reading, so I waited for the right time.

    Anyway, lots more to fill you in on and I will…hope you are all doing well. I’m thrilled for you that The Good Woman is doing so great ~ you truly have a wonderful way of telling stories. I look forward to reading it soon:)

    Love ya!

  37. My mother, who passed away 1n 1993, inspired me then and now. She was never a complainer. She was patient and kind, and she showed great courage in her battle with cancer. So much of what I am came from her example.

  38. Hi Jane,

    We don’t have have any fire fighters in my family but a person that inspires me is a very good friends of mine from high school.
    Unfortunately we don’t see each other that often but it’s just so nice when we do and we just pick up from where we are now in our lives.
    I do now belong to a book club and would love to win the “The Good Woman” books so I’m also here to enter the book club giveaway of 15 copies of The Good Woman 🙂

    Have a great week,

  39. Hi,

    we don’t have fire fighters in the family, but we do have a lot of teachers & nurses. All very dedicated. That’s a true inspiration.

  40. My husband is my true inspiration. He is a cop in the USAF and has been deployed over ten times. He is about to leave for yet another one:( It never gets any easier but he fights for our countries freedom everyday, and in my book..He’s the ultimate hero..

  41. Technically, there are no firefighters in the family. But my problem-solving mother was always putting someone else’s “fires” out. With grace and humor. She is an inspirations.

  42. No official fire fighters yet,but my son aged 7 at the moment wants to be one and has all the gadets and things to practise with and i know it is early days but this is the one thing he has always said he wants to be for quite some time now. Thank you for sharing your lovely post with us and for the very fun contest.

    I do not have a book club (not a up close one) but myself and some other ladies are all part of a virtual book club,we read,review and discuss and then post it over the internet. (Not sure if that counts)


  43. Good Morning, Election Morning, I’m here to announce the book club winner, but I’m also worrying about all my readers and friends on the East Coast as they brace for another storm.

    If there is something–anything–I can do, please share!!!! I hate feeling helpless. I’ve made a donation to Red Cross, but what else??

    Now on to the winner for the book club–15 copies of The Good Woman, pens, bookmarks, recipe cards and a Skype or phone call in from me!

    And the winner is: #8 Crystal R

    Crystal, email me as soon as you can and I’ll get the books in the mail!

    But….wait…. 🙂

    I have more winners. My publicist heard what I was doing and thought it was awesome and she helped round up some more books for me to give away to you guys for your book clubs, because now is the time to read The Good Woman BEFORE The Good Daughter comes out!

    My publicist drew numbers for me and I have books and goodies for these folks, too:

    #2 Cheryl H
    #16 Anna Marie
    #24 Bridget
    #26 Tracy H
    #44 Desere

    Winners, please send me your address, and the number of people in your group, so my publicist can get the books out in the mail to you and I can send the other fun stuff. Also, when you are all ready, contact me and let’s schedle a call-in with your group if it can be arranged with your schedule and mine.

    And those of you who didn’t win books for your group…email me privately, let me know how many are in your group, and I’ll see if my publicist has any books left over and can send you some!

    Love to all!!


    1. THANK YOU SO MUCH JANE! I am so excited to share this story with my friends and family and can’t wait to give them this gift!

      HOLY CRAP you just made my entire WEEK! Christmas just came a month early!

      Love you my friend! 😉

    2. As my daughter would say: Oh. My. Gosh. (She’s 3, and absolutely adorable when she says it:)) I’m so excited to win! You are so incredibly generous! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  44. I missed the book club part :(!
    At least I made it in time for the other contest :).

    My brother Matt is in the process of becoming a firefighter, I’m so proud of him !

    My family inspires me in everything I do. My 2 little boys make everything and anything seem possible 🙂

  45. I don’t have any firefighters in the family but my dad inspires me every day. He never had a hero type job but he was my hero growing up and he still is!

  46. Jane, thanks for your concern about our NE family and friends; mine who live there are safe. As far as firefighters: my brother Jim is a volunteer ff in Alaska, two nephews are ff in Idaho. As far as inspiration, I am so fortunate to have so many shining people in my life. Because today is election day, I will tell the story of my Mom. Many years ago my 5’2″Mom was a young single woman on her way to vote after work. When she stepped off the trolley, she was mugged; however, she beat her attacker with her purse,went to vote, and only then went to the police station before going home. When asked why she didn’t go to the police station right away, she said that if she had, the polls might be closed and she wouldn’t be able to cast her vote! Way to go, Mom! Although Mom died many years ago she continues to inspire me in so many facets of my life.

    1. p.s. I found the little news article about this in Mom’s things while I was visiting and helping one summer. Our family had a great time talking to her about this.

  47. No firefighters in the family. I’ve been inspired by all the rescue personnel as well as the regular citizens who came out to help here in the aftermath of Sandy. We lost power, but the tireless volunteers would hike up the stairs and distribute sandwiches and water to us.

    1. Janie,although I don’t know you, it is great to hear that you and your family are ok and are being taken care of by such good hearted souls. What can we ordinary folks from far away do for your neighbors?

    2. Janie, I want to second Mary’s concern and question–what can we do for you, and your community? What do people need most right now? And what will people need later? Its sometimes tough to get the full story from the media…

      Much love to you!

      1. Hi Mary and Jane,
        Thanks for your concern. We doing good compared to others. We have power and hot water, but our phone, cable and internet are still down. I keep hearing that many others need batteries and diapers, but not sure exactly where to donate.

  48. I don’t have a family member as a firefighter, but a close coworker whose husband is the deputy chief in our town. He is there to help at some of the worse times in people’s lives. He is also a great family man as well.

  49. Hi Jane,

    I have a book club, our book club’s name is bookslut reader but i’m not sure you can send the 15 copies of The Good Woman to me 🙁

    And i’d late to this contest 🙁

  50. no firefighters in my family; I know many of the volunteer fire fighters in our town and their dedication.

    So nice to fit so well into your brothers family

  51. We don’t have a firefighter in our family, however we do have a nun who is my husbands aunt. She is a loving, soft spoken women who has dedicated her life to her religion. She is an inspiration not asking for anything but always sweet and loving.

  52. Thank you Jane, I’m a member of Desere’s virtual book club and look forward to having the discussion. We do book club discussions on our blog and enjoy them thoroughly – the reading, the reviewing and the discussions!

  53. I don’t have any firefighter in my family, but I remember my father saying that my grand-father used to volunteer as a firefighter in case of need. Unfortunately, my grand-fathere died when I was 2 and I don’t remember him at all.
    Your family in the pictures looks and sounds wonderful.
    Hope you can finish your book soon and relax with your family.

  54. My 86 year old aunt inspires me. She lives alone, goes to exercise class three days a week, always shopping for the latest fashions and loves to read. I LOVED the photos, Jane! Tom Callen is exactly how I pictured Tom Brennan! I can’t wait for the next book!

  55. Hope I’m not too late!! I’ve been trying to win this one every chance I see a contest to no avail! Maybe this is my lucky entry!!

    Thanks – you’re awesome.

    and really, cannot take a bad picture can you?

    sharn3960 AT comcast DOT net

  56. Hi Jane,
    I work for a fire department and feel like I have 300+ brothers I never had growing up. Some get under my skin, some I love and some well… I am very fortunate to have a wonderful work family who care and support each other. It is a difficult job, many times thankless but these guys and gals are true heroes in my eyes. Heroes. They are the ones who will put their lives on the line to save someone they have never met. Amazing people. I’m happy you are featuring firefighters too!

    Have a great day!
    in Denver

  57. What an inspiration. My book club leader just got her power back yesterday just as the snow hit. We are very fortunate that most of us are not in a worse situation.

  58. Hi everyone,

    I’m out at a quiet coffee place, determined to get a fair amount of writing done but just wanted to check in with you to announce the winner for the Fall Harvest prize –

    #14 Pen M.

    Congrats! Please email me with your full name and address within the next few days so I can get the prize in the mail.

    And everyone please remember, if your name is drawn as a winner, you MUST email me to claim your prize within a week’s time of the drawing, otherwise I’ll have to pick a new winner!

    Have a wonderful day!

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