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Scarlet Wilson: The Fun of the Wedding Dress

scarlet_wilsonDear Readers,

One of my favorite authors and a truly talented one, Scarlet Wilson launched the 2015 Montana Born Brides series at Tule Publishing this week and I couldn’t be more excited.  I love bridal stories and Scarlet’s story, The Fairy Tale Bride makes it so easy to fall in love with the magic and fervor of a wedding.

I’ve invited Scarlet to share the fun of weddings with us on JaneBlog.  Thank you, Scarlet, for joining us!


Don’t you just love to look at wedding dresses?

Wedding dresses play a big part in our new Montana Born Bride wedding series – after all every bride has to have one!  My heroine Lisa, owns the bridal salon in Marietta, so she gets the joy and sometimes pain of trying to help every bride find her dream dress.  But what would your dream dress look like?

Let’s have a look at some.  There have been a number of royal brides over the last few years.  How can forget Kate’s beautiful dress when she married Prince William?

There’s also been Sweden’s royal wedding where Princess Madeline married her US banker Chris O’Neil.  She looked really stunning.


One of my favourite dress was from a few years ago when Lady Sarah married Daniel Chatto.  I loved her dress!


But what about dresses from the movies?  The latest Disney Cinderella movie has a spectacular dress that is now available via Alfred Angelo.  You can have your very own Disney Cinderella wedding dress! (photo credit Jonathan Olley/Disney).


Finally, what do you think of the wedding dresses of all our brides in the series?  Do you have a favourite?  I might – but then again, I might be biased!





The reviews for The Fairy Tale Bride have been wonderful so far and I know some of you have enjoyed this story too.  For those of you who may not have read it yet, be sure to grab your copy soon.  You’ll love this cute and heartwarming story!

And speaking of cute, I’ve got a fun reader prize for one of you in celebration of this series!  Leave a comment, tell me what you thought of Scarlet‘s story if you’ve already read it or tell me what you love most about weddings and you’ll be entered for a chance to win!  Contest ends Sunday with winner announced on Monday.

42 Comments on “Scarlet Wilson: The Fun of the Wedding Dress

  1. I haven’t read this book but it sounds amazing. I’m not a big fan of weddings so I can’t really think of anything I like about them.

  2. I love to see the bride walk down the aisle in her wedding dress. It is one of my favorite parts of a wedding.

  3. Weddings give me hope and are beautiful celebrations which all can enjoy. A memorable event.

  4. I haven’t read this book but it sounds like a wonderful read and I can’t wait to read it. I don’t go to a lot of weddings and I don’t really think I have been to a wedding since my own many years ago. I will have to put more weddings on my bucket list.

  5. I love all wedding dresses. My favorite part of a wedding is always the reception and if someone does a toast that makes everyone laugh.

  6. Enjoyed the book. I think the first time you see the bride coming down the aisle in the dress is the best. Or if you are with the future bride when she finds the perfect dress. Looking forward to reading your other books or future books.

  7. Really enjoyed the real gowns and ‘covers’…my son is getting married in two weeks and we’re all so excited getting things taken care of. All our families will be staying together for two days and enjoying all the festivities at a really neat old Manor with alot of history.

  8. Funny coincidence. My daughter is getting married May 30/15 – and she is wearing a Disney wedding gown! It’s a “Tiana” gown – but I’ve never even heard of Tiana, LOL!

  9. I have not read the book yet. My niece is getting married in June and she is having a theme wedding, Beauty and the Beast. Trying to find the cake topper was the most difficult part but I think everything is beautiful.

  10. Congrats to Scarlet on the new release. One of the things I love about weddings is getting to celebrate the nuptials by having a lovely meal and dancing.

  11. The cake, lol! Actually the only wedding I have gone to was my sister’s civil ceremony with a small get together after…

  12. I haven’t read the story yet, but I love witnessing the committment two people make to each other. I also love hearing vows written by the bride & groom.

  13. I haven’t read the book but I do love weddings! I love watching a father walk his daughter down the aisle … makes me cry EVERY time!!!

  14. I loved how Lisa read to the kids in the hospital and that she took two little girls to her shop to dress up and do make believe,touched my heart,when my great granddaughter was in the childrens hospital for a cancerous brain tumer the nurses and volunteers were so great with her.

  15. Love weddings. All so pretty. I also love the traditional white wedding cake. Reading this book next.

  16. I do love how Lisa took the two girls to her shop for dress up. How special for those two girls!

  17. Weddings are such a happy event, and sometimes bloopers!
    My son is getting married in 29 days! I am excited thrilled and of course changing my mind on my dress daily..

  18. I love wedding dresses, one of my first jobs was working in a bridal shop and I absolutely loved it! I really enjoyed The Fairy Tale Bride!

  19. I love wedding dresses. I didn’t get to have one so I’m especially dreamy about them. 🙂 I think my favorite might be Angelina Jolie’s.

  20. I love the gorgeous wedding dresses featured here, and I loved the care that Lisa gave to matching the right dress to her brides. Scarlet, your book is gorgeous and was a pleasure to read!

  21. I love watching the groom seeing his bride when she enters, such a tender moment. Then its the cake!

  22. Thank you ladies for the fabulous comments, I’m glad the bridal theme captures your imagination and thanks so much to those of you who’ve read the book!

  23. I love all the dresses. Although I never had a big wedding, either time, I still love a beautiful gown. I haven’t read her book yet but since I love all the Tule books I know I will enjoy it.

  24. I haven’t read this book yet. What I love about weddings is that moment when the bride and groom see each other and hold hands before turning towards the person who is marrying them. That moment is a whole bunch of nervousness, craziness, and full of faith. xo

  25. Congratulations Scarlet on this release. I love Fairytale Weddings.The most beautiful part of a wedding for me is when the bride meets the groom at the Alter and they look into each others eyes. Such a tender and beautiful moment to see that love radiating from them both.I have’nt read the Bridal stories yet but definitely will.
    Carol L

  26. Thanx for this interestiong blog=) You know I am a future bride=) And I want to make my wedding day as a perfect one=) I want a perfect dress, hair, flowers, photos, cake etc=) So I find one awesome community Wedding Forward that help me a lot in this case.

  27. #37, Ginger, Congratulations for being the winner! Please shoot me an email with your mailing details and we’ll get prize to you!

    Have a great week, everyone! xoxo

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