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Tule’s 4 RITA Nominees!

I’m in Hawaii for Easter and I woke up at 4:25 am Hawaii time to make sure my son Ty, who was heading to LAX this morning to fly to Oahu, was fine and all checked in.  But instead of a text from Ty, there was a text from Megan Crane, saying:  CJ Carmichael! Go Tule!

I answered:  Hey, it’s only 4:25 am here, and I’m slowly waking up.  What’s going on?

Megan answered:  The RITAS!

Well, I woke up pretty fast, and then Megan texted me again:   Plus Madeline Ash and Heidi Rice.

And then:  Kat Latham.  Twice!

So wow.  Yes, son Ty made it to the airport, but that’s so boring when you get amazing RITA news that tells you 4 Tule authors have  finaled for the RITAs with 5 Tule stories in 2 different categories.

I am beyond excited for them….but I also have to go the airport to get that boy so please help me celebrate these four fantastic authors with their 5 fantastic stories!

CJ Carmichael – A Bramble House ChristmasBrambleHouseChristmas-MEDIUM

Heidi RiceTempting The NightHeidiRice-MEDIUM

Kat LathamOne Night With Her BachelorThree Nights Before ChristmasOneNightWithHerBachelor-MEDIUM


Madeline Ash – Her Secret PrinceMadelineAsh-MEDIUM

Cheers to my lovely author friends!  So thrilled and proud of each of you.

And to celebrate properly (its the only way to celebrate!) I’m giving away a copy of each story to one lucky winner plus lots of Tule reader swag. Want a chance to win all these fantastic reads? Tell me if you’ve read any of these authors before and that’s it! You’re entered to win. Contest ends Tuesday March 29th at midnight PST with the winner announced Wednesday. Good luck and Happy Easter to all Book Girls!


73 Comments on “Tule’s 4 RITA Nominees!

  1. That is one fantastic wake up call Jane. Amazing and wonderful news. Congrats and good luck to them all. Way to go.
    Carol L

  2. How exciting!! Tule has so many wonderful authors who write awesome books that I love to read. It’s going to be difficult to wait until July to find out the winners. Although I think just getting nominated is amazing!!

  3. Congrats to the 4 Tule Authors on their RITA Noms. I have read one or two of Kat Latham’s Rugby series. Thanks for the chance!!!

  4. Congratulations!! Awesome news for you and Tule. I’ve only read CJ Carmichael. I guess I have some catching up to do. Happy Easter!

  5. only CJ Carmichael so far that I can recall (I’m bad with names but show me a book cover and no problem lol) But I do have the preview dl’d into my reading que of Kat Latham’s Three Nights Before Christmas … call me weird but I like reading Christmas stories when there is snow on the ground LOL

  6. I may have read at least one of them in the past because their names sound familiar. Congrats to all of them!

  7. These are incredible Authors , so excited for all of them!! Tule has the most incredible Authors , incredible yo be reading their books

  8. I don’t think I’ve read any yet, but now I’ve got new authors to add to my list. Congratulations on the nominations!!

  9. Congratulations to Tule and the authors! I have read all of the stories and they are fantastic! Happy Easter!

  10. I just love this blog. Congratulations to Tule and all the amazing authors. I have read all of them and loved them. Especially A Bramble House Christmas. Have fun in Hawaii. And Happy Easter

  11. So excited about our Tule books being nominated.Yes I have read and enjoyed an e copy of each book.

  12. I have read CJ Carmichael and I really enjoyed her books! Congratulations to all of the nominees!!!

  13. So exciting! I’ve read books by Kat Latham and really enjoyed them! I loved Three Nights Before Christmas, it was really unique and just a great read 🙂

  14. Congratulations, well deserved ladies. I have read all the stories and loved them all. So glad I found the Tule books, I am enjoying them so much! Keep them coming please…

  15. Heidi Rice’s books Ive read and she is awesome. Congrats to all the nominees on your achievements

  16. Oddly enough the only book that I have in the five mentioned above is Tempting the Knight by Heidi Rice. I do have books by the other authors, just not those four. Love CJ Carmichael, she is definitely one of my favourite authors. Congratulations to all the nominees.

  17. Congratulations to Tule and all the authors. They are all new to me, but the stories all sound intriguing.

  18. I have read C.J.Carmichael and Kit Latham and will keep reading their books as they are published. Happy Easter!

  19. Congratulations to all the nominees! It just brings home the point, of the quality of writing that is being churned out by the Tule authors. And yes, I have had the privilege of reading all the authors listed. Good luck to all the ladies.

  20. I have only read C J Carmichael and it was not the story she is nominated for! I always LOVE reading NEW authors!!

  21. What great news for the authors and Tule Publishing…Hooray!!! I have only read Cj’s books and will look for the other authors. I have not read the book that CJ is nominated for and would love to read it. Her other books have been great reads! Thanks Jane for sharing the good news.

  22. fabulous news!!! so happy for everyone! i have read these authors; 3 were new to me authors thanks to Tule Publishing! Happy Easter!

  23. I’ve read a couple of CJ Carmichael’s books. And several Tule books. Love the idea of Tule publishing and each book so far. Congratulations!

  24. Congrats All! And Go Tule! I’ve read CJ, of course, love A Bramble House Christmas. I haven’t read the others yet because I’m a series nerd, and haven’t made it to theirs yet while I finish the others I’m on. Very excited for all of you.

    And glad Ty made it safely to Hawaii. I hope you had a great Easter!

  25. That’s awesome!! Congrats ladies! I have read a couple of CJ’s books and they were amazing….haven’t read any of these though.

  26. Super excited about reading these authors. They are all new to me, but I’ve admired the covers for awhile.
    This is an amazing giveaway, but more importantly, congrats to Tule and the writers who’ve earned a RITA nod.

  27. This is fabulous news! I loved each of these books. All well deserved. Thank you for the chance to win them!

  28. I have read C J Carmichael (Promise Me, Cowboy was the first time) but not the others. Congrats to Tule Publishing!

  29. Congrats to all the authors and Tule! They are all wonderful stories and well worth the nominations!

  30. I have not read these lovely women’s writings…. I am a Jane Porter women’s fiction fan and just started reading your Taming of the Sheenans series from Tule last month (really enjoying it!). Congratulations to the authors and to Tule!

  31. Thank you for helping me celebrate these incredible Tule authors!
    #26, Ann Mettert, Congratulations! You are the winner of this contest. 🙂 Shoot me your address and I’ll get books and swag to you soon!
    Much love to all,
    Jane xoxoxo

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