Throw Me A Title, Please!

I got the bad news today.  Alpha Mom, out in only 6 months, will no longer be called Alpha Mom due to someone apparently owning the title.  It seems a clever woman has copyrighted the words (who would have thought?!?) and is threatening to sue me and my publisher if we don’t change the name of my novel.  I’m a fan of women who accomplish things but not a fan of women who threaten legal action so Alpha Mom needs a new title.  Fast.

I’m asking all my readers, fellow writers and friends to help brainstorm new title ideas I can send my editor this week.  To get a sneak peek of the Alpha Mom cover (before the title change) visit my B-Board for the next few days and see what the cover looks like, and read the blurb about the book, before the cover and blurb disappear to be unveiled once the transformation is complete.

My editor has suggested three possible new titles:

Queen Bee

Alpha Female

Power Mom

Do you like any of them?  Can you think of any other ideas?  Want to send me some ideas? 

If you suggest a title that gets picked by my editorial team at 5 Spot for the book, which is Taylor’s book (we meet her in Odd Mom Out) you’ll be rewarded with a $50 Sephora gift certificate, an advanced reading copy of To-Be-Retitled-Alpha-Mom, and a signed set of my 5 Spot books:  The Frog Prince, Flirting with Forty, and Odd Mom Out.

So, if you’re creative and like brainstorming book titles send me your suggestions as I desperately need your help.   Alpha Mom needs a new name right away.


  1. Jane, How horrible that you find this out now about the Alpha Mom title. I hope that a new title can be found quickly for you. Ive sent some suggestions your way. Hope that all is going with the writing.


    Love your link that is MOTHERING HEIGHTS. That would be great.




    And since it’s connected to Odd Mom Out and that title simply substituted “Man” from the saying, perhaps it should be a trend…


  3. Almighty Mom


    Capturing the Queendom

    Leader of the Pack

    “Alpha Mom” sounded perfect. Sorry you can’t use it.

  4. woohoo!! I love contests! I also love the cover, Jane! It’s perfect. I sent my suggestions into Lee Hyat. Can’t wait to hear what your editor and you choose.

    I truly believe that this is going to be a blessing in disguise!

  5. A few suggestions… good luck!

    Mom, CFO (Chief Family Officer)
    PTA Princess
    Queenie – The Life of an Alpha Mom
    Seattle Supermom
    Chief Family Officer – The Story of an Alpha Mom

  6. I tried to think of something that could go with Odd Mom Out
    All I could think of is Mom on Top? Oh, wait that could sound really dirty 🙂

  7. I like Jill’s “Mom On Top”–pretty funny–hee!

    Here are my thoughts:

    *Super Mom (although Michelle already said that)

    *Alpha Taylor

    *Perfectly Taylored (But Coming Apart at the Seams)

    *Picture Perfect

    *Taylor Made

    That’s all so far–good luck, Jane! I am with Kara–this will be a blessing in disguise because I totally believe everything happens for a reason.

  8. The words “Super Mom” immediately came to my mind (which has also been suggested by two others).

    The other names popping in my head are: “Mom for President” (does Taylor run for PTA President?), “President Mom”, “Head Mom” (a take on “head cheerleader).

    I’ll keep thinking!

  9. I already emailed these to you, but thought I’d post them here, as well. I’ve noticed a few of them have also been suggested by others. Maybe that’s a good sign! 🙂

    She’s All That
    Den Mother
    Who’s Your Mama?
    Queen Mum
    Mother Superior
    Wonder Woman
    Wonder Mom
    Top Mom
    Super Mom
    Mom On Top
    The Mominator

    – Christina

  10. Hi everyone. Looks like we should have a new title by this afternoon as I’ve just emailed my editor with all the suggestions I’ve received through this morning. I will post a new blog this afternoon or tonight with the winning title…


  11. Well I saw this too late but here were my suggestions. However, I like the new title suggstion!

    Here is what I came up with:

    Mom Extraordinaire

    New Wave Mom

    New Age Mom

    Perfect Mom

    Perfect Mom or Not? Or Not the Perfect Mom?

    Also liked Mega Mom

  12. whoops I send that too quick, leaning on the computer, the term drama quen is so over used. But I have never heard drama mom before. Too bad about the title. Looking forward to your books in 2008.
    sammamish drama queen

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