Flirting Film

The Flirting with Forty movie is officially in production. 

April 1st with cast and crew in Calgary, the film began shooting.  My producer contact, Lucy Mukerjee, has been watching the dailies and she reports it’s all going really well.   They’re filming the scenes that took place in what was Seattle but now sounds like Denver.  

On Tuesday I sent flowers to Heather in Calgary to celebrate the first day of the shoot and wish her well.   Tuesday noon I received a beautiful gift from the producers.  It’s exciting.  I’ve watched the process for the past year and a half, read the scripts and listened to discussion on casting and wondered if it’d really become a reality or if the story would just sit on a shelf collecting dust.  But it’s not collecting dust.  It’s coming to life, with new scenes being shot every day. 

The shoot schedule has them continuing in Calgary until the third week of this month and then head to Hawaii for the final two weeks.  I’m hoping to be in Hawaii for the last week of the shoot to watch filming and meet cast and production crew.

The movie really is a different beast from the book and readers who loved the book will enjoy the movie–they just have to remember that it’s a different story now, one perfect for a holiday film starring Heather Locklear and Robert Buckley.

So here’s to the cast, the crew and all the good people at Sony and Lifetime who worked so hard to make this movie happen.  Thank you.  I’m thrilled you chose my book for your 2008 Christmas movie.  Thrilled Flirting with Forty lives on.  Thank you for giving my story a chance and introducing it to new fans and friends. 


  1. All good things, Jane! And you deserve them. FLIRTING WITH FORTY was a wonderful read. Thanks for the story.


  2. Congratulations, Jane! I can’t wait for the movie, I know that it will be great! I won’t expect to like it at much as the book though, because everyone knows that the book it always better! You definitely should give yourself a pat on the back, this is an honor to your great writing!
    Can’t wait to hear more about the progress!


  3. The last hundred or so pages had me in a tailspin…so, I had to peek at the last page!
    I’m so happy that you will be in Hawaii to have a peek at the last scenes. How fun to be you right now:) Surf’s up…enjoy the ride.
    Sincere congratulations.
    Mary J.

  4. Jane, I am so excited for you! I hope there will be a viewing party. I know Holly wants to see it as well! We talked about it the last time I had my hair colored…

    I hope everything else is fine.

  5. Jane–how totally exciting! Keep us posted on the progress–it’s so much fun watching this book we love come to life in movie form!

    I know where all of us will be tuned in when it airs!


  6. Jane,
    I am so excited for you! Congratulations!! I loved the book and I can’t wait to see the movie. I just love a fun party like Kari just stated. I am hoping there will be a premier party as well.

    Aloha, Julie 🙂

  7. Jane, I’m so excited for you and your book! And I’m totally in the mind set that it’s a different beast. I expect that with most book to movies. Still, I’m sure it’ll rock…and I love a good holiday flick!

    By the way, congrats on the Rita nom!


  8. Wow – how unbelievably exciting this must be for you!! And remember the stress you were in when you read the screen play? Just want you to know that we all know it’s your book, your words, your baby! Can’t wait for December!!!

  9. Thank you Jane for writting ” Flirting ” in the first place. Was so proud of it, and even more so ( if possible ) now that it’s in production. Gads, Xmas is a long way off!! Love you

  10. Wed. 4.9 Evening Magazine
    We enjoyed the feature/interview that Evening Magazine did with you and showed on TV tonight. Nice publicity about the movie.
    Your Honey is sooo handsome. Kudos on everything! Mary J.

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