Busy Bee

I am writing at last. It only took me weeks and migraines and moments of intense fear and self-loathing to make myself sit down, unplug the #$%! modem and write.

I now have a complete chapter one and chapter two is nearly finished and I have hope. There will be a book. And it will be called (until my publishers change their mind) More Than A Pretty Face and it will be out in July 2009.

It is so hard for me to focus, and thus write, when I’m doing promo stuff for a new book. It’s so hard for me to go inward and listen to the muse when book signings and publicity require a public Jane. I still have three big book events left (Kirkland, Spokane and New Jersey) but I also must must write. It’s been way too long since I wrote steadily, and seriously. My last completed novel was in September 2007. That’s not good. For a girl who used to write 4+ books a year for 7 years, I’m definitely off my game.

With that said, I was trying to make a baby and I did have two big books out in 7 months and Odd Mom Out book tour had me on the road for 7 weeks. But this next year is going to be different. This next year is about writing. It’s about finishing books and getting another Harlequin in and done (Zayad’s story, the last of my brothers in the Desert Kings series) as well as my current 5 Spot novel and then it’s on to tackle my next. I’ve got two ideas for that one so it’ll be interesting to see what I go with.

In the meantime while I write, there are others who have been writing about me. My great friend Megan Crane did an extensive three day interview with me and it’s up on her blog right now. You can find the interview here but start with Day 1 and read from there.

Mrs. Perfect was also reviewed in this morning’s USA Today in their chick lit roundup. Mrs. Perfect was called ‘the perfect summer novel’ which does my heart good. You can read the complete review here.

Now it’s back to writing, and the only way I do that is by putting my head down and pretending nothing else exists but the story. I do try to appear friendly and social when the boys come home from school but to everyone else, I’m a dangerous beast. Beware. Jane is busy writing.

Her editor and agent will be most relieved.


  1. Jane you ARE great! I just finished reading the interview, all 3 parts, and I loved it. I feel like I know you so much better. I am so glad Megan Crane did this interview with you on her blog. I love that you write best with candles and fun little lights and your iPod. As always, you truly inspire me.

  2. Wow. That was a great interview. I just read all three parts…So I didn’t cook dinner for my kids (they got sandwiches tonight before the softball game), My husband can eat later:) I couldn’t tear myself away from the computer…which is exactly how I am when I am reading your books. Which I just started Mrs. Perfect today…Am already excited to hear about your next book! Not only do I enjoy your writing as a professional writer, you never fail to show how you are as a person. A mom who loves her kids and her boyfriend and somehow you just seem like you could be everyone’s true friend. I am looking forward to hearing about how the next book unfolds!!

  3. I cannot be more excited! Next summer is so far away, but your books are always worth it! I want to make it up to SF this summer when you do the workshops if I can. I’d love to see you again!!!

  4. I have read your 5 Spot books and enjoyed each new one better than the previous ones. I thought The Frog Prince was okay but I didn’t believe in the characters because I just could not suspend disbelief. Despite that, I enjoyed the novel. The books are getting better and better, and It will be exciting to read the next one. Thank you for allowing your readers a window into your writing process and your life. Your passion and intelligence is evident in your books. Good luck with your writing and we are all glad you are at your desk again!

  5. What great news, Jane! I’m glad the writing is going better for you and what a great review and interview too!!!

    Looking forward to June 22nd!!!

    Many hugs!

  6. I’m heading over right now to read the interview on Megan’s blog. If it’s anything like the discussions between her and Liza, I’m sure it’s going to be thoroughly entertaining and informative.

    Way to go on getting back to writing!

  7. Jane Porter, COUGARS and live RADIO Friday 6/6/08!!

    Tune in tonight at 5pm PST (8pm EST) to hear Jane Porter being interviewed live on the radio show YOUR TIME with Kim Iverson.

    The show is broadcast nightly on these eight stations: (WTSS) Buffalo, (WPTE) Norfolk, (FM-100) Memphis, (KFBZ) Wichita, (WZPL) Indianapolis, (KAMX) Austin, (KALC) Denver and (KRSK) Portland.

    The topic… COUGARS!! prrrrr……

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