No Turkey

It’s going to be a very quiet Thanksgiving at my house this year.  Surfer Ty’s in Hawaii working and my boys will spend Thursday and Thursday night at their dad’s.  Their dad’s new wife has been working hard getting ready for the holidays and she, her kids, and her family, will be joining the boys at Joe’s for a big traditional turkey dinner.

Joe and his wife Aileen have invited me to come by, and two good friends, Lisa Johnson and Lorrie Hambling, have both invited me to their house for Thanksgiving dinner but I don’t know that I’ll make it very far from my own house.  I haven’t left my house in days.    Partly because I’ve been working really hard on the Harlequin Presents I’m writing, and partly because I’m back to queasy most of the day and it just gets worse in the afternoons and evenings.   Tonight I’m so uncomfortable I can’t sleep which is why I’m here, sitting at my computer at 11:15 at night and whimpering where no one can hear me.

I’ve been telling myself all day that I don’t need to do Thanksgiving this year.  I’m telling myself  I’ll be okay here at home.  I can write and eat bread and butter and maybe some cold sliced fruit, but that’s so not me.  I used to do huge Thanksgivings.  I used to be so traditional with my holidays and festivities.  I made everything a celebration.  Nothing passed me by.  I cooked up a huge meal.  Set the most beautiful table I could with French linens and my china and crystal, along with candles and fresh flowers.  I loved using all the good platters, and polishing the silver.  I enjoyed picking out the right wine.

I haven’t been that Jane in a long time, and sometimes I find myself missing the festive Jane who knew how to entertain, but that Jane also got stressed and worried so much about everything being perfect.  The Jane I am now can’t really find it in her to care about perfection.  Good and okay have become well, good enough.

I tell myself that there’s always next year.  I tell myself it’s okay to skip a holiday now and then.  It’s okay to take a break from the rituals.

I’m telling myself this, but I’m not convinced.

Help me take my mind off what I’m not doing for Thanskgiving by telling me what you are doing.  I’ve got another Odd Mom Out prize (t-shirt, signed book, See’s chocolates, Starbucks drink card) combined with a Mrs. Perfect prize (signed copy of Mrs. Perfect and stacks of brand new tupperware) to give away.  That’s right.  One of you will win both books, and all the great goodies.  Contest ends Wednesday at midnight.  I’ll post the winner’s name on Thursday.  (Please note, if you’re the winner you’ll have until Monday to send me your mail address or I’ll pick a new winner!)  Just share with me your plans, and you’re entered.


  1. Our son is in town from Toronto and is spending the week here. I am taking the day off and cooking a dinner on Wednesday for the members of my family who live in town, and we will all get to meet the newest addition, who was born 10/31. A baby boy, Jane, how about that!
    For Thanksgiving we getting up early and are driving across the mountains (please, no snow!) to grandmother’s (and grandfather’s) house we go! They are in their 90s but insist on cooking a turkey dinner. We are bringing side dishes and it will be a very special time for all of us. We are extra thankful to have our son with us, which is rare (he usually only comes for Christmas), and for the five of us (and maybe more, haven’t heard yet) to be able to be together this year. Cleaning the house, shopping for food, cooking, driving for five hours, visiting, eating, driving again and shopping on Friday, I am tired just thinking about it, but there is the weekend to recover!

  2. I’m cooking dinner but it will be a very small group this year. I’m not sure I know how to cook for a much smaller holiday meal!

  3. I’m leaving for Ohio tomorrow to stay with my in-laws for five days (!) and my parents are actually also driving up from Illinois so we can all spend Thanksgiving together. So no cooking for me, which is better for everyone.
    I am pregnant too, but due in January, and this will be my last chance to see everybody before the big event. No traveling for me for Christmas and unfortunately no one can make it out to see us in Maryland :=(

  4. As per the norm, my two kids and I are going to my mom and dad’s which is only about a mile away from our house. I’ll be there early Thanksgiving morning to help prepare some of the dishes. We’re not a big family and there’s only 8 of us that will be so there will be plenty of visiting going on in addition to all the work.

  5. Jane,

    Sending you big hugs!! I, too, am one who loves to entertain. I am giving up doing a Christmas party this year because I don’t need the extra stress of planning it and pulling it off perfectly. And for Thanksgiving this year, we are going to be with my family for the first time in 5 years…it’s a little stressful! There will be tons of people and tons of food. I have lost 50 pounds this year and the pressure will certainly be on me to not overindulge!

    I hope that whatever you decide to do, you will enjoy the day.

    Sending you much love,

  6. My kids are scattered around the country so I’ll be alone. No cooking for me!! A day for long distance phone calls, reading, napping, and takeout from Old Country Buffet.

  7. we go to my husbands side for thanksgiving every year since we see my side of the family every. monday. night. {i know your pain, i was queasy the whole 9 months with my second- not fun- hope you start feeling better soon}

  8. I have Thanksgiving here every year for the last 13 yrs except the year we moved here because we actually moved the week of Thanksgiving. I actually don’t enjoy Thanksgiving. I find turkey boring…I know…weird. I do however love to see my parents and and sometimes even my grandparents but they are unable to join us this year. My parents and my older sister are coming. Which is nice since normally she spends it with her inlaws. It is however pretty casual. So basically my parents are comfy in whatever they choose to wear whether it is sweats for my dad or jeans. They know they can come here and put the game on and just have fun. I do hope you feel better and are able to enjoy your holiday whatever way you decide to spend it!! And, hey, if by some miracle that should bring you across the country, you are always welcome here!! I know, but I felt like I needed a fun thought…not having a good morning here in NJ!

  9. I am so sorry to hear the queasies have hit upon you again.
    If you find something that makes it better keep doing it.

    Well, last night while you were busy writing I was making a Vegetarian Lasagne for my daughter (age17 and vegetarian) to take to school today. She has a friend that lost her dad a year and half ago and the friends mother is metally not able to take care of her. Well anyway my daughter and her other friends are having a mini Thanksgiving for the friend that has no family for the holiday.

    I always dreamed of having the fancy get togethers but I learned real fast that I am the only one that cared about the beauty of the table and all the other stuff that goes with it.

    For over 20 years we have always done two Thanksgivings my family at 12 and hurry up and go to DH family an hour later. We decided not to do this this year. I am going to my familys and he is going to his familys. It doesn’t hurt that they anly live a half mile on either side of our house.

    It does hurt to skip the holidays. I totally get where you are coming from. I am even thinking about going to the movies or shopping on Thanksgiving so I want have to dwell on it to much.

    Hang in there.

  10. We are traveling in our 5th wheel. Our plans have totally changed due to 2 flat tires, but now we are in the desert – Borrego Springs outside of San Diego.
    The camp host will cook the turkey with all of the trimmings and we will bring (probably B.C. smoked salmon).
    We’ll meet some new people and be thankful together with them.
    Thanksgiving on the desert.

    Hang in there Jane. Your friends are with you in spirit.


  11. Happy Thanksgiving! On Thursday, my mother and I will be going to my boss’ house. She has her husband’s family and random friends over every year and I’ve/we’ve been included for the last 4 of the 5 years I’ve worked for her. She does it right – food, fun, and lots of laughter. Everyone brings something to contribute and I always wind up nodding off on the couch. Her husband swears he takes pictures of me snoring away.

    We used to go to Philadelphia every year to my grandparent’s for T-day. This was sacrosanct my entire life. Then the g-rents moved into the Masonic Home and our traditions shifted. For a while we’d go have dinner in the home’s dining room – I’d bring the wine – but now we go to my boss’ instead, which frees my grandfather up to join my cousin’s family at her in-laws big spread and spend his day with his great-grandchildren. We now go down to PA on Black Friday and while everyone else on the planet is shopping till they drop, I’m sitting in a recliner snarking with my grandfather or bullying him out to go cruise with us along the back roads of Lancaster.

    Enjoy your day – spend it in a whatever way brings you peace, comfort, and great blessing.

  12. jane..oh wow i just got to work and read your blog. i feel soo bad for you! it is ok to skip a holiday, it is ok to not worry about setting the perfect table, let alone trying to be perfect. we’re spending the holiday with my side of the family this year. next year your whole family will be together…so take a break from the stress…happy turkey day

  13. Hey, how is this? I am in therapy and learning how to deal with my past. A lot of years of garbage and tons of pain. But I am doing better. No turkey at my house for the first time in over 20 years…wait, how can that be? Did I really just turn 49? Uh, yeah….so I realized my house is a lot messier, I don’t bake as much and I barely got into Halloween this year. And life went on. Maybe, contrary to my daughter’s “It isn’t always about you, Mom”, maybe….it is about me. Just for a while.

    Happy whatever day you want to call it.

  14. My Thanksgiving will be very different then any year I have had in the last 32. I have to WORK. omg thats just not right but it is life. My husband and my 3 kids and I will then cook thanksgiving dinner when I get home, but i dont get to see my parents on thanksgiving this year but am planning on seeing them on Saturday so I guess it will all work out in the end. I hope you have a verrrrry Happy Thanksgiving.

  15. Well, I’ll be having an un-Thanksgiving, too. I cook a turkey and homemake stuffing, but my husband and I are the only ones who care about it. (My kids are weird!). But this year I’ve decided to forego the family visitations I usually do (since I just recently saw them all) and stay home to write.

    I have not yet confessed this to my mother. I suppose I should make that phone call soon, huh?

    I choose to be thankful this year to have the choice of what I want to do for the holiday! 🙂

  16. Jane – Thursday will be our second of three thanksgiving celebrations. We had dinner with my dad and stepmom a week ago Sunday, having dinner with my mom and stepdad on Thursday and dinner with my husband’s family on Saturday. Sadly we have a memorial service to attend mid-day on Saturday but knowing that we’re spending the evening with family makes it a little less sad. We are lucky to have all of our family still with us. There is so much to be thankful for.

    Wishing you a very happy and restful day, Jane.

  17. Unfortunately my husband and I have to work. Which is fine, we have gotten pretty lucky to have Christmas off. I will end up making the turkey dinner this weekend and put up the tree also. 🙂

  18. We will be spending Thanksgiving with my two sons and their wives. We all prepare a lovely dinner together and this is meaningful and memorable.

  19. Hi Jane,

    You’re not convincing me. You don’t really want to be alone on Thanksgiving. No one does. I’m a single Canadian and we had our Thanksgiving celebration last month and I had a nice turkey dinner with all the trimmings with my immediately family. It was lovely even though holidays always make me slightly depressed because, well, I’m single.

    I understand that you are feeling pretty queasy these days but maybe you could at least eat some bread and butter with a good friend and talk to each other about the things you’re thankful for. It’s obvious you have a very blessed life and this is the time for giving thanks for everything. It’s okay that you’re not the same Jane anymore. We all grow and evolve and our circumstances change and that’s a really good thing because the things that happen to us in our lives make us the people we are. And we’re very good people! Anyone who reads your books and your blog knows you’re a beautiful woman on the inside and out.

    I say go join Lisa and Lorrie and take some spiritual cards with you or a great chick flic to watch with them and enjoy every minute of Thanksgiving you can with people who want to be with you. Time is the most valuable thing we have in this life and the moments we get to spend with special friends are the best gift we can give so give them your time and let them know you care. If you’ve gotta puke, you’ve gotta puke. 🙂

    Peace, love & grooviness,

  20. Hi Jane! I hope your Thanksgiving is nice, even though it will be quiet. Next year it will be very special with a new little one! I am also working on Thanksgiving. Maybe we’ll have some new Thanksgiving babies, so that will be fun! I am cooking for my family on Friday and on Thursday when I go to work, I work 3-11:00 pm, the family will have a ham and fun little snacks. I have actually got out of working many Thanksgivings, so as a nurse that is pretty good. I guess this year is my turn. That’s fine! Blessings to you!


  21. We had our Thanksgiving in October (Canadian Thanksgiving), but I was at the Emerald City Writer’s Conference. So I actually did Thanksgiving a week before that. Got a small turkey this year, and did it up with all the trimmings. I wasn’t going to, but decided “what the heck” and it turned out lovely. And my family was happy.

    I hope you are feeling better and decide to go to one of your friends or family’s places for dinner.

  22. Good morning Jane…

    So sorry you are feeling crummy again. Usually for the holidays we spend our day with my husbands dysfunctional family. I hate every minute of it and just pray for it to end quickly! It makes me miss my mother who passed on almost ten years ago, and it makes me miss my family who all live what seems so far away! But this year we are bypassing all of the dysfunction and driving to Los Angeles to be with my family that I love and miss so much! Their a little crazy, too but so much more inviting then the other… I am sorry you will be alone for the holiday that’s a bummer. You will be in my thought’s.

    Happy Thanksgiving Jane.



  23. Hugs, Jane on not feeling well. That’s no fun at any time, but especially at the holidays when you add nostalgia to the mix.

    This is the first time in several years we’re not traveling for Thanksgiving, so we’ll be at my family’s house, with all the attendant nuttiness that entails.

  24. We always go to my in-laws for Thanksgiving which is a 2 hour drive for us. This year there will be 18 of us. Everyone brings food, so it really is quite a feast. The only bad thing is that most of them don’t do much to help my mother-in-law and me in the kitchen!

    I hope that you feel well enough to go to one of the dinners you have been invited to. I don’t like thinking of you being alone on Thanksgiving! Even if you don’t eat much, it would be good for you to be with people. I wish you a happy, blessed day!

  25. Jane, I agree with Christine, go and spend time with friends. As for me, sharing the day with my mom and son and friends stopping by later.

    Here’s something I found that I would like to share:

    By Author Unknown

    Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire. If you did, what would there be to look forward to?

    Be thankful when you don’t know something, for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

    Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times you grow.

    Be thankful for your limitations, because they give you opportunities for improvement.

    Be thankful for each new challenge, because it will build your strength and character.

    Be thankful for your mistakes. They will teach you valuable lessons.

    Be thankful when you’re tired and weary, because it means you’ve made a difference.

    It’s easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who
    are also thankful for the setbacks. Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.

    Find a way to be thankful for your troubles, and they can become your blessings.

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone and blessings to you all!

  26. My husband is cooking for a houseful!It is a Thanksgiving full of fosterchildren. 5 years ago, I found some former fosterkids via internet. They are now 21 and 23 and have kids. They are coming. Also, our 2 kids plus the 6 fosterkids we have right now will all sit down for a wild day. Oh and my elderly parents who better take some excedrin before they come.
    Too bad we downsized to a much smaller house…We thought we would have an empty house.

  27. Since marrying – DH and I have spent Thanksgiving together – alone – just the two of us. We like it. Just being the two of us. We are off work and just laze around the house for the weekend (of course every other year there is the rivalry football game in town – so we hide that day). We don’t do a traditional dinner – since it is just the two of us.

    Maybe someone will bring you a dinner plate since you don’t feel like going out.

  28. The holidays are not that exciting for my family anymore… especially my sister (16 yrs old) and I (20 yrs old). Our parents divorced a little over 4 years ago and the holidays just haven’t been the same.

    As far as what I’ll be doing… well I’ll be splitting my day between 2 houses… my dad’s parents house and my mom’s house where her boyfriends family will be visiting :S… hopefully the day will go better then how I’m thinking it will go…

    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well again 🙁 I’m sure my post didn’t make it any better :S *sigh* I guess it’s better to be honest then lie about it.

    I hope you have a GREAT Thanksgiving Jane no matter how you spend it! 😀

  29. Hi Jane,

    I’ll spend the first part of Thanksgiving watching the Macy’s Parade – watch it every year since I was a kid & I even marched in it years ago. Then we’ll drive down to my parent’s apt in the city & my husband will go to work. I’ll spend the day there, we’ll go for a walk then have dinner. I totally can relate to your feelings this year. It is okay to take a holiday off every now and again as long as we don’t forget the true meaning of our holidays. However you end up spending you day, have a great Thanksgiving, Debra.

  30. Jane, I have to agree with Christine and Marilyn. Even if you’re feeling ‘off’ on the day, I think you’ll feel so much better inside if you’re with friends or with Joe and Aileen and the boys.

    Yes, the book is important and getting it done is important, but you and your friendships and relationships are important too, and who better to understand, if you’re not up to celebrating big time, than good friends. And, I’m sure the boys will probably feel better about being at their dad’s if they know you’re okay too.

    So what if, for a while, you’ve lost touch with home-entertainer-Jane. She was a different woman to the person you are now. She had different expectations of, and in, her life at the time. Sure, you both probably share the same joys, insecurities and hopes, but you’ve progressed past that point and while you may well revisit it–and I hope you do, your tables sound amazing–now’s not the time.

    I remember, in a life less busy, when I used to spend a whole day shopping and cooking and setting a table for an evening dinner party. Everything had to be just right. Now, for me, it’s more about the friendships and the family and the being together. It can be impromptu or it can be fancy, it doesn’t matter which. What matters is the people you *choose* to be with and around at important times. Don’t do yourself out of that.

    Whatever you decide (maybe a live chat with your readers if you choose not to go out) I hope you find peace and happiness in the day itself.


  31. Hi Jane,

    I’m going to the Macy’s Thankgiving Parade in NYC and hopefully it will be nice enough to window shop afterwards. Then later in the afternoon I’m going to an Irish Pub with a couple of transplant friends. None of us really know how or have the ambition to learn how to cook a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner with all the fixings so we go to a pub and eat whatever they serve and call our families and be thankful that this restaurant is open so we can eat! It’s nice but a part of me can’t wait to have a place where I can invite my family and actually make what in the past has been my favorite meal of the year. Oh well a new tradition for now is something to be thankful for.

    And don’t worry next year there will be a big fancy spread at your table, it will be the baby’s first Thanksgiving afterall and I can’t see you not wanting to go all out.
    Take care!

  32. I’ll bet next year you have ahuge celebration!!! Thanksgiving used to hard, as we alternated with my stepkids Mom, and so my husband was sad every OTHER year. Now we have one of our own, and they are grown so we can find aschedule that fits with them (they may have dessert one place and dinner theotehr, etc, things taht were impossible when they couldnt drive and we were all bound by court rules. It gets easier and easier as the years go by.
    So this year we are all eating out!!! And all having dessert at my moms after, then hosting a Thanksgiving for our four kids (and prospective sons in law Doofus and Whathisname)on saturday.

  33. I will be cooking for 5 wonderful family members amid packing up my belongs to move to Texas in two weeks! You should take someone up on an invite, you can’t be alone on Thanksgiving. PB& J won’t cut it!

  34. I’m looking forward to the long weekend alone. Like you, I have a couple of invites but I don’t think I will go anywhere. I’m trying to do my homework in advance so that I can take it easy over the weekend. Reading tops my list of things I want to do – a lot of reading. 🙂

    Hope you have a great holiday, whatever you decide to do. 🙂

  35. It’ll be a different sort of Thanksgiving for my family this year too. For the first time in what must be 40 years, my parents are unable to host the meal. This means I’m bringing homemade bread, rolls, mashed potatoes and some pies… My brother’s family is doing Turkey and sides and both families are meeting at my parents’ house since they can’t travel. Should be interesting to see if my mom can actually rest and allow others to handle the meal.

    I hope you feel better soon.

  36. Hi Jane! and everyone who reads this. I am so excited that I have found your site and your books. I think it’s great to stay at home. I chose to do this a few times myself. I believe that is empowering to feel okay to be alone on holidays or any other day for that matter. As for my plans, I am excited about doing the cooking for my family. This is the first year since my sister died (I am adult surviving sibling) that I feel like I am getting my old life back. I get a glimpse of what I use to be. We don’t have any major traditions to pass along. We are just grateful for what is left of “us”. The one tradition, (I guess that’s what you’d call it) I do every year is at thanksgiving I buy ornaments unique to each family member and set them at their plates. This is how they know where their seat is. Well, over the past few years the family has thinned out, as death can sometimes do to a family, and there aren’t as many to buy anymore. But, I always make sure my youngest sister has her ornament waiting for her. She just turned 20, and still she can’t wait to see what’s waiting for her at the table. We will serve appetizers, and a buffet meal, topped of with some great music , good old fashioned family movies, and homemade hot chocolate. The next day we all be thankful to have had a nice time.

  37. Hi Jane! Unfortunately, I have to go in to work Thurs. morning, but will have the rest of the day off. My parents and I will be going out to eat. Later in the evening I’ll try to relax and get some reading in. I hope you’re feeling better. My thoughts are with you. Whatever you decide to do – go out or stay home – I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  38. I’m going with my boyfriend and his mother to a friend of theirs. I have done the same thing the last few years. I’m not that into Thanksgiving since I gave up meat 5 years ago.I just pig out on green bean casserole and potatoes. I’m also going to pick up some wine. Can’t drink too much though because I have to go to work at 7 a.m. Black Fridays and all.

  39. I’ll be going just over the river but not through the woods to my parent’s home to celebrate with my extended family – but just for the day – I love coming home to my own bed at night 😉

  40. I will be going to my Perfect, and I mean that in the most loving, sincere and thankful way, Mother in Law’s for Thanksgiving. She only lives 5 minutes from my husband, 4 1/2 yr old son and I, but with all our busy lives, we don’t often get the dedicated day to just be together. I’m so lucky to have married into the family I did, to create the family I have. Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jane. Enjoy your day – no matter how you decide to spend it.

  41. This year my aunt is hosting the big family dinner. Hubby, the kids, and I will go to that and just bring a dish or two. My mom has to work, so we will go to her house Friday to visit. Then we have a couple people coming Saturday to watch the Alabama-Auburn game. I’ll make all the munchies for the game, so I’m kind of glad not to be doing major cooking on Thanksgiving. 🙂

    Whatever you do Jane, I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I also hope you are able to eat and feel well! Being pregnant on holidays can be so hard. You take care of yourself, okay?

  42. Hi Jane,

    This year I’m going to spend Thanksgiving with my parents and my sister.

    I hope you have a great week and a wonderful Thanksgivng! 🙂

  43. Our plans for Thanksgiving used to be hop from house to house, eat too much, have too much exposure to relatives and then go home and recuperate the next day. Then we moved to WA. We have spent two or three Thanksgivings with friends out here but more often than not, its just us four, me and hubby and our two daughters. We make turkey and some of the trimmings (no stuffing! no green bean casserole!) Then we pull out our Christmas tree and set it up while watching National Lampoon’s Christmas vacation. If we get done…then I might attack Christmas cards, but probably not. I have three sets of cards, from the last three Christmases…I havent sent cards in three years. But I might this year!

  44. It’s going to be a quiet Thanksgiving for me with my sister. No turkey for me. I was never really big on turkey, I much prefer ham instead. But no matter what I have for dinner, I’m sure it will be nice enough.

    Hope your Thanksgiving is a nice one, however you decide to spend the day!

    Take care, Jane, and all the best to you!

  45. Hi Jane,

    I’m sorry that you be by yourself on Thanksgiving. I unfortunely have to work on turkey day, I guess that’s the down side of being a 911 dispatcher, we don’t close down for the holidays. I will work my 12 hour shift and then get home around 6:30pm, hubby makes me a plate and reheats it for me. We then get on the web cam to say hi to our families up north.

  46. Being in Canada, we have had our Thanksgiving already. As for tomorrow, I will be sleeping because I have just gotten off a 12 hr. shift at 7 am and have to go back to work at 7 pm. I work in a Personal Care Home- 17 beds.
    Everyone, enjoy the day whatever and wherever you are(doing). Have fun and take care.

  47. Hi, Jane,

    We’re having a traditional Thanksgiving meal. Dh does most of it, turkey, stuffing (his is to die for!) mashed potatoes, and fresh yams while I’ll do the broccoli casserole and fresh green beans and pasta salad. Instead of working together to make a chocolate trifle, we decided to let the grocery handle dessert this year!

    My daughter and her SO and our grandson are going to The Other Grandmother’s and our long-time friends are coming to break bread with us. My friend’s a Wiccan High Priestess who’s a Sensitive…we definitely need a consult because there’s been some paranormal activity going on in the house.

    Happy Thanksgiving,
    Debora H

  48. I’m cooking my first Thanksgiving dinner. I’ve helped my mom for as long as I can remember but this year I get to cook for her. Of course, being 8 months pregnant I considered just ordering one of those all done meals from Safeway but it just wouldn’t be the same.

  49. Oh, another chance to win See’s candies! 🙂 Well, tonight Eric and I are going to McCormick & Schmicks for dinner and then to see the new Reese Witherspoon Christmas movie. Tomorrow it is just the two of us since we both have relatives far away. We are going to a very nice hotel for dinner. Oh, but first, I have to watch the Macy’s Parade. Friday I am going shopping with a girlfriend (but not too early!). Saturday Eric and I have tickets to see “Wicked”. Happy Turkey, Jane–no matter what!
    Hugs, Lesli

  50. Hi Jane! I’ll be going out to eat with my husband and daughter. I hope you have a happy Thanksgiving! Take care of yourself. My thoughts are with you!

  51. Hi Jane,
    Sorry you’re feeling so crummy! I hope you will take up a family or friend on their Thanksgiving offers though because it sounds like you need a boost!
    We’ve already celebrated Thanksgiving in Canada, so I’m actually working today…but I will be enjoying some online US Thanksgiving sales!!

    Have a great weekend!

  52. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Sorry to be posting so late but I forgot to announce the winner early. #24, Cheryl C, you are the winner of the Odd Mom and Mrs Perfect contest. Email me privately with your mail address and I’ll get the books and goodies out ASAP. Thanks to everyone for sharing their plans for the holiday! Hope your day was happy.

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