Bellevue Book Signing

It’s Monday late morning and we’ve snow glittering on the trees and rooftops and temperatures are hovering in the mid twenties. With a a bright clear blue sky I can see the Olympics with breathtaking clarity and they’re just gorgeous–thickly powdered in snow and jutting jagged and white against the sky. The Seattle skyline looks miniscule compared to the mountains and doing errands this morning I felt so lucky to live here. Sure, we get our share of rain, but the combination of mountains and lakes and trees is truly majestic and it’s such a book lovers haven. We have great bookstores, libraries and librarians, writers and readers–I’m truly blessed.

Tomorrow I’m meeting some of my close local writer friends for a festive holiday lunch in Bellevue and then immediately after I’m zipping over to the Bellevue Barnes & Noble for a casual 2-4 pm signing. It’s to make up for my cancelled event last week when I had the flu and if you’re in the area, and have time, stop by and say hello. I’ll have special gifts for everyone who shows, so drop by if you can, but there’s no pressure if you can’t.

Now it’s back to wrapping last minute gifts and candy making and cookie baking. I can’t believe I leave for Hawaii in just four days. I guess I better think about packing, too!


  1. Is it okay for you and “the bump” to travel? If it is okay – then I hope y’all have a safe journey to paradise.

    And I so wish I lived closer! Just to be able to come to some of your events!

  2. Have fun tomorrow! You deserve a nice lunch with your friends! I’m sure you fans are happy you are feeling better and are out signing again.

    Happy packing…do you think you have room for me in your suitcase? LOL I’ve always wanted to go to Hawaii!

  3. Jane,

    Have a nice lunch with your friends and a great signing!! I wish I could go!! I also wouldn’t mind a trip to Hawaii!! I received my cookbook today and it just made my afternoon!! I had a long day of running errands and was just stopping home to use the bathroom and eat a quick bite for lunch since I forgot to have breakfast again when I grabbed the mail and was pleasantly surprised!!

    I am not done with my shopping and this weekend is filled with Holiday parties and a Surprise 60th birthday party for my mother in law who is flat out refusing to come to her party. Not because of her age but because she must be difficult. It’s in her nature. She had 9 kids and they actually worked together on every single sibling and their families to be at this restaurant the weekend before Xmas for her birthday and she is refusing to go!!!!! They don’t even like each other and some don’t even live here but they made a point to do this for her which I think is a big deal. But then again, I am close to my family and don’t understand this behavior at all:) Come to think of it…Can I come to Hawaii? It’s definitely far enough for them not to find me!!!! Have a wonderful trip and good luck packing!!

  4. Wish I was in Bellevue to meet you at the bookstore. That sounds like so much fun. believe it or not we have been told it may snow here!!!! I’m sure it won’t happen because they tell us this every year. Although we did get a lot of snow about 10 years ago, I’m not so sure it will happen again so soon! My eight year old son is so excited. he really wants it to snow.
    I hope you have a wonderful trip to Hawaii. Enjoy the holidays.



  5. Well, I live in Puyallup…and get to look at Mt. Rainier all day so I get what you are saying. Amazing, isn’t it?

    And I rewatched Flirting With 40 last night while it was snowing…


  6. I LOVE snow!! I remember how beautiful Mt Rainer was and the Olympics after it snowed and was clear! Washington state is gorgeous as you said, I do miss it, even the rain.
    Today we had a “Washington Day”! Rain, wind, it was perfect with a fire going and reading. We are going to drive to Idyllwild for a day in the snow soon. Small little town!
    Enjoy your lunch tomorrow and Hawaii! The best of both worlds!

  7. Bellevue sounds beautiful from your description. I hope you had a grand time today with your friends and the book signing.

    I know you are counting the minutes until you leave on your trip.

  8. Jane,
    You have the best of both worlds, enjoying the clear, cold snowy days here and getting to fly away to the fluffy clouds and warm, sunny days in Hawaii! My car is going into the shop tomorrow first thing (the heater went out ) so instead of a late lunch I may leave work early and stop in to see you around 4pm.
    Enjoy your holiday lunch in Bellevue!

  9. Hawaii sounds wonderful! Especially after all the cold and snow!! I want the warm sun on my face!!! I also live in Washington state but not close enough to see you at your book signing! Hopefully, one day, you can make it to the local bookstore in Gig Harbor???? Have a great trip and think of us all who are freezing our hinies off here in the great Pacific NorthWest!

  10. Jane – I’m looking forward to attending the book signing tomorrow – toddler in tow! (so long as it isn’t snowing!)

    Hope you have a great lunch and get everything ready for your trip!


  11. I received my beautiful card, cook book and surprises yesterday! That totally made my holiday! I felt so special. 🙂 If I ever make it to being a published author I want to be just like you! You are an inspiration, Jane. I wish I lived in Seattle so I could come to the signing and I wish I could go to the event in February. One day!

    Have a fabulous time in Hawaii and a wonderful time today. Best wishes for a lovely holiday for you and your family.

  12. Hi Jane, I would love to come to your book signing but I live to far away. I receive your package yesterday and the lovely Chritmas card. I loved them. Today we have ice everywhere from the ice storm we got. The coffee you sent is warming up today. Thanks so much! Have a wonderful time in Hawaii and take care of the little one on the way.

  13. Oh, my gosh, you are leaving for Hawaii and I am leaving for New Hampshire–I think I am going in the wrong direction! Merry Christmas!! Mele Kalikimaka

  14. I envy you!!! Hawaii in December…. sounds awesome. It’s getting really cold here in San Francisco and it would be nice to be in warm weather right about now. Take it easy and have a safe trip.

  15. Hello Jane,
    Hawaii in December is fabulous! Have a wonderful holiday with your family! Don’t forget the sunscreen & to relax! Can’t wait for your next book!

  16. Jane,
    Hope that you enjoyed yourself at the luncheon and booksigning. Have a great time in Hawaii and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Your card is in the mail.

  17. Jane, congrats on the movie and the baby – Mindy told us at the tea last week. Enjoy your holiday. When are you coming back to Dallas?

  18. I love your books, you are such a talented person, but most of all you are an awesome person. Do you have any plans to be in Texas anywhere around Houston in 2009?

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