All Good

I ended up doing a lot of writing last week which was terrific. I’ve not written since Friday, though, as Ty Gurney is here and kids had sports on Saturday, I had the Northwest Women’s Show yesterday, and then today was heavy with doctor appointments but I’m looking forward to returning to my desk tomorrow to get going on the next chapter. My friend, author Megan Crane,  has read the first three chapters of Shey’s book and loved them so I’m hoping others will, too. I have a good feeling about this book and hope I’ll be making good progress the rest of the week as baby Mac arrives in a month or less.

Today’s doctor’s appointments went so well, too. Mac put on over 3 1/4 lbs in the last three weeks bringing him to a very healthy, normal 6 1/2 lb weight. He’d been so small and now he sounds so great. I have been beaming all day, so relieved, so grateful, so happy. This little boy clearly has his own methodology going and is still very breech so we might be scheduling me for a c-section for end of the month or early May. I go in next Tuesday to decide if we’re going to even try to turn him in, or just go for the c-section.  My only concern with trying to turn him is that sometimes it results in an emergency c-section and Surfer Ty will be in Hawaii next weekend when they want to do it, and I don’t want to deliver Mac without him here. We’ve waited so long for this baby that I want both of us present. It’ll be a big day and I just feel more relaxed and confident when Ty’s with me.

But it’s good, all good, even the grumpy bumpy moments. I’ve laughed more in the past two days than I have in weeks. Surfer Ty is so funny. I love his sense of humor. Baby Mac better have one, too, or he’s going to feel left out.

By the way, the maternal/fetal specialist told me to keep doing whatever it was I’ve been doing the past 3 weeks because Mac was looking so good, and I couldn’t tell the doctor what I’ve been doing. I told Ty, though. I’ll tell you.

It’s the Peeps.

Both Julie in Duvall and Latesha in NJ have spoiled me with gifts of Peeps and I eat them. I have anywhere from 4-6 Peeps a day. In fact, just when Julie’s gift was down to 2 small stale Chicks, a box arrived from New Jersey filled with fresh Peeps. God truly smiled on me that day. And now look at Mac. 6 1/2 lbs of sugar coated Peeps.

Lucky Mac. Lucky Mom.


  1. Ahhh! Jane you deserve Peeps!! you are so wonderful with your readers.
    Your little Mac is going to be extra sweet from your treats 🙂

  2. I’m so happy to hear little Mac is doing so well! And when you said it was the Peeps, it made me laugh. I’m glad those Peeps have helped so much. 😉

  3. Jane, such good news!! Good to hear Mac’s growing well and you’re in such a happy mood with your health and book coming along great! Three Cheers for your three guys for making these days so great for you.

  4. What a great story from you today. And those peeps….way too funny. You will have them for Easter and Halloween and Thanksgiving. Hope Mac turns for you to make things easier then you won’t have to make that decision….peep on….

  5. Who knew? Peep therapy! So glad to hear you are well and baby Mac is a good size. Good luck; maybe now he will do the flip as well. I shudder to think if the due date would have been around a peep-less season. Spring is a time of new life and blooming, Jane – and you fit right in!!

  6. It sounds like things are going so well. I am really happy. It was meant to be…you being pregnant with Mac right when Peeps are everywhere!!! Every time I go into the store and see them I think of Jane and her Peeps.

  7. Hahaha… 6.5 pounds of sugar-coated peeps. That made me laugh. Just think how hugable little Mac will be. And sweet too. So glad to hear the cheerfulness in your post.

  8. I wonder if Mac will love them when he’s older? When I was pregnant with my oldest, I had a thing for fish sticks! He absolutely hates fish sticks now! My other two love them but I didn’t eat them practically every day with my younger ones! LOL!

    I’m so glad to hear that you and Mac are doing well! And I can’t believe that you are due soon!

  9. Jane,

    I am so relieved and incredibly happy to hear that you and baby Mac are doing better!! Keep smiling and enjoying your peeps!!

  10. I am so happy to hear baby Mac is doing well! Yay for peeps…if I get any I’ll send them your way! 🙂

  11. Yay! I’m so happy that baby Mac is doing so great! Peep Power!

    The planned c-section isn’t so bad cuz you’re not exhausted from all that labor.

    I know you’ll just be happy when he’s here!

    Good luck on the writing! Lucky Megan!

    Take care!

  12. So glad to hear baby Mac is doing well and has gained weight! If he is 6.5 lbs now he is going to be well over 7 lbs at his due date.

    We found out that my second child was breech during the 32 week ultrasound. Manipulating her didn’t work (she still is a stubborn child, even at age 20) so I resigned myself to a C-section. You can imagine my surprise, when during my 38 week exam my doctor announced that she had turned herself (sometime between the 37 and 38 week exams).

    I still don’t know what Peeps are, must check them out when I’m doing my Easter shopping this week.

  13. I got to the point at the end of my last pregnancy that I would go to the crib and say to the baby…get out! She was over due and I was overdone with the idea of being pregnant.
    Glad you have the peeps to make the weight come on and all is going along to a final hurrah. I think you will do fine no matter what you and Ty decide to do.
    The room sounds awesome!

    As for the book cover…sexy flirty for old flames that are new again…try a scrapbook or photo theme. A glance at the what was in her hands. Her hands holding the yearbook with him on the page or the two of them from yester years on a page she is holding open. Red polished sexy red nails. Handsome endearing look about them as they used to be way back when.

    flirty and sexy…maybe??

  14. Such great news about baby Mac!

    I must confess, I have been wondering what Peeps are, and just happened on them in the grocery store last Sunday and had a little giggle when I saw them. And of course I had to buy them for my kids for an Easter treat!


  15. I’m a big fan of Peeps, too. I keep a secret stash. They’re extra good when they’re a bit stale. Glad to hear you’re doing well. Hang in there! I can’t wait to meet baby Mac! Thinking of you a lot — I just had to check in with you today.

    Much love and a big hug,

  16. Oh Jane, you’re so cute with your peeps!! Sugar-coated, Easter-shaped puffs of heaven!!

    What color sprinkles do you think baby Mac will be coated in? Blue, lavender, yellow–wish those ultrasounds were in full-color; but then you’d be “outed” to the doctor.

    Keep slurping those little puffy sprinkly babies. I’m going to get some when I’m at Target this week.

    Shannon in Tustin

  17. Remember that photo I sent you of the little boy in a Peeps costume, saying that is what Mac will look like….with all the peeps love coming from everywhere around the U.S., you both are benefitting! And apparently you have a bonus..all that sugar is going to HIM (thus the weight gain) and not YOU!! How cool is that??? 🙂

  18. Megan really is lucky.

    Y’all– the new book is FABULOUS! I can’t wait to read the rest of it! It’s so deliciously, complicatedly Jane Porter.

    Now I’m off to contemplate my good fortune while I dream of Peeps…

  19. Glad to hear Ty is with you, and lifting your (and baby Mac’s) spirits!
    I saw rows and rows of yellow peeps at the market a couple of days ago, had a smile, and thought of you….glad they were the “miracle” weight gainer for Mac! What good news all across the board! Now, we will pray that the peeps help Mac to flip around! 🙂

  20. Whoohoo on the little man gaining weight so nicely. Will continue hoping that he gains steadily and that you lose the weight easily once he is born. Glad to hear the Peeps arrived safe and sound.

    I hope Megan enjoyed the first three chapters as I can’t wait for this book to come out.

    Enjoy your visit with you guy and continue to take care of yourself.

  21. Latesha, you are such a sweetheart. I was wondering if Jane had been able to keep hers and little Mac sweet tooth satisfied. Glad to know that you came to her aid.

    I am so glad to hear the baby is at a healthy weight now. I know that that really took a load of worry off your mind.
    Everything is going to work out okay.

    I also can’t wait for Shey’s book to come out.

    I wish I cold eat Peeps but I found out I have a cracked tooth and I up having to have a root canal on April 2. Wish me luck.

  22. ha! I love that he’s gotten so big on peeps. Seems entirely appropriate, with the season and all! Glad you are doing well and can’t wait to see his first picture 😉

    Before i finished your blog…I was thinking that it must be the peeps! How funny (peeps ) ,and how wonderful. Every time I pass the BIG displays of peeps,everywhere, I start to laugh just thinking about you.

    I can’t wait to see his pictures as well. He is a lucky little fellow!

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