VINTAGE JANE: Spotlight on New York & The Secretary’s Seduction

I love, love, love New York. I try to visit the city every year for at least one weekend, and I even took Surfer Ty and my boys there a year and a half ago just before Christmas.  New York has always been magical, even when its freezing or blistering hot. I love the buildings, the noise, the energy, and of course Times Square with all the great theatres.

I’ve had characters based in New York in several books (Marta and Shey in Odd Mom Out) but The Secretary’s Seduction, a Harlequin Presents published back in August 2005, is set smack dab in the middle of Manhattan.

In The Secretary’s Seduction plain, mousy, insecure Winnie Graham works for fabulously rich, gorgeous businessman Morgan Grady, a man who doesn’t even know she exists. I loved writing this story and in some ways this story was a turning point in my career. Winnie was such a delightful character to write and New York was such a fantastic setting.

My Travel Spotlight on New York features my picks for some of the city’s most romantic and memorable destinations, plus some of the best photos I took while sightseeing. See more of what the setting of The Secretary’s Seduction has to offer.

Do you have a New York spot that you adore in particular? Does one of the photos in my travel feature jump out at you?


  1. We love NYC. I took my family a few years back for Macy’s Thanksgiving parade and we had a blast. We love to eat at Jekyle and Hydes (probably didn’t spell that correctly). It is fun for the kids and the foods good too. Just walking around the city is electric!

  2. NYC is one of my favorite places to visit. It is an eight drive away so spending a short vacation there is perfect. Coincidentally, my daughters live in Seattle and you’ve written books set in my two favorite cities. I must confess there is something extra special about NY.

    I read the reviews for Easy on the Eyes on the Novel Menagerie. Website said to mention this in the comments. ANM’s Easy On The Eyes: Hollywood Nights Chicklit Extravaganza Contest.

  3. I have never been to New York, and love reading books based there! Some year I will make it out there for a trip.
    I LOVED The Secretary’s Seduction and Winnie!!

  4. I live in NJ so via train it is less than an hour and via car, it could be anything from an hour or more with traffic. I love NYC…I love taking the train. I tend to eat at Carmine’s when there. But I don’t know if I have any favorites…I like it all!! And when you come next time, you better remember to call me!!

    Take care!

  5. One of your pictures reminds me of a scene or two from When Harry Met Sally – love that movie. 🙂

    I took my niece to New York in 2000. We took almost an entire role of film of pictures from the WTC – seemed a bit much at the time but I’m glad we have them now. Anyway, I loved the energy of New York and would love to go back – looking forward to when National is there! I never felt unsafe when walking in Manhattan – even at night. After all, where else can you go to find a piano bar in a Wendy’s? 🙂

  6. I have never been to NYC, but can’t wait to go soon. I want to stay right in the middle of all the action.

  7. We love NY too. O what fun to be out all night with everybody and shop and eat and drink. We love the corned beef sandwich at Roxy’s…piled so high, yum yum yum. Just the walking is an experience, and Central Park and of course the operas. It is truly Fantasy Land.

  8. New York, New York! I have been to New York several times in my teens and twenties but not for many years since. What pops out at me is NEW YORK!
    There is no place like it -it is marvelous. What I’ve never seen and would love to is New York at Christmas time. I’ll bet that it is a sight!!!

  9. I love New York, too, and I also try to go once a year. I especially love going at Christmas time when all the store windows are all decked out for the holidays. But early summer before it gets hot is good too. I love Tiffanys, Rockefeller Center, Fifth Ave, Hello Kitty store in Times Square, the Magnolia Bakery for cupcakes.

  10. I guess being from NJ where I am where I am an hour’s train ride from the city makes me immune to its charm. I am not a city girl at heart, but I do occasionally like to go and see the sights. Some of the places on your travel spotlight look very interesting indeed.

  11. I have never been to New York! I would like to go someday. Even though I am a country girl at heart, seems like you have to see it once in your life! I could always do some shopping, what girl couldn’t?

  12. A NYC spot I love is Broadway. It’s so alive with fun & creativity. I try to take in at least one show while I’m in NYC – which, sad to say, isn’t often.

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