Hello from Hawaii

Apologies for not posting sooner but I’ve been pouring all my time and energy into baby and book. Both are wonderful and interesting and very demanding! I love having Mac here but don’t ever want to have a baby and a book due at the same time again, and considering I’m 45, I probably won’t. But still. So many wonderful authors manage to do both, two talented author friends immediately spring to mind, Mia King and Beth Kendrick. They’re fabulous writers and moms of young children who’ve delivered babies and brilliant books on top of each other. My question is…how do they do it?!?! My brain honestly feels different. The writing is different. Not necessarily bad, just…different.

Last week I hit the end of Shey’s book, She’s Gone Country,ย and knew without being told that I hadn’t yetย written the story I wanted to tell. Shey’s Texas world is filled with amazing men–her brothers, her sons, her first love–and I felt like I’d barely scraped the surface in this draft and wanted to the chance to add even more layers of emotion and tension and so I’m still at my desk, still writing hard.

In the meantime I take breaks to hug and kiss and feed my boys. Big boys return to Bellevue on Thursday and then Mac and I fly back on the 27th. Hopefully once book is finished I can take Mac out and about as this summer we’ve both been pretty much cooped up in the house. However, yesterday I took Mac outside to welcome his dad home from work andย thought I’d shareย a fewย pics of Mac onย one of his dad’s surf safari jeeps.

Jane and Mac
Jane and Mac
Surfer Ty and Mac
Surfer Ty and Mac

And because I appreciate you all being patient with me while I write, I thought I’d shareย a little aloha. This week I’m running a fun blog contest where I’m giving away three (3!!) wonderful Hawaii gift packs filled with all my favorite tropical treats, sweets and surprises. You won’t know what’s inside until it arrives, but trust me, it’s good. How to win? Post a comment below, update me on your life, tell me what you’re reading…anything! Contest will close midnight Friday the 14th and I’ll post the three winners Saturday morning. Be sure to check back to see if you won!


  1. Hi Jane,
    Your pictures are gorgeous! My husband and I just took a few days off and took some day trips, one of them to the beach. It was a perfect beach day, breezy and warm. Today is a brutal day here, hot and humid, so I don’t mind working. Good luck with the book, I’m sure it will turn out just how you want in the end.

  2. I’m not reading anything right now because I have to write. I know reading is such an important part of writing, but I’m not talented enough to do both at the same time! I mean, I just want to snuggle up and finish a book in one sitting (if it’s good), but I just can’t right now. Also my son starts his first grade year this week and we’ve been running around celebrating the last days of summer like going to the county fair and going to Waterworld (I’m exhausted). BUT Easy on the Eyes is calling to me. It’s sitting on my bedside table and I’ve been tempted so many times, but I can’t! Not yet. I’ve sort of saved it for a reward when I get another 20K written. Silly, I know, but somehow those sorts of things work for me. Great pics of your guys. Hoping you enjoy what is left of summer.

  3. mostly working on writing right now – waiting for the bumpy ride I’ve been on to stop. Mac is growing so fast but still adorable!

  4. Mac is sooooo adorable. Great pictures. My daughter got me hooked on “Marked – A House of Night” book. Very hard to put down. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  5. Hey, Jane.

    I don’t have much new and exciting going on in my life. I just finished up summer school and enrolled for the fall. I’m still job hunting for that perfect job! I hate being unemployed!

    I think your pictures are great! You look so happy.

    A Novel Menagerie

  6. EXCELLENT Pictures Jane!!! Little Mac is such a cutie!
    You know, the intensity, detail and passion you put into your books are why we all love them so much. Thank you!
    It’s too hot and humid here to do much outside… so going to see “Julie and Julia” tonight. Enjoy the time that you have left in Hawaii.

  7. What beautiful photos. You are remarkable to be so accomplished. The baby looks adorable and sweet. Take care and best of success.

  8. Mac is adorable! I just want to cuddle up with him and take in the baby smell! I miss that with my kids.

    Reading Easy on the Eyes and enjoying it a lot. I just turned 40 this year and I can really relate.

    We have just been trying to enjoy what’s left of summer. My boys just got back from a long term canoe trip with boyscouts to Ross Lake-near M. Baker. While the guys were gone, my daughter and I spent our heat wave at home trying to stay cool and eating out a lot. The boys came back with the stomach flu and we are all still recuperating! Yah us!

  9. Lots of travel for work so I stick lots of fiction books in my bag. Finished “Easy on the Eyes” 2 weeks ago. Started your book during a trip to Fort Worth and finished while having a tire and battery replaced in Austin. Loved it; the book not the car repair. I’m in the middle of a Karen Rose duo right now – “Kill for Me” and “I Can See You”. Honestly, I think I’m scaring the crap out of myself but I just need to find out what happens! And since most of her books are linked I just keep going and sleep with the light on.

  10. Mac is a cutie! I can’t imagine where he gets it from ๐Ÿ˜‰ I am busy querying agents, taking care of my own three now that the two oldest are off school, and getting stuff organised for Fall. A lot going on, including the ECWC – I’m partnering up with Jenna Bayley-Burke to present two workshops – have no idea what we were thinking :-). I’m excited to see you there this year!

  11. Jane,
    Cute pictures. Can’t wait to get to Hawaii in October. My daughter is getting married in Oahu. Hoping will get her finance/husband to take some surf lessons from sufer Ty? Finished reading Easy on the Eyes and loved it. It’s now passed on to one daughter and when she’s finished to the next. Had to finish fast because they both wanted to read it. Planning on seeing you at your book signing when you get back. Aloha and enjoy your last couple weeks in Hawaii.


  12. Hi Jane-
    It is wonderful to hear things are going so well. You look great and Mac is just cuteness beyond words!

    I have now read Mrs. Perfect and enjoyed your raw insight to the behind closed doors side. What a great reminder of what is really important.

    I am now reading Firefly Lane by Kristin Hanna and also love her ability to bring the reader into such delicate topics with grace.

    Enjoy your remainding time in Hawaii, and again I am so thrilled to hear things are going well for you!


  13. Jane,
    I love your books. I am from Olympia, WA and grew up in Federal Way, so I love th local references to places somewhat in my area. Thank you for entertaining me. I have not yet read Easy on the Eyes but plan to soon. I am currently reading Eclipse – the third book in the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer. I am also reading The Lucky One by Nicholas Sparks – this one is from the library so I had to put the other one aside for awhile.
    I am a teacher so I am enjoying having lots of free time this summer.
    Mac is totally adorable! Love that picture of you and him!

  14. baby mac pics RULE! i started and love “the time travelers wife”. i cant seem to find your newest book in my area and i havent been able to make it to the big city to buy it yet! :O(

  15. Hey there, I just – just – finished reading “Odd Mom Out.” This past year I happened to check out “Flirting with Forty” from the public library and really enjoyed it, then moved to California’s Central Coast area and was delighted to find OMO in the library here. Next on my list to track down is Taylor’s story – I look forward to seeing her life from another angle. In both of your books I’ve read, I have particularly enjoyed your messages of individuality, growth, courage, and joy in being a woman. So….thanks!

  16. Hi Jane, I am reading “Dune Road” by another of my favorite “Jane” authors, Jane Green. I also recommend Sarah Strohmeyer; I have enjoyed reading two of her books recently. Your baby is beautiful, and looks to be much happier these days, so I hope things are a bit easier for you!

  17. Hi Jane,
    I enjoyed hearing what’s going on with you and the pictures are wonderful. Baby Mac is one cutie patootie. The last 3 weeks have been very stressful for me. My 15-year-old daughter has been sick with upper stomach pains and despite 2 trips to the emergency room, 3 trips to her pediatrician and various blood work, sonagrams, etc., the cause has not been determined and she has not been able to eat solid food as she feels nauseous just thinking about it. She’s been existing on water fortified with electrolytes. Her pediatrician finally sent her to the gastro specialists at the baby and children’s hospital. They examined her and all the records that were sent to them and they are going to do an endoscopy this Wednesday. She has been hurting for such a long time and we just need to get her better.

  18. Love the photos, what a darling little boy! It is fun to see the baby and the big boy together and just think about how we all began as little bundles and the continuity of life and family. I have been enjoying the summer and spending as much time around Mt Rainier as I can – the wildflowers have been outstanding and the huckleberries are coming early thanks to the hot weather. I love summer!

  19. That baby is so stinkin’ cute! We just got back from Pismo where the weather was fabulous, the waves, while not Hawaii in size, we good for boogie boarding. Busy now getting ready for school which starts this Wednesday (one big 4th grader and one not quite so big 1st grader) Eeek! Time flies and all that.

    Hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!

  20. I love the pictures! Baby Mac is so adorable! You are one lucky mom! ๐Ÿ™‚ Right now I am actually reading Odd Mom Out and I am loving every minute of it! I am already half way thru from reading it one day. Something about me and not being able to put down a good book! Have fun in Hawaii! ๐Ÿ™‚

  21. Hi Jane, the pics are sooo cute! It looks like Mac is doing much better. I am in the middle of the Twilight series right now. I have just not had much time to read. This summer I have be remodeling the kitchen new floor and paint also the hallway. Now I am trying to get thing ready for my son to go back to college, or course mom has to do it all.

  22. Well, I recently found out I’m going to be a grandmother for the first time! I’m pretty much thinking of nothing else–March 1 is the due date.

  23. Thank you for posting and for those pictures of YUM-sicle Mac!! What a love…killing me with that cute face!!!

    Tomorrow we head to DC with my mom and my two kids. Fun times, but crummy weather ahead. I’m leaving gorgeous sunny, southern California where things have been a temperate 84 with breezy nights and heading to 89 degree humid, thunderstorm DC for some sight-seeing. Oh well! We can do anything for five days, I guess.

    I’ve been reading Joshilyn Jackson’s books lately. Gods in Alabama, The Girl Who Stopped Swimming and now Between, Georgia. I took a break between the first two to burn through my ARC of “Easy on the Eyes”, though. Of course, I loved it!! Joshilyn’s books are great as well, they are just completely different types of stories. When I’m done with Betweeen, Georgia I am going to read “The Almost Moon” by Alice Sebold. I’ve read her other two so I’m anxious to tear into this one.

    I’ve read more books this summer than ever before. The house isn’t so clean and I’m behind at work, but we’re enjoying the front yard and reading for fun. Can’t beat that!!

    I look forward to more postings from you, Jane. Always enjoy them!! Glad you made the progress you needed to on Shey’s story. Do I smell a sequel??

    Take good care. Keep nuzzling little yum-monster and enjoy your Hawaii time!

    Shannon in Tustin

  24. Your pictures are wonderful! Thanks for posting them!! Baby Mac is so stinkin’ cute!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Right now I’m just working and trying to squeeze in as much time in the sun as I can since Summer is almost over!! ๐Ÿ™

    Right now I’m reading Twenties Girl from Sophie Kinsella and I’m liking a lot more than I thought I would!!

  25. Hello Jane,

    Glad to hear you are doing good and you are having time with your son. I’ve been watching it rain and rain and rain here in Kentucky. Have been reading and reviewing books on a pretty consistent basis here lately. I except a couple more books in the mail any day now. I can’t wait. Have a great day.

  26. what a big ‘little’ boy with his Daddy; so cute.

    This summer for us has been mostly driving great distances for 2 surgeries I’ve had and driving great distances to doctors(Oncologists) appointments and soon I will be going to the city and staying Mon. to Fri. for 5 weeks for Radiation. I found out in May this year I have breast cancer and it’s been a ride so say the least.

  27. So great to see you here again and letting us know how life is with you. We went to the beach for a week and my husband read your book King of the Desert, Captive Bride. He loved it and also loved the way you write and couldn’t put it down…I think he’s hooked. Good luck with the new book, baby is getting big and so sweet. Thanks for sharing your lives and journeys with us…Ruth

  28. Hi Jane,
    Thanks for the updates – always love reading your blog. Mac is adorable. Really enjoyed Easy on the Eyes – read it in about a day and a half because I just could not put it down. We are getting ready for a trip to Walt Disney World with our son and 7 month old daughter to celebrate Jackson’s 5th birthday and my birthday too. Hope you get to enjoy some of the rest of your time in Hawaii. Can’t wait for Shey’s book. Oh yeah -I am reading Nora Robert’s latest Black Hills and have a Jane Green book waiting for vacation.

  29. Mac is so adorable, Jane! You and Ty look great as well! I just finished Easy on the Eyes and am now scrambling for something new to read. I was just thinking this morning about the fact that you have spent so much time writing either being pregnant or during the postpartum period and I give you a lot of credit for turning out such great work during this time! I think that I read in the back of EOTE that you said that you felt that that this newest book didn’t come as easy for you as Mrs. Perfect. Well, let me say that it sure didn’t seem that way to the reader. It was just as delightful as all of your others! Looking forward to reading about Shey next!


  30. You look great! And those pics of Mac and your guy are so cute. I’m enjoying swimming and hanging with my daughter. We’ve been doing the school clothes shopping already and getting in as much beach time as possible here.

  31. What a sweet, sweet baby face! Too adorable.

    Well, last night I finished The Time Traveler’s Wife and plan to go back to reading Vision in White, which I stopped reading so I could read TTTW before it comes out in movie form on Friday.

    I’m also gearing up to start classes in a couple of weeks. I’m upping my classes by one. Should be interesting to see how THAT goes. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Have a great day.

  32. Had just gotten up and was checking emails/blogs yesterday morning when husband called to say he was heading out with his mom, sis-in-law, and niece an hour away to visit his sis. (Confusing, eh?) I’m thinking, “Great! I can have the morning/afternoon to myself!” Doodled around the house tidying up newspapers, the mail, etc.
    Phone rings again. Sis-in-law says they’re on their way into my town and for me to join them on their trip! Would be here in 13 minutes. Got showered and dressed in record time. They arrived 2 minutes later, complete with husband’s brother driving. We took off to “the big city” and laughed and laughed the entire way. (One of the daycare kids had left Mickey Mouse inside the van; whenever we held Mickey up to wave at vehicles going by, his pants fell down! We were just killing ourselves laughing…. Guess you had to be there. Imagine, though, there’s my 22-year-old niece, my 82-year-old mother-in-law, and three of us between 50 and 60 all playing with the animals.)
    Had a good visit with husband’s sister and her husband, then walked (and pushed wheelchair) through the local mall, stopping for lunch in the eatery section.
    Got home by 3 pm. Watched a 6-hour VCR tape (of tv shows) in 45 minutes so I could record on it by 4:30.
    Turned on the oven at 4:45 to preheat.
    Got call at 4:48 asking if we’d like to join the above group at a local restaurant for supper!
    Turned off the oven.
    Had a blast at the restaurant, this time with our daughter joining us after her work was finished.
    Got home after 7 pm. Got changed.
    Played badminton from 8 pm till midnight.
    Got home and checked emails again. Started to check blogs and realized won a contest, so responded. Didn’t check the rest. Turned off the computer and went to bed.
    And now here I am checking blogs again!
    Are you sorry you asked?

  33. Hi Jane! So glad you’re back… we’ve missed you. I don’t know how you do it though, new baby, writing (most of us had maternity leaves), shuttling between two homes… gotta hand it to you because you do it with style and ease (or so it seems).

    I am just heading into my last two weeks of horse showing with two of my daughters and there’s an added twist… I’m not just Mom on the side watching… I’m announcing the rings they’ll be showing in! I do it occasionally, the money’s good and since I’m already taking vacation days to be there, I’m also paid to be there. And I don’t miss a thing! I live in Quebec and am fluent in French and the shows are in Ottawa, ON and there is high Quebec participation so they appreciate a bilingual announcer.

    Other than than, school is coming quickly, I didn’t get enough time in my garden this year (same old story) and I’m bringing Easy on the Eyes as my evening camper read for the time I’m at the show.

  34. Oh, and BTW… love your photos of little Mac! He is a beautiful baby, looks just like his dad.

  35. Hi Jane – so good to see pictures of the family. Mac is getting to be a big boy!

    Not reading much – just got back from vacation but have a pile of books just waiting to read!


  36. Wow, Mac sure looks like his Daddy in these pictures, thanks for sharing. (The setting and all the tropical plants in the background look pretty amazing too!)

    I’m in my last week of holidays, and just trying to get all the back-to-school essentials organized for my boys…new shoes, school supplies and haircuts. I feel like I am winning the battle this year, touch wood!

    Good luck with your work on Shey’s story. I don’t know how you do it…when I had a newborn I had trouble getting supper on the table, nevermind trying to focus on writing a novel!

  37. Hi Jane – You look great! Mac is really growing! I am not reading anything right now (since I’ve already read “Easy on the Eyes”!). Just working, cleaning & all the usual fun stuff that needs to be done.

  38. Mac is precious!!!
    Just finished your book Easy on the Eyes and posted my first review on Amazon!!
    I am starting “The Shack”. I’ve heard it is great.

  39. Hi Jane,
    Little Mac is too cute.
    I am getting ready to move my youngest daughter to her college dorm room Wednesday (tomorrow) morning. I so dread it.
    I am also still getting over the surgery I had in June. I still get tired when I think I shouldn’t.

    I have been staying indoors lately it is just too hot to go out and the gnats are awful. The dog days are here.

  40. Mac is a doll!
    I just spent a week in Hawaii and would love to go back!! I read Flirting with Forty on the plane ride home. It was neat to actually read about places that I remember seeing.

  41. Hi Jane,
    Your baby is a doll. I have nine grandchildren the youngest being 2. I love your books. Am looking forward to reading your latest. I have to tell you, you look great. Forty-five looks good on you. You are also an inspiration for all women who want to write. Thank You

    Deborah in Arkansas

  42. Hi Jane! I LOVED Easy on the Eyes! I took it with me to the WA Coast when it was 106 in the city and finished it, couldn’t put it down! Now I am reading Elin Hilderbrand’s The Castaways…I always love reading her books each summer, then I am going to tackle The Help by Kathryn Stockett! Enjoy Hawaii while you are there, I am soo jealous! Get that book done and get walking on the beach! Wish I could join you and motivate my self! Can’t wait to read your next book! You are my fabulous!

  43. FINALLY! ๐Ÿ˜‰ J/K but I checked every day to see what was up.

    Went to California to see my dad and I am glad I did. Ended up taking him to the ER and putting him in the hospital. I have found out he is not going to be alive much longer. Maybe six months, maybe a year.

    I also discovered that I am always my father’s girl. I am 49 and I still fall into the role of a younger girl, his daughter..

    I just took my youngest, 14, to get her hair done: cut, dyed black with red tips…don’t ask the cost on that.

    I could go on. Live changes and evolves..

  44. Thanks so much for giving us a peek into a writers life! I usually read cba books, but was so happy to find Flirting with Forty and now, have another fave author to add to the list!
    your writing is amazingly real and your family is beautiful.
    will be praying for you as you try to ‘fix’ She’s Gone Country.

  45. Love the pictures, Jane! You have a beautiful family! It’s been a hectic time for me right now with everything going on. Taking care of 2 children, working, put our house on the market, looking at other homes…the list goes on! But when I do have a spare second I have been reading New Moon. When I’m finished with that I have Mrs. Perfect and Easy on The Eyes on my list, I just need to buy them! I hope you are having a blast in Hawaii…I’m jealous! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Hi Jane, I have been working. Coming home and lounging in the pool with the waterfall on, listening to Fiji, and reading. I loved Easy On The Eyes, it was WONDERFUL !!!!!
    Trying to decide what to read now.
    Planning my 50th BDay (march) looking at kauai, but would love to go back to Oahu or Maui.
    Your baby Mac is adorable!! Thanks for sharing pic ๐Ÿ™‚

  47. Loved the photos – fun to see Mac growing.

    Finished Easy on the Eyes the first weekend it was out. Your characters and situations really hit home. I was laid off last February and have been job hunting since then with no luck. No one will say it (legally they can’t) but I’m convinced age is the biggest factor. So – -I am changing my mind set to semi-retired and looking for something part time which I’ll really enjoy.

    Have also been reading everything I can get my hands on. Right now it is Happiness Key be Emilie Richards.

  48. How can I resist posting a comment after seeing such beautiful pictures, Jane? I’m so thrilled to see such beautiful pictures of Mac, Ty and you looking so well. It makes me smile.


    Heather Davis

  49. Jane,
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful family pics!
    I just finished reading “easy on the eyes” and loved it! I posted a review on Amazon as well. This summer has been
    busy with work and getting
    adjusted to a slower pace here in Kona. I miss all of my family and friends in Honolulu.

  50. Just returned from a long weekend with husband- celebrating our 20th anniversary. I’m reading World Without End by Ken Follet right now- it’s totally addictive and I’m rereading the JD Robb IN Death series- (opposite styles for sure!)
    Photos are great of baby and surfer!

  51. Hi Jane-OK so how do you stop yourself from pinching those adorable little cheeks all day long? As for books…I’m re-reading Easy On The Eyes on the treadmill because that holds my attention while the treadmill does not, re-reading Moon Shell Beach on my couch because that’s a curl up and keep reading til you cant keep your eyes open anymore kind of book, and starting Baby Oh Baby tonight…that one looks good but I dont know much about the book or the author. I like to re-read my favorite books. It kind of puts me in the life of the story and I love that. Enjoy Hawaii.

  52. I’ve been reading the Ramona Quimby series to my 4-year old daughter – she loves them and I love reading them to her as they were a favorite of mine when I was a kid. Other than that, I’ve been keeping up on my blog-reading. Ha, ha! Baby Mac is such a cutie!!

  53. Hi Jane, Loved easy on the eyes…always pass your books down to my sister who loves you too. Summer is beautiful here in Michigan. Currently reading Tess Gerritsen, The Apprentice. Still looking for a job and can’t believe it’s almost time for school!!

  54. Great pictures. It is amazing how fast they grow.

    My 12 year old daughter has been doing a Rock Band summer program, so that has taken up most of our free time, but has been well worth it ๐Ÿ™‚

    I am reading The Time Traveler’s Wife. I have told myself that I have to read the book before I can see the movie, and I really want to see the movie ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. I saw three copies at a Borders Express in Santa Rosa, Ca. I was looking for something else to read, after EOTE and nothing was exciting me at all. I know..it’s sad. Will Shey’s story really not be out until next summer? It’s going to be a long winter!

  56. Haven’t gotten “Easy” yet, but you know how us writers build our TBR piles. Love the pics of you, Mac and Ty. Totally understand about the writing feeling different, too… LOL!

    I’m sure Shey’s book will deepen and expand, into the story you want to tell. Yes, deadlines need to be met, but not at the expense of book-health-happiness.
    Cheers! and Aloha!
    PS: no need to enter me in the contest, I’ll forget to check anyhow. ๐Ÿ™‚

  57. Just finished Easy on the Eyes on our road trip to Napa. Sobbed my way through Redding! Your books are a favorite for our trips. Will be passing it on to friends for them to enjoy! Reading the new Sophie Kinsella between wine tastings. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

  58. Mac is sooo adorable!! I can’t believe how much he’s grown. What’s new with me: I have a new granddaughter, Vivien and she’s just turned 2 months and I have to say, she’s really adorable as well. Been very busy with work but I do get a short break –going to Williamsburg next week before getting the other children back to college.

  59. My husband and I were on vacation this week. We did not go anywhere like out of town or anything we just stayed home and enjoyed each other’s company. Our vacations are not about doing something but they are about not having to go to work and getting up early.

  60. Love the pictures! Mac is such a cutie and I love the Jeep too! That’s what I want one day when we can get a newer vehicle. I’ve so missed being able to check on your site every day. Working during the summer definitely has it’s drawbacks and I haven’t adjusted yet! Thanks so much for your great writing and can’t wait to read Shey’s story!

  61. Hey all! Jane asked me to stop by and thank everyone who left a comment. She also asked me to announce the winners she picked. She doesn’t have internet access today so she’s unable to check in herself. So, here are the winners –

    #13 – Dawn
    #34 – Laura
    #59 – Stacy

    Congratulations, ladies! Please send an email to Jane with your full name and mailing address so she can get prizes in the mail to you all! ๐Ÿ™‚

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