My Readers Rule

I have to give a huge shout out to my reader friend Sharen Gustafson in Michigan who has started an incredibly fun book club called The Pink Ladies. Their first book club selection was Flirting with Forty and they’ve worked through all my books having  just read Easy On The Eyes. The Pink Ladies Club capped their Easy book discussion by ordering a limo and having a great night out Tiana Tomlinson style. (Tiana’s the heroine in Easy). For the photos and book club description check out Pink Ladies Book Club and see what a good time they’re having.

Sharen and all, thank you for being such supportive readers, friends and fans. You’re beyond awesome!!

A warm thank you, too, to good friend, Hawaii author Mia King, for sending me pics of Easy On The Eyes at the Barnes & Noble in Chico, California. Thanks, Mia! Glad to know that Barnes & Noble is giving me some sugar, too.

Having a good day, or have something positive to share? Jump in and tell me all about it.  Today is Readers Rule Day and I’m giving away a $15 Barnes & Noble gift certificate, a Hawaii Starbucks gift card and some absolutely delicious chocolate macadamia nuts. Contest will run all weekend and close Sunday night midnight. I’ll draw and announce the winner Monday morning so pop in with your happy thought–big or small–and you’re entered.

My positive news? Laundry’s just about done for the day. Hooray!


  1. We are blessed with lots of great friends, and this is a special year for many of them.
    Tomorrow afternoon we are attending a 90th birthday open house for a woman we call Mom (no biological relationship, but she’s still a mom to many like us).
    Tomorrow afternoon and evening we are attending a 40th anniversary surprise party for good friends of ours.
    I’m sure we’ve already celebrated over a dozen special birthdays or anniversaries recently, and we look forward to celebrating many more — including my 50th and my husband’s 60th birthdays this year, when we invite friends/family to our “110th birthday”!

  2. It’s Friday! and I have a mini vacation coming next week and it was a beautiful sunny day and bumped into a high school classmate while I was walking in the park and she and I spent a nice hour reminiscing! It’s just a beautiful day and I feel very content.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Jane!

  3. My husband called our mortgage company and they are modifying our loan to an affordable payment. Thank you Lord!!!

  4. Wow! The Pink Ladies Book Club sure know how to have fun. Enjoyed reading their blog & the music is so cool.
    Positive news ~ I am going to relax by the pool tomorrow! 🙂

  5. We just found a house to rent in a neighborhood that gets our kids into great schools while we look for a house to buy – what a relief!! And then even better was having a group of college age kids from church to our house for dinner and games. What a great day!

  6. I had a great time with a friend who has Fridays off so I took a vacation day and we took a hike. It feels so special to be out on the popular trails without a crowd and I felt special because she wanted to hike with me. It was totally different to hike with a woman than with my husband. She didn’t let the crappy weather stop us or the sloppy trail get us down. She slowed her pace down for older, pokier me, and it was a delight to share being in mine (and hers) favorite places with a good buddy. Talk about awesome- even without seeing the vistas at the lake and ridge because of the clouds, and getting rained on off and on, it was super to spend a day hiking with a friend!

  7. It took me SIX years to do it but I am almost done with a shadowbox of my trip to New York City. A friend won it from Oprah and took ME!

    And I am so glad to see the rain in Washington again. I really like it. 🙂

  8. It’s supposed to be 88 degrees and sunny all weekend! Yea!

    Jane – I listened to your interview on Words to Mouth podcast and I’m sorry you worried so much over Easy on the Eyes – it’s a fabulous story as usual. Keep them coming!!

  9. In keeping with a laundry theme my husband finally put up a clothes line for me and I have been able to hang out my clothes all week.

  10. Wow, I love all the good news stories! I have found a great part-time job that is super flexible and has wonderful people. It’s the weekend and my 9 year old son has a chance to meet with the real school of rock band leader and we are going to see them perform tonight at a local fair. And it’s sunny and 85 today.

  11. Your book looks great! Congratulations. Best of success. having a lovely weekend with my son and his wife. Relaxing in the sun and catching up with their lives.

  12. Hi, Jane: Congratulations on the success of Easy On The Eyes. Plan to go shopping tomorrow and pick up a copy. I’ll take a picture if I find a display at either my local Borders or Barnes & Noble. Had a wonderful day today with family, celebrating my daughter’s 29th birthday. Made Beef Goulash for dinner – her choice – and also a four layer cake with homemade Chocolate Ganache icing. Felt proud of myself as I haven’t been up to cooking lately. Have taken two furlough/unpaid weeks so far this year due to budget cuts at work and one more in September, but I know I am luckier than most, so trying to keep my chin up. Loved the new pictures of Mac on your previous blog – keep those pics coming. Wish I lived near Seattle or Hawaii so I could see Mac in person and give him a hug. He looks so much like his Daddy, it’s uncanny. Would like to see some pics of all three of your boys together sometime. You look terrific by the way. Thought of you when I read how Jennifer Lopez was upset about shedding her last 20 pounds from her recent pregnancy. See – lots of Moms go thru what you are experiencing right now. Enjoy your last two weeks in Hawaii and hope your spirits are lifting each day.

  13. My two-year-old counted to ten, named four colors correctly, and said all her ABCs and identified 9/10 correctly–all today!

    She is definitely a little sponge of knowledge. :o)


  14. Hi Jane,

    Well we’re enjoying the last weekend before school starts with friends and family. On Monday I have a follow up interview with the local University so I’m keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed that I get the job.


  15. The Johnsons are all about back to school shopping today, so we’re much poorer. 🙂 Glad to hear Easy on the Eyes is getting such a strong start. It is still my favorite.

  16. Just got back from an awesome camping trip with friends and family. My husband had a garage sale while I was gone and made some extra moolah! Life is good! 🙂

  17. I just washed my car! Oh how I love when it sparkles! It seems to go for such a while between washes and it makes me smile every time. Simple, but rewarding.

  18. Good morning everyone! It’s Monday am in Hawaii and I’m just about to jump back into my writing but wanted to announce that Mac’s babysitter, Alaia, just picked the winner of the contest and it’s #3, Kribss.

    So Kribss, please send me a private email so I can get your goodies out to you!

    I’ll be having another contest this week everyone so stay tuned!



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