I practically grew up in the Visalia library. From an early age I rode my bike there and back, mywhite plastic flower basket on the front of my Schwinn bike with the turquoise banana seat packed with books. Mrs. Livingstone, the head librarian, always allowed me to check out more than the maximum amount you could take because she knew my parents and she knew how much I loved to read, as well as how fast I read. I needed a lot of books. Not all librarians were quite so accomodating so I learned to visit the check out desk when Mrs. Livingstone was present.
When my two older boys were small, we spent a lot of time in the beautiful Bellevue library as it has an incredible children’s section. I stopped checking out books personally as I become a purchase addict–had to own every book I read–but I never stopped loving libraries or librarians.
This year I was so fortunate to be invited to speak on a panel at the PLA Conference in Portland. My dream is to be invited someday to the ALA conference. Jane surrounded by thousands of librarians. Heaven.
You can only imagine my joy then when I discovered this news story tonight on King 5. Watch the video if you love librarians and Information Science, too. http://www.king5.com/video/featured-videos/Librarians-go-Gaga-at-UWs-iSchool–95142299.html
Thanks for the “Librarians go Gaga” link…what a kick! Have forwarded it to Kathleen our local
librarian to challenge her team to perform it in our Fathoms’ of Fun parade at the end of June!
Who knew of such secret after- hour lives of Libraians;)!!!
Hi, Jane! I almost went to college to study Library Science and become a librarian, but then life interrupted! I have always loved books. I saved all my chilhood “Little Golden Books”. When I was in grade school, I ordered so many books from the Scholastic Book Service that the other kids said my house must be like a library. Today, it is : )
Virginia…another lover of “Little Golden Books”! When I woke up on my 7th birthday, there were TEN “LGB’s” at the foot of my bed! I was treated to a morning of reading in bed!! …obviously a most treasure memory;)
Thanks for the video. It’s so inspiring. For me, libraries are like churches. They are pure, true sanctuaries in which I can go in and rejuvenate. My mind becomes cleansed, refreshed and renewed. I go in tired and drained and come out a smart new woman.
I wanted to be a librarian when I was growing up. A love of books and the fact that I alphabetize everything from my books to music.. LOL Great video. I posted it on FB.
I was just talking to my husband today about my love for being surrounded by books. I asked (again) for book shelves in our family room for this reason. I would love to own a small book store and serve tea and cappuccino to customers…But I do LOVE my library too for the same reason as I read way too fast to purchase each book I want to read. It’s just never going to be in the budget!! I read at least 1 book per day on the average. Thanks for sharing!!
Oh Jane, I loved being a librarian and especially when young people like you were came into the library! I do enjoy buying books, too. Fortunately our library is simply terrific and has a program that prints out a list of the book when you check them out and at the bottom tells you how much you have saved using the library vs buying all those books. So far this year I have “saved” $2903, so you know I am reading lots! Often after reading the library book I must purchase the book for our home library. Personally I am grateful that you are an author and not a librarian. You could be both, but you would sleep lots less. Smile! jep
How cool is that, that your library tells you how much you saved by borrowing the book from the library instead of purchasing it. I wish my library did that too!
I love my library, here in crawfordville,fla. When I first moved here, the lbrary was at the old courthouse, I had 2 small children and space was tight. Anyways, they moved to a beautiful new building. I lived in chicago and you were only allowed 4 books and if they were late you were cahrged $1.00 each book. Here you can call to renew and its only 50cents each day and $1.00 for DVD. I can even have a book on hold. Myrtle and Clarris aare my favorite librarians, and Betty, all three of them know me and my reading habits so they let me take new books out and I have them back early. I evne help out during their book free book fairs. I love it, I wrote to my congressman, and Governor so they wouldn’t stop funding our libraries in fla. We need them for our future children.
I wanted to be a librarian but it required a MA and by the time I finally finished my BA in English, going at night for six years after many years of not being in college, it didn’t make sense to quit my job to go full time to library school for two years. However, my heart is at the library and I walk there nearly every week. Those UW librarians are great; a long way from “Marion, the librarian” -they prove Librarians ROCK!
I grew up in a small town in NY. Books were checked out by hand and there was a card in the back of the book that told you when it was due back. You looked up books in a card catalog and there were no inter-library loans. The librarians used to come around to the tables to tell you that the library was closing…no blinking lights or PA system announcements. And the library was a place where you knew you had to respect the quiet rule and the librarians would “shush” you if you spoke above a whisper. Thanks for making me think of that again. Nice memory.
Thanks for posting the link for that video Jane! :0) It brought me back to my days at Flagler College where I did my work study in the college library. Oddly enough, the front desk of the one in the video almost looks identical to the entrance of the one at my college. Too cool! I really enjoyed my time working there for that year ~
What a fun video!! I’ll bet they had a blast making it. And unlike the real Lady Gaga videos, I can actually show it to my kids! Libraries (and librarians) are the best – just the smell of the library makes me happy!
Libraries are truly the best 🙂
Thanks for sharing the Librarians go GaGa clip, fantastic. Loved it, and love my job (elementary school librarian)!
Try reading “The Kaizen Way” by Robert Mauier. Fantastic book!