Fun Review at B&N!

Today I read one of the first ‘public’ reviews of She’s Gone Country over at B&, and I loved it!  Made me get that super excited feeling about the book’s upcoming release all over again and I thought I’d share the review with you:

From Unabashedly Bookish: The BN Community Blog:
I’ve Gone Country… Thanks to Jane Porter

Does the review make you want to read the book?  Post a comment over at B&,  and then let me know in the comment section what you thought of the review, and you’re entered to win a copy of She’s Gone Country, along with a Texas Cowboy Cookbook, a Starbucks drink card and lots more JP reader treats.

Contest runs through Thursday night midnight and I’ll announce the winner Friday morning and if you get back to me quickly, you could have a copy of She’s Gone Country in your mailbox by Tuesday!


  1. That’s wonderful! I love the review and I have been dying to read She’s Gone Country ever since I heard about it on your blog! I am certainly not amazed of them saying they couldn’t put the book down…I can never put any of your books down! Crossing my fingers I am a winner!! 🙂

  2. Whoo-hoo! Pop the corks, pop the corn, pop your buttons! “She’s Gone Country”!

    Hi, Jane! I enjoyed Lisa’a review of “She’s Gone Country”, and also “Flirting with Forty” and “Odd Mom Out”. She emphasized the highlights of all three books, noting that each story combines real women’s issues with sweet, sensual romance. Lisa also said this about “She’s Gone Country”: “…Porter transported me into a rural world that, as a city girl, I would’ve never thought I’d find as appealing as I did.” All right now, you urban cowgirls, you’d better “go country”! You’ll be glad you did : )

    Here’s my comment at B&N: I am so excited about the release of “She’s Gone Country”. Jane Porter writes wonderful contemporary romance tales featuring strong female characters and interesting story lines. It’s hard for me to choose a favorite, but I am partial to “Flirting with Forty”. The heroine faces a variety of personal issues, and she is pulled in many different directions. Being divorced, starting a new life, and finding unexpected love with a younger man are all in store for Jackie, who encounters numerous obstacles all along the way. How she evolves and grows through this process is very involving, and most women will recoginze themselves at some point in Jackie’s journey to self-awareness and happiness.

  3. Loved the review and you should definitely be excited – such a lot of hard work goes into the project. I have enjoyed all of your books and have been waiting for Shey’s story for way too long!

  4. Jane,
    Being a 6th generation Texan I’d say I’m partial to anything having to do with a true Texas Cowboy. But to answer your question, I would not buy a book based on a review. Everyone has different taste. I have found books that I had loved and enjoyed reading receive not so pretty reviews and vice versa. Everyone who knows you will buy your book, everyone who follows your blog will buy your book and so will everyone else that has come across your path. Why, because we all know we enjoy you’re writing and your books are wonderful. We know positive book reviews are very important for the success of a book, but even if you received a not so pretty review we’d buy your book and we’d all go after those crazy book reviewers like a bunch of wild bangie Indians protecting their little ones. Your question is very unfair to all of us. It’s like asking a mom if she thinks her child is bright or beautiful. And don’t even think about asking all of us which of your books are our favorite, because again that’s like asking your mom which child is her favorite or which one does she love the most. Shame on you Jane! Lol. You know with great reviews and matching sales a request for sequel would not be out of the question. Who knows there could be a Texas Two Step. Of course writing book #2 would require great research and since you’re busy with the family and the surfer, could I be your research assistant? Pleezzzzzz Oh wait, I’ve been married 25+ years, darn it! Sorry can’t do it. bummer

  5. Congrats Jane! It was never a question whether I’d want to read SGC or not. I read every book you write and love them all! I bet you have a smile from ear to ear after reading this review! You deserve all of this and much happiness, you are one hard working mom! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy!

  6. Read the review and I can already feel the adrenalin rushing…withdrawal symptoms kickin’ in…anticipation makin’ my stomach flip…need to read a Jane Porter. Can’t wait, can’t wait, can’t wait!!!!

  7. Great review! I want to read this book so bad, you just don’t know how bad! I love me some cowboys no doubt about that! I just read Flirting With Forty and love it. Can’t wait to get your new book She’s Gone Country!

  8. Wonderful review and I just love the books you can’t put down. All of us here have been priviledged to know the hard work that has gone into ‘She’s Gone Country’ and all the other personal trials and tribulations that you have faced and juggled very successfully. I enjoyed Flirting with Forty so much and could imagine your own life after seeing and reading it. After she’s gone country…she can go to the ‘Screen’ too!!!

  9. I enjoyed the article and it made me so excited to read She’s Gone Country! If I had never read any of your books before I’d definitely be reading them now after that review. It’s exciting to know that many more people are going to be entertained by you and fall in love with your writing like I have.

  10. What a great review. I pre-ordered She’s Gone Country months ago and this review makes me yearn for the release date to be closer, specifically the part about her being a city girl wanting to go country. It hit home for this San Franciscan who now lives in the Southwest!
    I can see the book appealing to a broad range of people.

  11. Yee-haw!! Bring it on, Jane. You have every reason to be excited. Congrats…

    I posted a comment over there at the BN blog site, but my penname is MommylucySS.

    Shannon in Tustin

  12. I really like the review and it just makes me want to read the book more than ever. I’ve been looking forward to this book for some time.

    I loved Flirting With Forty by Jane.
    Awesome prize as usual Jane; you are so kind and generous.

    (I am trying to post at B&N but can’t find where it says new message to post.

  13. Oh what a review lovely! that is so exciting ! you should be tickled. it will make many people pick up your book or at least now know what kind of story is in store..a fun book to pack for the beach or vacation. how exciting.

  14. Oh what a review lovely! that is so exciting ! you should be tickled. it will make many people pick up your book or at least now know what kind of story is in store..a fun book to pack for the beach or vacation. how exciting.

  15. Great review. Just left a comment on BN. I can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country. I know Shey’s story will be great.

  16. I cannot wait for this book to be out! I loved Marta and Tiana’s stories (and Taylor’s sideline in Mrs. Perfect) and while I’m dying to read She’s Gone Country I’m sad because it could well be the end of the series….

    Good review Jane, August can’t come soon enough!

    I will say, though, that I don’t always buy books based on reviews. There are certain authors that I will buy anything from and I’m always interested in books recommended by friends with like interests.

  17. What a fabulous review. Congratulations on the release and best wishes. I can hardly wait to read this sotry this summer.

  18. Jane, I am so happy for you that your new book and older books all got such a good review. I know it helps with sales plus it is a validation of all your efforts. You do write great books and I enjoy reading them. Big cyber hug to you!

  19. Great review…have to admit, I didn’t need the review to want to read it though!! I have been anxious to read it for awhile now!! I love all your books and the way you are able to just open up a character so that we can see a lit bit of ourselves in them! Thanks for sharing your great talent with us!!

  20. I posted a comment under MaureenE and I thought the review was short and sweet and I am definitely interested in the story.

  21. Great review! I am so looking forward to reading She’s Gone Country and I am going to go leave a comment at B&N now. I am so happy for you, Jane! No question about it, this book will be amazing like all your work! 🙂

  22. I left my comment at Barnes and Noble. I thought the review was a great way to grab readers’ attention and get them interested in the book and the novels that have preceded them. I imagine you’ll be gaining even more fans as word spreads about this awesome set of books!

    Can’t wait for She’s Gone Country to be available to all of us!

  23. I read all book reviews and take what they say with a grain of salt. What I generally love in a story, others may not, and vice versa. So, while the review was a very good review, and an encouraging one, I’ll read your book because I know you, want to support you, and because I like your stories. Looking forward to August!

  24. I couldn’t comment on B&N but I loved her review and these excerpts and reviews are getting me so excited for She’s Gone Country. I can’t wait. 🙂

  25. That’s an awesome review. I’m looking forward to the book. Can’t wait to read it!!

  26. Great review, quite a rave and so true! I tried to post a comment (they are almost up to 4000!) but I couldn’t do it. With that many already, what’s one more?

  27. I tried to comment on B&N’s website, but couldn’t. Congratulations to you, Jane! I know you have worked so hard on this book and it sounds like the rewards will be fantastic! I love this contest! I would LOVE to get my hands on SGC by Tues! I’ve got the entire day open to read it on Wed. and I’m sure that’s all the time I’d need to finish it! 🙂 Have a great week!!

  28. Hi Jane,
    Lisa at B&N did a wonderful job on her review of all of your books. I love the way she described how “She’s Gone Country” made her feel. I love how she said she couldn’t put it down. I love that when a book makes me feel that way too. I just can’t wait until this book comes out. I’ve got to read it and I mean soon!!

  29. Cannot wait till August. I have so many books on my to be read pile, but I’d add it to the top.

    Enjoy your summer!

    Looking forward to seeing you in Palo Alto, CA.

  30. He he …thats exactly how one feels after having read those. And now there is another coming …aahhhhh. Love it and would love to win the new one to keep me company on a l o n g trip back to Europe to see the extended family. On the other hand its so nice to think that when I get back home its almost time for “She’s Gone Country” woohoo.
    Hoping for a little sun on the soaking wet East side.

  31. I was a member of the community so leaving a remark was easy. I loved the review and as I mentioned there I would definitely read one of your books based on it.

  32. Hi Jane! I tried & tried to leave a comment on B&N, but their site kept locking up!

    I can’t wait for the book; read the review & think it will be just like all of your others…I end up reading it straight thru because I can’t put it down! I know it will be a hit!

  33. Loved the review! Can’t wait for ‘She’s Gone Country’ to hit the shelves. I didn’t know about you until I saw your story featured on ‘Evening Magazine’ a few years ago. After which I got my hands on ‘Flirty with Forty’ and loved it so much that I bought a copy and sent it to my best friend in Oklahoma. Since then I’ve read ‘Odd Mom Out’ and ‘Easy on the Eyes.’ Both of which were good, but my favorite is still ‘Flirty with Forty.’ But I have a feeling that ‘She’s Gone Country’ may change that.

  34. Hey Jane! Loved the review… I couldn’t ‘go country’ though over at B&N, because apparently I’m not technically savvy at 10pm at night!! Lol… it’s all good though.

    The book looks like it’s going to be delicious. And as with Easy on the Eyes, I’m sure I won’t be able to put it down once I get started. Looking forward to the message that will come out of this one (I’ve got a couple of stories to tell you about some parallelisms that occured while reading Easy on the Eyes)!! Your books speak to me :0)

  35. Do I want to read it? Of course I DO, it’s a Jane Porter book, right??? Who wouldn’t want to read it. I have been putting my summer reading list together and it is on it!

  36. I don’t have to read the review! I want to read the book! I’ve been wanting to read the forever!

    I just pre-ordered it… can’t wait for it to come.

  37. I already wanted to read it, but the review steps my excitement up – I can’t wait to read it Jane. So many of your books hit home for me, and as a country girl at heart, I am sure this one will also.

  38. Jane,
    Loved the review. Can’t wait for the book to come out..Problem is I read it so fast then it’s too long until the next book. Looking forward to Shey’s story – looks like a fun book! Have a great weekend.

  39. Loved the review…it’s going to be another winner! (Movie perhaps?) Hope this rain clears up soon. Linda

  40. I’ve been looking forward to reading She’s Gone Country ever since I fnished the last page of Easy On The Eyes. The review, along with the sneak peek you posted awhile ago, just makes me wish it was already August!

  41. Great review, but now I don’t want to wait until August! It’s tooooo far away! boo hoo hoo

  42. Great review, Jane, congratulations!I scanned through some of the comments too, and it all sounds good.

    Can’t wait until August!

  43. Reading the review was like teasing me, because I am already waiting for your latest book! Can’t wait to get into Shey’s life!

  44. My group is just so anxious to read this book! We, of course, aren’t hurrying it along, because that will mean that summer is almost over! hahahahaha Seriously, we have added more gals to our group so this summer they are reading the first 3 in the series and we will all party when She’s Gone Country comes out. Makes the summer’s end not so bad.

  45. I read your review and I can’t wait for this book to comeout in Aug. I’m working part-time to put food on the table, and my son(he’s 19)is even helping me out plus saving for college money, anyways, the summer is pretty nice so far, going to the beach hoping the oil doesn’t reach our shores, but I’m reading alot… Have a wonderful time in Hawaii and your other travels, your a wonderful person!!!! I’d love to win this, it’d make my day!

  46. I can’t wait to read about Shey, I’m sure she’ll be another enjoyable character. Your characters are always strong women who overcome diversity, which make them very relatable.

    Don’t want to wait till August though 🙁 I want it now!!! Please pick me… 😉

  47. Hey Jane,
    Thanks for sharing with us this great review. I did get a chance to post a comment over at B & N. I am sure you know which comment is mine.

    Now hearing about your GREAT New Book “She’s Gone Country,” is going to make the wait even tougher. I can’t wait for that Fun New Summer Read! I need to find me a Hat and some Boots!

    Your Wonderful!
    Safe Travels!

  48. was really nice to read the review on barnes and it makes me just be that more impatient for the book to be released. shey’s story sounds like it is going to be great! can’t wait for it to come out! it can’t get here fast enough!!

  49. I found that review yesterday, and it made me want to read “She’s Gone Country” almost as much as the mere fact that you wrote it does…:-)

  50. I commented as skier_chick. Jane, I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! So excited! Thanks so much.

  51. Barnes and Noble has been giving me trouble the past couple day trying to read this review Jane. I read it and tried to leave a comment but the site is wacky.

    First of all i like any book with cowboys in it pretty much. lol Second i realize i still have books of yours i haven’t read yet so i need to get right on that.

    ugh even after i logged in it wouldn’t let me post a comment and the pages keep sticking.

    I can’t wait for your book to come out Jane!!!

    Lisa B

  52. Loved the review and I am happy that she mentioned all your other novels too! They are all fabulous but so far I still love Odd Mom Out the best since I identified so much with Marta.

    I know Shey’s story is going to be great too!


  53. “Yes”, and if I hadn’t already been enjoying your writing and looking forward to She’s Gone Country, I would have been persuaded by this review to go out and start getting acquainted your characters. The first paragraph of the review drew me in…when someone such as a reviewer is ready to uproot and move to a fictional place and meet all the fictional characters, then you can be pretty certain that others will follow as well! Can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of “…County”! Sounds like the cowboy is one we might all be fighting over;)

  54. Jane,
    what an awesome review! Can’t wait for She’s Gone Country…The Alan Jackson song “She’s Gone Country” keeps going through my head – I have a feeling that this book will be my next favorite!!

  55. Hadnt read your books before and friend gave some to me to read while getting over a broken hip.
    Now I am HOOKED!!! Cant wait for this one….Thanks

  56. Jane: You are such a great writer! I had a real connection with Odd Mom Out b/c of some of the stuff I was going through the Moms in my neighborhood. Now, I’m reading Easy On the Eyes and and feel a similar connection since I just turned 40! I can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country and would love to win a copy of it! Susan 🙂

  57. Hi everyone,

    Back to announce the winner for the SHE’S GONE COUNTRY giveaway, and it’s #23 Emily! Congrats, Emily and please send me your address so we can get the ARC out in the mail.

    Thank you all for entering, and I saw that Lisa at B& picked three winners as well to receive copies of the book, too, and two of them are my readers here. So congrats!!


  58. I think it’s just plain cruel for the publisher to make us wait until the end of August for She’s Gone Country. I’ve begun reading Jane’s other books again including a couple of Harlequins so I can get my Jane Porter “fix.” As of yesterday I’m reading Flirting With Forty and immersing myself in Jackie’s life once more. Who among the fans hasn’t read that one or seen the movie umpteen times? I love every one of Jane’s books. I don’t want to wish the summer away—I’m so looking forward to August and the release of She’s Gone Country.

  59. I can’t wait to read She’s Gone Country. Just like your other books this one pulls you right in from the very beginning. Can’t wait to get my hands on this one too.

  60. Jane,
    NPR All Things Considered (the afternoon program 4 to 6pm) had a good piece today on writers and how hard it is to get published and then how hard it is to get books in the stores. I thought about you and what I have learned from you about the struggles and hard work just writing the book is, not even counting selling the book.
    I think you can hear it online.
    Hope you are enjoying the end of school and summer soon (not here in Bellevue yet..)

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