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Books, Kids & Vegas Weddings

The little Vegas wedding on September 17th has gotten pretty big and we’ve just switched to a bigger chapel to accomodate everyone!  Ty has 25 family members coming.  I have another 21.  And then there are the friends, and the friends with kids and so it looks like we’re going to have roughly 70 there for the weekend.  Yesterday I took my dress in to have it hemmed and Ty saw a tailor to get his black velvet jacket fitted.  Son Ty has found blue velvet shoes and we’ve got everything else pretty much nailed down.  Now I just need to write.

I’m back in Bellevue and tomorrow I get back to my desk.  I’ll be pulling some long hours in my office for the next 5 weeks but hopefully the writing will flow.  I love the story and characters…just can’t lose confidence!

Ty returns to Hawaii today for the next nine days.   I am grumpy about him leaving.  It’s so nice when we’re all together and after spending the entire summer together, its tough to think about our back and forth we do during the school year.

I’ve got ten fun prizes for you guys this week!  I’m giving away 10 of my brand new red and black READ totebags filled with various fun things you’ll love, including a Jane Porter loves her readers t-shirt, a signed copy of Easy On The Eyes,  and lots more fun things.  How to win one of the ten prizes?   Tell me anything!  Have you seen any good movies lately, read any good books, done anything fun?  Post a comment and you’re entered.  Winners will be drawn and announced Friday morning!  Good luck and I hope you win!

124 Comments on “Books, Kids & Vegas Weddings

  1. Hi Jane,
    I can’t wait for the wedding. It will probably give you more ideas for another book.
    Plus, I can’t wait to hear more about this book you are writing.
    If you are excited that is a good sign.
    The countdown to September 17th has begun. 🙂

  2. Oh good movies…
    I just watched Paul. I loved it.
    We rented Limitless, Your Highness and Priest. Still have to watch Priest. My hubby liked Limitless, Paul was too funny. Your Highness was entertaining and I still have to watch Priest this afternoon.

  3. Congratulations! On finding your special someone!
    I am so excited for you guys!

    It will be so much fun (Vegas it will be extra fun)!
    This day you will always remember.

    Wishing you and Ty many, many years of happiness and wonderful fond memories!

    I’ve been busy doing last minute school stuff for my children. I am ready this week to do a few things just for me ( like exercise, reading and a bike ride) My daughter and I were planning on going to a movie today, hope we can squeeze it in!

    Thank you Jane for being so wonderful to (us) your readers!:)

  4. The last movie I saw was Bridesmaids, it was a funny movie and since I paid for one ticket and got 2 it was worth it.
    I also so Smurf in 3D and I really enjoyed it- Smurf was one of my fav TV shows when I was little so it was fun seeing all the characters again.

    Now to the book part- I read 4 books by Toni Blake for the first time and I enjoyed them all- I highly recommend reading her Destiny series, especially the third book Whisper Falls and also Letters to a Secret Lover.

    Good luck with the final preparations for the wedding! I can’t wait to see pictures.

  5. Hi Jane,

    Sounds like you’ll be all ready for the big day. Congrats! My family is planning to go to the state fair this week. Can’t wait. The last hurrah of summer. Then it’s back to school for my 9th grader.

  6. Last book I read: Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas. It was good! Last movie we saw, we rented The Tourist from the public library. We liked it, too!

    So happy for you and your upcoming big day! Praying that all will go as planned and be a joy-filled and fun day for all who are there. Hope you get lots of writing done now and can have a carefree honeymoon! Looking forward to your new book.

  7. Hi Jane,

    I have definitely read something fun and good this summer. I got a hold of a lot of your Harlequins and I´m reading away.
    Right now I´m reading The Latin Lover’s Secret Child and it´s fun how you continue a story with a character from earlier books.
    Enjoy the good summer weather.

  8. So excited for you! And,I don’t know how you and Ty do it… but I suppose it makes things really great when you haven’t seen each other in awhile!!

    I’m getting a cold and PMSing at the same time, so the boys were nice enough to give me some alone time. Either that or they wanted to get the heck away from me for awhile 🙂

  9. I love Vegas weddings. My cousin got married there. I haven’t done much reading these past few days. We were preparing for the hurricane and luckily things are okay here, no power outage or severe damage.

  10. Sounds like your plans are coming together nicely for the wedding…it’s gonna be wonderful. Had Irene visit our state, but was not bad where I live, now so many out of power but thankfully small casualties. Great picture of you and Ty, so excited for your big day and the pictures you’ll put up for us to check out….pretty soon!

  11. Hi Jane! It sounds like the wedding will be a lot of fun! I hope you’ll post lots of pictures!

    I haven’t seen many movies lately. My mom and I went to see The Help after reading the book and both the book and movie are amazing! Be prepared to laugh and cry if you see it!

    I’ve been reading a lot. I don’t usually read a lot of non-fiction, but right now I am reading Until Tuesday by Luis Carlos Montalvan. It’s a very inspiring story about a former Captain in the military and his service dog Tuesday (a golden retriever). It’s really well written and presents a soldier’s experience in an eye opening way.

    Other than that we’re just getting over our week of odd happenings on the East Coast. An earthquake and a hurricane all in one week. Luckily we made it out of both with little to no damage. Just a few downed branches.

    Good luck with the start of the school year and pulling together the last of the wedding organizing! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!

  12. Congrats on the wedding! Sounds like it’ll be lovely!

    I just finished the first week of school with students. By Friday my neck and shoulder blades hurt so bad that I scheduled a massage for Saturday. It was awesome!

    Good luck writing!

  13. I know the wedding will go off without a hitch.
    My daughter and I went to see The Help. It was a very good movie. The book is excellent.

    I am reading a Haygood Smith book right now.

    Have a great week!

  14. I was busy getting ready for hurricane Irene but it changed course to the east coast,so I have alot of family and friends that live in that area so I’m praying everyone is ok. I’m reading the 2 book by Jenny Han, my daughter had to read during the summer book program she picked the summer i turned pretty and I read it also, anyways,so far we’ll always have the summer is pretty good,and enjoying both books. I’m excited about your wedding,and can’t wait to hear all about it! Love and happiness to you both. Your going to be one busy lady until Sept.17th looking forward to another good book from you,try to keep calm…have a wonderful week

  15. Hi Jane,
    Your Vegas wedding sounds like it’s gonna be filled with lots of fun, love, and family/friends. Congrats to y’all.
    The last book I read was Night Road by Kristin Hannah. It was a great read. I think you would like it.


  16. Hi Jane! First of all, let me tell you how much I have loved reading your books. I started with Flirting with Forty and then read everything else asap. After that I found your wonderful blog and have returned time and time again to enjoy sharing your thoughts on life and to peek at the your pictures of your beautiful family. I hope your wedding goes perfectly, congratulations! Just to share a little of what I am reading lately…I just finished The Help by Kathryn Stockett. Hit me like a tonne of bricks. Living in Canada, I am aware of small scale discrimination, but this opened my eyes in a very big way. I havn’t seen the movie, but I plan to now that I have read the book.
    Thanks for everything, Jane. I truly enjoy the blog and pictures!

  17. Just spent 2 days organizing my 7 year old daughters room. 2 boxes of clothes, 1 box of shoes & 3 boxes of toys heading to my niece! Room is sparkling and boxes are labeled to help her stay organized. She helped with the labeling. My favorite category she chose? Globes & Pigs.

  18. Congrats on your upcoming wedding…It’s funny how a special event takes on a life of its own…getting bigger and more involved…Such wonderful memories though. Worth every minute of planning and organizing…Yay for you and Ty!
    Lyndee H

  19. So happy for you and all that is ahead. You deserve the best and brightest, Jane!!! I’m glad lots of loved ones and friends will be there to celebrate.

    And as for writing: please don’t stop!! I can’t read your next series.

    I’m reading Boys Life by Robert McCammom but am not loving it and just started Barbara O’Neal’s “How to bake the perfect life” which I bought at the literacy event in NYC.

    Much love to you in the weeks ahead and always!!!

    Hugs from Tustin,
    (no contest)

  20. Happy that Irene wasn’t as catastrophic as was anticipated. Happy that my children are going back to school tomorrow. They are teens and are anxious to get back…I read a lot and I have to tell everyone that the book Alice Bliss is fantastic. I don’t usually read books from the perspective of a teen but what a story.

  21. Hi Jane! I just got remarried too! Judy and Jody Bright, we share the same birthday…..Sept 18th! Enjoy the few weeks of “crazy” before your big day!

  22. Hi Jane – congrats on the upcoming wedding!

    Actually my “new” thing is my goal of losing weight and getting fit. Now on month two of 6 days a week at the gym and starting to like it.

    – Maura

  23. Jane
    It was wonderful to meet you in Melbourne.I wish you all the best for your wedding on the 17th. Not long to go now.

    I had the best fun yesterday at my granddaughters fourth birthday party. Watching her apply “pretend” powder to her face from a Dora the Explorer compact, made me realise she has my genes. There was lots of laughter and I had so much fun playing with the little ones!

  24. We just attended my niece’s wedding yesterday. It was a lot of work to organize everything and make it the special day that it was, but it was so worth it. So many memories and beautiful pictures to remember the event by. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding.

  25. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding in Vegas. I’ve been there twice; it’s a unique place. In the summer I am in two book clubs so I read a lot of different titles. Thanks for the contest.

  26. I didn’t realize your wedding was Sept 17th. My oldest son will turn 19 that day and a week later head for his 2nd year of college.. Sounds like you’ll have a wedding full of love friends and fun. Congrats!

    Lisa B

  27. Hi Jane,
    I just finished Rob Lowe’s book, Stories I Only Tell My Friends, and I really enjoyed it. He has some interesting stories in there about people who he has met or situations he’s been in. It helps you to get to know him more as a person rather than just a “pretty face”.

  28. I am so excited for you with your wedding coming up. it sounds like you’ve got the planning down pretty good. I’ve been spending most of this week sick in bed. My hubby has been taking care of me all weekend. I have a respittory infection. It’s funny how me and one of my cats share the same sicknesses about the same time. last good movie I watched was Just Go With It. I thought it was really cute. We don’t make it to the movie theater often, so we bought the dvd. I hope all your writing goes smoothly and everything else up to you big day. Congratulations again!

  29. Hi Jane!

    As you can imagine, Visalia is HOT right now! My son had his first football game yesterday. My daughter starts Mt. Whitney waterpolo on Thursday! Put my September calendar up this morning. We have Sundays off, but every other day is packed!

    Have a great week! Good luck writing!


  30. I’ve been reading a lot of books on my Kindle today. It has been a wonderfully lazy Sunday. I’ve loved every second of it! With working full time teaching and going to grad school, who knows when I will have a chance to read for pleasure again. I’m loving it!

  31. Hi Jane,
    Nice to have you back in WA. The wedding sounds like it will be fun times. Heading to PHX on Thursday for 4 days and I hear it’s very hot but can’t wait. Reading one of the authors you recommended Mia King – Good Things.

    Good luck on your big day.


  32. Just dropped my oldest off at college-I’m sad,happy,proud,and so missing her! Your life sounds busy but so exciting! Good luck with everything and best wishes on your wedding.

  33. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding – so happy for you!!

    My husband and I just got back from a weekend away in the mountains to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. We had the BIG celebration over the summer when we went on an Alaskan cruise with our boys, but I am happy that we were able to get away by ourselves.

    Good luck on the writing!!

  34. Hi Jane! I can’t wait to see pics of your wedding, sounds like it’s going to be wonderful! Wish I could be there to celebrate with you guys. James and I just celebrated our 19th wedding anniversary this month, hard to believe it’s been that long already.

    My younger sister is coming to visit me in September and I’m so excited about that. I haven’t seen her in over 2 years so it will be a wonderful visit, I miss her so much.

    And, last but not least, I’m making plans to fly back to the west coast next summer for my 20th high school reunion. Hopefully that pans out and I’ll get to go- I missed the other two.

    Anyway, that’s some of what’s going on in my world. Don’t forget to have fun while you write! Hugs!

  35. I actually just finished reading A Dark Sicilian Secret! One word can describe that book. HOT!! lol! Now i am trying to wait patiently for a new read.

  36. Such a beautiful day — bright blue skies with clouds that look like “cool whip” (probably because I started a new healthy eating plan – LoL!) and animal shapes!! Love being outside!!

  37. Jane, your wedding talk reminds me of a silly thing that happened to me, leading uup to my big day.

    In the weeks leading up to my wedding, I got these intense facials–basically chemical peels. I had these big breakouts and couldn’t seem to get through the cycles of one ending and another popping up.
    The facial specialist was from the Ukraine and I’d go every 2 weeks for her to scrub half my face off, but on my wedding day I looked flawless, except for the bit zit that popped up right above my neck line.
    By then, I’d had enough of being stressed with wedding prep so I put some cover up on it and had a great day.
    So typical, you fix one thing and something else happens. If you can’t laugh about it all, what can you do?
    Even today, my husband and I laugh about it because when it got down to it, all we really wanted out of the day is to have the preacher say “you’re married” and for us to finally get naked together.
    Zits be damned!

  38. Aloha Jane,

    How cute, blue suede shoes befitting the event! You know I think I’m more excited that you and Ty are tying the knot. It just gives us hope that those of us who haven’t found that “guy” or “gal” shouldn’t give up! And well gee, isn’t that exactly what a “romance” writer is suppose to do? Keep hope alive? So thanks for that! And have a wonderful rest of your lives together!

    So I’m currently reading, Sureblood by Susan Grant and waiting for my alien pirate captain to beam down. Lol! =)

  39. Hi Jane,
    you must be so excited about the wedding!! sounds like it will be alot of fun!
    I have been relaxing, going to have a BBQ with my son & family on the 3rd, and make it as happy as possible (was the wedding date).
    My husband is talking about Oahu in Feb for the Pro Bowl! so I am starting to look into packages and condos vs hotels! This is the fun part!
    Enjoy the last days of summer, and all the joys of wedding planning! Liz from CA

  40. Congratulations and best wishes. Your plans soundslovely. I am reading historical novels and this summer is hot and still going strong.

  41. Hi Jane

    I wish I could tell you that I’m doing something fun and exciting. Actually I’m laying in a hospital bed because of an infection from surgery I had earlier in the month. On a positive note I was able to watch my Flirting With Forty DVD again. I brought it and my laptop so I could watch it while here.

    I can’t wait to see pics from your wedding. You are going to be a gorgeous bride 🙂

  42. My friend and I attended the USA Pro Cycling Challenge in Denver today and saw all the hot professional men bike riders. So much fun and excited to have a great event like this in Colorado.
    I’m excited for you and Ty and your upcoming Vegas wedding – it’s a long time coming!!

  43. I watched 3 movies this past week – Megamind (can you beat the $1 movie in the theater?), Toy Story 3 (on TV) and One Day (with a friend that had movie passes). I would say, of the three, Toy Story 3 was my favorite. Not sure what that says about me that my fav is a kid’s movie, but oh well. Hope that writing goes well and you don’t miss Ty too much!

  44. i am so happy for you and ty and your families; and your upcoming wedding. i am sure you will be the most beautiful bride. been looking for a “new place” to move to; it is time for a change and it will alleviate ALOT of drama that is being brought into my day. did watch limitless; an interesting movie that was intriguing…and p.s. i get grumpy when my guy goes away, too….LOL

  45. Congratulations on your wedding! My husband and I went to Las Vegas last winter for a belated 10th anniversary get away. We loved every minute of that week – and a nice bonus was not having to wear a coat in February was fabulous! I’ve been on a cozy mystery kick all summer, and have read some great books.
    Hope you have a fabulous wedding day!!

  46. Congratulations on finding Mr. Right!! I hope you two have many, many years of happiness together. You do have that “glow” in your face and smile in your picture!! We don’t go out to movies much, but I did finally see the final Harry Potter!! We keep trying to find time to go see Cowboys vs Aliens, but haven’t made it yet. ;( Kids have just finished their third week of school and my daughter is finally getting over her allergies. She had to miss the first dance of the school year. ;( NOT a happy camper, I can tell you. I had back surgery a couple months ago, so mainly I’m trying to get over that. Still having a lot of pain, but that’s life, I guess. My hubby is a national sales manager, so he travels half the month. It works for us!! 😉 Congratulations again! Enjoy your special day!

  47. You are getting married the day before my sons 13th birthday. And boy is it coming quickly. I love the blue suede shoes! You are going to be an absolutely beautiful bride. Can’t wait to see those pictures. Will you have the chance to take a honeymoon?

    We have been settling in after school starting and things are going well. Still on my mission to clean out my garage, completely! Only reading boring work books. It takes such discipline. So boring!

    Here’s to a wonderful next three weeks!

  48. I love weddings! I hope you have a fabulous time!

    As far as what I’ve done that’s fun and exciting lately? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. But that’s the exciting part! For 8 years I’ve always had at least one of my two children with me and the time has finally come where they’re both in school. Both. Suddenly I have some of my me time back and I love it. And the only thing better? The fact my husband works second shift and I get alone time with him as well! School’s only been in two weeks and I adore every minute of it!

  49. Glad to hear you have so many loved ones thrilled to share your day! I am just keeping up with classes and my boys. Last night my oldest son’s car caught on fire. Yes, on fire! We taowed the car home at 1AM. It looks like we might be able to fix it. Looking forward to Labor Day weekend. I think I will try and go see the drive in movie in KC. Pack a cooler a picnic and ride up in my guys truck to snuggle. I just have to make it through the week.Still waiting on any news from my job interview too. Keeping my fingers crossed and my spirits up.

  50. Congratulations on your wedding, Jane! You’re getting married the day we leave for a beach vacation. Hope you post lots of wedding pictures!


  51. Sounds like your wedding plans are shaping up! I loved my wedding but still think destination weddings are so much fun! If my brother and his girlfriend ever get married maybe I can convince them to do one. As for me I leave for my girls weekend trip to Key West on Friday and am up to 8 miles in my training for the Columbus 1/2 marathon in mid October. Between my training, trip, and kids school activities our fall calendar is filling up fast!

  52. Jane, I wish you all the joy and happiness in the world, may you have years of love, joy and happiness. I will be sending you happy thought’s on the 17th..Don & I will be married 33 yrs. on Sept 1, so you picked the perfect month.
    As for books I just read you new book A Dark Sicilian Secret, Very good****.
    Have you ever read Andrea Kane, she is an amazing author, I just finished “The Girl Who Disappeared Twice,” great read.. It is a suspense novel, wonderful..

  53. Congrats on your upcoming wedding, Jane. I can’t believe it is already almost September. This year has flown by.
    A great book I just read is The Stuff That Never Happened by Maddie Dawson, I really loved it. And a movie I loved recently was Paul. I can’t deny that I have a crush on Seth Rogen. He has such a fun personality and such a cute laugh. I just love him, even as an alien 🙂

  54. Hola Jane!
    Sounds like you are going to be supper busy but all good things come to those whom wait. How exciting. Just got back from a quick weekend trip to the Texas Coast, fun, but hot. Temp today reached 112*.
    Just finished reading the series, ‘Chase Brothers’. Fun reading.
    Have a good week.

  55. Congrats on your upcoming wedding! Wishing the best to both of you. I finally finished reading The Help, so I could go see the movie. I laughed…I cried…very well done film. Have a great week!

  56. SO we’re going to start to counting down to the Big Day 🙂

    something fun ? yeap, tomorrow we’re going for a week holiday , YAY ! going to my DH hometown. spend the whole week there..wohoooo

  57. Well, I just re-read one of my favourite Julia Quinn novels… An Offer from a Gentleman.

    I also was pointed in the direction of some good BBC TV by Margo Maguire of the Jaunty Quills… I downloaded series 1 of Foyle’s War and the first two seaons of Doc Martin. Weather was not great today (thanks, Irene!) so between power outages my youngest daughter and I enjoyed starting both shows. Lots of good BBC TV coming up thanks to these two shows and Margo!

    Your wedding sounds like it will be a blast… so much fun! All the best and can’t wait for photos!

  58. Jane,
    You’ll be such a beautiful bride, and I wish you much happiness!
    On your wedding day, Sept 17th, I am leading a group at our local food bank to sort and pack food for the needy. I do this once a year. I work for a large hospital, and I organize the nurses who will come that day and give their time. It’s actually quite fun! We all wear shorts/tshirts and comfy shoes. We play really great loud dance-type music, and we sort through the food bank donations to get them in order and box them up to be given out. Last year, our group sorted over 3000 pounds of food. Anyway, this year while I’m working at the food bank with our fun group, I’ll be thinking of one of my favorite authors having the happiest day of her life and wishing you all the best for the future!
    Robin 🙂

  59. I’m so happy for you, Jane. I’m looking forward to seeing wedding pictures!
    I saw The Help the day. I loved the book and was thrilled that the movie was very good, and true to the book!

  60. Hi Jane,
    Congratulations! I am so happy for you two.

    My birthday is tomorrow and, I am excited to celebrate with someone very special. 🙂

    Best wishes for a happy future!

    Hugs, Julie

  61. I’m in Vegas right now! Today is the last day of a our road trip….home tomorrow and can’t wait to see our dog. Anyway, as I’m in Vegas I’m thinking of you and your wedding and I know it will be great. We’ve enjoyed our evening here….just walking around the strip is great entertaining.

  62. I’m looking forward to seeing wedding pics! How exciting!

    We just got back from a week at the Oregon Coast. We took my daughter and her family with us. We went to the aquaruim and a few museums, played cards quite a bit, shopped and did a little gambling (and no, we did not end up big winners.) Pretty fun little getaway. Now it’s back to reality.

  63. Jane,

    How exciting! I can’t wait to see the pictures from your fun vegas wedding!

    I went to a surprise Bridal Shower for a co-worker this weekend and she was actually very surprised, she had no clue and was so mad her fiance for driving the “wrong way” to get to where we were.

    I am a little behind on the movies, there are so many I want to see out right now like “One Day.”

    Hope that the writing flows smoothly for you!

    Let the countdown continue!

  64. Hi Jane;
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding. I have just chosen one of your books, Flirting With Forty, for my choice for this month’s book club. I’m sure my friends will love it as much as I did. I have read several of your books this summer and have enjoyed them all. I am a new fan, but am hooked. Looking forward to reading your new book.

  65. Rarely watch movies….
    Enjoyed Jane Graves’ BLACK TIES AND LULLABIES yesterday….
    Have been baking a bit during the past seven days: sugar cookies, apple crisp, raisin bran muffins, and oatmeal raisin cookies….

  66. Hi Jane – I’ve made it a goal to read at least one of your books before the end of the 2011 year. I still remember (and thank you) for the drives from UCLA to Visalia. You’re a wonderful person and am not surprised by your success.

  67. Best wishes for a perfect wedding! Hope all goes smoothly!

    Best news for 2011 we’re going to be first time grandparents in November and my oldest son, Luke, was married in April. I also have two sons in college at UF. Go gators!

    Keep on writing too!

  68. I hope the writing just flows from your fingertips and I wish you all the best for your wedding. We have a beautiful day today and I’m looking forward to going to the park with my two youngest grandkids,they are a handful.

  69. well we’re winding down on our summer and getting ready for the school we need to do some power shopping for clothes, school items, and organizing of the little ones bedroom. our weather has finally been amazing! it is sad to think about having to come indoors now…good luck on the writing! cant wait for the new book!

  70. How exciting for you that the wedding is coming so soon! We dealt with getting our son to college before Hurricane Irene came by us and we only lost power for part of yesterday so I am thankful for that.

  71. Congrats on your up and coming wedding, so sorry Ty has to go back, I am sure you will miss him.

    I haven’t really done anything fun lately, husband been working a lot of over time. Did get my son move back into college dorm and he is settling in. May go and get him this next weekend though just to spend some time with him. Although he mostly spends is spar time playing computer games.

  72. congrats on the upcoming wedding!!

    I have been busy getting used to being a type 2 diabetic and the changes in eating. Not fun!!

    We are planning some more renovations to our house so that is exciting.

  73. Pretty much all I’ve been doing is weathering the – er – weather. Hurricane Irene kicked our collective butts pretty thoroughly. I am much more fortunate than many others with no loss of power or flooding, but many friends from NJRW & LSFW as well as others are flooded out, powered out, and/or just out. Bridges are gone and roads have collapsed or are flooded. The whole east coast is trying to dry out and we’re not done yet. Rivers expected to swell higher in next 24 hours.

    I’ve got my mom coming home from rehab in another week or so and that brings all new sorts of challenges.

    So excited for you for your upcoming big day! Velvet jackets, suede shoes – sounds like you’re going balls out true Vegas style. Can’t wait to see the pictures!

  74. Hi Jane! You must be getting so excited about your upcoming wedding! Let’s see I just finished reading The Help, it’s very good and I cannot wait to see the movie. It’s been nonstop since school started. I miss the lazy laid back days of summer. Good luck in the upcoming weeks with your writing.

  75. Blue suede shoes…so clever. Mostly the reading I’m doing is the kids’ school handbooks, class requirements, permission slips, insurance forms and signups. I’m not famous, but my signature is needed alot this week.

  76. Congrats on the soon to be wedding.
    As for me, the most interesting thing I’ve done lately is I flew to San Jose to visit a friend. She is moving to New York City soon, and currently I am only about an hour and half flight from her, so it was good to get in a visit now before she heads off to the East Coast. Though, maybe I should make plans to visit her there. 🙂

  77. So excited for you. Hope that you have the time of your life.

    I have read two exceptional books lately-The Help and The Hunger Games. Very different books, but equally thought provoking.

  78. We are getting all settled at our new house in Seabeck WA! Having fun cutting down tree’s. We went yesterday to the Kitsap Fair and watched some bull riding-too much fun! Im missing Hawaii, but hey, hubby only has 3 years left in the Navy-time to settled down, there is always vacation. Congrats to you and Ty! Cant wait to read your next book 🙂

  79. Ah, Jane…I have been reading your blog for so long..and reading about your marriage..well, it’s so special and wonderful. I am beaming with happiness for you both. Thanks for your books, your giveaways but mostly for allowing us into your life like this. <3

  80. Hello Jane,
    Lots to report but really nothing to report, as crazy as that sounds. School started for the kids, work is really busy and there is little time for play. I did get in a round of golf with my son and husband yesterday. 🙂

    Congrats to you and Ty on the upcoming wedding. I wish you both the best in the future. I, too, look forward to seeing the photos!

    Oh! I’m reading manuals and “dummy” books on Final Cut Pro video editing books. Whooo…exciting reads, so riveting! Giggle!!!


  81. Trying to pack a lot of fun activities into the few remaining days of summer break before school starts next week. My oldest is headed to 1st grade, not sure I’m ready for her to be gone the entire day! Good luck with your writing and surviving nine days without your surfer!!!

  82. HI Jane,
    I can’t wait to see wedding pictures. I hope you post lots.
    I was in Seattle for a week on a short break. It was fabulous weather.
    Now it’s back to work. ugh! 🙂

  83. Good morning, Jane!
    I’m so excited that everything is coming together for the wedding. You know that I will be thiking of you all on your special day. Hope that the writing goes smoothly for you as I will be anxiously awaiting new books by you.

    Have a great day.

  84. Sounds like Elvis will be in-da-house, marrying a lovely writer.Hope you have the time of your life.
    That said, no movies have been seen nor a decent book read (put down-pick-up syndrome).I think I might need to get my hands on one of your books. So far I’ve read Flirting with Forty on my holidays (as I once told you).

    Today is a shopping day at Bellis Fair for school clothes.Far better deals over the border:) Thanks America!

    Anyways, hope I win a book because, ahem, I’m bookless in Chilliwack and soon will been sucked up into that vortex of the school season and my daughter’s robust sports.


  85. Fun contest! I would LOVE to get a t-shirt!! I just saw the movies “Just Go With It” and “Unknown.” Both were really great! I need to go pick out some books. I haven’t had much time to read lately, but now that fall is coming closer, I will have more time.
    Congrats on your wedding…can’t wait to see the pictures!

  86. Great pic!! I am reading Jodi Picoult’s House Rules. It is so interesting. It is about a teenage boy with Asperger’s Syndrome.
    Hope the wedding plans are going great. What a fun time!!

  87. Funny how those small intimate Vegas weddings turn into something bigger. Same thing happened to us.

    I’m reading A Touch of Crimson by Sylvia Day. It’s a great read for anyone who loves angel stories. I haven’t in the past, but this one has changed my mind.

    Hope you have an awesome wedding weekend. You’re such a great person and deserve all the happiness in the world.

  88. You are going to have a blast, Jane, but I’m with you–the “small” weddings are never, ever small.

    But I love that pic of you and Ty!

    Well, the one fun thing that happened was that I got my power back on after three days of living off the generator (thanks Irene!). I’m reading Something Borrowed and just watched Limitless. And my four-year-old starts her second year of preschool tomorrow and is ECSTATIC about it!

    And I have to tell you I love this line of yours: “I love the story and characters…just can’t lose confidence!” Must remember that when my own confidence is low.


  89. Went to see final Harry Potter a few days ago. Was sad that the HP experience is done now, my 11 year old and I are both big fans of the books and movies. Am reading “You Don’t Sweat Much for a Fat Girl” by Celia Rivenbark, she always makes me laugh!

  90. Hi Jane!!!!
    How r u? A big congrats to you. I just found out. I have been away from your site for a few months and I AM SO SORRY! My kids have kept me so busy. One daughter got married at the end of May. She looked beautiful! Another just got her dream job as a buyer for a world of fashion. And the lastest news, we just found out my daughter is having a boy…YEAH, A GRANDSON. Finally, one with out-door plumbing!! LOL!
    I am so sad that summer is almost over. I always get bummed out. I like the sun and yes I like the heat. The last big huh-rah is here so what are your plans for this weekend?

    Hugs, Lisa

  91. Jane,
    I just love when you include pictures with your blog entries!! I can’t believe the wedding is coming so quickly! I can’t wait to see those pictures! We are on vacation right now enjoying the last days of summer here in NJ. We got slammed by Hurricane Irene here on the East coast. Really didn’t think this vacation was going to happen but are grateful for it even more! School starts here on the 8th and we already got a message saying they should start on time as long as the roads are clear of storm damage. So we had an earthquake one and a hurricane within 5 days of each other…weird for NJ.
    Happy writing and wedding!

  92. Hey Jane,
    I am so ready for your new book to come out. I absolutely love all of your books! I read “Skipping a Beat” by Sarah Pekkanen. It was really good, I enjoyed it. Congrats on your upcoming wedding – how exciting! So glad you are happy.

  93. I can’t wait to see pictures from the wedding!!!!

    I feel guilty writing, because I’ve been on such a lucky streak with author contests, but I want one of those t-shirts:)!~

    Saw The Help last week, by myself & I LOVED it! Laughed and cried. Almost loved it as much as the book…a rarity.

    Just got back from Sonoma…and San Fran…I am still in relax mode. When I win the lottery – we’re moving there. I LOVE it.

    Yesterday was Cammy’s first day of the last year of pre-k:(. little sad. Maybe I should have another one?

    Audie’s b-day is Friday…so I’m looking forward to playing hooky with my little girl.

    Have I mentioned that I cannot wait for the new book???!!!

  94. Jane,

    I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my second grandson 🙂 Wyatt James Browning will be here any day now!!! Woo-hoo!

    Hope you are having a great week and wishing you lots of page productivity 🙂

  95. I love the picture of you and Ty! The wedding sounds like it is going to be a blast. I love the idea of the blue suede shoes and velvet jacket. What a fun weekend!

    I’m two weeks into recovery from surgery and have been doing a lot of reading. First it was just magazines, too tired to concentrate. I’ve read a couple of shorter books, and finally got to Lazaro’s Revenge (loved it!). I just finished reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Wow, what an amazing and fascinating look at this woman and her family, medical ethics, a history of scientific discovery. It really is a great book.

    One group of friends is reading The Help, and I hope we go see the movie after we discuss it. I read the book when it first came out, one of my favorites in a long time. I’ve found myself discussing it with everyone from my doctor to the store clerk.


  96. Is waiting out a hurricane considered fun? 😛
    Seriously though, we are heading to Chicago this weekend and stopping in Cleveland on the way there and back to break up the trips a bit. I’m excited to see my family and have a lot of people meet my daughter for the first time. 🙂 I’ve been reading up a storm!!! “Before Ever After” by Samantha Sotto is amazing. I also enjoyed “Pinch Me” by Adena Halpern.
    Hope wedding plans are going well. 🙂

  97. Just read Laura Caldwell, Claim Of Innocence, LOVED IT.
    Saw Bridesmaids,laughed my booty off. I will not win mother of the year because I took my 13 y/old daughter.
    Congratulations of the wedding!

  98. Found out I don’t have to work on Labor Day Weekend and couldn’t be happier. Planning a hike, going to a bbq, also a birthday party and the weather is even going to be nice. WOW!
    Have a great time in the countdown to your wedding – let’s see, first it was Kate and the Prince, then Kim and her basketball player, and now Jane and her surfer -love is in the air!

  99. I haven’t had much time to read lately. However, my two little ones will both be in school at the same time this year. So, I will have 3 hrs. to myself in the mornings. I am looking forward to using some of that time to catch up on my reading!

    Congrats on the upcoming wedding! How exciting!!

  100. I have seen The Help twice, been to two State Fairs, went to a psychic party, met some other bloggers at a brunch, and am now so happy for September!

  101. Finally getting into the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. i don’t remember when I’ve laughed so much when reading a series. Really enjoying it. The further into the series I get, the more I’m loving Ms. Evanovich’s character developments.
    Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.

  102. Hi Jane,
    I can’t remember if I already left you a message here for an entry or not, just call it early senility! 🙂 Please delete if this is a duplicate.

    My kids have been back in school for a few weeks now and seem to be settling in nicely. I am helping out in my 7 year old daughter’s class. I’m having a lot of fun being involved. Tomorrow is popcorn day at her school, that should be fun! 🙂

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  103. Okay, winner time!!

    I made it easy on myself by going with my oldest son’s favorite number…13…and all numbers that end with a 3 which means there are more than ten winners you lucky dogs!

    So, we have winners from 3 to 113…check and see if you are one of them, and then if you are, email me privately with your #, name, address, and the size women’s shirt you’d like (S, M, L, and XL) and I will mail out your prizes either this weekend or Tuesday!


    3 Dee
    13 Crystal
    23 Lori
    33 Amy P
    43 Liz
    53 AngieMac
    63 Jill
    73 Laney
    83 Karla
    93 Latesha
    103 Allie
    113 Cheryl S

    Congrats to all and hoping everyone will have a terrific weekend!!


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