Summer Reading: Heather Barbieri

Heather is a gifted author from Greater Seattle with a lovely, lyrical voice.  I am a fan of her new release, The Cottage at Glass Beach, and thought my readers would enjoy getting to know her and about the book, if you aren’t already familiar with Heather’s work.

Please help me welcome Heather Barbier!

Thanks for joining us today, Heather! Could you tell us why you chose to write women’s fiction?

It chose me: My books tend to fall into this category, based on their subject matter, a sisterhood of writers to which I couldn’t be happier to belong.

I love the premise of your book! What was your inspiration for the novel and why was writing The Cottage At Glass Beach so important to you?

I wrote the book shortly after my mother passed away and it’s dedicated to her memory. She was a great reader and support to me and many others. It’s a novel about mothers and daughters, tracing the personal journey of my main character, Nora, as she searches for love, and experiences loss and scandal, and, ultimately finds the answers she’s been searching for.

What’s your favorite aspect of The Cottage At Glass Beach?

The magical-realism aspects of the story. There’s a selkie myth—the Irish seal wife tale—woven into the narrative, which speaks to the characters’ sense of loss and transformation. (A selkie is supposedly half-human, half-seal; despite having a fisherman husband, she has a divided nature and is always drawn back to the ocean.)

What’s the feedback been like from fans so far?

The feedback has been wonderful. One blogger called it “as mysterious as it is picturesque” and Booklist described it as “a wonderful, subtle, transporting story” in their starred review.

I love the cover of your book! What are your thoughts on it?

I love it too! The designer did a fabulous job—it really speaks to the overall themes and atmosphere of the novel.

Now that The Cottage At Glass Beach is in stores, what’s your next project?

I’m having so much fun working on my fourth novel. It’s about a group of high school friends in the early-mid sixties.

What’s your favorite time of the day and place to write?

Either the mornings or early afternoons, but I also take notes in the evenings while reading books that feed my creativity. Inspiration—and unexpected motherly duties (I have three teen/young-adult children)–can strike at any time.

What’s your astrological sign?


Five favorite things to do on vacation (any destination!)?

Explore: hiking, strolling city streets, visiting markets, snorkeling, photography, meeting new people, and finding slightly off-the-beaten path spots where I can get a greater sense of how the locals live/the history of the place.

What’s the one thing you couldn’t live without if you were stuck on a deserted island?

If food and water weren’t an issue, a good book, pen and paper, and dark chocolate/almond bars.

You’re planning a girls night out with friends. Would you pick an nightclub so you can all let your hair down or a fun, cozy dinner at a nice restaurant?

It would depend upon my mood—I could go for either one, depending upon the night. (I’d love to learn to tango or jitterbug.) I also love to go hiking or cycling with friends.

Name 5 words that fit your personality according to you. And 5 words that fit your personality according to your best friend.

According to me: determined, compassionate, insightful, funny, creative. According to my friend: empathetic, wise, funny, smart, loyal.

Name 3 – 5 books you’ve read this year. Which ones would you recommend to your girlfriends?

Wild by Cheryl Strayed, Where’d You Go Bernadette by Maria Semple, and Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand by Helen Simonson

The title of the last book you read that you absolutely loved, loved, loved!

The Last September by Elizabeth Bowen for its insightful narrative and gorgeous writing.


Thank you, Heather, for joining us today!   And readers, you can find out more about Heather on her website,

For a chance to win a copy of Heather’s book, The Lacemakers of Glenmara, and an arc of The Good Woman…yep, we’re giving away an arc this week of my new September release, post a comment below and fingers crossed you’ll be the one to win this tote bag packed with good reads and fun stuff!  Contest runs through Thursday night, with the winner being announced Friday morning.  Best of luck and happy summer reading!


  1. Hi Jane!

    Thanks for introducing us to Heather, I enjoyed her interview and look forward to checking out her books! It’s always fun to learn about another author and especially during summer when I have more time to devote to reading, and can check out new titles. Love the cover!

  2. Hi Jane,

    I love how you are showcasing all of these authors. I’ve been meaning to find some new books from authors that I haven’t read their books yet. Heather sounds wonderful and I look forward to reading her books.

  3. Jane,

    Thanks for introducing us to new authors, I have discovered some great new ones because of you.

    This book sounds wonderful, it is going on TRL for sure! Happy Saturday!

  4. Great interview! This book sounds awesome and I love the cover! I am sorry to say I have not read Heather’s books before but will be looking for this one because I love the cover so much and it sounds really good.

  5. Thanks Jane for introducing us to Heather. I will look for her books now. Hope things are going well with you and the unpacking. Praying that your family will all be well and happy.

  6. Another book to add to my TBR pile. Sounds like just my style. Looking forward to reading this new to me author.

  7. Beautiful cover! Thanks for introducing us to another new-to-me author. Looking forward to checking out her website and books.

  8. I love the way you intruduce us to authors, she’s new to me and loved reading more about her and love to read her book…loved the interview.If I’m not picked willbe looking for her books to read…hope your getting settled in your new home! Have a nice weekend!

  9. Hi Jane! I hope your new writing space is coming along. I would love to see a picture of the finished product. I absolutely love, love, love reading the author interviews. Heather’s latest book definitely will be a must read for me. Thank you for introducing her to your readers. 🙂

  10. That book sounds so wonderful. I’m heading on vacation soon and will definitely pick up this book. It looks like a great book to sit on the beach and read all day.

  11. I have not read any of Heather’s books but I do like stories that feature women and their relationships. The mother/daughter relationship is always such an interesting one.

  12. I am really liking the fact I found your blog 🙂 I love the sound of this book too, and appreciate you introducing us to new authors! Thank you Jane!
    Pam in Janesville, CA

  13. Thank you Jane for introducing all these new authors. I will definetly look into them. I am trying to read all I can before school.

  14. About 5 minutes ago I finished reading The Lace Makers of Glenmara. Such a wonderful book! I can’t wait to read Heather’s new book.

  15. I just finished The Cottage at Glass Beach last week, and loved it! I found it on the New Books shelf at the library, and started looking online for more books by Heather. I highly recommend it. The Good Woman is in my list of “to-reads”. : )

  16. Thanks for the intro Jane! I always find it interesting when authors interview other authors. Love to see what they ask. Beautiful cover. They always draw me first whne i am book shopping in a store.

    Lisa B

  17. Jane,
    Thanks for letting us know about different authors to check out. Love reading new books. Can’t wait for your new book.

  18. Thank you for introducing us to another great author. I love the sound of this book and agree that the cover is fantastic. Can’t wait to read it, and I’ll be checking out Heather’s website next. I hope things are going well for you with settling more and more into the house Jane. Take Care!

  19. Hi Jane!
    Thanks for hosting an interview with Heather. The Cottage at Glass Beach is now on my TBR list. Have a great week!

  20. Jane,
    Thank you so much for introducing us to some great authors, other than you of course! The cover of Heather’s book alone would catch my eye, then the story line would pull me in.
    Good luck with all your moving in and getting settled.

    Heather K

  21. Thanks for featuring these new-to-me authors in your blogs. I just picked up a copy of Claire Cook’s book from my library earlier today…my to-be-read pile is growing 🙂

    I would looovvveeeto win an arc of YOUR new book…I have really been looking forward to its September release!

  22. I’m new to Heather Barbieri, or rather she is new to me. THE COTTAGE AT GLASS BEACH does look like a fabulous read. I enjoyed the interview thank you.

  23. New author

    Gorgeous cover! It makes me want to hit the beach! Luckily I live near water.

    it’s always interesting to meet these new authors.

    Best wishes Heather!

    johns lake at usa dot com

  24. Hi Jane,
    I really like how you are featuring these writers so I can find new favorites. Thank you!
    I hope you are settling into your new place.

  25. Wow, that was a great interview. I’m about to go onto Amazon to see if I can get her latest book. She sounds great.

  26. Thank you for the introduction to another author. I enjoy reading women’s fiction and this story sounds like one I would enjoy.

  27. Thanks for introducing us to Heather! It looks like a great book. I hope you have a great week. Can’t wait to read your new book also.

  28. Hi Jane,
    Loved reading about Heather. Please keep showcasing other authors. There are so many good ones. If you like her then I am sure I will like her also. I just gott an iPad for my birthday. I am excited I can download books to iit also.

  29. That sounds like an interesting book. I really enjoy learning about different authors. We don’t have a book store in town anymore, so either I resort to what’s available at Walmart or online (and online it’s hard to learn about different authors).

  30. I love the way you introduce new authors and enjoyed reading about Heather Barbieri. Fingers crossed I win the contest. Thank you!!

  31. Great article! The book sounds interesting. Hope I win! If not, it’s on my list. Thanks!

  32. Helli Jane and heather. Both books sound wonderful. I hope I’m the lucky winner. Happy writing all.

  33. Again, thanks for the introduction of Heather. Her book sounds very interesting.. We appreciate learning about another author!!

  34. An enjoyable interview and wonderful books which I would enjoy greatly. thanks for this introduction.

  35. Reading or hearing an author interview before reading their books makes the novel take on new layers of meaning. Thank you

  36. lovely interview; book sounds wonderful and the cover art is beautiful..glad to meet another “jane” approved author…her books are going on my TBR list!

  37. I enjoyed the new face and interesting interview..great cover too. Am very interested in reading The Cottage at Glass Beach, and your Good Woman. Got my fingers crossed for the books and tote…going to the beach in 2 weeks and can hardly wait to feel the sand between my toes.

  38. Very fun interview! “The Cottage at Glass Beach” looks to be an excellent book. I’m adding it to my to-reads.

  39. Thanks Heather and Jane sounds like another great book to add to my list…I may need to quit my job so I can just stay home and read….I wish!

    Have a great time in Anneheim!

  40. Hi Jane,

    I´ll put this book in my TBR pile. Thanks for introducing me to another writer.
    It´s fun for me to be introduced to new writers.

    Have a fun time in Anneheim.

  41. Jane,
    thank you for the introduction to Heather. I am always looking for new authors to try out and you always have great taste in writers.

  42. I always enjoy learning about new to me authors. I would love to read both of these books. Have fun at the conference.

  43. Jane, what a great idea showcasing another author. YOU are the one who definitely got me hooked on reading though,and I have read a few of your recommendations. Sounds like this one will be one of them! Love the Irish legend about Selkies . (saw a film “Roan Innish” once and loved the legend and story)

  44. Hi Jane,
    just finished Not fit for a king? and loved it. What a great love story!
    Thanks for sharing another wonderful author. During the summer it is nice to be able to enjoy the beach with a nice read.
    Have fun in Anaheim.

  45. Hi everyone,
    The RWA conference has been a blast so far and I’ve had such a great time meeting up with some of you here! I love my readers and friends!!
    I have a packed schedule and am running a little late but I wanted to check in with you quickly and announce the winner.

    #38 Meg Munson

    Shoot me an email, Meg and I’ll get the prize in the mail next week!

    Hope all is well with everyone! I’ll check in with you again once I’m back home at my desk.

    much love,
    Jane xoxo

  46. Congrats Meg!

    Jane,had so much fun getting to see you and the other authors at the Literacy Event. You are just Awesome!!!!!!

    Looking forward to the event for The Good Woman in SC in Sept!

  47. Jane, I read Heather’s book The Lace Makers of Glenmara and loved it. Thank you for introducing me to a great new to me writer!

  48. I love the way you introduce us to new authors. I can’t wait to read some of those books, New books to add to my list besides

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