Love Between The Covers

Okay.  This is cool.  I seriously love Love Between The Covers and am so happy to share some info with you about this film project.

Those of you who love romance novels–whether you are readers, writers, booksellers, librarians, agents or editors–will love this documentary, too.  If you have a moment, check out the video clip and discover Love Between The Covers.

[youtube NhoAjOEWVkA]

And why am I bringing it to your attention before its made?  Because Laurie Kahn, the filmmaker, could use some support to make sure the film gets made.   And I want to see this film get made.  I’m tired of romance novels, romance readers, and romance writers being mocked and belittled.  I don’t engage with folks who poke fun at romance novels because it’s not worth my time, but also because I know the truth–the people who read and write these books, the people who love romance, are the best people I know.  They’re warm and passionate– smart, witty, loving, generous, supportive, and best of all—happy.  They know how to love and know how to live and that’s the life I want.  It’s the good life.  The interesting, optimistic, hopeful, compassionate life.

If you like what you see here, tell folks about the documentary and The Popular Romance Project and let’s get this film made AND celebrate our remarkable genre!

I’d love to hear what you think!  Check out the video, and visit Kickstarter and The Popular Romance Project and share the information if you can.

You and I can help filmmaker Laurie Kahn get Love Between the Covers made!  (And if it does…I will pick two of my readers to join me at the film’s premiere. I’ll even cover your air and hotel for a night, too!  So have a look and comment below and share your thoughts with me.


  1. Ahhh!!! Jane, I heard your voice at 1:51 introducing a RITA winner! I would know your voice anywhere!

    What an amazing project! I got teary when she talked about author/reader friendships that start online and then become real face-to-face friendships. You are the best at meeting your readers online and then setting up small, intimate gatherings all over the country to meet those amazing people who love you so much. You value people and in turn, you create a friendship bond that lasts forever.

    1. Although I’ve never HEARD Jane’s voice in real life…I too thought of Jane immediately when it came to meeting readers on line then becoming “friends”…at least on-line. Looking forward to meeting Jane in person some time…book club gathering would be great.

  2. This sounds amazing!!! If there is ANYTHING I can do on my end to support this or get the word out, let me know. You know me, I’m more than happy to help out. Not to mention, I would love to go to this with Jane. I had so much fun with you at the RWA in NYC and would love to get together again!!! Thanks for bringing this documentary to our attention. I hope it is made and all of us readers can enjoy it 🙂

  3. This is a great thing you are doing, Jane! I remember watching this during the Luncheon at Nationals in Anaheim, and I am so happy and proud of the fact that Laurie Kahn is doing this project. It gives us, romance readers and writers, a voice in the Industry. I will tweet this post and put it up on FB so that my peeps can help spread the word.

    Peace and love,
    Paula R.

  4. Wow that is so cool and interesting what a great project this is. Thanks for bringing this documentary to our attention: What would we have and if a good romance novel to read!

  5. this is wonderful. I have been reading romance books since I was in high school. I remember the teasing that other kids did if they found out I read them. But, it didn’t stop me. I do agree, the people who read them are better people, calmer and more friendly too.

  6. This sounds like a fantastic project, I was going to go down and check it out at the Literacy event, but I was getting tired because of the foot thing, and my friends didn’t want to. I wish I would have though. I will post it to my fb, and visit the website to see if I can help in any way. I would love to see it when it comes out!

    I agree with Kari that you are always so great about doing special stuff for your readers and you make all of us feel so special and that we are friends for life! I know that you have a ton of people who will always cheer you on and want to be president of your fan club because of YOU!

  7. Hi Jane,
    I very much enjoyed the documentary and hope everyone supports Laurie in her effort to have your voices heard by all! Isn’t it funny how many people are always trying to find “true love” or the prince or princess in our lives and we read fb posts, positive quotes, talk with our girlfriends or best of all read these romance books which let us dream and sometimes escape reality, yet for some reason these wonderful books containing dreamy stories are always being ridiculed, not to mention those of us who read them. Thank you for always being a voice and inspiration to so many!!!

  8. This is so cool! I’ve lost count of how many people have rolled their eyes or scoffed at me when I tell them I write romance novels. It used to bug me but now I simply chalk them up as uneducated and I feel sorry for them and go cheerfully on my way. 🙂

  9. Confession: I have been a book snob…turns out I have been missing some great moments in life. My interests had mostly been tied to historical events, biographies, business AND THEN Jane came into my life via “Odd Mom Out”! It was then that I found joy and “sisters” through her writing. After having read several “Jane books”I ventured into the inner sanctum of romance novels, written by Jane of course. The first one I read(with a cloth book cover over it) was “The Italian’s Virgin Princess.” Later, I sat confidently in a poolside recliner reading Jane’s “His Majesty’s Mistake”and I didn’t cover it up when I left the recliner to take a swim;) I have finally realized all that I had been missing; somewhat like someone who has been on a restricted diet and doesn’t know the sweetness and tenderness of scallops (or pick YOUR favorite food). Thank you for posting this video and sharing insight into the writers and program. Romance rules…Read on!

  10. I think its is so cool1 i love romance stories and I get made fun of but who cares…I can leave my troubles and get into a really good book and dream that I’m the character in the book for just alittle while…gonna share this so others can watch this little movie about romance books and the writers. I’m not ashame of the books i read…

  11. I love it. This definitely needs to be made. I too get tired of defending romance (which I’ve been doing for 20 years, I swear!). I remember reading a statistic, probably ten years ago, that 50% of paperback books sold, are “romances.” That’s HALF the industry! And romance, never goes out of style.

    Another point, I’ve seen plenty of less-than-great romantic comedies, on the big screen, yet I don’t recall reading a bad romantic comedy book! Romance writers are soooo underrated and underappreciated.

  12. OMG, I just saw Laurie Kahn’s Tupperware on PBS online a few weeks ago and loved it. I hope this talented documentary maker gets funding for The Romance Project!

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