I Heart Caitlin Crews

A lot of you may know Megan Crane is a very close friend of mine but you may not know Megan also writes as Caitlin Crews and I just love her, and her books, and one of the best parts of moving to Orange County is that now I get to see more of her!  A couple weeks ago I convinced Megan she would enjoy a road trip to my hometown, and she was the most delightful date for the Tulare Library Foundation Auction fundraiser in Tulare, California, and then allowed me to give her the grand tour of my town, Visalia, which included a trip down Main Street, a drive past Dance-Arts, the library, and Taylor’s Hotdog stand (a very important place in my childhood…I could get a chili dog and small strawberry soda for .35 in the mid 70’s.)

Then, this past weekend when I had the chance to fill in as a speaker for the Orange County Chapter of RWA, I suggested that Megan join me for the workshop, Bestselling Fiction:  It’s All About the Emotion, and we hammered out a new workshop while we were both on the road traveling, and then after a nearly all night drive from SF to LA, (husband drove, thank you, Ty), Megan swung by out hotel in Burbank where we’d crashed, scooped me up, drove me to the Embassy Suites in Brea for the event, and then down to San Clemente to bring me home after.

Megan and I at the OCC RWA Birthday Bash meeting

For those of you new to my blog, and not familiar with Megan, we met in the Fall of 2005 (I think it was ’05…) at the launch party for Grand Central Publishing’s new 5 Spot line.  We were both to be part of the line and we were invited to dinner afterwards with our editor–we shared the same editor.  I was a little intimidated by her.  Megan is East Coast, highly educated, articulate, witty, and smart.  Did I mention smart?  She is, so much so that I felt like a light-weight next to her, and very West Coast.  I might as well have been a human avocado.  Fortunately, Megan must like avocados because we became friends, and many years later, we’re again writing for the same editor, this time at the Harlequin London office, as my editor has just gone on maternity leave and I’ll be now writing for her Harlequin editor.

I love that Megan and I both met writing women’s fiction/chick lit, and I love that we both now write sizzling, passionate Harlequin Presents, although at Harlequin she is known as Caitlin Crews, and she’s already such a star.  Hitting the USA Today repeatedly with her Presents, she’s a genius with her heroes and heroines and her love scenes are scorching hot.

Because I heart Megan/Caitlin so much, I’m doing a three day contest with prizes for three of you.  The prize includes Harlequins by both Caitlin and me, a $10 Starbucks gift card, chocolates, goodies, treats galore.  I think you should enter this contest because you’ll love all the fun stuff!

How to enter?  Just talk to me.  Tell me what’s going on, and if you feel like it, tell me about a friend you adore.   The contest runs from now until Friday night midnight PST and I’ll announce the 3 winners in a comment at the bottom of this blog post.  Please, please come back and check to see if you won.  You’ll have 1 week to claim your prize before I give it away to someone else as a mystery gift!

And for those of you looking for a great, sexy, smart read, Caitlin’s got a brand new Harlequin Presents out now, Heiress Behind the Headlines.  Order it, download it, or pick up a copy now.  I love Larissa Whitney and tycoon Jack Sutton’s story!


  1. A beautiful post about writing, and a lovely friendship. I am enjoying the beautiful Fall weather, walks and recovering from illness. My best friend was available throughout my illness and this gave me an inner strength to reach my goal.

  2. This has been a nice week! Not too busy but too boring. 🙂

    My bestie is Emily. We met when we had our 1st babies 7 months apart. I couldn’t live without her!

  3. That is a true friendship. Not many people will go out of their way to help like she did. I wish I could say I have a real friend like that right now, but I don’t. Though there have been many good ones over the years, they just seem to slip away when our lives have taken different directions. We do still stay in touch and that’s the best I can ask for at this time. I look forward to checking out some of Caitlin’s books. I always enjoy the authors you recommend.

  4. Hi Jane,

    I have a friend who I’ve known most of my life but only became close over the past couple months. I really wish we knew how similar we were sooner, but all things happen when they’re meant to. She is now one of my (if not my) closest friend and I love her dearly. I recently found out that she is a big JP fan and will be with me when you come to visit my area 🙂

  5. I have two best friends… Elizabeth and I met at age two when our mothers were campus Mums at university (putting husbands through). We have been friends for 49 years now… we never went to school together and in the early years saw each other odd weekends and summers. We now live in Toronto and Montreal respectively, but every time we pick up the phone or get together it’s like we never left off. Laura and I met at 17 and 19 taking a lifeguarding course… I ended up marrying the instructor and she married the examiner. Thirty two years later we are very special friends…again, long distance, Halifax and Montreal, but we see each other once or twice a year and talk and e-mail all the time. Special friends don’t come along very often and are much-cherished. I am so looking forward to visiting Elizabeth the first weekend in November and Laura over New Year’s!

    I just finished The Good Woman two weeks ago and truly enjoyed it. Am presently reading The Columbus Affair by Steve Berry

  6. How wonderful to have a friend like Megan! One of my BFFs is Diane and I love her because she’s always so positive. Have a great week, Jane!

  7. Just had a great visit with my m.i.l- she was here for a week. Now I’m getting back to reg. schedule- boring!

    One of my dearest friend is Tonya who lives in AZ. even though we don’t talk on a reg. basis, we seem to go where we left off the last time we saw or talk to each other. She’s awesome because she remembers all the good stuff : )

  8. Like kribss, I too had company visit recently. My sister and her husband were here for 1.5 weeks. They live 2000+ miles away, but they make the effort to visit us in their motor home once every two years, if possible. I’m very fortunate that my brother-in-law likes to fix things and asks for a “to-do” list before heading this way (so he can bring special tools, if necessary). Two years ago, I asked him to look at a loose piece of siding on our garage; two weeks later, he organized us to re-side all four sides of our garage (because it had rotted underneath), as well as three sides of a “popout” section on the back of our house. Not a bad fellow to have visit (and my sister isn’t too shabby either, LOL)!!!

  9. I enjoyed this post very much. I am desperately trying to finish the revision of the manuscript I have been working for the past three years, looking forward to starting a new project November 1st for NaNoWriMo. I am hoping that many of my writer friends will participate but especially Peggy, who was my best friend in elementary school. We both moved away when we were 11 and lost touch for many years, until she found me through my blog. Turns out she is writing women’s fiction, too! It is great to be reconnected again, and in such a special way!

  10. I have been very busy with doctors and specialists trying to find out what is wrong with my daughter. That consumes my time, my heart and my emotions most of the time. As for a best friend, mine is a woman I have never met. We have been online friends for 13 years, watched our children grow and now are enjoying sharing pictures of our grandchildren.

  11. You guys are so cute! I just adore both of you! I love your writings and feel like I have been Blessed to have met you both! I just sent another friend one of each of your books! I wish I could have been a fly on the wall at your workshop, I bet it was fun and educational!

    I tend to make friends easily and I have 4 beasties at this point in my life. Glenda(she lives in Indy and Florida,) who has been a friend since the second grade and we won’t discuss how long ago that was; Debbie (who lives in NO CA,) who I met right after moving to CA 20+ years ago; Erin(who lives in Utah,) we met when she was a Hallmark manager and I told her don’t worry we are going to be best friends, and Rita (she lives close by and works with me,) we met 5 years ago, and I am always making her get out of her comfort zone and out of the house. I love each of these ladies for all that they bring to my life, and I know that I could count on them for anything. They have all been there for me at different points in my life and they know I have their backs too!

    Can’t wait to read Megan’s newest and Jane I am very “patiently” for “The Good Daughter.”

    Have a great week everyone!

  12. It’s always greatly appreciated to know all the names an author writes under. Love that thanks.

    I’m visiting family soon, so it’s catch up on all the news time.

  13. That was a lovely post about your friendship and her stories sound wonderful too. It is time to start raking leaves here as fall brings us some crisp temperatures.

  14. I love hearing about a writer’s alias. I makes me want to go back and see if the writing style is different for each name. Jane, what would your alias be, if you wanted to write in a new style under a new name?

  15. When I got married 18 years ago and moved to Canada, I had to leave behind my best, best friend and a lot of other good friends I had for many years. I still keep in touch with them often, but is not like having a friend nearby. I have a best friend here too. She is generous and very brave. She just went thorugh a really hard divorce, but she is building a new life for her and her sons and is doing a great job. We met 14 years ago. We were hired by the same company and started working on the same day and we became friends very fast. Life has not been easy on her, but she is always upbeat and takes challenges head on. And among all this, she is always available for her friends.
    Cherish your great friendship with Megan Crane. This kind of friends are not easy to find.

  16. I cherish my friends as well. My best friend and I have known each other for 50+ yrs. Although we don’t get to see each other as much as we’d like (she lives in the Philippines), we are able to skype and talk on the phone.

  17. i loved your blog this morning…i have been doing the usual weekly routine…so no changes there, except our weather. brrrrr. nice change tho’. your friendship sounds wonderful, i love meeting new people later on in life.

  18. I think the both of you are amazing women! So glad that I got to meet Megan when you brought her to the Tulare Library’s Night at the Library fundraising event! You 2 were the HIT of the party!

  19. Jane,

    I adore my coworker Rosanna because she never fails to make me feel better. When I have questions, she has the answer. If I am having an off day, she makes me smile. She is hilarious and makes my long work days worth it. Those are just some of the reasons I value her in my life.

    I buy Meg’s books all the time also. So winning isn’t necessary for me since I will most likely buy it anyway.lol

    Looking forward to planning your event here in NJ. Kari and I are already discussing it 🙂 It’s always a pleasure to take care of that for you!

    Have a good day, Jane!!


  20. isn’t friendship wonderful!! I have a best friend Bertie(Alberta)and we met at work many years ago and have kept in touch over the movings, divorces, surgeries etc.

    Been busy with work, helping dh side a house, etc.

  21. What an awesome friend Megan is! It’s hard to find that special kind of friendship! And the thing is…. friends come in and out of our lives for a reason. I believe that. A TRUE friend is one who you may not talk to every day…but when you DO talk it’s like you were never apart. Kim (Taylor) and I have known each other since high school – and reconnected through FB. We’ve traveled together (which is good – because she’s much more well-traveled than I am and I am more than willing to let her take charge!) and she’s that friend I know will be there if I need her. And I don’t think either one of us would call the other “best” friend (I reserve that title for the one friend I tell EVERYTHING to and know that it’s in a locked box – with no judgment – and she knows who she is without me naming her here!). The fact is, I have about 5 or 6 great friends and ONE best friend and I am SO lucky to have each one of them in my life! It’s the best part about being a woman! And, speaking of Kim…. she has two daughters and I have one – and it’s pretty awesome now that they are grown up and we can call them “friend” too – even though, our roll as “the mom” will never change! 🙂

    1. That’s sweet Deb! I am happy we reconnected on Facebook and although we may not see eye to eye on everything, you are a dear friend!

  22. Sounds like a wonderful friendship you and Megan have. I have friends from way back to my childhood…even still have a few of my kindergarten girlfriends. It’s great to have friends that I’ve shared such history with. But, it is always fun to meet new friends now. One of my closest friends I met when we both went back to college to get our degrees (a bit later in life). She’s from New York and is one of the funniest people I’ve ever met. I feel blessed.

  23. Right now I’m polishing my manuscript for Harlequin’s SYTYCW 2012! I’m slogging my way through the short synopsis, trying to make it just right.
    I’m also going to have to fit in packing for my annual girls’ trip which is TOMORROW! I’m so excited to spend this time with my very best friends, and it has given me the light at the end of the tunnel I need to push through and get all my work done. My friends and I have seen each other through marriages, deaths, babies, jobs, education, more jobs, challenges, and triumphs. Without them, I am nothing, and I know that they feel the same way. I love how you celebrate female friendship, and I am so honored to have wonderful women in my own life.

  24. My best friends are from grade school, there is a group of four. We just celebrated turning 50 last year, we had a great weekend away. I don’t get to see much of them since I had to move 12 years ago. Facebook has made it wonderful to keep in touch. I work night as a nurse, heading back tonight for the next two( 12 hr shifts), so trying to catch up on laundry and cooking.

  25. I am having a sunny day here in the mountains. The leaves are changing colors. So beautiful!

    I have a great friend who just knows how to be a good friend. We met at a reception in law school and have been friends for over 15 years through thick and thin! Friends like that are rare!

  26. My best friend is my aunt, as a kid I despised her I always thought she was out to get me. As an adult I respect the fact she was always looking out for me and that she cared. Over the years she went from annoying aunt, to mom like figure, and now to best friend. Once a week we go shopping and have lunch 🙂 My hubby makes fun of us though because our shopping involves seeing the best “deals” we can get. Our last shopping trip was yesterday and the “deal” of the day was my free lip gloss I got with a coupon ;)!
    Best friends are the best 🙂

  27. Hey Jane!! I love how much you support your friends! I am looking for a new book to read now since I am desperately waiting for your next one to come out and I will be looking into Caitlin’s books.

  28. Sounds like you have a great friend and someone you can really relate with. My bestie and I have been friends for 25 years and we always enjoy each other’s company and have fun even when we are just hanging out. It’s great to have a close friend that you can trust and relate to! I look forward to picking up this new Harliquin romance by Caitlin!

  29. I envy your friendship and talent. A very special post today. Friends are to be cherished. Your books will be a delight for me.

  30. I love hearing about you and your friends! And I love hearing about how things are going in CA! The rain has finally arrived in WA, you’d be loving all the fall color right now. One wind storm away from being blown away.

    We are wrapping up some school sport seasons, I’m tired, kids are tired, we are ready to be done. Soon! I never thought I’d be here, but I’m now at the place that I’m ready for one of them to drive.

    My friend that is such a joy in my life, is my friend, Julie. She has been battling some health stuff, but she keeps her chin up and is pushing and pushing through it. We just went to Victoria for a 1/2 marathon; I was going to walk with her to encourage her. However, her health was too poor for her to walk. I still walked, though, and had the blisters to prove it. She cheered me on and was encouraging me this time! It’s great to have finished, she was the first one to push me to try one. Maybe next time we’ll both be able to run it.

  31. My two best friends and constant companions are my Jack Russell Terriers Cooper, 5, and Georgia, 11 months. They definitely keep me on my toes! They are smart, stubborn, loyal, and loving, and I’m so glad I adopted them. What more could you want in a friend?

  32. been busy with my boys and their schedules, but having fun on the weekends at festivals! i have one special girlfriend who has been there for me through thick and thin. we can communicate when we are around each other with just a look or a gesture. and she doesn’t laugh at me if i snort when i laugh, cause she does the same thing…LOL

  33. What a beautiful friendship. I also have a friend that I treasure. I met Jan when I worked in a bookstore. She was buying and I was selling. It was immediate bonding. We have been book buddies for over 20 years. We each know what the other likes to read and we get together so we can talk books.

  34. Hi Jane, I’m not as busy jet setting as you. It sounds fun and exhausting all that travel. I’m just working and going to school. Hopefully I can travel more soon. Thanks for the contest Jane and have a great week.

  35. This week is finally starting to feel (a little bit) like fall. I’ve been spending my time decorating the house and thinking about all of the upcoming to-dos, events, and holidays!

    It’s the time of year that I most want to curl up with a good book, even though it’s usually too busy to do much of it.

  36. It is a beautiful fall day here in Michigan.
    My special best friend I first met when she moved to Michigan 32 years ago. She lived with us for a while, then moved back to Utah. I have visited her a few times and she came back here once. Miles separate us but we’ll always be best friends.

  37. Good news! College grandson has been in and out of hospital for 2 weeks with a mystery disease and is now back at school looking and feeling much better. Time to breathe again. 🙂

  38. One of my best friends is getting married at the end of the month. She just decided to get married last month and so she’s keeping it simple in order to get everything ready. I’m happy she found someone she loves and loves her in return.

  39. My 2 best friends were found through our kids. One I met at Cub Scouts, the other lived across the cul-de-sac and our boys were in the same class. Add to that, our husbands are in the Army, which is a small world of its own. We started talking and then hanging out while our husbands were deployed while we were all stuck in Alaska. Over the 1 year deployment, we became each others family since we had no family around to help. We were blessed that our children got along most days(8 boys and 1 girl between us 3). We are all very avid Romance readers. We would swap books every week. I think we were averaging 25 books a month while our guys were gone!

  40. Hi Jane!

    Friends rock!!! Where would we be without our besties??? I’ve been so fortunate in my life to be blessed with many great friends! I wish I would have had the opportunity to meet Megan when she was with you in Tulare. Kim said she was great!

    Have a wonderful day!


  41. A best friend is the one that accepts you at your best as well as at your worse. I have not been able to see this friend in years but the connection we have through face book and cell phone feels like there has been no time lapse. Friendship truly transcends distance and absence.

  42. Hi Jane,

    My sister Marianne is my best friend. She is the most calm, loving presence and keeps me grounded. I am so thankful to have her and she also gave me my beautiful nephews, the best gifts ever!

    Hope you are enjoying sunny CA!


  43. Hi Jane! Glad you and Megan are living closer together. Maybe we’ll hear more about those brainstorming sessions that you have.

  44. Hi Jane its so nice that you two can get together more often now and that you are closer. My best friend that I met when we were five I see every once in a while but she is there when I need her. We kind of grew up together. I know if I need anything she will be there. Not much happening here right now, still having back issues and now have to go for injections. Not looking forward to that. So much going on with those things right now.

  45. I have a best friend, Christine, and no matter how long since we have talked it seems we have never been apart. That kind of relationship is hard to find. Thanks for the chance to win

  46. I have a friend I adore. We both like genealogy and discovered that we are cousins too! It’s fun to learn that a friend who feels like family really is family:)

  47. I have a really good friend Nancy and she’s going through a tough time right now. She just found out that her dad has cancer so she’s really upset right now. I’m hoping they will have a good treatment for him, she finds out this week. Other than that life’s been pretty dull around here.

  48. Hi Jane.
    I did not know that Megan wrote at Caitlin, nice to know. I’ve read some of her Harlequin Presents. Thanks for sharing both your stories with us.

  49. Great post about friendship! I’ve been blessed with a few great friends and even though they may be scattered throughout the World, they are very special and near to my heart every day. 🙂

  50. It’s been a hectice week…but am making it. 🙂 My best friend is my mom. She is my rock and I couldn’t imagine my life without her!

  51. How sweet of you to share your friendship with Caitlin and to offer a special giveaway.

    My best friend is my daughter. She is married to a police captain, has two little girls and is a kindergarten teacher. A busy gal but she and I always love to chat. Even though I’m the Mom, sometimes she has been the one I’ve leaned on for advice with family members. She is so wise and always has the right answers. How did I get to be so blessed?!

    Right now, my husband and I are totally silly over the little kitten that we adopted a few weeks ago. We named her Sophie and you would think we have a dozen little kids with all of the toys and soft little blankets all over the house. When we hear her wake up in the morning, we bring her into bed with us for awhile to play. My husband builds tunnels out of pillows and she has a ball. Yes, we’re retired so we have the extra time. We are so loving our new addition to the family.

    Congratulations to you for being such a good friend too!

  52. Hi Jane,

    Thanks for introducing me to the other side of Megan Crane. I did not know witch name she also wrote under. I’ll check out the Harlequin “Heiress Behind the Headlines”. You know that I just love your Harlequins so I’ll enjoy reading one of Caitlin’s too 🙂
    Thanks for being a great friend and author too. I just love it that I got a chance to get to know you and your penmanship.
    I adore my very good friend, Christina, who also is my sister. I’m going to see her and her little family in a week. I’m just so excited about that.

  53. I am enjoying reading so many authors because of your blog, Jane. I look forward to reading Megan/Caitlin’s books. And such lovely post about friendship. Many years ago I moved from a small town in South Dakota to Los Angeles with a couple of my girlfriends from high school. It was quite an adventure for us. And I’m fortunate to still be in touch with them today all these decades later.

  54. Although I have never met Megan – I’m know she must be Wonderful! I Love the 80’s is one of my TOP TEN books. I absolutely LOVED it!!!

    I wish my best friend lived closer! She’s in Florida, and my daughter’s Godmother, so I make a point to see her a few times a year! We’ve been friends since fourth grade!

  55. I am currently recovering from a Half Marathon in Munich, Germany by going on an Italian cooking class and Marcatino shopping and managing to take care of daughter and dog while husband is away.

    Person I most adore now I met not even a year ago. She has encouraged me and gotten me hooked on running and other crazy things like spin. Strong lady raising three kids and working while our husbands are not here in a foreign country. Plus we both love photography so wherever we maybe you can be sure that together we have our camera and lenses.

  56. I would love to win some of this fun stuff! I am just enjoying the month of October and the amazing fall weather in Minnesota & Wisconsin–although to some it may seem kind of gray & gloomy, I am loving the cloudy days! I spent 2 rainy days in Milwaukee at a lovely hotel & i loved it–I could LIVE in a hotel full-time. Wishing you an early Happy Halloween! xoxo

  57. I’ve been enjoying corny, clean jokes from my bestie. He lives 3 hours away and I rarely get to see him, but he has been texting cute little jokes everyday lately! I miss him SO much!!

  58. I am a new fan and reader of yours. Just finished reading “She’s Gone Country” and “Flirting with Forty”. Read both books in one week. For me that is a task as I work full time. My sister, Janine, is the one who introduced me to your books. I am a hooked fan and can’t wait to read more of your books. I just started reading “Easy on the Eye’s”.

  59. I’m currently enjoying my 4 day weekend due to our Fall Break! Last week I went on my mom’s fall break to Cancun. 10 ladies by the pool and on the beach all day for 4 days! It was amazing! I read 3 books while I was there. My mom read The Good Woman and I enjoyed answering her questions. She was excited to find out who the next book would be about. I assume Brianna since the girl on the front has red hair! :O)

    I adore my best friend Jessica. We haven’t lived in the same city for 10 years. I’ve stayed and she’s moved to Chicago, Boston and now LA! I adore her because she reminds me of what a grown up is all about. I love that we can talk and its as if we’ve never been apart! No phone call is shorter than an hour.

  60. Just getting here since our now 2 year old granddaughter was with us this week. We celebrate her birthday this Sat. Little kids are such a kick and for me it just seems like kids get better with each year. I am blessed with friendships, women who I adore for their giving hearts and loving ways. They strengthen me with helping hands in the times when I need it and comfort and celebrate with me, too. The world is a better place with my friends in it. Celebrating friends is a daily habit with me, I pray for them each one and pray for you too Jane. Hope your kids are settling in their new schools and are making good friends. 🙂 Oh and Yay for good husbands, too!

  61. A lot has been going on and I have been kind of in the dumps lately Jane. A lovely story about you and your friend. May be I will pick up a good book and read. Talk to you soon 🙂

  62. My new semester started and it’s pretty hard to have so many classes after spending an entire summer with doing vacations, just have some university stuff to do and simply being at home and doing nothing. I like your post very much, because I can almost feel the strong connection between you and Megan. I have a friend I adore as well. It is my sister. We are almost like twins and have a very close connection (you can compare it with soulmates). I have to talk to her at least every day to feel good and comfortable. I love her from the bottom of my heart. It’s nive to have such a person in my life.

    Thanks for the great giveaway! Your awesome.

    xoxo Sabine

  63. I think it is wonderful to find a friend who you relate to so well. At least once in everyone’s life, we deserve to understand and appreciate this type of love and friendship and for someone to actually have it makes their life that much richer!!!

    1. Now thinking about it, I have had many great friends in my life. I am in contact with almost all of them since I moved so far away. My husband has become the best friend of my lifetime. We were good friends before we married and now we complete each others sentences. he knows what I am thinking. And he is the sweetest man. Ever.

  64. I heart you both more than a Greek billionaire hearts his virgin secretary. Just sayin’

    Your post makes me immediately think of my two “conference wives” – friends with whom I room every year at RWA and NJRW conferences respectively.

    I met Anne through the RWA roommate board in 2011 and with one phone call, we knew we were destined to be joined at the hip long-distance for the rest of our lives. Wendy was my long time chapter-mate who has since become my critique cheerleader and close friend. We drink wine and laugh and are silly and raucous and utterly truthful together.

    I am so blessed by these ladies and not only when we’re sharing living space. They make me laugh and smile and feel good about myself and life in general. They are support and joy and strength and reality check all in one. They also get how my mind works which, as you might know, is a true accomplishment.

    It’s no small thing to say that they truly take care of me when we’re together esp when my ailments flare, from filling the ice bucket for impromptu ice packs to having blotting papers on hand for my frequently moist brow to fetching my wrap from the room when the workshop room is cold to spare me a long walk on bad knees. I’m sure I don’t do nearly enough for them in return, which only makes their many kindnesses even more lovely.

    At Anaheim this year, as I refused to be without either one of them (and not just for the spoiling mind you), we got connecting rooms and had what our fourth arm, Crystal (who I call my adopted child as we claimed her at RWA NY in 2011 to which she went all alone) christened our ghetto suite. None of us can wait to be back in the ‘hood for Atlanta 2013.

    It is a special thing to be blessed with a true friend.

  65. Aww!! It’s so important in life to have people you truly adore and admire be a part of your journey! My best friends are my mom and my sister.. Family by blood and friends by choice! I love the fall with the cooler weather and the changing colors! I love that I can get pumpkin lattes, and its pretty sad but the three of us almost everyday get together for coffee and gossip! I love it!

  66. Friendship is a Wonderful Thing!!
    I am going to CA for Thanksgiving to visit with my best friend from high school… it will be a great time, cooking, and I cant wait to smell the ocean again! I will be missing you by a couple weeks at your Manhattan Beach Book Signing.. My friend, she lives 5 minutes from Manhattan Beach.
    I have read one of Megan’s books, Names My Sisters called Me, Loved it!

    Happy Writing! Thanks for Sharing! Love your Blog and Books Jane!

  67. I love this post and I will for sure be checking out Caitlin’s work!!
    My best friend is my mom. She has taught me so much and I wouldn’t be half the person I am today if it wasn’t for her. She is amazing!

  68. Not much is going on in my world the usual family drama raisen 4 beautiful kids

    let me tell you about two friends whom i Adore first one is Summertime yes thats her actual name we met when we were both in 7th grade and was at first dislike because iw as the math geek she was the “bad” girl later on we clicked and clicked well became best friends honestly I dont know where id be with out her she sthe type of person no matter how often we get out of touch when we get back in to touch its right back to liek itw as just yesterday im her kids god mom and when i have kids if my own she will be theirs shes an amazing woman friend mom sister because thats what she is to me i recntly lost my real life blood sister back in july and she was my rock threw that whole mess now im picking up the peices with my sisters 7 children 4 of whom i am helping raise and she is my sounding board for all that can go wrong since she is a mom so shed know

    my second friend is my future husband let me tell you we had a rocky start but a spectaular everything else spent all the time getting to know eachother but he is truelly my friend first and he is with out adoubt my best friend and life mate with two amazing friends like these my world couldnt get any better

    your books rock i havent read any of megans will add her to my wish list ty for the chance


  69. Good morning, everyone! I caught a cold yesterday and am spending the morning in bed, trying to get some rest since I was able to track down a babysitter for the morning for Mac, but I wanted to announce the 3 winners for my I Heart Caitlin Crews blog. These are really fun little prize boxes and I hope the winners will enjoy!

    The winners are:

    #2 Linsey T
    #56 Connie F
    #75 SiNn

    Will all three of you please shoot me a private email with your mail address and I’l be sure your prizes go out in Monday’s mail!
    Much love to all and have a great weekend!


  70. A friend I adore is my former college roomate. She is a darling, sweet redhead and we hit it off from the start. We both loved to walk, so every weekend we left the dorm and took long walks all over our college town. We had such fun and we still keep in touch alrhough we live in different towns.

  71. My friend Becky is the BEST! We understand and support each other and I know she has my back and I have her’s! I miss her now because we don’t work together but we get together often for lunch, dinner, a movie – whatever. The important thing is we stay close, no matter what.
    This week my son is visiting from Canada and it has been all family, all the time, but next week we are going to a movie.

  72. Thanks for the very generous goody bag! I can’t believe all the books that were in there! I can’t wait to read them!

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