Checking In

It was a wonderful treat to have so many of my family here for Thanksgiving.  We also had some of Ty’s best friends from Hawaii, Tucker and Nichole, here, too, which made it a full house, and a fun house, and with all the work we did, trying to get ready for our guests, this 1927 Spanish Colonial Revival finally feels like home.

I did spent Saturday and Sunday writing, and am about to get down to writing now.  This book I’m working on is really interesting, and I love the story and how the characters are coming to life, but I’ve got a long way to go.  Writing always takes time, and its the one thing (like so many of you!!) I’m short on.

I’m going to be writing long hours all week, until I head to Houston on Friday for Saturday’s tea in Houston, and then to Dallas Saturday night for the Sunday tea in Dallas at the Adolphus.  If you can join me for one of my teas, please do as I’d love, love, love to see you!  Invite details are here on my site on my events page, and email me if you’ve got questions.  There is no charge for the tea, and you are welcome to bring any and all books for me to sign.  And if you’re wanting a signed copy of The Good Woman to give to someone this Christmas, I’ll have books with me at both events.

Now I’m back to Sarah and Boone and Meg and Lauren (a new character I love!!).  Please update me on your weekend and how your Thanksgiving went.  I will be drawing a winner first thing in the morning from the comments below for a special Fall Harvest prize box sitting on my desk.  The prize must be claimed tomorrow, too, so if you enter, check back to see if you’ve won because I want to get this prize out in the mail before I start my holiday giveaways this weekend!!

Love to all and let’s have a great week!




  1. I’m glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I’m thankful that I have you as a friend and your books as my source of an escape. I can’t wait to read about Lauren. I love new characters 🙂

  2. Your books are always a memorable experience and uplifting. Best wishes and have a great tour. thanksgiving with family was special.

  3. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving!

    We had a fabulous Thanksgiving! Monday and Tuesday I cleaned my house like nobody’s business. Tuesday I cooked breakfast and put in the freezer for the next 6 weeks. Makes my morning so much easier! Saturday after Thanksgiving I started and finished Flirting with Forty. I gave it to my friend to read at church on Sunday. 🙂

  4. Sounds like a lovely holiday. We also spent a nice day with good friends and ate way too much food. Took me 2 days to recover!!

  5. We had a great time. Dinner at my daughter’s and then a dinner here on we had our granddaughter spend the night on Saturday. We made a paper chain to count down the days until Christmas and paper bracelets. We watched Christmas shows and baked cookies…it’s so much fun having a 5-yr-old around.

  6. We had a quiet and nice Thanksgiving. I did a little shopping on Thanksgiving day, but didn’t venture out on Black Friday.

  7. So nice to read about your Thanksgiving. I had a wonderful Thanksgiving too. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t have to do all the cooking. My daughter did the cooking and my hubby and I went to her house for dinner. It was a wonderful small Thanksgiving for us.

  8. Glad your Thanksgiving was so nice. Ours was nice and very routine. Friday, we took our annual trip to Sparta, NC. This was the first time with grandbabies that can walk. They were so much fun to watch. Abby,2, found the perfect walking stick and giggled happily as she rode in the tree wagon behind the tractor. Copper, 15 mos, discovered on his own, the thrill of rolling down the hill!!! Oh! Wow!! I was blessed beyond measure to spend the day in the foothills with my wonderful family!

  9. So happy to hear you had a great Thanksgiving! We had a good one too, spent the day chatting with family and watching football. I just started a diet though, so I wasn’t able to fully enjoy all the wonderful food everyone made, boo!

  10. We had Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws. Everyone got along, so that was the best part. The rest of the weekend, we really didn’t do too much. I’ve had one very sick cat, so I’m trying to spend a lot of time with him in case he has any breathing problems. He’s starting to show signs of getting better today. Have a great time on your trip!

  11. It sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving surrounded by the people you love. That’s the best way to celebrate. I had my kids and their families for Thanksgiving and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  12. We had Thanksgiving at my daughters house with her girlfriend and her girlfriends parents. It didn’t get me out of cooking but it got me out of having to get my house company clean. So a win. My daughter and I did our traditional get up early and hit the Black Friday sales and had a blast people watching.

  13. Hi Jane,

    We had a wonderful Thanksgiving, though a little bittersweet since two of my sisters were with their in-laws that day. I was also away pet-sitting last week so today is my first day back home and I spent most of it putting away Halloween decorations and cleaning the house before the Christmas stuff comes out. 🙂 Sounds like you had an awesome Thanksgiving and I am so glad things are smoothing out for you. Next year will you consider doing a tea in the northeast, or maybe when you are here in the winter/spring?


  14. So glad the new house feels like home! Our new home still feels like a house, even with the new baby and active kindergartener. Made a big dinner and then traveled two hours to Santa’s Village and a waterpark. More fun for the Kindergartener than for me (and the up-all-night baby) I’m afraid. So glad it’s over!

  15. Hi Jane,
    Glad to hear you had a nice Thanksgiving. Nothing like friends and family gathering to really make a house feel like home! We had a nice Thanksgiving with my parents and brother an new sister in law on Wednesday and an early meal on Thursday. I spent Thanksgiving night at work at the hospital. Luckily it was a quiet night. Enjoyed lots of time with my kids over the weekend and am getting ready to start decorating for Christmas!! Good luck with your book and safe travels!

  16. Glad to hear that you had a wonderful holiday, my family and I did also had a nice quiet day. Then I started my Christmas projects and did some reading

  17. Thanksgiving dinner happened at my parent’s house on Wednesday after work. As always, the food was yummy and it was so nice to see my parents happy & healthy. And it was a dream to have a four day weekend!

    Best to you, Jane… I hope the words flow.

  18. I’m SOOOO excited for Saturday!!: ) I can not wait to meet you in person!

    Thanksgiving was awesome- our neighbors were kind enough to invite us over for a huge feast.

  19. Hello Jane,
    Glad to hear that your Thanksgiving was good.
    I had a full house also. Thankfully, both kids and my grandbaby were there.

    Keep up the good writing!

  20. Not my best of weekends. One of my “moms” (I’m blessed to have had a few during the years) passed away. I have always been so grateful to have had her in my life as long as I did (as she died at 93 years of age, with her full faculties and wonderful sense of humor). Before I got the news on Sunday, I was tickled pink to have gotten tons of work done around the house. (Just as well since I got nothing done on Sunday.)
    Glad to hear your update, Jane. Sounds wonderful. Good luck with your writing this week!

  21. Jane,

    My Thanksgiving was very low key, and I am back at work today after my 3 week LOA from work, and it has been a crazy day here.

    So excited to hear more about the new book.

    I hope you know how much we all love and appreciate all that you do for us your readers. I know that time is precious and I am sure that it is hard sometimes to sit down and write, when you would rather be hanging with your boys and family.

    Thanks so much for writing such amazing books.

    Hope that lots of people come to the teas!


  22. Thanksgiving was okay. Not too many of us this year, and the first one without my mom. Hard to do. But at least, there was NO drama!! She would’ve liked that. 🙂

  23. No Thanksgiving for us in Canada, but we are getting ready to entertain friends and family in December. Cousins are coming from Germany. Haven’t seen them in years. We are very excited.
    Happy writing and have fun at your events this coming week-end.

  24. So glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Ours was quiet but fun : everything was cooked without any problems! Turkey, the fixins, and the pies were delicious! Weather here was beautiful and we were able to enjoy that, too! Have a great week and enjoy your time in Texas!

  25. Hi Jane,

    I had a really nice Thanksgiving. My husband and I took a nice Thanksgiving meal to his grandmother’s house and enjoyed her and the rest of his family. His grandmother is 95 years old. My husband always look out for his grandmother and goes to see her every other weekend. I am thankful for my sweet husband and his grandmother.

  26. Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving! Wonderful! We had a good one, too, then headed to LA. Busy time so I didn’t feel like I had a weekend! But it was all good! Have a great week and a safe trip to Texas!

  27. Hi Jane,
    I got to go see my mom in AZ last week and then flew home on Thanksgiving to have dinner with my girls. Enjoyed the nice weather in AZ. A change from the rain in Seattle. Have a safe trip. Happy Holidays.

  28. Hi Jane!

    We had a great Thanksgiving, just my daughter, me, my parents, and my ex…then we all visited my elderly grandmother and great aunt (96 and 89, respectively) and took them their own dinner. The rest of the weekend went by in a blur – we were SO busy! I needed to go back to work so that I could “relax”…lol. Glad your first Thanksgiving back in California went well!

  29. I’m glad to see you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! Ours was a good weekend – lots of family & fun. That’s the best part of the holidays!

  30. I’m glad you had a good Thanksgiving Jane. My thanksgiving was awesome we had the basic spread of turkey, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, grand’s famous triple layer chocolate cake. We also played scattergories and basically everyone trying not to fight with everyone lol

  31. It sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving!! I think one of the best parts about the holidays is the “getting ready” part we do to our houses before guests arrive! We spent the entire week in Morro Bay. It was warm and sunny and beautiful except for one gray day (but it wouldn’t be Morro Bay without ONE foggy day!) Thanksgiving day I had 21 people for dinner – and there was way too much food!

    I hope your writing continues to go well (still cannot wait for the next book!) and safe travels this weekend!

  32. Had a nice, relaxing Thanksgiving and weekend. No crowds on Black Friday for me. Most of my gifts will be handmade, have been doing a lot of crocheting. Hope my family likes what I’ve picked out to make for each of them. So glad to hear that your holiday went well too.

  33. Just arrived home from Michigan where we spent Thanksgiving with my family. The weekend went too quickly! Today was spent cyber shopping for Christmas gifts. Which I lived in Texas so I could attend a tea.

  34. Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving with family and friends. I love this long weekend – a double weekend. Lots of time to sleep in, shop, decorate, and eat great food on turkey day.

  35. Great Thanksgiving and a great day shopping on Friday. Deal of the day – a Lucky Brand t-shirt that was $69.50 for $6.99. I love a GREAT bargain, don’t you.

  36. This was such a special Thanksgiving for us! We had our son and his wife with our two year old granddaughter and our brand new one week old grandson come spend the week with us to get in some TLC and bonding. It was a loving time with lots of baby holding and two year old cuddling reading books. So happy for everyone here at your blog and you Jane to have fun family and friend times at Thanksgiving.

  37. I’m happy you had a nice Thanksgiving. We spent the day at our friends’ house up the street from you and we heard a lot of young kids laughter coming from your yard when we walked down to the pier! Our daughter was home from college for 5 days and we were so happy to be able to spend time with her. I hope your trip to Texas is good and I can’t wait to read your new book!!! I have sent my mom all your books and I think she read each one in a day!

  38. Jane, I feel so honored that you do all this communicating with us! You are so busy, but you have such a personal touch with your audience that we all feel treasured. I was simply delighted that you answered me so quickly regarding my cousin rsvp-ing to the Dallas tea. Thank you for that!
    We had a nice Thanksgiving dinner @ our church. Any group thing is better than the 2 of us cooking for just us. Glad yours was a very full and fun time.

  39. Jane,
    Your T-Day sounds outstanding, there is nothing like family and friends to bring the fun on! Good luck with the writing this week.
    First time ever we had a quiet Thanksgiving for the two of us with no family at all, and it was relaxing and laid back – I even got to watch the parade on tv for the first time. I really missed being with folks, but everyone was celebrating with “in-laws” and our son lives in Canada where Thanksgiving is in October. I still cooked and the food was good and we took a hike in the afternoon and watched football in the evening – no shopping for us. I have a lot to be thankful for, including getting to sleep in for four days!
    I made up for the quiet by doing a lunch on Sunday with my two sisters that one brother who treats us to lunch every year instead of buying silly presents. We had so much fun my face ached from smiling so much, and they and their families are all coming here for Christmas, which will be the best present of all!

  40. So delighted to hear that you love your new character “Lauren”…our brand new (2months old) Granddaughter is Lauren! What a wonderful Thanksgiving this year with all the little ones, the oldsters, vegetarians, vegans, and carnivores! When Lauren’s Daddy was a little boy he would always ask “Are we gonna have people? I want to have lots of people for Thanksgiving.” He has such an appreciation for Family and Friends. Sounds like you had the Blessing of Family for your New Home First Thanksgiving!All the Best. Hugs.

  41. thanks for sharing your thanksgiving, jane…i worked this year…had my ‘thanksgiving’ yesterday. always enjoy reading your novels 🙂

  42. Glad you had a nice Turkey Day, Jane! We had a quiet day at my in-laws. I did manage to go out for the first time ever on Black Friday and it was CRAZY!!! Never seen anything like it and I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t witness it first hand. Got some great deals and I managed to get a lot of shopping done over the weekend.

    Happy writing and I’m anxiously awaiting the next book in February!!!

  43. Sounds like you had a great holiday weekend, so glad it all went well. It was not Thanksgiving here in Canada, but I had a lovely quiet weekend at home to myself, which doesn’t happen often at all. Am looking forward to the Christmas holidays, will have all my kids home together and will go to Halifax to spend New Year’s with my best friend and her family.

  44. Good morning, everyone!

    I am popping in before I get down to writing to announce that I’ve drawn the winner of the fun Fall box.

    #20 Lisa…you’re the winner! Please shoot me a private email and I’ll get your prize box out in today or tomorrow’s mail.

    Also, I have a bonus prize winner. #5 Gretchen, your name was drawn, too, for the last bonus prize I’ve got here waiting for a home. Please send me a private email as well, with your address, and your prize will be out in the mail, too.

    Congrats to both of you and everyone, look for my new blog on Capitola later this week. I’ve got very fun prizes for that one, too!

  45. Hi Jane I have just spent the last few moments ctching up on your blog. Although I do check facebook updates I am sorry to say that with family (five boys) school and work I have been a not very devote fan lately. I hope all is well with your busy bunch. I saw where things got a little hectic. I listened to your podcast on Manic mommies. I loved the Good Women I squeezed it in between papers and read it on my breaks at work. I have to say I was pulling for Chad though but that is my “new life” attitude since I got my divorce I am jaded in trying to fix that which cannot be fixed and more focused on acheiving my long overdue goals. Regardless of the character outcome choice as always I loved every word. Genuine perspection that can only come from a woman. It was a good break from my busy world. I look forward to your next book! Happy Holidays. As you finish your next project I will be finishing my semester at school and hopefully we will both get some R & R for Christmas break. TTYL

  46. Always great when you check in with us and to know you are continuing to stay so busy. Glad you had a housefull for the holidays. We went on a weekend trip to PA after Thanksgiving and it was very relaxing. Good luck with the new book and characters and of course your traveling to Texas…Ruth

  47. We went to my mother in laws on Thanksgiving for dinner. I will be cooking a Thanksgiving dinner for my family this next weekend! It also my sister’s birthday, so it kind of a dinner for her and then she cooks the Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve. Seems like this past weekend flew by because I have been trying to clean the house for the dinner. Then today son got sick and had to take him to the doctor. He has pericarditis. I thought he was having a heart attack, glad to find out he wasn’t according to his EKG.

  48. I wrote on goodreads but thought I’d come on your website too! I had a quiet thanksgiving having a dinner with my daughter, we cooked together a small turkey and made 2 different dishes, we made a pasta salad instead of having potatoes, and mad a cold green bean salad instead of the green bean caserole, both were delicous. My son had to stay in Orlando at school for he had to work balck friday. Will see him for christmas. I spent alot of time reading which I loved alot-now I need to go find more books to read! Glad your holiday was filled with family and friends!

  49. My favorite beach town is Pismo Beach. I grew up around the this area when I was a child, and still like to visit the beach often. I think of family vacations and trips for Fish and Chips. The beach is also a place that helps me center and bring calm back into my life. the smell of the ocean, sight of the waves, and the people help me refocus on life and refresh.

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