Jane’s Favs: The Secretary’s Seduction

I’ve written over 40 books now and of the 40 there are reader favorites, and critics’ favorites, and then there are my favorites.  I don’t know why I love some books more than others.  I put the same amount of effort and energy, passion and patience into each.  But some books are a struggle, and you wrestle with the characters and the plot, and wonder why you’re even writing that story, while others just pour out in an easy, smooth draft.

I haven’t had an easy smooth draft kind of story in awhile.  (Flirting was one, Mrs. Perfect was another, and then there was Lazaro’s Revenge, which is one of my all time favorite Harlequins, and my second Rita finalist for best short contemporary series).  But smooth easy to write stories aren’t necessarily indicators of a book’s success.  I’ve struggled over stories that become immediate bestsellers.  Obviously, the reader doesn’t always know when I’m cried and sweated (and maybe bled!!) over a book.

But looking back over the past forty some novels I’ve written since my first sale in 2000, there are a few stories I truly love, and right at the top is The Secretary’s Seduction.  

The Secretary’s Seduction was also the first (and only??) one of my Harlequin Presents that didn’t make it out into the market in regular retail.  It was instead part of a collection, that only a few stores carried, and most of my readers never read it….until now.

The Secretary’s Seduction was also a turning point for me as a writer.  It was a ‘lighter’ story than my previous Harlequin Presents, with a more playful tone, and the hero, while still an alpha, (and wealthy and gorgeous), was more contemporary…more modern.  I think my editors were a little disappointed with this book, as it was sweeter than my previous Presents.  Some readers said it felt more like a Desire than a Presents, but honestly, I loved it.  It was fun to write.  I loved writing a boss/secretary romance that was also an Ugly Duckling story.  This was also the book I wrote before I wrote The Frog Prince, my first single title novel, which some dubbed chick lit, and I just call modern lit.

In Australia they recently re-released The Secretary’s Seduction as part of a Jane Porter bestsellers collection, which delighted me as its impossible to get copies of this story in print.  And then this week, I received copies of the Japanese manga edition for The Secretary’s Seduction, and it just made my week.  Its probably one of my biggest thrills right now as a writer…seeing these cartoon versions of my novels.  The drawings are incredible–the stylized characterization…the heroines so gorgeous with tons of long hair and big eyes and lots of tears sparkling in their eyes.  The heroes almost always have long hair, too, and strong jaws.  I’ve scanned some of the pages of the new manga so you can see.

As I mentioned above, for the past six years The Secretary’s Seduction has been almost impossible to get in print, anywhere, but its now–happily, wonderfully–available as an ebook, through Amazon and B&N.com.

But…thanks to the wonderful Harlequin office in Australia who sent me three copies of the Australia Jane Porter bestseller collection, I have  three copies of the book to share with you, my readers.

So in honor of the holidays, and the fact that I adore this fun, sweet, sexy story (no horrible brooding heroes here!), I’m giving away all three copies of the Secretary’s Seduction in a awesome prize box.   Each prize box is packed with great things, including a signed copy of The Secretary’s Seduction (a book that has truly become a collector’s item now), a beautiful glass Christmas ornament that ties into the NY novel setting, a $10 Barnes & Noble gift card, a surprise Jane Porter novel, popcorn, JP water bottle and lots more JP reader goodies!

For a chance to win one of these fun prizes, talk to me about your upcoming holidays–what are your plans?  how are you doing?  what are your favorite part of the holidays?  is anyone as stressed as I am?!? –and you’re entered.  The contest is a shortie and will run through Thursday night, and in a rare twist, I will also announce the winners sometime Thursday night…not sure when, so enter early and don’t leave it to the last minute, as I’m hoping to mail the 3 prize boxes out Friday.  If I don’t do it then, they won’t get out for awhile as  I’m heading to Hawaii on the 26th where I MUST finish my current book.

In the meantime, happy happy holidays.  Sending so much love to all of you!



  1. Good Morning, Jane. I love hearing your thoughts about your writing and what you enjoy about your works. The graphics of the printing in Japan are beautiful. As for Christmas, we put up a full sized tree this year! It has been a few years since we’ve done so and we’ve enjoying how festove it looks. Had some family and friends over the other night for “clam chowder and sandwiches”…it ended up to be a smorgasbord of delectable delights, as each person decided to bring “just a little something”. We had a festive time indeed! It was fun to see the different ages interact and friends from various parts of our lives finally meeting and seeing why we enjoy their company. Just like you and your books, some of our parties that just come together and are my favorites. Wishing you and your family a very Merry and white sandy Christmas.

  2. Hi Jane!
    Yes, I’m a little stressed as well. I’m crocheting about 90% of my Christmas gifts and I only have a week to go. Ack! I’m sure I’ll get them done and I hope the recipients like what they get. I’ve put a lot of thought into making something that I feel is just perfect for each person.

  3. Hi Jane,
    I hope your holidays are lovely ones and I do enjoy the sweet stories as much as the angsty ones. They are especially nice this time of the year when life is stressful. We will be traveling to my sisters house which I am looking forward to since my nephews are little and it will be fun to watch them open their presents. Our children are in college so it’s a different feeling nowadays in our house. It’s less stressful but very nice to be all together for the holidays.

  4. Jane,

    The Japanese version is so cool! That’s amazing that you have the books in so many versions.

    For Christmas I will have all of my kids home with me. My 3 oldest will be home from college, which will be nice. The older they get, the less we spend as a family 🙁

    I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday and a blessed 2013!!!

  5. Hi Jane,
    I’m really excited to hear the new slant on this book. I love Ugly Duckling themed books and mixed within a lighter more contemporary Harlequin theme, it sounds like exactly what I like to read!
    I’m staying in town for Christmas, it’s my year to have my kids for Christmas so I’m extra excited to see my boys faces light up when they come downstairs in the morning! I found a delicious sounding recipe for Praline French Toast on Pinterest, which you make the day before and then pop in the oven the next morning while the kids are opening their stockings. I wish you a blessed Christmas and 2013.

  6. Hi Jane,
    I am finalizing all my Christmas shopping today which makes me a little crazy! It is finally snowing in Denver today which feels like Christmas to me. I need to wrap presents and play our Christmas eve and morning. I am looking forward to a little time off work.

    Have a wonderful holiday!
    Michelle F

  7. well i am just finishing up the last of my shopping. then it will be time to wrap, then sit back and enjoy all the smiles on the children’s faces xmas morning. looking forward to some time off work to relax. hoping for some snow to fall!!!!

  8. I’m a bit stressed because I haven’t done any shopping yet, but I hope to be able to go this weekend. We are expecting my cousin and my uncle to be here for Christmas. It will be a packed house. At least 9 other people besides the ones that are usually here. My favorite part of Christmas is seeing my nieces and nephews open their gifts. I have a new nephew this year. He was born in August. I can’t wait to see what he does. Probably not much, but I still can’t wait to see his face when his presents are given to him. I also like staying up late on Christmas Eve getting the stockings ready for Christmas Day.

  9. Hi, Jane!
    I’m so happy for you (and us!) re the reprinting of this book. As a secretary myself, I KNOW I can immerse myself in this one for a good hour or two!
    Plans are busy, like most. Christmas Eve: church, house party, visiting neighbours, daughter’s boyfriend sleeping over. Christmas: open gifts with boyfriend (early, so they can open gifts with his family by 10 am), put roast of beef in crock pot (as dau/BF are having turkey Christmas Eve and ham Christmas lunch with his family), visit two of DH’s brothers’ families for 1.5 hours each in the afternoon, return home to cook up balance of meal, share with dau/BF, and hopefully play a board game/cards before keeling over from exhaustion.
    Enjoy your holiday, Jane. (And why is it a holiday when there’s so much work involved, I ask you?)

  10. I have completed most of my holiday preparations but still have to bake and wrap a few presents. The best thing about holidays are spending time with my children and grandchildren. It is meaningful and precious. have a wonderful holiday with family and cherish every minute together.

  11. Hi, Jane,

    My husband and I became empty nesters in September, so we’re excited about having both kids home from their universities for the holidays. Movies, board games and lots of good food with my three favourite people in the world. What could be better?

    Wishing you and your family a happy, peaceful and fun-filled holiday season as well! 🙂

  12. That’s so awesome to see your books printed from all over the world!

    This year my parents are taking all of us- that’s 19 of us, on a Christmas cruise! I’ve been busy planning and now packing. Starting to feel the stress :

  13. Hi Jane!

    For the first time, I’m hosting Christmas for my in-laws, which is somewhat stressful! They’ll be here Satuday and Sunday, which leaves us free to see my family on Christmas day 🙂 It’s also the first time my daughter gets to sleep in her own bed on Christmas Eve! (Santa has been visiting the night before Christmas Eve the last 3 years.) My daughter and I will be baking cookies the next couple of days (she’s 3, but loves to help!). I’m really looking forward to seeing my family this holiday! I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday season!

  14. Good morning Jane,

    My husband and I spend the holidays going to my son’s house to visit with his family and then to my daughter’s house to visit with her family. If the weather is nice after Christmas we will start our drive to Florida to spend the next 5 months in our FL home. I wish you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a happy, healthy new year.

  15. Jane, that is wonderful to hear about your international success with your books. I am so happy for you!

    We will go to church for the Christmas eve service and have our family here to open presents when they can get here. We share them with the other grandparents. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to everyone here at your blog. love, j

  16. Merry Christmas Jane!! Flirting with Forty was the first book of your that I read and I feel in love with you as an author and Hawaii. We had the pleasure of going to Hawaii in 2009 for my youngest sisters wedding and I can’t wait to go back, my kids LOVED the ocean. Enjoy your time there next week, wish we were going back too!! We will visit with family here in Canada for the holidays and try to enjoy our abundance of snow!! Thanks for the chance to enter your contest, would love to win this prize box!!

  17. This week I am helping my just-married son move into his new home, wrapping presents, baking, cleaning house, and reading a few good Christmas romances. Christmas Eve will be spent here with my side of the family, and then Christmas Day will be spent with the in-laws. We are blessed! Merry Christmas, Jane and family!!!

  18. Good morning Jane,

    I just love it when I get a white Christmas. It´s a tradition where I´m from that the weather report on TV has a prognosis for the likelihood that we will have a white Christmas.
    This morning I woke up to a lot of snow and your new blog. It´s just a perfect morning so far.
    For Christmas traditions, I always bake a lot of cookies and I just love it. My biggest problem is that I can´t seem to stop baking once I start.
    The Christmas tree won´t be decorated until a few days before Christmas but this year I hope that we can up it up in a few days.
    I have read the Secretary s Seduction and I loved it.
    But my all time favorite is right now Taken By The Highest Bidder. I just devoured that book.

    Merry Christmas.

  19. I’ve baked, shopped and wrapped, and now it’s tiime to read. Really, peace and quiet and a book would be the most welcome change right now. Merry Christmas and have a safe trip.

  20. I was just in Sydney! If I knew they had it and the Jane Porter’s Bestseller collection, I would have gone into one of the bookstores. We were so limited on time, that we only did the “tourist” stuff, so no bookstore shopping on that trip. I love the Japanese drawings/cover. How super exciting it must be for you to see them in Japanese print. Oh, and as for the holidays, we will be getting together with family both on Christmas Eve and Christmas day. Just lots of family time and food and desserts. Merry Christmas to you!

  21. Hi Jane,
    How exciting. I can’t wait to read it. Holidays are busy for me I have a grandson turning TWO today and another turning ONE on the 27th – so we are packed with little boy birthdays and Christmas in between. They make it all worth it though. Happy Holidays to you and your family. Have fun in Hawaii!

  22. For Christmas we go to each side of my families house, one on Christmas eve and one on Christmas day. Now that I am married we also go to visit my in-laws on Christmas day… very busy 2 days! I am very stressed about the holidays. We have only bought 1 gift so far and cannot shop again until Friday. Lol hopefully we can find good gifts so close to Christmas!

  23. Hi Jane!
    First and foremost, congrats! What a wonderful holiday surprise! 🙂 I will be spending the holiday with my immediate family this year. I am the youngest of 5 so it’s a big gathering. Our family is very close so we come together during the holidays in the only way we know how. AKA bringing all the kids and the grand kids etc… haha and pretty much making chaos I’m sure.
    I have cooked and wrapped and I’m still searching for the perfect gift for some of my nephews.
    Strangely, I love the panic of the holidays! It’s never a bad chaos but one full of happiness and cheer.
    I hope you have a wonderful time in the tropics 🙂
    Merry Christmas to you!

  24. I am looking forward to having a quiet day with the family here. We have switched things up away from “things” to making memories together, so it should be interesting! have a great Christmas! Pam

  25. I have to say yes kind of stressed since I dont have all my kids with me and the fact money is so very tight I have little to give them. This year I am blessed since my oldest son decided to come live with me that made me very happy. Its going to be low keyed and quiet this year with few presents and not all the family around. It will still be wonderful because I do have some family with me.

  26. I really like the snow, decorations and everything that comes with the Holidays. I like gift wrapping and thinking about the smiles ppl get when they open up their presents. I like the smell of pine, from xmas trees. I like the aroma of cookies & hot chocolate. Most of all, I like the twinkle in everyone’s eye when we’re all gathered to share the experience together.

  27. My daughter is Manga crazy. She helps her school library out and they allow her to order many of the new up and coming releases in YA and Manga. Our Christmas will be small and quiet. Very quiet with just my husband daughter and me. I really miss my family who are so far away. My husband and daughter have a tradition every year to make mince meat pies. I think it really is lovely. xxx

  28. I actually was ahead of the game. Everything has been bought and wrapped. But now I’m stressed because I am sick , my son is sick , even my dog is sick lol !!!

  29. I was just talking to my mom yesterday about how down I am right now. I am in a novel reading mood, but this time of year the weather gets me down. I have 5 kiddos and not much energy (I am not a super mom, although I wish I was. My two oldest leave tomorrow to go see their daddy for christmas, so my apprehension levels are rising. I love to hear what you are up to and appreciate the fact that you love your fans! All I want for christmas is a romance of my own.

  30. Hi Jane – This sounds like a great story! Love the pictures you shared. We have holiday plans to go to a relative’s home for dinner. She is a great cook & makes lots of Italian food. I am way behind in shopping, decorating & cards due to 2 different hospitalizations – my husband last wk & my mother this wk. Hoping she is out before Christmas (hit by a car – broken arm, if you can believe it.)Thanks & happy holidays!

  31. I am totally stressed. With my husband’s job being bad right now, buying gifts has been hard. We had to cut way back this year on everyone’s gifts and I hope no one gets their feelings hurt. We do Christmas Eve with my husband’s family which is his mom, brother and sister-in-law and Christmas day with my mom and step-father. But, the truth is, one year, I would just love to go away some place tropical and romantic just me and my husband. I hope you and your family have a fabulous Christmas. I love the look of the Japanese version of The Secretary’s Seduction. I haven’t read this book and would love to.

  32. Hi Jane – The buy gifts for everyone on the list thing has finally started to stress me out. I don’t know how I end up covering every family member!!! I also am slammed with doctor appointments this week. All in preparation for a little short vacation visiting the in laws after Christmas. I will need the break, but the drive is long enough to not actually be all that relaxing. Oh well, I can rest after the New Year!

    Enjoy your time in Hawaii, I hope you are able to relax and enjoy some sun and beach while you are there. Merry Christmas!

  33. Hello Jane…Have a bit of stress here what with trying to finish up cleaning, grocery shopping, baking, choosing a menu for Christmas day, etc. Think I did better when I was MUCH younger! 🙂 My 70th birthday is coming up this Saturday…ahhh. Anyway, enjoy your books and would be delighted to win one of your prizes. Happy Holidays to you and yours and don’t think I have to tell you to enjoy Hawaii.

  34. This year is both a sad and joyous year for us. My sister-in-law lost both her parents within 6 months of each other. And her Mom passed away unexpectedly 10 days before their first child was born. Which brings me to the joyous… we welcome my first niece into the world this year and I cannot wait to share Christmas with her. She’s a little young (9 mths) to understand what’s going on, but she loves the lights & ornaments.

    Enjoy Hawaii & Merry Christmas!

  35. I’m so excited about this contest! But honestly… I think I say that about all of them. 🙂 We are headed to my in-law this Friday the my parents Christmas Eve night. I’m not stressed about the holidays. But I’m very ready for school to be over!

  36. The Secretary’s Seduction is one of my fav HP that you wrote so it will be so cool to own a print copy (I have the Kindle version).

    My holiday is over since I only celebrate Hanukkah.

    December is a super busy month at work for me so I didn’t have too much free time to really enjoy the holiday since we don’t have days off for Hanukkah when we finish school.
    We had dinner at my grandma one night and it was fun seeing all the family.
    Also, I volunteered with people from work at a hospital- we had costumes and sung holidays songs and gave away jelly donuts and candies to make the kids happy even though they are in a hospital. It made me feel really good that I made the kids smile and have fun and I hope to do it again soon.

  37. Hi Jane & thanks for sharing this opportunity to win your books. I must admit that I’m just not feeling it this Christmas! I don’t even have a tree up yet. You see, I lost my ornaments/decor a few years ago & haven’t bought new ones{long story}. The ones that I hade were made by myself (& kept for a l-o-n-g time) or by my son, etc. True keepsakes. Wishing you a safe & very Merry Christmas, Jane!

  38. Hi Jane – you are not alone with the stressed December. I think this has been one of the few holiday seasons that I wish time would slow a tad. I’m trying to get some training in before the new year and finalizing some work events for the first quarter…while fitting in some Christmas shopping. I did manage to squeeze a day out of the office to spend with my niece for a sleepover and movie night…so looking forward to Friday for some fun and relaxation.
    Happy Holidays to you and yours, Jane!

  39. Hi Jane! I had a deadline last night, and was a bit over by 2 1/2 hours, 2:30 am I sent my last email. Then a client called at 6:30 am, so much for catching up on my rest – I know you probably know that all too well!

    With that one item checked off my list, I hope to be able to take it easy over the next few days before my work ramps up again.

    I am looking forward to giving my kids their gifts and I LOVE that my 9 year-old is still a believer. He constantly tells me, “It is better to give than to receive”. I taught him well! I can not wait to see him on Christmas morning, hmm, I still need to take him to visit Santa!

    We will have Christmas dinner with my Dad and his wife. It will be a quite Christmas, husband has to work delivering everyone’s gifts! (UPS driver).

    I am envious of your travel to Hawaii, I hope you are able to relax and focus. I do not know how you do it with that little one running around! He is so cute!

    Merry Christmas my friend! Can’t wait to see you again!

  40. Hi Jane! I love reading your blog posts. 🙂 Since I’m in Washington and my family is in Central California and Texas, I will be spending Christmas across the border at my friend’s in Vancouver, BC. We’re planning to see Les Miserables on Christmas day.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday and safe travels to Hawaii on the 26th!

  41. Well I’ve got all my shopping done but now I’m looking at a pile of unwrapped presents. Sigh, the wrapping must begin. I used to enjoy it but with my arthritis it’s not so enjoyable any more. We aren’t doing anything fancy for Christmas. My sister usually hosts it at her house and she’s busy moving into a different house so it’s going to be a little more laid back this year. I’m fighting off a cold so hopefully I’ll be better next week. Have a wonderful and safe holiday season, and that goes for everyone.

  42. Hi Jane,
    I’m also scrambling to finish my yearly work goals. It always seems the year goes by too quickly.

    Earlier this year, someone poisoned two of my dogs and I’ve been dealing with that loss as my little show dog, Trinket, died in my arms on the way to the emergency vet. Thankfully, they were able to save my other girl, and my neighbor’s pug which was also poisoned the same night. It so happens that the breeder of my dogs had a litter coming from that same line as Trinket, so we just recently picked up our new baby. Her name is Pippa and although she will never be Trinket, she has brought a lot of joy and laughter to our home. As we took Christmas photos of the dogs, I missed Trinket, of course, but looking at the photos, I have to say that I am filled with hope for a better 2013. And for me, that’s a big part of the Christmas story – hope.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours! I hope we get to meet again in 2013!

  43. I’m stress free right now..I’ve wrapped all my presents they are under the tree. Just have to wait for all the Grandchildren to come on Christmas and open them up..That’s the best part just watching them when they open there gifts..Love Christmas..Merry Christmas to you..

  44. Hope your holidays are wonderful. I lived in Hawaii for 4 years so I know you will have a great time. This Christmas I will be spending it with some family. My parents live in SC and my husband was in the military so family Christmas was rare. We recently moved to GA, now closer to my parents, so I get to enjoy them this holiday. Unfortunately I will be recovering from surgery over the holidays so yes, i am stressed. Winning the contest would be awesome and give me something to do while recovering. I love your work and always look forward to the next book. Happy Holidays! Enjoy Hawaii!

  45. We are large family gathering in the day on Christmas Eve. Then will spend a quite Christmas Eve night with my sweetie, and then see more family on Christmas day. I am behind on my Christmas cards so am trying to finish them up today. I am slow at getting each one done, so it takes a long time. I’m a bit behind on my shopping too, and it’s pouring rain, so I’m going to wait until tomorrow to try and finish that up. But, I do love this time of year, and I’m looking forward to seeing my family next week. I hope you have a very happy Christmas.

  46. I just love your blogs Jane! Well at the moment I finally got the chance to pick up The Good Woman and I look forward to starting it tonight. The holidays I just love them even with all the stress. This year I did great for the kids because I was that crazy black friday or shall I say black thursday shopper. I was finished that day…lol. We love to drive around christmas eve and look at the lights, make Santa cookies, hot cocoa and open our new pj’s to sleep in. I wish you happy holidays. Have a great week!!!

  47. Hi Jane,

    I love the Christmas season!! I like decorating my house watching all the Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel and Lifetime Channel and getting together with my family and talking and eating. I love everything about Christmas except the gift giving. I do not like to spend all that money and then being more in debt then I already am. Other than the gift part, I enjoy Christmas time. Merry Christmas to you Jane!!

  48. well i should be house cleaning now,or wrapping, or baking. but I’m sitting down at fb. It will all come together some how it always does. Have a great holiday.

  49. I’m not feeling the stress yet. I’ll be having brunch with cousin on Christmas and then the rest of the day is open. Maybe we’ll catch a movie.

  50. hi jane i really love your books..I sure have a busy holiday …I am working through most of it well,,, we are closed christmas day..yah making a dinner christmas day, have around 25-30 people here for dinner. I make perogies meatballs, turkey ,stuffing ,potoaoes vegies gravy.. and lots of goodies..I enjoy all the work though…

  51. Love the cover. Beautiful. I look forward to having my son home for a whole month.
    I hope your family has a wonderful Christmas. Enjoy Hawaii.

  52. Hi Jane,
    I got a Mills and Boon copy of The Secretary’s Seduction. I think it is my first JP book.
    I do love that story. 🙂 It is so cool to see it released in a different format (Manga)I used to buy my youngest daughter manga books when she was in high school.
    My holidays are not what they usually are. I am super stressed on top of the usual holiday things. I am the main caregiver for my mother who is recovering from surgery.
    I think I might have a melt down from the stress.

  53. Love this! Merry Christmas to you & yours! Will be spending quality time with the kids! And after two bomb threats at my son’s high school in the last two days, it makes me really think & appreciate all of my kids just a little bit more …his school vacation will start a day early tomorrow cause I am not sending him tomorrow. Blessings to you in the New Year!

  54. I’m so excited this Christmas. I get to spend it with my granchildren for the 1st time. My son is in the Navy and they have been stationed overseas..and I have never spend Christmas with them. I am going way over the top this year. My heart is so full of joy!

  55. Jane,

    Wow, love the Japanese books! Yes, I am starting to feel a little stressed about the Holiday’s. I just made a list of all the places and things I need to pick up tomorrow, when I get off early; so that I can mail some of it….I can only hope that it gets there in time. I kind of feel like it all snuck up on me this year; which is silly I know since it comes at the same time every year. For some reason it just isn’t feeling so much like Christmas. I think my favorite part is Christmas Carols and seeing all the different trees. I love how everyone’s tree is uniquely theirs.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy Hawaii, and hope that the writing flows, so that you can get finished and enjoy time with your family!


  56. Hiya Jane,

    hope you have a great holiday with family in Hawaii. I’ve never read that book. The different format (manga) must be fun for you to see. I bought one of those type one time but haven’t gotten to read it yet. maybe one of these days.
    My holiday is the usual tradition stuff of going to my cousin’s for christmas Eve (fish, some type of meat and all that other stuff) then santa shows up with gifts (now that little ones are around he’s been showing up again he last few years when there wasn’t any small ones he wasn’t coming. alot of us older ones complain tat over the years santa has come earlier than we had to wait for him. then christmas day this year my sister is having it (used to be my parents for many years then my sister took it over my niece did it a few years but it’s expecting the beginning of january so it’s too much work for her this year. then the gifts for the family are then and my cousin and her family come and late lunch/early dinner will probably be lasagna, I think prime rib is he meat this year and alot of other food.
    The day after I’ll be in withdrawal since I’m on Jenny craig (lost 31 lbs so far) but I’ll be able to handle it. No other holiday plans other than that yet. At some point in the next day or so I need to try and get my wrapping in. hopefully most of the things can go in gift bags I hate doing wrapping and every year I say I’ll do it as I get the stuff and it never happens. but this year there shouldn’t be as many things to wrap as in the past since I cut down some.
    again have a happy holiday and good luck with the writing of the book.

  57. Jane, don’t stress. Christmas is a time for family, laughter and love. We have a traditional Christmas Eve dinner (being of Slovak heritage) and exchange family gifts. Watching the children open their gifts is the BEST part of Christmas. The joy on their faces makes all the work leading up to the big day all worth it. Mele Kalikimaka.

  58. Hi Jane,
    I plan to go visit family for Christmas but am very stressed out as I have not even started shopping yet. Yikes!


  59. HI Jane,
    I am working on Christmas day. My good friend lost her sister-in-law and it’s the first Christmas without her. I wanted to work for her so she could be with her family.
    I hope you have a fabulous Christmas!!

  60. Merry Christmas, Jane!

    Yes, very stressed out here…but it’s all starting to come together (fingers crossed)! Shopping is finished, trying to get Christmas cards and pictures in the mail tomorrow…but still have baking and wrapping to do! Stress or not, I love everything about the Christmas season…the lights, the music, treasured traditions…most of all the fun and happy times spent with my husband and 3 children. We’re having a quiet Christmas at home. The only thing more I could ask for is snow…and it looks like some just might be heading our way soon!

    May you all have a blessed Christmas and a Healthy, Happy New Year in 2013!!!

  61. Bestseller collection ? wow, gonna treasure it if i win this 😀

    we are fine here, looking forward to holiday but hubby is just start working in a new place, it means no long holiday for us ‘sigh’

  62. I’ve been trying to do something “Christmasy” every day, to help get into the spirit. One of my favorite things is seeing all the beautiful ways people have decorated their homes for the holidays-I think the light displays are so cheerful. Also looking forward to a romantic getaway on Christmas night.

  63. I will be enjoying the Holidays with my 3 sons and my husband! Hopefully I will be done shopping and getting everything ready by Christmas Eve!

  64. I’m in the midst of the crazy right now–daughter was in The Nutcracker last weekend, this week is cookies and finishing up Shutterfly photo albums for the grandparents, later this week is last-minute shopping for the fondue we’ll have Christmas Eve and the finger foods Christmas Day. But I’m hoping to live in the Land of Sloth come this weekend, with lots of movies, hot chocolate, games, and a gingerbread house. Luckily, it snowed yesterday, so the snow angels have been done. :o)

  65. Well Jane i have much to do, i still have to wrap my gifts for my nieces and i want to make them ornaments for them to put up on tree , but still waiting for my mom to get a area ready to work on them..Had back surgery last year and have limit things i can do yet and have to have people help me with most stuff..very frustrating when used to do on own..so makes things hard..love to win your gift..Hope you have a great trip in Hawaii..always wanted to visit that area, but looks like not a thnig i can do anymore unless a miracle happens with this old body…thanks for the contests..happy reading

  66. Making slow but steady progress and just hope it doesn’t snow around here because I have to be able to drive to work and the Square!
    Our son comes home Thursday evening and I am off work Friday until after New Years so can hardly wait. So much to do (shopping, wrapping, baking cleaning, the list goes on and on) and so little time left but I love the holidays – I especially love to bake cookies.

  67. My Mom & I celebrated Christmas with my sisters yesterday. We had a great time, lots of fun, pictures, food, and fun useful presents. I’m excited for the snow we are suppose to be getting. Looks like we might have a white Christmas. My Christmas wish this year is for better Health for me & my husband. It’s been a rough year for both of us.

  68. Well I have Christmas shopping pretty much done and wrapped. Son just graduated for college Woo Hoo. Going to sister’s house on Christmas Eve and Mother in law’s on Christmas day. Have dishes to make for both of these dinners.

    I have been stressed but not over Christmas, more over health problems. Had back surgery this year and now they are telling me I need a hip replacement. See a doctor about that first part of Jan. I am in my upper fifties and my body and bone are worn out already.

  69. My brother and his family moved to Rochester, NY this summer, so they are FINALLY coming home for a visit. I’m so excited to see my niece and nephew for the holiday!

  70. Merry Christmas Jane and family. I will chime in for being stressed right now. More work than I have time to finish before Friday to say nothing of the state of my Christmas preparations. But I fly out to see my family on Friday, so it will have to be enough. I am going to a place with snow, so am quite excited. My sister has a 1 year old and a 3 year old, so Christmas is fun seeing it all through their excitement. I will spend 10 days relaxing with family and friends, and trying to finish the Christmas knitting:) I keep trying to get my family to go to Hawaii for Christmas. Hope you have a fabulous, relaxing time there.

  71. Christmas is always my favorite time of year, but this year I am so excited. My husband has been in NY for the past 4 months for school (my kids and I are in OR). He is coming home this Fri. and I haven’t seen him since he left. I could care less about presents, I just can’t wait for him to walk thru that door! It’ll be my best Christmas, ever, I’m sure! 🙂

  72. I have family coming on the 20th for a week. I’m still not done with my Christmas shopping and feel extremely stressed. With so much gift shopping, food shopping, cards that need to be sent and a house that needs to be cleaned fit for a King (my Dad) I am feeling overwhelmed. My Dad is the type of person that will go through all of your drawers just to be nosy and will be sure to tell you if there is even a hint of dust on your light fixtures. He usually ends up insulting me and complains a lot while he is here for example how much he paid for tickets and how cold it is, he hates the raised aero bed he sleeps on etc etc. He makes what should be a joyous Holiday very stressful. I am going to try my hardest for my children’s sakes to be Merry anyway.

  73. Hi Jane
    Today was my last day and I will not return to the office until January 3rd. I have the next few days to wrap up all things Christmas, relax & decompress. I only have to prepare one item for our Xmas meal as we all bring something to the table. Semper Fi, aka my son Kyle, the Marine will not make it home, he is stationed in NC, which is a bummer. I am truly blessed with family, good friends, and my books.
    May your family and you have safe travels.
    Merry Christmas

  74. Hi Jane,
    I hope you and yours have a great holiday. Mine will be a bit different this year. My mother passed away Saturday and it will be my first Christmas without her. I used to share my books with her, and you were one of her favorite authors. She would always be excited whenever I told her I picked up one of your books, and would anxiously wait for me to finish it. Thank you for the great memories.
    Happy Holidays,

  75. I haven’t felt the holiday spirit this year. Presents bought, most shipped, cards sent, tree up. I’ll be celebrating Christmas with my parents this Saturday. I’ll be working Christmas Eve and Day.

  76. well I hope you and your family are having a happy holiday. for me just finishing up shopping and getting everything wrapped and ready to go. Then spend time with the my little ones and extra family. Wishing for a nephew to have a great christmas even while in boot camp.
    I have yet to sit down and read a book yet, but hoping to get one started over christmas break.
    Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!

  77. Hi Jane!!

    I’m Good! so excited to see this in manga form! Congrats!
    I haven’t gotten to read the story yet myself, but to see there’s a manga too?? I’ve got a mega-watt smile on for you. haha.

    We or at least the females in my family (my mom, myself & my 4 sisters) decided to try letting my oldest sister host Christmas at her house. She just got married in September & it’ll be her first Christmas as a wife & step-mom.

    My sisters & I decided mom needed a break from stressing about everything. From when everyone would arrive, to who would behave, & who she could get to distract my father from being a bah-humbug (usually my nephew or the squirrels who knock on our windows for peanuts)

    What I enjoy about it all though is when everyone opens my gifts to them. I think that, along with helping in the kitchen before everyone else gets to the house make my tops.

    I think this year I wont be stressed until I can’t find the last gifts I need & until my father is ranting about how he doesn’t like going to other peoples houses for the Holidays *rolls eyes*

    I’m just glad we’ll all be together.

    Hopefully Santa will convince my boss to give me a raise high enough to be able to move out of my parents house *crosses fingers*.
    Now THAT would be the icing on the cake!

  78. Christmas this year is going to be good and bad. Good because I’ve got my 2 kids, my brother and Sis-In-Law, and my neice and nephew will be with us. Bad because my Mom isn’t with us any more. Thanksgiving was hard because she wasn’t at the end of the table, but Christmas is harder because she loved it so much, and would giggle and squeal just like a little kid when she got a gift.

  79. WHOA. The manga cover looks BEAUTIFUL. I’m an avid manga reader, but I usually read shonen manga – action and superpowers and combat, with a hint of romance – but this is one romance manga I know I know I’m going to read. Is it available outside of Japan, yet?

    Holidays… I’m looking forward to spending some special moments with my parents, and finally having time for a simple candlelit evening with my boyfriend. I’ve been juggling college, student loans and planning the launch of my first-ever clothing store for the past twelve months (which meant no summer vacations for me!) so I’m REALLY looking forward to not having to do anything, except relax and have fun. I haven’t made plans (too much planning this year), but I’ve blocked out time for family, friends and my someone special, and I just want to play it by the ear, be spontaneous, see what amazing memories that leads to.

  80. Jane, I’d love to read your book. It sounds great. For the holidays, I look forward to spending time with family and catching up on my reading – I don’t take much stress for Christmas, it’s meant to be enjoyed, not stressed over. If that sounds strange, well, I suppose I can’t help it. I’ve always done things my own way.

  81. we are staying home for the holidays . im starting on the cookie baking today so not a stressful day at all today *grin*

  82. One of the best things of the season for me is I love hanging out at our bookstore, Chapters – between the books, the chrismtas music and decorations and gifts, the smell of coffee from the on-site Starbucks, AND the smell of books….perfect combination!

    Merry Christmas to you!
    Lisa McManus Lange

  83. Oh, I love the art in your Japanese Manga edition. I LOVE it… I also love your Christmas card in your email. What a gorgeous picture of you and the boys. Christmas has been wonderful except that we’ve been sick. 🙁 We made Borax ornaments last night with my granddaughter,5, which was fun. Now to deal with the snow. 🙂

  84. Yes I am stressed with all the Christmas activities, I think that is because we have tests results to come for my husband the week after and although we received some today it wasn’t the ones we needed to hear. So now waiting till after new years day to find out

    I love being with my family and spending quality time with my teenage kids (19,16) they’re are told Christmas day is ours and they arn’t allowed out. (i’m an evil mum lol)

    The Manga version of your book looks gorgeous,
    Happy Christmas

  85. Goodmorning Jane! I am reading your blog at my desk at work (bad, I know!). I am excited for Christmas next week. This year, I have tried to “simplify” things. My children (20 and 24) both wanted to “be at home” (even though the 24 year old is married with a one year old! haha). So, for the first time in over 20 years, we will be spending Christmas Eve at our house – just our immediate 6 1/2 peeps! And then Christmas day is at my brothers (we trade off every other year). I am not cooking – I ordered dinner from Amigos (a family favorite) and I’m going to make desserts. If we can all just be healthy by Monday, I will be a very happy mom and grammy! If I’m not back on here again, I wish you and yours a VERY Merry Christmas and a Happy, healthy New Year!

  86. My parents and brother will come to our house Christmas Day. We will eat finger foods like ham and turkey on rolls and eat pies, cakes and the gingerbread cookies my two girls make. I am done shopping and waiting for school to end so we can all sleep in for two weeks . My husband always gets us tickets to a NCSU basketball game right after Christmas. The girls love it. our girls are 17 and 11 by the way 🙂 I love manga! Thanks for the chance

  87. Your books look so delightful. Congratulations! Christmas is a time I always say I am going to scale back on, but as the days pass, I get into the Spirit so much, that everything I do and say seems to reflect this. I just almost have finished decorating the tree, but the angel which is animated at the top, well, we couldn’t find an extension cord for her, so relatives are bringing one over tomorrow. Merry Christmas!

  88. What a great thing to giveaway. I love that your book is a collectible now. We’re spending Christmas with friends and family. I’m debating if we’re going to spend the night at the in laws so that all the grandkids wake up there on Christmas. 🙂 I do know where I’m eating Christmas dinner though. lol

  89. This year is another bittersweet year of few dollars but much love. 2005 changed the course of several streams in our lives.

    My husband, Paul, and I were in a near fatal car accident on our way for a follow up test on potentially a fight against thyroid cancer. In taking precautionary measures, he took the burden of the injuries when each time the car collided with the barrier, his left frontal lobes smacked against the window. Four times his head connected but he avoided hitting the line of cars on my side. We were shook up, but as no damage was obvious, we were allowed to continue on our way to his appointment.

    We took care, in that he had x-rays before we left the VA facility but in our elation on the good news of knowing the cancerous nodes were gone, overshadowed any plan to follow up on the results of the x-rays. An expensive lesson was learned, in that, do not rely on results being told unless follow up is initiated by the patient. Seemly unrelated symptoms and misdiagnosis followed for the next couple of years with a steady, slow leakage resulting in a shadow slowly descending upon Paul’s mind.

    Last December we were told yes, he has dementia, but it is not Lewy Body as we were first told, but is caused by the bruise to his left lobes. The difference in this discovery is life or death. LBD has a short time before dying of the body, whereas dementia caused by damage can heal with extensive correction. The brain has the ability to create new pathways bypassing the burn out.

    During the past seven years, I have faced a second bout of breast cancer and a TIA stroke caused by chemo, shortly following the car accident with the decline of a brilliant mind in the man who also was my greatest slash and burn critic.

    What I have received in return is a more expressive and abundant in emotion sharing spouse. I have always known my husband understood and accepted my foibles, but now he is more verbal in his appreciation of and to me, even if he is talking to me about his wife.

    This year, he is giving me a box of chocolates, the first candy he has given me in our forty-seven years together. I am giving him anything he wants.

    1. Paula, Your story touched me. I so hope and pray that this next year will be a healthy one for you and your husband and family.

    2. Paula, I’m with Library Lady on this. Hoping and praying for a happier year filled with your continued love for each other. Each time I have a special piece of chocolate, I’ll be reminded of you and will send warm wishes your way.

  90. What a wonderful prize, thank you so much for the opportunity to win !!! I am very excited !!
    For my holiday this year, we are starting out with a Christmas Eve stop at my sister’s house and then off to mass, my 9 year old granddaughter is in the choir and she is Mary in the Christmas Pageant.. Christmas morning, all of my children, 3 of them, and their families will be coming for a huge breakfast, I can’t wait to cook for them all, 12 in all, and then off to visit my in-laws.. then back to my daughters for supper and dessert !! I am a happy happy girl !!!! My favorite part of the holidays, going to Mass as a family and getting to have my children around all at the same time !!! Life is good !!! have a blessed day and thank you again..
    Rosemary Foley rfoley@salemstate.edu

  91. Hi Jane! I’d LOVE a copy of your book, it sounds GREAT!! And thanks for posting the Japanese manga version, the illustrations are very cool.
    I’m staying in Hawaii, for my first Xmas here. I’ll miss being with my family in Texas, but I’m hosting an “orphans” dinner on Christmas Day. Lots of wine, games, and lots of laughs! I love creating new “families” where ever I happen to be living, and I’ve met some wonderful people here in the last year.
    Have a warm, wonderful holiday with your guys!!
    Mele Kalikimaka!! Much love and aloha, Karen

  92. It’s hard to believe Christmas is less than a week away. As my children get older (16, 18, 21), there isn’t a need to get a particular gift. It’s gift cards here, there, everywhere. Some pick out what they want to have wrapped beneath the tree. I am one of 9 and we will all meet up for brunch at my parents’ home at some point on Christmas day. There are 40+ of us. I am the cinnamon bun maker of the family. They are all made and in the freezer waiting to be eaten on 12/25. Thank you for the Christmas card you emailed. You and your boys look happy. Merry Christmas and may we all feel the joy of this special holiday season.

  93. I’m usually stressing like crazy by now! But, this year I made myself shop till I was DONE. And, I even have it all wrapped. Go me! We will stay home this year and have my kids, their spouses and my grandkids over on Christmas day. After Christmas, we will go to Oklahoma City to see my husband’s two grandsons. My husband lost his son (the grandson’s dad) in August, so this Christmas will be bittersweet.

  94. I love Christmas … always have! But this year I must admit that it is very bittersweet for me. I will be traveling home to Visalia for a week and it will be the first Christmas without my sweet Dad there to greet me. 🙁 Still so hard to fathom that he’s gone. I know it will still be a special time with family and I will cherish every minute, but Christmas will never be quite the same as it has always been. Hard to face this phase of life … outliving your loved ones is so hard. But I will ALWAYS love Christmas and will do my best to celebrate it and soak up every joy-filled moment!! 🙂 Happy Holidays to you & yours as well!

  95. Merry Christmas to you and yours as well, Jane. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself. You’ve had a hectic year and you deserve the rest.

    The Secretary’s Seduction is also one of my favorites along with At the Greek Boss’s Bidding, Odd Mom Out, THe Greek’s Royal Mistress and Lazaro’s Revenge to name a few.

    Looking forward to the holidays being over as the year has been hectic. Looking forward to better days in 2013.

  96. Our Christmas plans are pretty common ones. Have the whole family together for a meal and then exchange preaents. We do have a new addition to the family to celebrate..nine month old girl. Our house is decorated both inside and out and the Christmas cards we have received are up on the wall in the entry way on velvet ribbons. They ae so colorful displayed that way and every visitor always looks for the card they sent us.


  97. Stopped by B&N today to check out Jane Porter books, hoping that a copy of Secretary’s Seduction might have been found in the back room…wanted to find it and place it on my own JP Book Shelf at home. Had a fun time talking with other readers.

  98. We will be having a disjointed holiday since my daughter has to work on Christmas. She will be home afterward, so while I am no where near ready, I know I have some additional prep time. It has been warm and wet for the most part, very un-Vermont-like so it doesn’t seem like Christmas! Maybe that’s why, being totally not ready doesn’t feel stressful!

  99. Although we don’t all share the same religion my family and I will celebrate Christmas with a family dinner and hopefully lots of dessert. I’m trying to convince my mom to let me do some baking. It’s time to finally put that new oven to use. Hopefully I’ll help make dinner, it depends on if they’ll want pizza instead. I’m definitely making some sort of dessert though! Pie or flan, I think.

    Happy holidays!

  100. Jane,

    I host Christmas Eve this year and then head to my sister’s house Christmas Day which is only a 10 minute drive. Nice and local. The 29th is Christmas again at my house with my husband’s family. He is the second oldest of 9 kids so it is about 40 people at once when they all come. It’s a lot to plan and cook for but worth it. I still haven’t finished my shopping and my house is a mess. I have been stressing and my hubby keeps saying he doesn’t understand what I am stressing over. That it’s all easy to do. He truly forgets sometimes that I went back to work 40hrs a week and don’t have the time I used to have and even more stuff to do somehow! And his comments are stressful too! I am very excited for the holidays though. They are so much fun. And they are a signal that your NJ Event is coming even faster in February!!

    Wishing you the best holiday season ever and the happiest of New Years!! Love you!


  101. Yes I am a little stressed out. I have had my younger one home sick so have not been able to get as much done as I would have liked. Need to get a few more gifts and then start on the Christmas baking. Have a wonderful Christmas and happy writing in Hawaii

  102. I love the artwork on these covers! I am off to Boston on Saturday and then we are driving to New Hampshire for Christmas. I have actually been feeling stressed too but am reminding myself to breathe & count my many blessings. I do love Christmas–it is such a magical time of year. Just got back from Orange County & I do love the palm trees at Christmas. Merry Christmas to you!

  103. Hmm, not stressed out at all! All of my shopping is done. The only stressful moment came when I got out all the presents to wrap and realized that I just did not want to wrap them. That was easily solved though because my youngest daughter absolutely LOVES to wrap presents so she came over to do that and I got to play with my new grandson while she did. We are in the middle of remodeling so we didn’t decorate for Christmas, not even a tree! Christmas day will be the best part of the holiday as we plan on making the rounds of our two daughters homes and playing with grandchildren that day. Definitely looking forward to it!

  104. Hi Jane!
    I haven’t read Secretary’s Seduction, but I know I would love it as much as your other romance stories:) I’ve been very stressed…never finished your email (been making notes on things to chat with you about…finally ready Not Fit for A King and Her Majesty’s Mistake & Good Woman while I was recuperating from tendinitis surgery)…once again, BRAVO!!! No matter what type of story you write, I love it:) Not truly ready for Christmas, so much to finish up with boys and their homework…ugh;but, I am looking forward to the time off. Hope you Ty and the boys have a wonderful Christmas and you get to relax:)
    Love ya,

  105. I so want a copy of Secretary Seduction,good luck everyone. I love Christmas!! Its the one time of the year where we all get together, I have a big family:) my mom has 5 sisters who all have at least two kids one of my aunts has 5 kids, then add grandkids!! There’s a lot of us. We put up our tree around the first week of December lol my family loves Christmas.

  106. Hi everyone,

    I am announcing the 3 winners of the Secretary Seduction prize box but just in case there is any confusion–the book you’re receiving is just a regular book with 2 stories in it, not the Japanese manga edition, as I only have 1 of those and I save them!

    Hope that’s still okay with all of you!

    Now the three winners (and you must respond to me with a mail address tonight or tomorrow if possible!!) are:

    #6 Michelle F

    #106 Tamelin

    #117 Lucero

    Don’t forget to enter my blog contest above, for a chance to win an advanced reading copy of The Good Daughter. I’ll be drawing that winner Saturday night!

    (And if Secretary Seduction sounds like a fun, light, sexy read you’ve enjoy…its available as an ebook at B&N.com and Amazon!!)

    Love to all and congrats to the winners!


  107. Hi Jane,
    My favorite part of the holidays is getting together with extended family and enjoying the company and decorations. I try not to get too stressed out but this year my husband remodeled my office and the living room and just about finished so I can just start to decorate and clean up before I host Christmas Eve! It should be very special this year since I found my birthmother and siblings and have invited them over for Christmas this year. I can’t wait!

  108. I may be too late (this just showed up in my news feed) but I’ll gladly tell you about my holidays. I’m going to my sister’s house to have dinner with her… and 10 of her descendants from children down to great-grandchildren. It should be loads of fun. So, I’m not stressed (other than the 2 1/2 hour drive to get there) and looking forward to my day.

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